Practical Gaza Questions

Two more interesting questions: People say there are no Jews in Gaza but I understand that's probably not true, as some Jewish girls have married Arab guys and then moved to Gaza pre-disengagement of 2005. Are there any Jewish guys living in Gaza?

If a Jewish Israeli woman marries a Palestinian Gazan man, let's say in Cyprus, does the Gazan get Israeli residency/citizenship (certainly if they have a child, that child is considered Jewish and would have the ability to live in Israel)?
The answer is no. No Israeli, Jew or not, can marry a Palestinian and have the spouse live in Israel.

Israel controls who can live in the West Bank or Gaza even if they are Palestinians. A Palestinian with a Gaza ID cannot live in the West Bank. A Palestinian with a refugee ID cannot visit or live in the territories.

So there are no Israelis married to Palestinians living in Israel?
Two more interesting questions: People say there are no Jews in Gaza but I understand that's probably not true, as some Jewish girls have married Arab guys and then moved to Gaza pre-disengagement of 2005. Are there any Jewish guys living in Gaza?

If a Jewish Israeli woman marries a Palestinian Gazan man, let's say in Cyprus, does the Gazan get Israeli residency/citizenship (certainly if they have a child, that child is considered Jewish and would have the ability to live in Israel)?
The answer is no. No Israeli, Jew or not, can marry a Palestinian and have the spouse live in Israel.

Israel controls who can live in the West Bank or Gaza even if they are Palestinians. A Palestinian with a Gaza ID cannot live in the West Bank. A Palestinian with a refugee ID cannot visit or live in the territories.

So there are no Israelis married to Palestinians living in Israel?
Only to Palestinians who had Israeli citizenship before marriage.
Two more interesting questions: People say there are no Jews in Gaza but I understand that's probably not true, as some Jewish girls have married Arab guys and then moved to Gaza pre-disengagement of 2005. Are there any Jewish guys living in Gaza?

If a Jewish Israeli woman marries a Palestinian Gazan man, let's say in Cyprus, does the Gazan get Israeli residency/citizenship (certainly if they have a child, that child is considered Jewish and would have the ability to live in Israel)?
The answer is no. No Israeli, Jew or not, can marry a Palestinian and have the spouse live in Israel.

Israel controls who can live in the West Bank or Gaza even if they are Palestinians. A Palestinian with a Gaza ID cannot live in the West Bank. A Palestinian with a refugee ID cannot visit or live in the territories.

So there are no Israelis married to Palestinians living in Israel?
Only to Palestinians who had Israeli citizenship before marriage.
Wrong again, remember Mohammad Mafarg'a? Let me fresh your 3 seconds memory.

Here is Mohammad Mafarg'a, the resistance fighter, living in Taibe thanks to his wonderful wife.

This is how he fight the cruel apartheid government, and the army killers - by killing innocent civilians of course!


One in a million.

Welcome to Betar Checkpoint.

This checkpoint is for the passage of Israelis only. It is forbidden to pass and/or drive a person through this checkpoint, who is not Israeli!!

“Israeli” - a resident of Israel, a person who lives in the area and is a citizen of Israel, or a person entitled to make aliyah to Israel according to the Law of Return, 1950, as valid in Israel.

Welcome to Betar Checkpoint.

This checkpoint is for the passage of Israelis only. It is forbidden to pass and/or drive a person through this checkpoint, who is not Israeli!!

“Israeli” - a resident of Israel, a person who lives in the area and is a citizen of Israel, or a person entitled to make aliyah to Israel according to the Law of Return, 1950, as valid in Israel.
Strange, a sign in Hebrew only? that is unlikely, it is clear that Israel signs to English and Arab speaking residents that going to the Palestinian controlled area is dangerous, but not to enter Israel?

And just in case you still want to post another fake stuff about signs and not allowing Palestinians to enter Israel, take a glimpse to the result of the Palestinians entering Israel. [I Did my best to avoid graphic photos]


Unfortunately, it never end, so instead of posting a 'lets be annoying' replies after each post when clearly you don't have an answer or anything wise to say about the topic, think about it, so many people wasting their life for a sign?

Welcome to Betar Checkpoint.

This checkpoint is for the passage of Israelis only. It is forbidden to pass and/or drive a person through this checkpoint, who is not Israeli!!

“Israeli” - a resident of Israel, a person who lives in the area and is a citizen of Israel, or a person entitled to make aliyah to Israel according to the Law of Return, 1950, as valid in Israel.

That would include all Israelis, no matter religion, politic or culture.

Welcome to Betar Checkpoint.

This checkpoint is for the passage of Israelis only. It is forbidden to pass and/or drive a person through this checkpoint, who is not Israeli!!

“Israeli” - a resident of Israel, a person who lives in the area and is a citizen of Israel, or a person entitled to make aliyah to Israel according to the Law of Return, 1950, as valid in Israel.

That would include all Israelis, no matter religion, politic or culture.

Those crazy Zionists even allow equal voting rights for Israeli Palestinians in the Israeli Knesset. How disgusting they are placating endless Palestinian demands. Want peace from Palestinians Israel? Learn from Jordan how they achieved it achieve it.

Welcome to Betar Checkpoint.

This checkpoint is for the passage of Israelis only. It is forbidden to pass and/or drive a person through this checkpoint, who is not Israeli!!

“Israeli” - a resident of Israel, a person who lives in the area and is a citizen of Israel, or a person entitled to make aliyah to Israel according to the Law of Return, 1950, as valid in Israel.

That would include all Israelis, no matter religion, politic or culture.

Those crazy Zionists even allow equal voting rights for Israeli Palestinians in the Israeli Knesset. How disgusting they are placating endless Palestinian demands. Want peace from Palestinians Israel? Learn from Jordan how they achieved it achieve it.

They have control over 6.7 million Palestinians keep 4.5 of them in Gulags without any rights (or vote) and allow 1.7 million to vote to maintain that the place is a democracy. Nice try, some non-whites could vote in South Africa too, but enough to challenge a white majority in elections. The rest of the non-whites were in Gulags and had citizenship in those Gulags called Bantustans. It worked for a while..

Welcome to Betar Checkpoint.

This checkpoint is for the passage of Israelis only. It is forbidden to pass and/or drive a person through this checkpoint, who is not Israeli!!

“Israeli” - a resident of Israel, a person who lives in the area and is a citizen of Israel, or a person entitled to make aliyah to Israel according to the Law of Return, 1950, as valid in Israel.

That would include all Israelis, no matter religion, politic or culture.

Those crazy Zionists even allow equal voting rights for Israeli Palestinians in the Israeli Knesset. How disgusting they are placating endless Palestinian demands. Want peace from Palestinians Israel? Learn from Jordan how they achieved it achieve it.

They have control over 6.7 million Palestinians keep 4.5 of them in Gulags without any rights (or vote) and allow 1.7 million to vote to maintain that the place is a democracy. Nice try, some non-whites could vote in South Africa too, but enough to challenge a white majority in elections. The rest of the non-whites were in Gulags and had citizenship in those Gulags called Bantustans. It worked for a while..

Camps are arab creations. No camps in Israel.
Camps have representation in the PA government, before that in the PLO....when the PA can arrange elections.
Life in the Israeli open air prison camp called Gaza is very difficult.

And the savage IDF prison guards are very brutal in their treatment of the Gaza inmates.

The savage prison guards are the hamas thugs that use violence against their own people

From one of your favourite sites

Fatah Hamas rule increasingly authoritarian The Electronic Intifada

RAMALLAH, occupied West Bank (IPS) - What remains of Palestinian civil rights is rapidly being eroded by the dictatorial Palestinian governments that respectively control the divided Occupied Palestinian Territories.
Palestinian civilians are paying the price as the Islamic resistance movement Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, and the Fatah-affiliated and western-backed Palestinian Authority (PA), which rules the West Bank, continue to target their political opponents as part of their bitter power struggle.
“We don’t have a police state here in Palestine. We have two police states. One in Gaza and one in the West Bank,” says Rabie Latifah from the Palestinian human rights organization Al Haq.
“The abuse of Palestinian civilians by both Fatah and Hamas security forces has become systematic and is no longer the exception to the rule,” Latifah told IPS.
Mysterious bomb blasts, assassinations by masked gunmen, detainees denied access to their lawyers, torture and death in detention, the random arrest of critical journalists, and the banning of peaceful demonstrations are but a few of the human rights violations sweeping the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Gaza Strip - EuroNews - No Comment - YouTube
The OP poster needs to ask one or two focused and coherent questions at a time.

Not post a long rambling disjointed diatribe with a dozen questions buried within the text.

Just my 2¢

Is that because the questions asked together paint a very dim picture of life in gaza under hamas. From street executions to beatings, from breaking up wedding parties to shooting children. All the work of the ISLAMONAZI hamas terrorists.

And according to Electronic Intifada fatah are no better.
The OP poster needs to ask one or two focused and coherent questions at a time.

Not post a long rambling disjointed diatribe with a dozen questions buried within the text.

Just my 2¢

Sorry to make it confusing and diatribe-like. Here are just two simple questions (the first two sentences of my original post):

1) Does Hamas issue driver's licenses?
2) Would a Hamas driver's license be accepted in the State of Israel for driving privileges?

Most probably but I doubt they have driving tests to see if the person is fit to drive.

If it is recognised as an International driving licence then yes, but only in accordance with local laws.

I believe the law in the UK allows for a foreign driver to drive on his driving licence for 12 months, after which he must sit a UK driving test for the classes of vehicle he drives. Maybe Israel has the same thing in place
The OP poster needs to ask one or two focused and coherent questions at a time.

Not post a long rambling disjointed diatribe with a dozen questions buried within the text.

Just my 2¢

Sorry to make it confusing and diatribe-like. Here are just two simple questions (the first two sentences of my original post):

1) Does Hamas issue driver's licenses?
2) Would a Hamas driver's license be accepted in the State of Israel for driving privileges?
Good question and I don't have a for sure answer. Licenses are still issued in Gaza. I don't see how Israel could administer the tests or enforce their use.

I don't know what transportation arrangements are made for those select few who can enter Israel.

Very easily if the driver wanted to drive in Israel, then they would have to show they were capable of driving to the standards required by Israeli law. I doubt that many Palestinians would be able to pass the UK driving test.
Two more interesting questions: People say there are no Jews in Gaza but I understand that's probably not true, as some Jewish girls have married Arab guys and then moved to Gaza pre-disengagement of 2005. Are there any Jewish guys living in Gaza?

If a Jewish Israeli woman marries a Palestinian Gazan man, let's say in Cyprus, does the Gazan get Israeli residency/citizenship (certainly if they have a child, that child is considered Jewish and would have the ability to live in Israel)?
The answer is no. No Israeli, Jew or not, can marry a Palestinian and have the spouse live in Israel.

Israel controls who can live in the West Bank or Gaza even if they are Palestinians. A Palestinian with a Gaza ID cannot live in the West Bank. A Palestinian with a refugee ID cannot visit or live in the territories.

Just the same as in America and the UK then

Welcome to Betar Checkpoint.

This checkpoint is for the passage of Israelis only. It is forbidden to pass and/or drive a person through this checkpoint, who is not Israeli!!

“Israeli” - a resident of Israel, a person who lives in the area and is a citizen of Israel, or a person entitled to make aliyah to Israel according to the Law of Return, 1950, as valid in Israel.

That would include all Israelis, no matter religion, politic or culture.

Those crazy Zionists even allow equal voting rights for Israeli Palestinians in the Israeli Knesset. How disgusting they are placating endless Palestinian demands. Want peace from Palestinians Israel? Learn from Jordan how they achieved it achieve it.

They have control over 6.7 million Palestinians keep 4.5 of them in Gulags without any rights (or vote) and allow 1.7 million to vote to maintain that the place is a democracy. Nice try, some non-whites could vote in South Africa too, but enough to challenge a white majority in elections. The rest of the non-whites were in Gulags and had citizenship in those Gulags called Bantustans. It worked for a while..

Since when have the Palestinians agreed to be ruled by Israel and all taken up Israeli citizenship. Does this mean that all Israelis can vote in Palestinian elections ( the P.A. are the ones stopping the elections taking place not the Israelis ) Can I vote in Palestinian elections or is that not allowed, can you vote in UK elections as well. Until you stop being such a stupid troll and making false claims about the Israelis you will be ridiculed and held up as a typical illiterate ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDIST.

Now how about a verifiable link to your claim that all Palestinians are Israeli citizens as you are claiming above ?

Welcome to Betar Checkpoint.

This checkpoint is for the passage of Israelis only. It is forbidden to pass and/or drive a person through this checkpoint, who is not Israeli!!

“Israeli” - a resident of Israel, a person who lives in the area and is a citizen of Israel, or a person entitled to make aliyah to Israel according to the Law of Return, 1950, as valid in Israel.

That would include all Israelis, no matter religion, politic or culture.

Those crazy Zionists even allow equal voting rights for Israeli Palestinians in the Israeli Knesset. How disgusting they are placating endless Palestinian demands. Want peace from Palestinians Israel? Learn from Jordan how they achieved it achieve it.

They have control over 6.7 million Palestinians keep 4.5 of them in Gulags without any rights (or vote) and allow 1.7 million to vote to maintain that the place is a democracy. Nice try, some non-whites could vote in South Africa too, but enough to challenge a white majority in elections. The rest of the non-whites were in Gulags and had citizenship in those Gulags called Bantustans. It worked for a while..

Since when have the Palestinians agreed to be ruled by Israel and all taken up Israeli citizenship. Does this mean that all Israelis can vote in Palestinian elections ( the P.A. are the ones stopping the elections taking place not the Israelis ) Can I vote in Palestinian elections or is that not allowed, can you vote in UK elections as well. Until you stop being such a stupid troll and making false claims about the Israelis you will be ridiculed and held up as a typical illiterate ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDIST.

Now how about a verifiable link to your claim that all Palestinians are Israeli citizens as you are claiming above ?

Who collects the taxes from the Palestinians? Who controls the borders, air space and territorial sea? You are using the same cockeyed logic that the whites in South Africa used. Claiming the non-whites were citizens of Bantustans that they, in fact, ruled. Who do you think you're fooling troll.

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