Predict the Trump verdict. (Poll)

How many jurors will find Trump NOT guilty of ANY super-secret felony counts?

  • 0 Meaning Trump is guilty of a felony and could face prison time

    Votes: 25 43.1%
  • 1 not guilty, meaning a "hung jury", and Trump walks

    Votes: 9 15.5%
  • 2 not guilty, same hung jury, Trump walks

    Votes: 9 15.5%
  • 3+ not guilty, Trump walks

    Votes: 15 25.9%

  • Total voters
It’s first degree if it’s done to conceal or commit another crime. There has been no crime identified. Just a bunch of “possibilities” - and now the corrupt judge says the jury doesn’t even have to agree on which possibility he’s guilty of.

And 34 times is ridiculous. It’s all connected to the same payoff to the slut.

If you get a jaywalking ticket, do you get 34 misdemeanor charges because it took you 34 steps to get across the street?!

This whole thing is so ridiculous it is helping Trump, not hurting him.

Whats ridiculous is that know nothing yahoos like you presume to know better than proffessional lawyers and judges.

There were 34 falsified records, he was charged for each such false entry and there is nothing unusual about it. The fact that they all fell under a single scheme does not change that.

I don't know who you are quoting when you post "possibilities", but it certainly is not anyone involved in the case.
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Closing arguments start Tuesday morning, then the jury instructions, then the jury decides the verdicts.

So my take on it is that Trump will be found guilty of the misdemeanor bookkeeping counts, and not guilty on the any of the (3) "super-secret felonies"

So Trump walks, since the misdemeanor counts all expired (unless they hid one of the "super-secret felonies", which was a "no")

I'm betting that "innocent until proven guilty" holds serve in the jury, for the "super-secret felonies"
You are batshit crazy! Trump will be found guilty on all 34 felonies and that piece of shit prick is going to prison!

BTW, fuck you for ginning up the answers for a Trump acquittal.
You are batshit crazy! Trump will be found guilty on all 34 felonies and that piece of shit prick is going to prison!
BTW, fuck you for ginning up the answers for a Trump acquittal.
The democrat's "Lawfare" will not succeed.
The Appeals Courts will kill Bragg's bullshit indictment counts.

People who know how the legal system really works knows that Trump won't see the inside of a jail or prison cell.
The democrat's "Lawfare" will not succeed.
The Appeals Courts will kill Bragg's bullshit indictment counts.

People who know how the legal system really works knows that Trump won't see the inside of a jail or prison cell.
Bullshit! He is as guilty as sin! It doesn't matter how many times he farts in the courtroom, him and his gas are going to prison!
Keep hope alive!! He's going to the WH, not prison.
The problem is that we have lots of voters like the one you’re replying to…..full of irrational rage and hate for someone who had been a much superior president to the senile old man we have now.

We also had a poster yesterday raging on in some hate-induced fantasy world about a “Trump overthrow” and how the military could be ordered to kill him. These type of posters have talked themselves into believing that Biden is the good guy in all of this, ready to save democracy, when in fact HE is obviously the bigger threat. Look at how he has weaponized the government agencies and the legal system against his rival.
The problem is that we have lots of voters like the one you’re replying to…..full of irrational rage and hate for someone who had been a much superior president to the senile old man we have now.

We also had a poster yesterday raging on in some hate-induced fantasy world about a “Trump overthrow” and how the military could be ordered to kill him. These type of posters have talked themselves into believing that Biden is the good guy in all of this, ready to save democracy, when in fact HE is obviously the bigger threat. Look at how he has weaponized the government agencies and the legal system against his rival.
The US is not headed in a good direction.
The democrats can threaten all they want.

The US is not headed in a good direction.
The democrats can threaten all they want.

It still means people who do not vote Prog are slowly being marginalized. Also, with Prog control of the voting system and Prog citizens moving from Prog States to Red ones you can see where we are headed. Still, most of the fly over country have the high ground in survival and potential violent situations.
Are you being sarcastic? The threat to democracy is happening under Biden, who is using the legal system to politically persecute his #1 opponent, the one who is likely to win, and falsely brand him a convicted criminal.
Your boy was considered ssssoooooo dangerous to American democracy that his opponents had to go looking for a weak spot.

Your boy obliged them quite nicely.
Your boy was considered ssssoooooo dangerous to American democracy that his opponents had to go looking for a weak spot. Your boy obliged them quite nicely.
It ain't over till it's over.

Its not time to break the glass and give Nikki the nomination yet.

Closing arguments start Tuesday morning, then the jury instructions, then the jury decides the verdicts.

So my take on it is that Trump will be found guilty of the misdemeanor bookkeeping counts, and not guilty on the any of the (3) "super-secret felonies"

So Trump walks, since the misdemeanor counts all expired (unless they hid one of the "super-secret felonies", which was a "no")

I'm betting that "innocent until proven guilty" holds serve in the jury, for the "super-secret felonies"

You lose.
The jury did what the judge illegally told them to do.
Love it these worms already are rewriting the facts and making up their own nonsense. Why are these hater so willing to stand up and loudly proclaim what a dumb fuck head they are.. These are the microbes that support Trump.
The Hate Nazi's lost big time today. They said he would be found not guilty because they were sure they could get a MAGA Maggot on the jury , but no deal. He is a pussy grabbing chronic liar who shits in his pants daily because he takes so much drugs. He is a rapist and has 34 felons on his record. and MAGA's call him God.
Love it these worms already are rewriting the facts and making up their own nonsense. Why are these hater so willing to stand up and loudly proclaim what a dumb fuck head they are.. These are the microbes that support Trump.
We'll see how the appeals process works out.

Celebrate while you can.
The Hate Nazi's lost big time today. They said he would be found not guilty because they were sure they could get a MAGA Maggot on the jury , but no deal. He is a pussy grabbing chronic liar who shits in his pants daily because he takes so much drugs. He is a rapist and has 34 felons on his record. and MAGA's call him God.
Trump is a real president. Unlike the senile POS occupying the WH now, who can't do a real press conference.

I agree with the Biden campaign, the way to beat Trump is on November 5th at the ballot box.

Not in a NYC Kangaroo Court.

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