Prayer Baby Drowns In Baptism Tank

Why do they need almost three feet of magic water?

Couldn't they just use a laundry sprinkler or a squirt gun?

I really hope there is a hell, and you get sent to one of the worst circles in it.

You are a condescending fucktard, an asshole of epic proportions. People like you need to not only die, but suffer before it happens.
Luddly reaches a new low...chortling over the death of a baby.

His parents must be So Proud.

This was a horrendous tragedy and I believe baptism could and should be safer. There is no need for almost three feet of water for this silly ass ritual. All they need is a very few drops of the magical water.

I made fun of the ritual but no - not ever would I or could I make fun of the death of a baby. I lost my darling baby girl and believe me, I know that its a pain that never ends. Right now tonight, that mother is blaming herself for having lost track of where her baby was.

So, stop pretending that you care or have a clue. You're a pompous ass. Fuck off.

No back tracking you sick fucking shit. Kindly die in a fire, and (if it exists) burn in one for eternity.
Why do they need almost three feet of magic water?

Couldn't they just use a laundry sprinkler or a squirt gun?

I really hope there is a hell, and you get sent to one of the worst circles in it.

You are a condescending fucktard, an asshole of epic proportions. People like you need to not only die, but suffer before it happens.
Uh oh next we will have to hear this sicko and his buddies whine about your post while he celebrates a child's death for the sake of mocking faith.
Why do they need almost three feet of magic water?

Couldn't they just use a laundry sprinkler or a squirt gun?
Baptism requires immersion not sprinkling.

I've seen baptisms that were just a little water put on the forehead.

I haven't seen dozens and dozens of baby baptism but have never seen one where the baby was immersed in 3 feet of water.
Why do they need almost three feet of magic water?

Couldn't they just use a laundry sprinkler or a squirt gun?
Baptism requires immersion not sprinkling.

I've seen baptisms that were just a little water put on the forehead.

I haven't seen dozens and dozens of baby baptism but have never seen one where the baby was immersed in 3 feet of water.

You are just trolling and backpeddling now that you have been called on it but still trying to perpetuate your callous politicization of a tragedy. Your very own article makes it clear that the family was at the church for a prayer meeting. The child did not die while being baptized. Quite a few churches wouldn't even baptize a child that young because they have not yet developed to the point that they can make the decision to accept Christ as their savior as a free and voluntary act.
Luddly reaches a new low...chortling over the death of a baby.

His parents must be So Proud.

This was a horrendous tragedy and I believe baptism could and should be safer. There is no need for almost three feet of water for this silly ass ritual. All they need is a very few drops of the magical water.

I made fun of the ritual but no - not ever would I or could I make fun of the death of a baby. I lost my darling baby girl and believe me, I know that its a pain that never ends. Right now tonight, that mother is blaming herself for having lost track of where her baby was.

So, stop pretending that you care or have a clue. You're a pompous ass. Fuck off.

Truly a presidential grade apology.

And every bit as believable.

I did not apologize because I have nothing to apologize for.

A lie is being told about what I said.

Don't add to their lie with one of your own.

And, the more I think about it, the more I doubt that babies are dunked into three feet of magic water. People dress their babies in very ornate gowns for this ritual. Ain't no way they would do that and then soak the baby.
Why do they need almost three feet of magic water?

Couldn't they just use a laundry sprinkler or a squirt gun?
Baptism requires immersion not sprinkling.

I've seen baptisms that were just a little water put on the forehead.

I haven't seen dozens and dozens of baby baptism but have never seen one where the baby was immersed in 3 feet of water.

You are just trolling and backpeddling now that you have been called on it but still trying to perpetuate your callous politicization of a tragedy. Your very own article makes it clear that the family was at the church for a prayer meeting. The child did not die while being baptized. Quite a few churches wouldn't even baptize a child that young because they have not yet developed to the point that they can make the decision to accept Christ as their savior as a free and voluntary act.

You're right that the baby was not being baptized.
Prayer Baby drowns in church s baptism tank

No platitudes?

So, which god decided to kill this baby?

I guess whichever God rules over stupid teenagers.

13yo's make mistakes. She'll never forget what her mistake cost their family.

As I said - horribly sad.

Most people who realize they have made themselves look like pond scum to the rest of society, at least figure they need to shut up. Apparently you were never taught even that level of social manors, because you keep coming back and making yourself look even worse.

Please go flush yourself down a toilet somewhere.
Luddly reaches a new low...chortling over the death of a baby.

His parents must be So Proud.

This was a horrendous tragedy and I believe baptism could and should be safer. There is no need for almost three feet of water for this silly ass ritual. All they need is a very few drops of the magical water.

I made fun of the ritual but no - not ever would I or could I make fun of the death of a baby. I lost my darling baby girl and believe me, I know that its a pain that never ends. Right now tonight, that mother is blaming herself for having lost track of where her baby was.

So, stop pretending that you care or have a clue. You're a pompous ass. Fuck off.

Truly a presidential grade apology.

And every bit as believable.

I did not apologize because I have nothing to apologize for.

A lie is being told about what I said.

Don't add to their lie with one of your own.

And, the more I think about it, the more I doubt that babies are dunked into three feet of magic water. People dress their babies in very ornate gowns for this ritual. Ain't no way they would do that and then soak the baby.

Keep digging, loser.
Why do they need almost three feet of magic water?

Couldn't they just use a laundry sprinkler or a squirt gun?
Baptism requires immersion not sprinkling.

I've seen baptisms that were just a little water put on the forehead.

I haven't seen dozens and dozens of baby baptism but have never seen one where the baby was immersed in 3 feet of water.

Greek Orthodox do it with full immersion same as a few protestant groups.

It still doesn't remove the fact that you are a sick fuck that needs to die of AIDS infested herpes.
Prayer Baby drowns in church s baptism tank

No platitudes?

So, which god decided to kill this baby?

I guess whichever God rules over stupid teenagers.

13yo's make mistakes. She'll never forget what her mistake cost their family.

As I said - horribly sad.

Again, stop trying to weasel your way out your original snark, you wart on a rabid baboon's ass.

A wart on a rabid baboon's ass..... I have to admit, I have not heard that one before.

But I honestly don't think he's trying to backtrack. I don't think he has the moral decency to try and back track. I don't think he's 'acting' like human excrement... I think he honestly is human excrement.

If he had any conscience at all, he would have apologized, or at a minimum, not come back to heap more crap on his own head. This sub-human doesn't have the intelligence required to even WANT to weasel out. He simply is just that... a weasel.

Keep digging, loser.

I hope he does, his fellow freaks are showing up too. Its always nice when they out themselves so brazenly

Mixed feelings. We already have enormous proof of the moral and ethical bankruptcy of the Progs all over this board (and the interwebs at large). Things like this end up being a diversion from the big things the Progs are screwing up in our society (IRS scandal for one).

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