Prayer Baby Drowns In Baptism Tank

Poor kid. I do see the point Luddy is trying to make - why have three feet of water? And why was it obviously low enough to the ground that a toddler could get to it?

I thought those things were up high, like chest height, so that only an adult could reach them?

The death of the baby is what I care about. .

I don't.
I undestand your personal emotions from the following explanation, but that cannot concern me.
Thousands of babies die each and every day somewhere, and I don't care because I don't even know.
Now to the other discussionists.
The people here who are so enraged about using this baby for mocking the adults letting it drown, during the act to prepare it for the heavens (well this IS epic), are nothing else than a bunch of bigotet, self-righteous hypocrites.
Listen, guys. the baby is dead. It does not appreciate your enragement, it cannot be hurt by the mocking, it is DEAD. You had no relation to it whatsoever. You did not know it, You would never had contact if it would have grown up, and you care a shit about the millions each year who die otherwise. You can't. Because this exceeds your capabilities by far.
Every human dies eventually. Some later, some earlier. Some by their own hand, some by accident, some by violence, some because its time. Once they are dead, the only ones entitled to be sorry are the ones who were close to the dead. And their sorrow is about THEIR loss, not about the dead.
YOU, the enraged, have no right whatsoever to wine about this baby. What you do is cheap attention whore behaviour.
After a few years the sorrow is gone, the dead are still dead. If you can use logic that shows you that the grief is not about the dead, but about YOUR loss of someone you were close to.

So if someone jokes about that, that is ok. Nothing can be more ok. Because he does not hurt the victim.
He can't, because it's dead.
If this hurts the feelings of the responsible idiots, that's what was intended. And, especially in this case, is 100% justified.
Poor kid. I do see the point Luddy is trying to make - why have three feet of water? And why was it obviously low enough to the ground that a toddler could get to it?

I thought those things were up high, like chest height, so that only an adult could reach them?

If the tank really was almost 3 feet deep, how did a 22mo baby get up high enough to fall in?
The death of the baby is what I care about. .

I don't.
I undestand your personal emotions from the following explanation, but that cannot concern me.
Thousands of babies die each and every day somewhere, and I don't care because I don't even know.
Now to the other discussionists.
The people here who are so enraged about using this baby for mocking the adults letting it drown, during the act to prepare it for the heavens (well this IS epic), are nothing else than a bunch of bigotet, self-righteous hypocrites.
Listen, guys. the baby is dead. It does not appreciate your enragement, it cannot be hurt by the mocking, it is DEAD. You had no relation to it whatsoever. You did not know it, You would never had contact if it would have grown up, and you care a shit about the millions each year who die otherwise. You can't. Because this exceeds your capabilities by far.
Every human dies eventually. Some later, some earlier. Some by their own hand, some by accident, some by violence, some because its time. Once they are dead, the only ones entitled to be sorry are the ones who were close to the dead. And their sorrow is about THEIR loss, not about the dead.
YOU, the enraged, have no right whatsoever to wine about this baby. What you do is cheap attention whore behaviour.
After a few years the sorrow is gone, the dead are still dead. If you can use logic that shows you that the grief is not about the dead, but about YOUR loss of someone you were close to.

So if someone jokes about that, that is ok. Nothing can be more ok. Because he does not hurt the victim.
He can't, because it's dead.
If this hurts the feelings of the responsible idiots, that's what was intended. And, especially in this case, is 100% justified.

I don't agree with with what I think you're saying but don't make the mistake of thinking any of the bitching and moaning was because they care about the baby. They don't.

If you think they do, just read their comments about people of any age gunned down by cops, shot in the face while asking for help from some nutter, things like that, shooting teens playing loud music, shooting a teen carrying Skittles.

They will also tell you they care about fetuses. They don't. They care about controlling the sex lives of women.

The only place these phony christians care about their "faith" is here, in this forum. Outside of the forum, they hate everyone and everything. They hate their own country and they hate the Constitution. For the most part, they are an angry, bitter bunch of failures who blame everyone else for their problems.
Poor kid. I do see the point Luddy is trying to make - why have three feet of water? And why was it obviously low enough to the ground that a toddler could get to it?

I thought those things were up high, like chest height, so that only an adult could reach them?

If the tank really was almost 3 feet deep, how did a 22mo baby get up high enough to fall in?
Baptismal fonts are not bathtubs. They do not rise up high and you climb into them. They are recessed into the ground or have a built up platform you walk onto and enter the font. You REALLY should learn what you are talking about.
Why do they need almost three feet of magic water?

Couldn't they just use a laundry sprinkler or a squirt gun?
Baptism requires immersion not sprinkling.

I've seen baptisms that were just a little water put on the forehead.

I haven't seen dozens and dozens of baby baptism but have never seen one where the baby was immersed in 3 feet of water.
Babies normally are not baptized by faiths that believe in immersion. Further the baby crawled away from the person watching him. he was not being baptized nor was he supposed to be anywhere near the baptismal font. Perhaps you should actually READ the stories you post?

Then why a "tank" you could take your Saturday night bath in?

The rest of your post is dog doo.
What part of Immersion do you not understand?

I'm sure you fake christians know a lot more about baptism than I do.

If you say they need THREE FEET OF MAGIC WATER, fine. If you say they don't need THREE FEET OF MAGIC WATER, that's fine too.
Poor kid. I do see the point Luddy is trying to make - why have three feet of water? And why was it obviously low enough to the ground that a toddler could get to it?

I thought those things were up high, like chest height, so that only an adult could reach them?

If the tank really was almost 3 feet deep, how did a 22mo baby get up high enough to fall in?
Baptismal fonts are not bathtubs. They do not rise up high and you climb into them. They are recessed into the ground or have a built up platform you walk onto and enter the font. You REALLY should learn what you are talking about.

I googled baptism in penetecostal churches.














Infant baptism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Poor kid. I do see the point Luddy is trying to make - why have three feet of water? And why was it obviously low enough to the ground that a toddler could get to it?

I thought those things were up high, like chest height, so that only an adult could reach them?

If the tank really was almost 3 feet deep, how did a 22mo baby get up high enough to fall in?
Baptismal fonts are not bathtubs. They do not rise up high and you climb into them. They are recessed into the ground or have a built up platform you walk onto and enter the font. You REALLY should learn what you are talking about.


Why is it these fake christian know-it-alls will copy/paste miles and miles of preachy stuff and they'll tell you all about how you know nothing and they know everything but when its time for them to simply say, "I was wrong and I apologize" ...


The disappear.

Their god must be so proud of them.
Prayer Baby drowns in church s baptism tank

No platitudes?

So, which god decided to kill this baby?

I guess whichever God rules over stupid teenagers.

13yo's make mistakes. She'll never forget what her mistake cost their family.

As I said - horribly sad.

Yes, it IS horribly sad, and you were the one being an ass about it, and about what kind of God would do that, which was a pretty stupid question, meant to inflame. I may not be a "believer", but I sure as hell try to keep in mind that people have their beliefs for reasons, and being an asshole to them only fuels their fire. This kind of shit happens, God or no God.

The death of the baby is what I care about. (and then he goes on)

The day that my own daughter died was the very last day I ever even considered giving any of their gods more than a moment's thought. If I had believed in a god, that was the day I would have lost that belief. If gods can't believe in babies, why would or should anyone ever believe in them?

The bible thumpers are here ever day, screeching and preeching about how wonderful their merciful god is. They go on for miles and miles, always lecturing about how their "god" is all-knowing, all-seeing and yet, when it came time for their god to take care of the baby they say he created, he turned his back. Should I be grateful that he didn't just wait and give the child leukemia later? Or hand the child over to a vicious molester or murderer?

The so-called christians here use the worst possible language. They are angry, bitter and full of hate for other human beings. For the most part, I ignore their never ending threads lecturing atheists about what they should do in order to get into their imaginary "heaven".

Make no mistake. There are very few actual Christians posting on this board. But, real or not, let them believe what ever they want. For myself, I believe that was a terrible accident and I stand by my criticism of any god who would kill a baby in his own house - and, for those who SAY they believe in a god, that is exactly what he did.

If you believe he exists, then you also have to know and accept that That god waited. He plotted and planned and he waited for just the right moment and then he killed that baby and blamed it on another innocent child.

The death of the baby is what you care about..... and then go on for a four paragraph sermon attacking Christians, attacking G-d, attacking faith.

You are a sick disgusting person, and you are lying to everyone and yourself.

Who do you think you are fooling? You think none of us, or G-d himself, can't see where your focus is?

You didn't spend your time on this thread, sympathizing with the parents who lost a child, or discussing what might have been done to prevent the accident, or doing anything of value.

All you did, and all of us can read what you wrote, was attack, mock, and insult those of faith.

What is wrong with you? Can you not read your own post? There was NOTHING in there 'caring' about the death of the toddler.

Stop lying to yourself. Not for my benefit, but for your own. Admit that you are a sick person to yourself. Nothing will ever improve for you, until you do.
Sorry folks but, IMO, that IS a very bizarre image. It just is. And I found it on one of the ultra-religious sites that showed enormous bath tubs for baptizing.

I wasn't going to say what I really think but IMO, it takes a pretty sick "god" and a very sick belief that a god would care more about a baptized baby than one who is not baptized. And VERY sick people to actually believe that graphic is true.

Y'all are free to bow down to a god that makes babies, kills them but cares less about them if they're not baptized than if they are.

Those who posted in this thread ALWAYS post the most hate-filled words here. You're mostly nasty and small minded, racist haters who, every day here, celebrate the deaths of people.
What a bizarre image this is.

A baby being baptized, "glug help"??


You make jokes about killing babies, after telling us how you care about them.

Luddly just can't help celebrating his hatred of humanity.

You're so set in your blind hate, you don't even see that the image says babies who are not baptized are worth less to your vicious god.

THAT is "hatred of humanity".

All babies are and should be precious, both to any of the gods or to their followers.
What a bizarre image this is.

A baby being baptized, "glug help"??


You make jokes about killing babies, after telling us how you care about them.

Luddly just can't help celebrating his hatred of humanity.

You're so set in your blind hate, you don't even see that the image says babies who are not baptized are worth less to your vicious god.

THAT is "hatred of humanity".

All babies are and should be precious, both to any of the gods or to their followers.

I don't take my spiritual guidance from a cartoon, bub.
What a bizarre image this is.

A baby being baptized, "glug help"??


You make jokes about killing babies, after telling us how you care about them.

Hey stupid - its the religion that said a baptized baby is worth more.

Can any of you so-called "christians" explain WHY you agree with this shit?

You posted a picture mocking a baby being killed, and now you are trying to justify it.

This is sick of you to post on a thread about a tragic drowning of a child.

See, again you are trying to change the topic from "poor toddler drowned" to "I hate G-d".

That's fine. We get it that you hate G-d. But that doesn't excuse you from using the death of a toddler to mock other people. You can't escape that. You are sick disgusting person, worse than any religious person I know.

In fact, this entire thread only serves to prove you are more sick twist and immoral, than any of the religious people you are attack. The very fact self proclaimed atheists have come on this thread, only to call you out for being the scum bag you are, proves my point.
What a bizarre image this is.

A baby being baptized, "glug help"??


You make jokes about killing babies, after telling us how you care about them.

Luddly just can't help celebrating his hatred of humanity.

You're so set in your blind hate, you don't even see that the image says babies who are not baptized are worth less to your vicious god.

THAT is "hatred of humanity".

All babies are and should be precious, both to any of the gods or to their followers.

I don't take my spiritual guidance from a cartoon, bub.

Yeah, clearly he has no moral guidance at all. What sicko uses the death of a child, to attack people? Him using a cartoon, would be a step up for him.

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