"Powers That Be"In Minnesota Contemplating Losing Police Department/Minneapolis At Least.Oh,Does This Mean No One Will Be Watching Insane Drivers ??


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
i made a thread regarding this matter weeks ago. the fact of what happens if any city shuts down their police department. Minneapolis is supposed to vote on this later. Anyone wonder if these Democrats are thinking of what will happen with drivers with no cops around? It will get to the point where STOP signs and traffic lights may as well be invisible. And what happens when god forbid innocent drivers/pedestrians start getting injured badly/killed on the streets being so many drivers are ignoring the rules.
i guess then, pimping will be perfectly legal in Minnesota soon
i made a thread regarding this matter weeks ago. the fact of what happens if any city shuts down their police department. Minneapolis is supposed to vote on this later. Anyone wonder if these Democrats are thinking of what will happen with drivers with no cops around? It will get to the point where STOP signs and traffic lights may as well be invisible. And what happens when god forbid innocent drivers/pedestrians start getting injured badly/killed on the streets being so many drivers are ignoring the rules.

They should be careful what they wish for. They're about to get it . . . in spades.
There is a section of Minneapolis that has vowed not to call the police under any circumstances. 300 homeless have encamped in the park. Auto theft is a daily occurrence. This is just the appetizer. I like the idea of no police in Minneapolis. See how it goes.
well,,,at least now, they wont have to trash a walmart/target if they want anything,,,,just go shopping,,,fill up the cart, and go straight to your car
i guess then, pimping will be perfectly legal in Minnesota soon
It's the cops who promote, compel, and enforce prostitution and commercial sex for money.
There is a section of Minneapolis that has vowed not to call the police under any circumstances. 300 homeless have encamped in the park. Auto theft is a daily occurrence. This is just the appetizer. I like the idea of no police in Minneapolis. See how it goes.
The cops presently in the employ of the Democratic Party City Hall political machine are currently the worst offenders when it comes to organized schemes of grand larceny of motor vehicles.

No police? Be that as it may, some people will inevitably be more powerful and/or have more weapons that other people, and they will act in the role of protectors or guardian angels. Hells Angels, Flying Wheels, whatnot, if you don't want a protection racket for your home or business in Minnesota, it's your responsibility to fight it off yourself, and you're not going to get any help from the present system of courts, jails and prisons.

Pay up, peeps. There's an enforcer with a baseball bat in that alley you just walked past, and he's got the cops, courts, jails, and prisons to enforce his thuggery against you if you resist a lawful beating or withhold his protection money from him.
if this goes thru,,,then the thugs will start stealing stop signs
if this goes thru,,,then the thugs will start stealing stop signs
They've been doing that for years. They steal them from some places and plant them on public roads elsewhere to slow down traffic in their neighborhood. Teenage kids steal stop signs and plant them anywhere else they want, cops enforce it with a $1000 fine, stop sign is a stop sign, you should have known you were supposed to stop, lose your driver's license, they tow your vehicle straight to the impound lot // auction lot, launder the title, fence it to the buyer, it's a done deal.
if this goes thru,,,then the thugs will start stealing stop signs
They've been doing that for years. They steal them from some places and plant them on public roads elsewhere to slow down traffic in their neighborhood. Teenage kids steal stop signs and plant them anywhere else they want, cops enforce it with a $1000 fine, stop sign is a stop sign, you should have known you were supposed to stop, lose your driver's license, they tow your vehicle straight to the impound lot // auction lot, launder the title, fence it to the buyer, it's a done deal.
i remember a long time ago, some news story, they said that "Cathy St/Rd" were the most stolen street signs in some neigbhorhoods. they would keep replacing them, and still, they kept stealing them

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