Powerful message to ISIS

Granny sez, "Dat's right - an' dey know it too...

Obama: 'We don't have a strategy yet' for rolling back Islamic State
August 28, 2014 ~ President Barack Obama played down the prospect of imminent U.S. military action in Syria on Thursday, saying "we don't have a strategy yet" for degrading the violent militant group seeking to establish a caliphate in the Middle East.
The president spoke shortly before convening a meeting of his national security advisers to discuss a range of Pentagon options for confronting the Islamic State group. The U.S. is already striking militant targets in Iraq, and administration officials have said the president was considering similar action in neighboring Syria. Obama's decision to speak on the matter Thursday appeared aimed at clarifying the speed with which he planned to decide on expanding the U.S. military response. While some officials have indicated the process would be fast-moving, the president suggested a longer timeline Thursday. "We don't have a strategy yet," the president said. "I think that's not just my assessment, but the assessment of our military, as well. We need to make sure that we've got clear plans, that we're developing them."

The statement appeared certain to open up Obama to criticism from Republicans who have complained for months that the president lacked a broad strategy for confronting militants in Iraq and Syria. White House officials quickly sought to clean up after the president, insisting that he was only talking about a lack of a clear military strategy in Syria, not a more wide-ranging approach to degrading the Islamic State. But Obama's critics said it was both shocking and concerning to hear the president equivocate. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers said the lack of urgency demonstrated that Obama still doesn't understand the extent of the threat posed by the Islamic State. "It just confirmed what we've been talking about really for almost two years: There has been no real strategy," Rogers said.

Obama outlined the beginnings of what he called a "regional strategy" that could involve other nations and focus on political as well as military solutions. In blunt terms, the president said it was time for Middle Eastern nations to "stop being ambivalent" about the aims of extremist groups like the Islamic State. "They have no ideology beyond violence and chaos and the slaughter of innocent people," Obama said, alluding to the group's announcement last week that it had killed American journalist James Foley. The militants also have threatened to kill other U.S. hostages in Syria. The president said he was dispatching Secretary of State John Kerry to the Middle East soon to discuss the matter with regional partners. Obama will also meet with world leaders in Europe next week during a NATO summit.

The heightened threat from the Islamic State comes at a time of instability elsewhere in the world that has challenged Obama's desire to keep the U.S. out of military conflicts. Russia has escalated its threatening moves in Ukraine, with Ukrainian officials accusing Russia on Thursday of entering its territory with tanks, artillery and troops. Despite the increased tensions, Obama ruled out any military options in Ukraine and proposed no shift in an American-led strategy that has yet to convince Moscow to halt operations against its far weaker neighbor. In outlining his strategy for confronting the Islamic State, the president said his top priority remains rolling back the militants' gains in Iraq, where he has said they pose a threat to U.S. personnel in Erbil and Baghdad.


See also:

Terrorism experts see long, tough battle to contain Islamic State
August 28, 2014 ~ While the world has recoiled in horror at the atrocities committed by Islamic State radicals, the violence has helped the militant group recruit a global force of extremists and furthered its pursuit of a fundamentalist Muslim caliphate in the heart of the Middle East, terrorism experts say.
The United States and its Western allies have responded with airstrikes on militant positions in Iraq and relief operations for the victims of the Al-Qaida splinter group’s campaign of violence. But the air attacks on Islamic State fighters in Iraq and contemplation of similar action in war-torn Syria will do little more than temporarily curb the militants’ momentum as the international community struggles to find a long-term solution to their destabilizing threat, analysts say. “There is no short-term fix that will completely defeat this threat, so it’s important to differentiate between stopping ISIS’ momentum and ending or defeating them as an organization,” said Janine Davidson, senior fellow for defense policy at the Council on Foreign Relations. She was referring to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, as the group called itself before proclaiming its caliphate two months ago.

Without forces in Syria and Iraq to identify targets and ensure that civilian communities aren’t vulnerable, airstrikes alone are unlikely to roll back the Islamic State militants who have seized large swaths of territory in those countries, Davidson said. Targeted strikes can and have taken out militant positions and training camps and can undermine the group’s image as a force “screaming through Iraq with one military success after another,” Davidson said. But air power alone won’t do more than chase the militants from one stronghold to another or counter their sophisticated use of social media to recruit and raise funds, she said. In an interview discussing Western states’ limited options for containing the militants, she said they should focus on forming regional security alliances with Iraq’s and Syria’s Middle East neighbors and on reform of the Iraqi government that so excluded and repressed Sunni Muslims that many welcomed the militants when they overran northern Iraq.

The Islamic State battlegrounds and gruesome execution of enemies have become a magnet for aspiring militants around the world, said Christopher Chivvis, a senior political scientist at Rand Corp. Chivvis estimates the number of foreign fighters who have joined Islamic State and other militant Sunni factions at 10,000, including as many as 3,000 carrying European passports and a “not insignificant number” from the United States. On Tuesday, White House officials confirmed that a San Diego man, Douglas McAuthur McCain, had died in Syria fighting for Islamic State. “People like to be on the winning team and right now it looks like ISIS is winning,” Chivvis said. “They have effectively challenged Al-Qaida as leader of global jihad, offering a different model for what jihad ought to look like—more violent, more locally focused, but equally extreme.”

If the United States and its allies want to combat Islamic State’s power to attract disaffected and marginalized Muslims, broad international cooperation is required in law enforcement and intelligence sharing, Chivvis said. He pointed to the U.S. turn at the U.N. Security Council presidency in September as an opportunity to galvanize coordinated efforts to counter the extremists’ message. Like Davidson, Chivvis sees little prospect of Western states collaborating with Syrian President Bashar Assad to roll back their common enemy, Islamic State. It would be politically and operationally problematic, he said, as Assad is accused of committing war crimes against his own people. An independent U.N. investigative commission on Wednesday issued a scathing report accusing all combatants in Syria of inflicting “immeasurable suffering” on civilians, including the Assad government’s sarin gas attacks on suburbs of Aleppo a year ago and barrel-bombing of opposition-held villages in the provinces of Idlib and Hama with chlorine gas in April.

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In the comment section of the link supplied, I thought this gal said it best:

ISIS and the terrorist are here in the USA. The commander n chief is sleeping with ISIS. Islamic state of Iraq and Syria . Remember how Obama did nothing. Does nothing. Allows the borders to crash with illegals. Isis and the jhadist are in the White House and I am not sure if our own active military won’t be corrupt with Obamas new military by the time we are visibly being attacked. It is scary! I am not sure if we are mentally ready to face this. Many may be but I would say there are too many who would convert to stay alive they think. We are so fractured here in America thanks to CNN and Obama and Obamas appointed terrorist. Obama traded five terrorist prisoners for one traitor. Why? Obama is one if them. We are under attack now. Just it’s being done thru Obamas executive orders and Obama care and the Obama titty! We need to unite! We need to be ONE NATION. And those who are for being united then they will divide us. It is scary! And I am afraid our stand might be too late. We need to push back hard and we need to ban together! We need to join groups that are for a common goal even if we differ on other issues. This ferguson crap is a way to divide us. We need to join forces when we hav the common pertinent goal. Black panthers are for second amendment and we need to unite. Any group that believe in our constitutional rights and freedoms need to unite even if we disagree with little issues. Trust me obama has allowed the Isis terrorist and like to gain control in several areas in this country ! It is already here and they are dating our daughters and sons. They want America ! We need to do something now. Rise up and start showing our colors. We need to push back on any Islamic invasion. We need take back our government without destroying this country ! We need to control where we spend our money and who we do business with. We need to stop being friends with the enemy and stop letting them into our homes and churches and schools and communities. Forget this bull crap about their rights. Terrorist have none! We need to start by not allowing them to get any closer.
Barry's administration has no strategy? WOW what a surprise.

Here's a good one. Bomb the fuck out of em wherever they may be. Drop a nuke on em and if the rest of the world doesn't like it tough shit.

Thats a strategy that would work. Nuke em back to that stone age they want to take the world back to.

I wouldn't count on ISIS being particularly impressed by keyboard commandos tweeting from a trailer somewhere.

But if that's what what you find "powerful", enjoy.
In the comment section of the link supplied, I thought this gal said it best:

ISIS and the terrorist are here in the USA. The commander n chief is sleeping with ISIS. Islamic state of Iraq and Syria . Remember how Obama did nothing. Does nothing. Allows the borders to crash with illegals. Isis and the jhadist are in the White House and I am not sure if our own active military won’t be corrupt with Obamas new military by the time we are visibly being attacked. It is scary! I am not sure if we are mentally ready to face this. Many may be but I would say there are too many who would convert to stay alive they think. We are so fractured here in America thanks to CNN and Obama and Obamas appointed terrorist. Obama traded five terrorist prisoners for one traitor. Why? Obama is one if them. We are under attack now. Just it’s being done thru Obamas executive orders and Obama care and the Obama titty! We need to unite! We need to be ONE NATION. And those who are for being united then they will divide us. It is scary! And I am afraid our stand might be too late. We need to push back hard and we need to ban together! We need to join groups that are for a common goal even if we differ on other issues. This ferguson crap is a way to divide us. We need to join forces when we hav the common pertinent goal. Black panthers are for second amendment and we need to unite. Any group that believe in our constitutional rights and freedoms need to unite even if we disagree with little issues. Trust me obama has allowed the Isis terrorist and like to gain control in several areas in this country ! It is already here and they are dating our daughters and sons. They want America ! We need to do something now. Rise up and start showing our colors. We need to push back on any Islamic invasion. We need take back our government without destroying this country ! We need to control where we spend our money and who we do business with. We need to stop being friends with the enemy and stop letting them into our homes and churches and schools and communities. Forget this bull crap about their rights. Terrorist have none! We need to start by not allowing them to get any closer.

We need to teach paragraph construction.

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