Prayers for my family My brother committed suicide yesterday


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
He has been severely depressed for a long time. We tried and tried to get him help even committing him once but he was determined. My mom is a mess we all are. Dont understand why he would do this. No parent should bury their child ever.. My poor Sister in law found him. my other brother blames himself since he was living with him since separating with his wife in Jan. I think that was the last straw for him in his mind. They were married 25 yrs..He leaves behind his son who is 18
That is sorry to hear that

Depression is usually something someone has little control over. It can be something chemical in your brain that causes reactions that the rest of us can't understand. Try not to take it as something you could have done. Sometimes the condition just takes control

My best to you and your family in this trying time
He has been severely depressed for a long time. We tried and tried to get him help even committing him once but he was determined. My mom is a mess we all are. Dont understand why he would do this. No parent should bury their child ever.. My poor Sister in law found him. my other brother blames himself since he was living with him since separating with his wife in Jan. I think that was the last straw for him in his mind. They were married 25 yrs..He leaves behind his son who is 18

Sorry for your loss, I know how you feel. I lost my cousin in Oct. 2012, My Dad in Jan. 2013 and my sister ruled a suicide died on June 10th 2013.

I recommend the book, " I wasn't ready to say goodbye" it covers a variety of sudden death situations and the unique grief stemming from it.

Also since it was your sibling just like I lost my sister to suicide, I recommend " Surviving the Death of a sibling" oftentimes in our society people can be insensitive to what we are going through determining our pain to be less than others so it can feel isolating and leave you feeling so alone.
When severely depressed one can see no way out. Suicide becomes acceptable to that person because they think there is no help. No amount of talking will change that. When that depressed one really needs medication if available.

I have suicidal thoughts all the time, but my meds make them manageable, easily ignored. But when I did not have meds that worked there were days that if I had gotten up I probably would have killed myself.

I am a very stubborn person and I decided my family needed me more then what I needed. And believe me when badly depressed suicide can seem like the only way out.

I am sorry for your loss. Make sure your other brother does not get depressed from blaming himself.
Terrible news . . . one day at a time . . . no one is guilty or at fault for anything in the family . . . and give mercy to the dead. Burying a child of any age is awful.
I am very sorry to hear of your loss, Lovebears. I will be keeping your family in my prayers. Losing a loved one suddenly like this can be devastating. I pray you and your loved ones feel the Lords presence as He comforts you all in this time of sorrow.

Psalm 34:18 The Lord is near unto them that are of a broken heart.

Damn, that's tough. I'm sorry that happened.

I don't know that anyone should blame themselves though. Depression is a force of nature.
So sorry for your loss.

Depression can be a complicated thing and not easy for those to understand who don't live with it.

No one should blame themselves.

Take the time to heal and deal with the grief.

Best wishes to you and your family.
Thanks everyone. They are going to send his brain out .. I am still in a bunch of shock and I hate to say Mad at him for doing it.. I hear that is a normal emotion after something like this. The saddness in my moms eyes is awful. The worst part is he has to be closed casket and the only thing she wanted is to touch him one more time. We drove all night to be here with her and now have to get her to PA
I am so sorry for your loss

prayers for you and your family to get through this...
Thanks everyone. They are going to send his brain out .. I am still in a bunch of shock and I hate to say Mad at him for doing it.. I hear that is a normal emotion after something like this. The saddness in my moms eyes is awful. The worst part is he has to be closed casket and the only thing she wanted is to touch him one more time. We drove all night to be here with her and now have to get her to PA

Take turns caring for each other. You will survive this.
So sorry Lovebear!!!! I can't imagine going through something like this. You will be in my prayers.....and your whole family! I've known other families that have gone through this, and the most important thing is do not blame yourselves. God Bless you!
so sorry for your loss. that's hard news. years back we lost a good friend. he was bi polar and took his life. it really hits home
I am very sorry to hear of your loss, Lovebears. I will be keeping your family in my prayers. Losing a loved one suddenly like this can be devastating. I pray you and your loved ones feel the Lords presence as He comforts you all in this time of sorrow.

Psalm 34:18 The Lord is near unto them that are of a broken heart.


Lovebears, I'm so sorry. :(

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