How many of you think this statement means these people aren't insured? "Over half of all Americans have pre-existing conditions".


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Obama said this "Over half of all Americans have pre-existing conditions" and it is the mantra of people accusing Trump of doing away with "Pre-existing conditions coverage".
So in reality how many people signed up for Obama's "Pre-Existing Conditions Insurance Plan"???
19,569 people enrolled in Obama's "Pre-Existing Conditions Insurance Plan"???
State by State Enrollment in the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan
So what was the purpose of that statement? When in reality this is the number of people covered by their health insurance for "Pre-existing Conditions"...
Q1) Assume 330 million or half which would be 165 million with "pre-existing conditions".
How many of these have health insurance that covers "pre-existing"?

A) According to recent data from the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), about 156,199,800 Americans, or around 49 percent of the country’s total
population, receive employer-sponsored health insurance (also called group health insurance).
Almost all of these Americans with employer health insurance have their "pre-existing conditions covered by their employer's health insurance!

B) According to Medicare a total 62,745,770 Americans are enrolled or about 18%
MA Plan Directory | CMS Almost all of these Americans with Medicare have their "pre-existing conditions covered by Medicare!

C) According to Medicaid 17.9% of all Americans or a total 59,070,000 Americans are enrolled in Medicaid.
Topic: Medicaid Almost all of these Americans with Medicaid have their "pre-existing conditions covered by Medicaid!

D) The military/VA 12,000,000 personnel receiving coverage for "pre-existing conditions"..
Health insurance coverage in the United States - Wikipedia

E) Finally the Private health insurance number covered is 84,000,000 most of which have Pre-existing conditions "COVERED"!
Health insurance coverage in the United States - Wikipedia

Total: 374,015,570 Obviously some of these Americans have more than one type of coverage.
SO again folks... Where are the 165 million Americans with Pre-existing conditions that DON"T have their "pre-existing conditions" COVERED?
In 2014, all Americans – regardless of their health status – will have access to affordable coverage either through their employer or through Health Insurance Marketplaces, and insurers will be prohibited from charging more or denying coverage to anyone based on the state of their health.

Medicare is a different animal. If you don't sign up when your entitled or turn 65 you pay a 10% penalty, the same for Part D.

During your Medicare Supplement Open Enrollment Period, an insurance company can't refuse to sell you a policy based on your pre-existing condition and it can't charge you more than someone without health problems. After your Open Enrollment Period ends, you may be subject to medical underwriting.
Medicare Supplement Coverage of Pre-Existing Conditions - eHealth

before the ACA everyone was subject to Medical Underwriting.
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In 2014, all Americans – regardless of their health status – will have access to affordable coverage either through their employer or through Health Insurance Marketplaces, and insurers will be prohibited from charging more or denying coverage to anyone based on the state of their health.

Medicare is a different animal. If you don't sign up when your entitled or turn 95 you pay a 10% penalty, the same for Part D.

During your Medicare Supplement Open Enrollment Period, an insurance company can't refuse to sell you a policy based on your pre-existing condition and it can't charge you more than someone without health problems. After your Open Enrollment Period ends, you may be subject to medical underwriting.
Medicare Supplement Coverage of Pre-Existing Conditions - eHealth
If you don't sign up when your entitled or turn 95
not many live to be 95....
In 2014, all Americans – regardless of their health status – will have access to affordable coverage either through their employer or through Health Insurance Marketplaces, and insurers will be prohibited from charging more or denying coverage to anyone based on the state of their health.

Medicare is a different animal. If you don't sign up when your entitled or turn 95 you pay a 10% penalty, the same for Part D.

During your Medicare Supplement Open Enrollment Period, an insurance company can't refuse to sell you a policy based on your pre-existing condition and it can't charge you more than someone without health problems. After your Open Enrollment Period ends, you may be subject to medical underwriting.
Medicare Supplement Coverage of Pre-Existing Conditions - eHealth
If you don't sign up when your entitled or turn 95
not many live to be 95....
Ha Ha, I changed it to 65.
In 2014, all Americans – regardless of their health status – will have access to affordable coverage either through their employer or through Health Insurance Marketplaces, and insurers will be prohibited from charging more or denying coverage to anyone based on the state of their health.

Medicare is a different animal. If you don't sign up when your entitled or turn 65 you pay a 10% penalty, the same for Part D.

During your Medicare Supplement Open Enrollment Period, an insurance company can't refuse to sell you a policy based on your pre-existing condition and it can't charge you more than someone without health problems. After your Open Enrollment Period ends, you may be subject to medical underwriting.
Medicare Supplement Coverage of Pre-Existing Conditions - eHealth

before the ACA everyone was subject to Medical Underwriting.
BUT you are missing entirely the point!
THE misleading premise Obama clearly wanted you to think was over half of Americans couldn't get insurance due to "pre-exiting conditions"!
I don't make these FACTS up!
YOU can verify them through the links I supplied.
A) According to recent data from the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), about 156,199,800 Americans, or around 49 percent of the country’s total population, receive employer-sponsored health insurance (also called group health insurance).
Almost all of these Americans with employer health insurance have their "pre-existing conditions covered by their employer's health insurance!
B) According to Medicare a total 62,745,770 Americans are enrolled or about 18%
MA Plan Directory | CMS
Almost all of these Americans with Medicare have their "pre-existing conditions covered by Medicare!
C) According to Medicaid 17.9% of all Americans or a total 59,070,000 Americans are enrolled in Medicaid.
Topic: Medicaid Almost all of these Americans with Medicaid have their "pre-existing conditions covered by Medicaid!
D) The military/VA 12,000,000 personnel receiving coverage for "pre-existing conditions".. E) Finally the Private health insurance number covered is 84,000,000 most of which have Pre-existing conditions "COVERED"!
Health insurance coverage in the United States - Wikipedia
Total: 374,015,570 Obviously some of these Americans have more than one type of coverage.
SO again folks... Where are the 165 million Americans with Pre-existing conditions that DON"T have their "pre-existing conditions" COVERED?
In 2014, all Americans – regardless of their health status – will have access to affordable coverage either through their employer or through Health Insurance Marketplaces, and insurers will be prohibited from charging more or denying coverage to anyone based on the state of their health.

Medicare is a different animal. If you don't sign up when your entitled or turn 65 you pay a 10% penalty, the same for Part D.

During your Medicare Supplement Open Enrollment Period, an insurance company can't refuse to sell you a policy based on your pre-existing condition and it can't charge you more than someone without health problems. After your Open Enrollment Period ends, you may be subject to medical underwriting.
Medicare Supplement Coverage of Pre-Existing Conditions - eHealth

before the ACA everyone was subject to Medical Underwriting.
BUT you are missing entirely the point!
THE misleading premise Obama clearly wanted you to think was over half of Americans couldn't get insurance due to "pre-exiting conditions"!
I don't make these FACTS up!
YOU can verify them through the links I supplied.
A) According to recent data from the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), about 156,199,800 Americans, or around 49 percent of the country’s total population, receive employer-sponsored health insurance (also called group health insurance).
Almost all of these Americans with employer health insurance have their "pre-existing conditions covered by their employer's health insurance!
B) According to Medicare a total 62,745,770 Americans are enrolled or about 18%
MA Plan Directory | CMS
Almost all of these Americans with Medicare have their "pre-existing conditions covered by Medicare!
C) According to Medicaid 17.9% of all Americans or a total 59,070,000 Americans are enrolled in Medicaid.
Topic: Medicaid Almost all of these Americans with Medicaid have their "pre-existing conditions covered by Medicaid!
D) The military/VA 12,000,000 personnel receiving coverage for "pre-existing conditions".. E) Finally the Private health insurance number covered is 84,000,000 most of which have Pre-existing conditions "COVERED"!
Health insurance coverage in the United States - Wikipedia
Total: 374,015,570 Obviously some of these Americans have more than one type of coverage.
SO again folks... Where are the 165 million Americans with Pre-existing conditions that DON"T have their "pre-existing conditions" COVERED?
She's not missing anything. She is flat out ignoring it because it goes against the lefts narrative.
Obama said this "Over half of all Americans have pre-existing conditions" and it is the mantra of people accusing Trump of doing away with "Pre-existing conditions coverage".
I have no idea if it's "the" religion espoused by "the" Dalai Lama, but there's a ♋ Cancer cult, and people do strange things.

Climb Mt. Everest on bottled oxygen, and sustain permanent lung damage.

"Apotemnophilia." Look it up.

Women angry at being raped punish their children by circumcising them out of the womb, if it's too late for an abortion or at least a rape kit to justify paternity and child support.

Any form of Cancer, as a astrological star sign — not necessarily the sign of birth as commonly assumed — is considered a "pre-existing condition" as well as an absolute bar to employment at any major corporation of the sort that would generally offer health insurance as an employee benefit.

Vision less than 20/20 is a "pre-existing condition" for the U.S. Air Force.

"Mental health" as it is enforced as a "pre-existing condition" is an absolute lifetime bar to possessing firearms or for that matter joining any branch of U.S. military or law enforcement, as well as any number of other professions.

Any other "pre-existing conditions?" Is there a doctor on the house?

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