Powerful Video by Black Man Who Attended Trump's Tucson Rally


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Brandon Tatum, a black police officer, attended Trump's recent rally in Tucson just to see what it would be like. He was off-duty when he attended the rally. He has posted a revealing, informative YouTube video about his experiences at the event.

Among other things, Tatum talks about how peaceful and friendly Trump's supporters were, and how rude, vulgar, and provocative the anti-Trump protesters were. When Tatum was waiting in line, anti-Trump protesters started yelling profanities at the people in line, including at Tatum himself. Once inside the rally, Tatum heard the event staff announce over the loudspeakers that no one should harm any protesters and that they should let the security people escort protesters out of the event. Tatum happened to be near the protester who was wrapped in the American flag and the protester who was wearing the KKK hood and giving the Nazi salute. He says they were yelling profanities at Trump supporters, even though children were in the immediate area.

Tatum also gives his impressions of Donald Trump. Tatum came away impressed with Donald Trump. Tatum adds that Trump spoke and behaved differently than he expected him to do, that he was expecting to hear radical and angry stuff from Trump but that he heard nothing of the kind.

Gee, why haven't we seen this video on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, etc.? Maybe because it shows that the protesters at the Tucson rally were a pack of absolute scum.

Here's the video:

This young man is very intelligent. He "THINKS" for himself, and draws his own conclusions by witnessing a particular event, then reporting on what's actually occurred - in his own words, following her personal observations.

It's a pity that dumb-fuck Liberals rely on talking heads on MSNBC and idiots like Bill Maher to think for them.

These are what you call "Low-Information Idiots." The same bunch that selected the current "Chimp" in the oval office not once, but twice, based on mis-information.

I'm no Trump fan, but good for this guy.

He said it right up front, the media distorts.

He was CURIOUS, and found out for HIMSELF.

The zealots won't do that, they are NOT curious, and they hate stories like this.

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