Pre-existing conditions coverage

What you fail to understand or see is any danger from the right.
Why do you lie?
As a matter of fact you worship Ayn Rand corporate shill George Reisman.
Baloney! I am only interested in George Reisman as an economist, not his political views.
Ironic, you accuse me of about being blind...
Yes, you are blind, to your own extremism.
Your education has failed you miserably. You don't even understand the most essential elements of human foible and how they destroy any semblance of a fair market.
My education has held well for me. I understand economics, a regulated free market and the human behavior which drives economics. I am very comfortable in retirement, and give almost half of my income away.
The danger to this country is not just big government, it is BIG...period.
The danger to this country is extremism, left or right, and you and people like you are part of that danger.
In a free market, it is paramount that everyone has a stake in the outcome and conditions that are created.
Of course! everyone has to have an equal shot at a positive result. That is why I am a liberal, I am for everyone getting their share with the opportunities of their lives.
In the olden days we had localized markets. The farmer, blacksmith and the grocer all had to live in the environment they created. None of them would pollute the water supply they all drank from or the soil they relied on for survival. And if one of them did break the rules, the pressure from their neighbors would handle that malfeasance.
Preaching again! It hasn't been the old days for generations. We are no longer a local and agrarian economy. We are an industrialized economy requiring capital and labor and supply and demand. We are no longer an agrarian economy where capital is the excess production of individual labor. That is where the left wing extremists screw up, they don't understand the need for capital in the form of money and investment.
But in the world of BIG, absenteeism makes major stakeholders immune to any of their malfeasance. They don't have to live in the squalor their slave wages create. They don't have to drink from the water supply they pollute, or eat food from the tainted soil their toxins permeate.
I don't know who you are quoting now, but whoever it is is soft headed or just totally ignorant. Yes, we have poor people in our country who don't get what is considered their "fair share." Thus the need for prosperity to fund the social programs that help them.
You are one trying to make exploitation a utopia.
I will not allow exploitation with all of my means, and there is no such thing as utopia with the living. What I am trying to do is spread the wealth, starting with the most exploited before improving the standard of living of the elitists. The poor need it more.

You are a left wing elitist who is only interested in increasing the power of the left wing extremists. Based on your writing, you are not in the least interested in helping the truly needy. You are a selfish, greedy elitist.
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Which is not to say I supported John Kennedy when he ran for president, because I didn't. I was for the other fellow.
I don't really care who you voted for, I personally voted for Kennedy BF fraud.

Now you are resorting to blatant deception. Taking Ronald Reagan's words and making them my words instead. You are dishonest and childish.
ROTFLMAO! Me childish? ROTFLMAO! Your words were, "Which is not to say I supported John Kennedy when he ran for president, because I didn't. I was for the other fellow." There were no quotation marks. If you are trying to say those were Reagan's words, ok, I could care less. I already told you Reagan voted for Nixon, but not because of JFK, but because of the party which was holding his puppet strings.

You can't seem to get that I am a moderate liberal, not a left winger. I abhor left wing extremists as much as I abhor right wing extremists. neither are good for America, and neither care about the people.

The extremist leaders of the democrats had already lost the war of reason and Reagan knew it. You are not only a left wing extremist, you are beginning to sound like a shrill looney tune. Time to come out of the clouds BF (what ever you are) and think with what little brain you have for yourself and leave your left wing extremist mantra to the other left wing extremists fools.

BTW, did you vote for JFK?
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I already told you Reagan voted for Nixon, but not because of JFK, but because of the party which was holding his puppet strings.

NO, you didn't. I made you aware of the fact Reagan voted for Nixon.

Here is what you said:

dnsmith35 said: "You are so full of crap it is amazing. Ronald Reagan was a JFK democrat in 1961, as was I. Reagan moved to the right and the democrat party moved to the left."
I already told you Reagan voted for Nixon, but not because of JFK, but because of the party which was holding his puppet strings.

NO, you didn't. I made you aware of the fact Reagan voted for Nixon.
How can you make me aware of something I already knew? Why lie BF Fraud?
Here is what you said:

dnsmith35 said: "You are so full of crap it is amazing. Ronald Reagan was a JFK democrat in 1961, as was I. Reagan moved to the right and the democrat party moved to the left."
Yep, I said that. But it doesn't mean he voted for JFK and I acknowledged earlier that he didn't vote for JFK and his good reason for not doing so. Are you getting senile such that you can't remember things any more? What an ass you are.

BTW, you complained about my taking your words, which you put into Reagan's mouth, and attributing them to you. Why shouldn't I? It was not an actual Reagan quote.
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I already told you Reagan voted for Nixon, but not because of JFK, but because of the party which was holding his puppet strings.

NO, you didn't. I made you aware of the fact Reagan voted for Nixon.
How can you make me aware of something I already knew? Why lie BF Fraud?
Here is what you said:

dnsmith35 said: "You are so full of crap it is amazing. Ronald Reagan was a JFK democrat in 1961, as was I. Reagan moved to the right and the democrat party moved to the left."
Yep, I said that. But it doesn't mean he voted for JFK and I acknowledged earlier that he didn't vote for JFK and his good reason for not doing so. Are you getting senile such that you can't remember things any more? What an ass you are.

BTW, you complained about my taking your words, which you put into Reagan's mouth, and attributing them to you. Why shouldn't I? It was not an actual Reagan quote.
That guy sounds like a paid troll for left wing extremists. You have done well putting him in his place.
More like he stood still while the parties flipped sides.
That sounds like what it was. I am a little left of him, a moderate democrat, but I still liked Reagan because of some of the things he did, just not all of them.
This is one of the most popular provisions in an otherwise despised law, Obamacare. It polls consistently well. And it sounds good: Insirance companies cannot deny coverage for pre existing conditions. Right?
But why would they deny coverage to begin with?
When they are forced to issue policies to people with pre existing conditions, who pays for the higher risk the company incurs by insuring them?
I realize these are beyond Stage One questions so the leftists here wont have a clue what I mean. But maybe some of the more informed posters can chime in.

We ALL have a pre-existing condition, MORTALITY. IMO, it's rather specious to consider one form less coverable than another. Are we a country of equal opportunity or aren't we? I don't see why insurance companies should be allowed to practice discrimination of the sort that ensures that some people will die earlier, when it needn't be that way.

The government allowed them to discriminate and has for decades.

Insurance has been a highly regulated industry for that long.
This is one of the most popular provisions in an otherwise despised law, Obamacare. It polls consistently well. And it sounds good: Insirance companies cannot deny coverage for pre existing conditions. Right?
But why would they deny coverage to begin with?
When they are forced to issue policies to people with pre existing conditions, who pays for the higher risk the company incurs by insuring them?
I realize these are beyond Stage One questions so the leftists here wont have a clue what I mean. But maybe some of the more informed posters can chime in.

We ALL have a pre-existing condition, MORTALITY. IMO, it's rather specious to consider one form less coverable than another. Are we a country of equal opportunity or aren't we? I don't see why insurance companies should be allowed to practice discrimination of the sort that ensures that some people will die earlier, when it needn't be that way.

The government allowed them to discriminate and has for decades.

Insurance has been a highly regulated industry for that long.

Government should put them on Medicaid and bill their employers or the individuals able to pay instead or raising the costs to all of us.
I already told you Reagan voted for Nixon, but not because of JFK, but because of the party which was holding his puppet strings.

NO, you didn't. I made you aware of the fact Reagan voted for Nixon.
How can you make me aware of something I already knew? Why lie BF Fraud?
Here is what you said:

dnsmith35 said: "You are so full of crap it is amazing. Ronald Reagan was a JFK democrat in 1961, as was I. Reagan moved to the right and the democrat party moved to the left."
Yep, I said that. But it doesn't mean he voted for JFK and I acknowledged earlier that he didn't vote for JFK and his good reason for not doing so. Are you getting senile such that you can't remember things any more? What an ass you are.

BTW, you complained about my taking your words, which you put into Reagan's mouth, and attributing them to you. Why shouldn't I? It was not an actual Reagan quote.

Show me where you said Reagan voted for Nixon? Because it was after I set you straight.

And that IS an actual Reagan quote on June 24, 1985
What you fail to understand or see is any danger from the right.
Why do you lie?
As a matter of fact you worship Ayn Rand corporate shill George Reisman.
Baloney! I am only interested in George Reisman as an economist, not his political views.Yes, you are blind, to your own extremism.My education has held well for me. I understand economics, a regulated free market and the human behavior which drives economics. I am very comfortable in retirement, and give almost half of my income away.The danger to this country is extremism, left or right, and you and people like you are part of that danger.Of course! everyone has to have an equal shot at a positive result. That is why I am a liberal, I am for everyone getting their share with the opportunities of their lives.Preaching again! It hasn't been the old days for generations. We are no longer a local and agrarian economy. We are an industrialized economy requiring capital and labor and supply and demand. We are no longer an agrarian economy where capital is the excess production of individual labor. That is where the left wing extremists screw up, they don't understand the need for capital in the form of money and investment.
But in the world of BIG, absenteeism makes major stakeholders immune to any of their malfeasance. They don't have to live in the squalor their slave wages create. They don't have to drink from the water supply they pollute, or eat food from the tainted soil their toxins permeate.
I don't know who you are quoting now, but whoever it is is soft headed or just totally ignorant. Yes, we have poor people in our country who don't get what is considered their "fair share." Thus the need for prosperity to fund the social programs that help them.
You are one trying to make exploitation a utopia.
I will not allow exploitation with all of my means, and there is no such thing as utopia with the living. What I am trying to do is spread the wealth, starting with the most exploited before improving the standard of living of the elitists. The poor need it more.

You are a left wing elitist who is only interested in increasing the power of the left wing extremists. Based on your writing, you are not in the least interested in helping the truly needy. You are a selfish, greedy elitist.

To call any wage earning worker 'elite' is absurd. Union workers were always middle class, never elite. That kind of statement shows just how warped your 'reality' is.

It sure looks like the America people are all a bunch of "left wing elitists"...

Public Opinion Snapshot: Americans Are Concerned About Outsourcing

Outsourcing has been in the news lately, and conservatives’ lack of concern about the practice is clearer than ever. But they couldn’t be further away from the public on this one: The public is very, very concerned about outsourcing and wants action to mitigate the damage from the practice.

Let’s start with how heavily the public believes outsourcing contributes to our ongoing economic problems. In a September 2010 NBC/Wall Street Journal poll, 86 percent agreed (including 68 percent who strongly agreed) that U.S. companies outsourcing work to foreign countries is one of the reasons for our struggling economy and unemployment. This was ranked the highest of eight reasons tested in the survey.


Similarly, in a December 2010 Allstate/National Journal survey, 67 percent thought outsourcing played a major role in high unemployment, compared to just 28 percent who thought it played a minor role and 4 percent who thought it played no role at all.


Not surprisingly, the public wants something done about this problem. In the August 2010 edition of the same survey, 70 percent thought it was either extremely (39 percent) or very (31 percent) important to reduce the number of jobs being outsourced in order to help the U.S. economy recover from the recession.


Even more impressive, in the March 2011 Pew Mobility survey, “Keep jobs in America” was ranked first out of 16 possible steps government could take to make sure people don’t fall behind economically. Ninety percent deemed it either one of the most effective steps (59 percent) or a very effective step (31 percent) the government could take.


These data suggest conservatives’ attempts to portray outsourcing as no big deal and nothing to worry about are doomed to fail. The public is in no mood for happy talk on this one.
What you fail to understand or see is any danger from the right.
Why do you lie? Baloney! I am only interested in George Reisman as an economist, not his political views.Yes, you are blind, to your own extremism.My education has held well for me. I understand economics, a regulated free market and the human behavior which drives economics. I am very comfortable in retirement, and give almost half of my income away.The danger to this country is extremism, left or right, and you and people like you are part of that danger.Of course! everyone has to have an equal shot at a positive result. That is why I am a liberal, I am for everyone getting their share with the opportunities of their lives.Preaching again! It hasn't been the old days for generations. We are no longer a local and agrarian economy. We are an industrialized economy requiring capital and labor and supply and demand. We are no longer an agrarian economy where capital is the excess production of individual labor. That is where the left wing extremists screw up, they don't understand the need for capital in the form of money and investment. I don't know who you are quoting now, but whoever it is is soft headed or just totally ignorant. Yes, we have poor people in our country who don't get what is considered their "fair share." Thus the need for prosperity to fund the social programs that help them.
You are one trying to make exploitation a utopia.
I will not allow exploitation with all of my means, and there is no such thing as utopia with the living. What I am trying to do is spread the wealth, starting with the most exploited before improving the standard of living of the elitists. The poor need it more.

You are a left wing elitist who is only interested in increasing the power of the left wing extremists. Based on your writing, you are not in the least interested in helping the truly needy. You are a selfish, greedy elitist.

To call any wage earning worker 'elite' is absurd. Union workers were always middle class, never elite. That kind of statement shows just how warped your 'reality' is.

It sure looks like the America people are all a bunch of "left wing elitists"...

Public Opinion Snapshot: Americans Are Concerned About Outsourcing

Outsourcing has been in the news lately, and conservatives’ lack of concern about the practice is clearer than ever. But they couldn’t be further away from the public on this one: The public is very, very concerned about outsourcing and wants action to mitigate the damage from the practice.

Let’s start with how heavily the public believes outsourcing contributes to our ongoing economic problems. In a September 2010 NBC/Wall Street Journal poll, 86 percent agreed (including 68 percent who strongly agreed) that U.S. companies outsourcing work to foreign countries is one of the reasons for our struggling economy and unemployment. This was ranked the highest of eight reasons tested in the survey.


Similarly, in a December 2010 Allstate/National Journal survey, 67 percent thought outsourcing played a major role in high unemployment, compared to just 28 percent who thought it played a minor role and 4 percent who thought it played no role at all.


Not surprisingly, the public wants something done about this problem. In the August 2010 edition of the same survey, 70 percent thought it was either extremely (39 percent) or very (31 percent) important to reduce the number of jobs being outsourced in order to help the U.S. economy recover from the recession.


Even more impressive, in the March 2011 Pew Mobility survey, “Keep jobs in America” was ranked first out of 16 possible steps government could take to make sure people don’t fall behind economically. Ninety percent deemed it either one of the most effective steps (59 percent) or a very effective step (31 percent) the government could take.


These data suggest conservatives’ attempts to portray outsourcing as no big deal and nothing to worry about are doomed to fail. The public is in no mood for happy talk on this one.

So what ?

The hue and cry over this has been going on forever. When presented correctly, I am surprized that the polls are even stronger.

But here is the secret. You are not going to stop it where it makes sense to a corporation.

The public really has never had any say in it.
To call any wage earning worker 'elite' is absurd. Union workers were always middle class, never elite. That kind of statement shows just how warped your 'reality' is.
ROTFLMAO!. Union workers ARE THE ELITE of our total labor force, and only 12% of the total. Many of the products made in unionist closed shop states are too expensive for many of the other 88% to by. (And you wonder why Americans buy so much offshore manufactured goods.)
It sure looks like the America people are all a bunch of "left wing elitists"...
The American people have been suckered by you left wing elitists to believe the junk you spread about outsourcing being so bad for America. It is a lie. Studies show for every job off shore there is between 1 and 1.7 jobs created.
Outsourcing has been in the news lately, and conservatives’ lack of concern about the practice is clearer than ever. But they couldn’t be further away from the public on this one: The public is very, very concerned about outsourcing and wants action to mitigate the damage from the practice.
Another ROTFLMAO rolling yor way. Conservatives have been hood winked about the "horrors of offshring" as well.
These data suggest conservatives’ attempts to portray outsourcing as no big deal and nothing to worry about are doomed to fail. The public is in no mood for happy talk on this one.
Conservatives are not saying offshoring is any better than left wingers. Both the RW and the LW are ignorant clods trying to gain political power. Neither side tells the truth. The facts are clear if one has the wisdom to read STUDIES instead of PUBLIC OPINION SURVEYS, which only reflects in how well your propaganda has worked. Off shoring has not only not reduced jobs, it has kept many common every day items we consume less expensive than those manufactured by unionist elite labor.

You are economics challenged and you spread your ignorance along with all the other left wing extremist idiots.

The American people have been hurt by monetary and fiscal policy going back to Clinton and all the way through Bush, and most of those policies have not yet been corrected because of left wing extremist leaders in DC.
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Why do you lie? Baloney! I am only interested in George Reisman as an economist, not his political views.Yes, you are blind, to your own extremism.My education has held well for me. I understand economics, a regulated free market and the human behavior which drives economics. I am very comfortable in retirement, and give almost half of my income away.The danger to this country is extremism, left or right, and you and people like you are part of that danger.Of course! everyone has to have an equal shot at a positive result. That is why I am a liberal, I am for everyone getting their share with the opportunities of their lives.Preaching again! It hasn't been the old days for generations. We are no longer a local and agrarian economy. We are an industrialized economy requiring capital and labor and supply and demand. We are no longer an agrarian economy where capital is the excess production of individual labor. That is where the left wing extremists screw up, they don't understand the need for capital in the form of money and investment. I don't know who you are quoting now, but whoever it is is soft headed or just totally ignorant. Yes, we have poor people in our country who don't get what is considered their "fair share." Thus the need for prosperity to fund the social programs that help them.I will not allow exploitation with all of my means, and there is no such thing as utopia with the living. What I am trying to do is spread the wealth, starting with the most exploited before improving the standard of living of the elitists. The poor need it more.

You are a left wing elitist who is only interested in increasing the power of the left wing extremists. Based on your writing, you are not in the least interested in helping the truly needy. You are a selfish, greedy elitist.

To call any wage earning worker 'elite' is absurd. Union workers were always middle class, never elite. That kind of statement shows just how warped your 'reality' is.

It sure looks like the America people are all a bunch of "left wing elitists"...

Public Opinion Snapshot: Americans Are Concerned About Outsourcing

Outsourcing has been in the news lately, and conservatives’ lack of concern about the practice is clearer than ever. But they couldn’t be further away from the public on this one: The public is very, very concerned about outsourcing and wants action to mitigate the damage from the practice.

Let’s start with how heavily the public believes outsourcing contributes to our ongoing economic problems. In a September 2010 NBC/Wall Street Journal poll, 86 percent agreed (including 68 percent who strongly agreed) that U.S. companies outsourcing work to foreign countries is one of the reasons for our struggling economy and unemployment. This was ranked the highest of eight reasons tested in the survey.


Similarly, in a December 2010 Allstate/National Journal survey, 67 percent thought outsourcing played a major role in high unemployment, compared to just 28 percent who thought it played a minor role and 4 percent who thought it played no role at all.


Not surprisingly, the public wants something done about this problem. In the August 2010 edition of the same survey, 70 percent thought it was either extremely (39 percent) or very (31 percent) important to reduce the number of jobs being outsourced in order to help the U.S. economy recover from the recession.


Even more impressive, in the March 2011 Pew Mobility survey, “Keep jobs in America” was ranked first out of 16 possible steps government could take to make sure people don’t fall behind economically. Ninety percent deemed it either one of the most effective steps (59 percent) or a very effective step (31 percent) the government could take.


These data suggest conservatives’ attempts to portray outsourcing as no big deal and nothing to worry about are doomed to fail. The public is in no mood for happy talk on this one.

So what ?

The hue and cry over this has been going on forever. When presented correctly, I am surprized that the polls are even stronger.

But here is the secret. You are not going to stop it where it makes sense to a corporation.

The public really has never had any say in it.

Which is exactly why the right's push for 'privatization' is dangerous to America. Corporations are only beholden to stockholders.

The American people are STAKEholders in our economy.

You folks on the right always like to hide behind the Constitution and lay claim to our founding fathers.

The seminal achievement and creation of out founding fathers was not corporations, it was GOVERNMENT.

And when you learn how our founding fathers viewed corporations, the LAST thing they would ever sanction is even a hint of a corporatocracy. They so despised the British East India Company they broke the law and threw the BEIC's tea in the Boston harbor.

The real Boston Tea Party was a protest against huge corporate tax cuts for the British East India Company, the largest trans-national corporation then in existence. This corporate tax cut threatened to decimate small Colonial businesses by helping the BEIC pull a Wal-Mart against small entrepreneurial tea shops, and individuals began a revolt that kicked-off a series of events that ended in the creation of The United States of America.

They covered their faces, massed in the streets, and destroyed the property of a giant global corporation. Declaring an end to global trade run by the East India Company that was destroying local economies, this small, masked minority started a revolution with an act of rebellion later called the Boston Tea Party.

The selfish spirit of commerce knows no country, and feels no passion or principle but that of gain.
Thomas Jefferson - Letter to Larkin Smith (1809).

"The equal rights of man, and the happiness of every individual, are now acknowledged to be the only legitimate objects of government. Modern times have the signal advantage, too, of having discovered the only device by which these rights can be secured, to wit: government by the people, acting not in person, but by representatives chosen by themselves, that is to say, by every man of ripe years and sane mind, who contributes either by his purse or person to the support of his country." --Thomas Jefferson to A. Coray, 1823. ME 15:482
To call any wage earning worker 'elite' is absurd. Union workers were always middle class, never elite. That kind of statement shows just how warped your 'reality' is.

It sure looks like the America people are all a bunch of "left wing elitists"...

Public Opinion Snapshot: Americans Are Concerned About Outsourcing

Outsourcing has been in the news lately, and conservatives’ lack of concern about the practice is clearer than ever. But they couldn’t be further away from the public on this one: The public is very, very concerned about outsourcing and wants action to mitigate the damage from the practice.

Let’s start with how heavily the public believes outsourcing contributes to our ongoing economic problems. In a September 2010 NBC/Wall Street Journal poll, 86 percent agreed (including 68 percent who strongly agreed) that U.S. companies outsourcing work to foreign countries is one of the reasons for our struggling economy and unemployment. This was ranked the highest of eight reasons tested in the survey.


Similarly, in a December 2010 Allstate/National Journal survey, 67 percent thought outsourcing played a major role in high unemployment, compared to just 28 percent who thought it played a minor role and 4 percent who thought it played no role at all.


Not surprisingly, the public wants something done about this problem. In the August 2010 edition of the same survey, 70 percent thought it was either extremely (39 percent) or very (31 percent) important to reduce the number of jobs being outsourced in order to help the U.S. economy recover from the recession.


Even more impressive, in the March 2011 Pew Mobility survey, “Keep jobs in America” was ranked first out of 16 possible steps government could take to make sure people don’t fall behind economically. Ninety percent deemed it either one of the most effective steps (59 percent) or a very effective step (31 percent) the government could take.


These data suggest conservatives’ attempts to portray outsourcing as no big deal and nothing to worry about are doomed to fail. The public is in no mood for happy talk on this one.

So what ?

The hue and cry over this has been going on forever. When presented correctly, I am surprized that the polls are even stronger.

But here is the secret. You are not going to stop it where it makes sense to a corporation.

The public really has never had any say in it.

Which is exactly why the right's push for 'privatization' is dangerous to America. Corporations are only beholden to stockholders.

The American people are STAKEholders in our economy.

You folks on the right always like to hide behind the Constitution and lay claim to our founding fathers.

The seminal achievement and creation of out founding fathers was not corporations, it was GOVERNMENT.

And when you learn how our founding fathers viewed corporations, the LAST thing they would ever sanction is even a hint of a corporatocracy. They so despised the British East India Company they broke the law and threw the BEIC's tea in the Boston harbor.

The real Boston Tea Party was a protest against huge corporate tax cuts for the British East India Company, the largest trans-national corporation then in existence. This corporate tax cut threatened to decimate small Colonial businesses by helping the BEIC pull a Wal-Mart against small entrepreneurial tea shops, and individuals began a revolt that kicked-off a series of events that ended in the creation of The United States of America.

They covered their faces, massed in the streets, and destroyed the property of a giant global corporation. Declaring an end to global trade run by the East India Company that was destroying local economies, this small, masked minority started a revolution with an act of rebellion later called the Boston Tea Party.

The selfish spirit of commerce knows no country, and feels no passion or principle but that of gain.
Thomas Jefferson - Letter to Larkin Smith (1809).

"The equal rights of man, and the happiness of every individual, are now acknowledged to be the only legitimate objects of government. Modern times have the signal advantage, too, of having discovered the only device by which these rights can be secured, to wit: government by the people, acting not in person, but by representatives chosen by themselves, that is to say, by every man of ripe years and sane mind, who contributes either by his purse or person to the support of his country." --Thomas Jefferson to A. Coray, 1823. ME 15:482

So what ?

None of this is going to change a flaming thing.

But you keep thinking that all your blathering is going to somehow make a difference.

Do you really think anyone here cares what you say ?
To call any wage earning worker 'elite' is absurd. Union workers were always middle class, never elite. That kind of statement shows just how warped your 'reality' is.
ROTFLMAO AGAIN! The 12% of American labor make more than any other group of American labor. They are the elite and make products many other workers can't afford, thus off shoring to buy goods at a reasonable price.
It sure looks like the America people are all a bunch of "left wing elitists"...
Surveys of public opinion do not prove anything but how knowledgeable that opinion may be, and usually the left wing extremist propaganda has warped opinion.
The hue and cry over this has been going on forever. When presented correctly, I am surprized that the polls are even stronger.
Unfortunately you left wing idiots produce good propaganda.
But here is the secret. You are not going to stop it where it makes sense to a corporation.
The public really has never had any say in it.
The needs and desires of the public is what drives offshoring, to get products they can afford. If America didn't want less expensive products they would buy American.
Which is exactly why the right's push for 'privatization' is dangerous to America. Corporations are only beholden to stockholders.
Privation of what? Companies? They are already private, owned by Americans.
The American people are STAKEholders in our economy.
True, always have been and always will be.
You folks on the right
Who are those "masked men?" Why are you preaching to the choir about America?
always like to hide behind the Constitution and lay claim to our founding fathers.
You don't respect our constitution? Shame! Shame! Shame on you. I guess we can just throw out what ever part you don't like. Maybe the 1st, the 4th and some of the other amendments?
The seminal achievement and creation of out founding fathers was not corporations, it was GOVERNMENT.
Yes, limited Republican GOVERNMENT, with the rights of the states and the people specifically protected by the 9th and the 10th Amendments.
And when you learn how our founding fathers viewed corporations, the LAST thing they would ever sanction is even a hint of a corporatocracy. They so despised the British East India Company they broke the law and threw the BEIC's tea in the Boston harbor.
I agree with them. Again, why all the preaching?
"The equal rights of man, and the happiness of every individual, are now acknowledged to be the only legitimate objects of government. Modern times have the signal advantage, too, of having discovered the only device by which these rights can be secured, to wit: government by the people, acting not in person, but by representatives chosen by themselves, that is to say, by every man of ripe years and sane mind, who contributes either by his purse or person to the support of his country." --Thomas Jefferson to A. Coray, 1823. ME 15:482
Great man old Thomas Jefferson! I have never suggested we do any of the right wing things you preach about. Without regard to the ignorance of people because of propaganda by both left wing and right wing extremists, I prefer to look at the actual results of studies which tell us the facts about commerce rather than the myths and lies you extremists throw out, to wit, outsourcing does not hurt US jobs as between 1 and 1.7 jobs are created for every job off shored, and even though some few have lost between 3 and 7% of income in the immediate, that is made up quickly and our employment picture has improved because of offshoring. Of course, your being so economics challenged, you wouldn't understand a study if you read it. You would have to wait until someone with a political point of view like yours, read it, and interpreted it in such a way as to make his/her point.

Our last recession had nothing to do with off shoring and was 100% caused by monetary and fiscal policy which started driving housing prices up over value in 1999, and Bush stupidity continued the policies started in Clinton's term. The housing market crashed and the subsequent lost of jobs in adjacent industries cost us demand which created even more unemployment. Whining about offshoring is an excuse you extremists throw out their hoping that the general public will buy your lies. Unfortunately many did, as your surveys show.
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So what ?

None of this is going to change a flaming thing.

But you keep thinking that all your blathering is going to somehow make a difference.

Do you really think anyone here cares what you say ?
Further, what he does not understand is, the American public is gullible, and they tend to believe which ever propaganda is easier to read. If BF (what ever he is) understood economics instead of listening to LW lies or public opinion polls, he may learn, probably not. He isn't the smartest bear in the woods.
Your chopping up of posts has reached the level of some form of mental illness. Now you are cutting and pasting words from me and other posters without any names.

You accuse me of being an elitist, but you are the classic manifestation of what an elitist is. Everyone in the country and everyone in the the Kennedy administration is either stupid or gullible...EXCEPT FOR YOU.

You are the very definition of an elitist. The whole world is stupid, EXCEPT FOR YOU. Other people's words? Who needs to read them, elitists can't learn. They already KNOW.

If you are truly unaware of the push for privatization by the right, you shouldn't be allowed to cross the street without adult supervision.
Your chopping up of posts has reached the level of some form of mental illness. Now you are cutting and pasting words from me and other posters without any names.

You accuse me of being an elitist, but you are the classic manifestation of what an elitist is. Everyone in the country and everyone in the the Kennedy administration is either stupid or gullible...EXCEPT FOR YOU.

You are the very definition of an elitist. The whole world is stupid, EXCEPT FOR YOU. Other people's words? Who needs to read them, elitists can't learn. They already KNOW.

If you are truly unaware of the push for privatization by the right, you shouldn't be allowed to cross the street without adult supervision.

It is unfortunate to see a moron like this suffer a breakdown in public.

Tsk tsk.

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