Prayer Baby Drowns In Baptism Tank

Prayer Baby drowns in church s baptism tank

No platitudes?

So, which god decided to kill this baby?

I guess whichever God rules over stupid teenagers.

13yo's make mistakes. She'll never forget what her mistake cost their family.

As I said - horribly sad.

Again, stop trying to weasel your way out your original snark, you wart on a rabid baboon's ass.

A wart on a rabid baboon's ass..... I have to admit, I have not heard that one before.

But I honestly don't think he's trying to backtrack. I don't think he has the moral decency to try and back track. I don't think he's 'acting' like human excrement... I think he honestly is human excrement.

If he had any conscience at all, he would have apologized, or at a minimum, not come back to heap more crap on his own head. This sub-human doesn't have the intelligence required to even WANT to weasel out. He simply is just that... a weasel.

Agree, except for the insult to weasels everwhere.

Luddly is just plain human pond scum.
How utterly predictable that RW racist scum who routinely celebrate the death of black children in other forums, are lying about what I said in order to pretend they suddenly care about the death of a black child in the religion forum.
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How utterly predictable that RW racist scum who routinely celebrate the death of black children in other forums, are lying about what I said in order to pretend the suddenly care about the death of a black child in the religion forum.

Point out where I posted anything like that, or shut the fuck up.
How utterly predictable that RW racist scum who routinely celebrate the death of black children in other forums, are lying about what I said in order to pretend they suddenly care about the death of a black child in the religion forum.

Kid was black? Shrugs.

Fact a baby drowned in baptismal tank seemed incidental to me. Drown in bathtubs with a couple inches of water all the time.

Reminded of a 10 month old who was run over by his mother backing her car out of the driveway the other day. Babies aren't especially mobile, and have no concept of death of bodily harm. What's a 10 month old doing crawling (presumedly) around on its' own to begin with? As with the drowned one. What parents let's one kid watch over the baby?
How utterly predictable that RW racist scum who routinely celebrate the death of black children in other forums, are lying about what I said in order to pretend they suddenly care about the death of a black child in the religion forum.

Kid was black? Shrugs.

Fact a baby drowned in baptismal tank seemed incidental to me. Drown in bathtubs with a couple inches of water all the time.

Reminded of a 10 month old who was run over by his mother backing her car out of the driveway the other day. Babies aren't especially mobile, and have no concept of death of bodily harm. What's a 10 month old doing crawling (presumedly) around on its' own to begin with? As with the drowned one. What parents let's one kid watch over the baby?

I'm pretty sure the baby was 22mo but you're right about adults being responsible for what a baby is doing. They put a child in charge of talking care of a child. Poor little 13yo will have to live with this for a lifetime.

As I said above, I haven't seen dozens of baptismals but if really was almost three feet deep, it seems like someone had to have lifted that baby into it.
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Can always tell when people know their loosing the debate - they resort to insults.

This thread wasn't started as a debate, it was started by Luddy to be a monstrous jackass.

He deserves nothing but scorn and insults.

I refuse to even talk to that invertebrate anymore. How he can even look himself in the mirror is beyond me, especially since a spineless jellyfish can't stand without help. He just need flushed down a drain somewhere.
Prayer Baby drowns in church s baptism tank

No platitudes?

So, which god decided to kill this baby?

I guess whichever God rules over stupid teenagers.

13yo's make mistakes. She'll never forget what her mistake cost their family.

As I said - horribly sad.

Yes, it IS horribly sad, and you were the one being an ass about it, and about what kind of God would do that, which was a pretty stupid question, meant to inflame. I may not be a "believer", but I sure as hell try to keep in mind that people have their beliefs for reasons, and being an asshole to them only fuels their fire. This kind of shit happens, God or no God.
Cute how the accidental death of one child so moves the liberals yet the murder of tens of unborn each hour evokes not a single whimper, let along a solitary tear.

Cute like a punctured globe in an Ebola war....just a harmless prank, correct?
Why do they need almost three feet of magic water?

Couldn't they just use a laundry sprinkler or a squirt gun?
Baptism requires immersion not sprinkling.

I've seen baptisms that were just a little water put on the forehead.

I haven't seen dozens and dozens of baby baptism but have never seen one where the baby was immersed in 3 feet of water.
Babies normally are not baptized by faiths that believe in immersion. Further the baby crawled away from the person watching him. he was not being baptized nor was he supposed to be anywhere near the baptismal font. Perhaps you should actually READ the stories you post?
Why must people always feel the need to announce to me when I have achieved the great honor of making it onto their ignore list.

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Prayer Baby drowns in church s baptism tank

No platitudes?

So, which god decided to kill this baby?

I guess whichever God rules over stupid teenagers.

13yo's make mistakes. She'll never forget what her mistake cost their family.

As I said - horribly sad.

Yes, it IS horribly sad, and you were the one being an ass about it, and about what kind of God would do that, which was a pretty stupid question, meant to inflame. I may not be a "believer", but I sure as hell try to keep in mind that people have their beliefs for reasons, and being an asshole to them only fuels their fire. This kind of shit happens, God or no God.

The death of the baby is what I care about. THAT is more heartbreaking, more horrible than anything anyone will ever have to bear. NO matter how old one gets, the death of one's child kills a part of your heart and it never ever heals.

The day that my own daughter died was the very last day I ever even considered giving any of their gods more than a moment's thought. If I had believed in a god, that was the day I would have lost that belief. If gods can't believe in babies, why would or should anyone ever believe in them?

The bible thumpers are here ever day, screeching and preeching about how wonderful their merciful god is. They go on for miles and miles, always lecturing about how their "god" is all-knowing, all-seeing and yet, when it came time for their god to take care of the baby they say he created, he turned his back. Should I be grateful that he didn't just wait and give the child leukemia later? Or hand the child over to a vicious molester or murderer?

The so-called christians here use the worst possible language. They are angry, bitter and full of hate for other human beings. For the most part, I ignore their never ending threads lecturing atheists about what they should do in order to get into their imaginary "heaven".

Make no mistake. There are very few actual Christians posting on this board. But, real or not, let them believe what ever they want. For myself, I believe that was a terrible accident and I stand by my criticism of any god who would kill a baby in his own house - and, for those who SAY they believe in a god, that is exactly what he did.

If you believe he exists, then you also have to know and accept that That god waited. He plotted and planned and he waited for just the right moment and then he killed that baby and blamed it on another innocent child.
Cute how the accidental death of one child so moves the liberals yet the murder of tens of unborn each hour evokes not a single whimper, let along a solitary tear.

Cute like a punctured globe in an Ebola war....just a harmless prank, correct?

A baby's death is "cute".

Ebola is "cute".

A prank? Nope. Both are EITHER accidents of nature or carfully planned killings by YOUR god.

I've read your posts so I know you're not aren't a christian but go ahead and choose which you think it is.
The day that my own daughter died was the very last day I ever even considered giving any of their gods more than a moment's thought. If I had believed in a god, that was the day I would have lost that belief. If gods can't believe in babies, why would or should anyone ever believe in them?

Well, the day that my son died, was among the worst in my life, and my attitude toward God didn't change a bit. I don't hold any belief that "God" is personal, or that it cares what happens in the life of an individual. I don't hold it against God that my son is dead, or that my husband is dead, or that my father is either. That's the kind of shit that happens in life sometimes. Blame God, or get pissed off all you want. It doesn't change a thing.
Why do they need almost three feet of magic water?

Couldn't they just use a laundry sprinkler or a squirt gun?
Baptism requires immersion not sprinkling.

I've seen baptisms that were just a little water put on the forehead.

I haven't seen dozens and dozens of baby baptism but have never seen one where the baby was immersed in 3 feet of water.
Babies normally are not baptized by faiths that believe in immersion. Further the baby crawled away from the person watching him. he was not being baptized nor was he supposed to be anywhere near the baptismal font. Perhaps you should actually READ the stories you post?

Then why a "tank" you could take your Saturday night bath in?

The rest of your post is dog doo.
God IS a Democrat as you have shown us.

It logically follows that God's alleged son is, by upbringing, a Democrat.

We already have one Democrat close at hand demanding He be worshiped so why not go with the newest model? You have the newest "smartphone" don't you? Or are they not yet available for free?
Why do they need almost three feet of magic water?

Couldn't they just use a laundry sprinkler or a squirt gun?
Baptism requires immersion not sprinkling.

I've seen baptisms that were just a little water put on the forehead.

I haven't seen dozens and dozens of baby baptism but have never seen one where the baby was immersed in 3 feet of water.
Babies normally are not baptized by faiths that believe in immersion. Further the baby crawled away from the person watching him. he was not being baptized nor was he supposed to be anywhere near the baptismal font. Perhaps you should actually READ the stories you post?

Then why a "tank" you could take your Saturday night bath in?

The rest of your post is dog doo.
What part of Immersion do you not understand?

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