Predict the Trump verdict. (Poll)

How many jurors will find Trump NOT guilty of ANY super-secret felony counts?

  • 0 Meaning Trump is guilty of a felony and could face prison time

    Votes: 25 43.1%
  • 1 not guilty, meaning a "hung jury", and Trump walks

    Votes: 9 15.5%
  • 2 not guilty, same hung jury, Trump walks

    Votes: 9 15.5%
  • 3+ not guilty, Trump walks

    Votes: 15 25.9%

  • Total voters
Dems know this turd is going to get appealed but a guilty verdict will let them continue to jerk Trump's chain with legal shenanigans and threats and interfere with the election.
You don't think this political persecution of Trump, and the unhinged hatred of him and his supporters isn't creepy?
I do. It's creepy AND dangerous.
It's sad to see....but there has never been any President or Presidential candidate as lowly as him.

If he hadn't slept with the Porn Star while married to some one as beautiful as his 25 year younger wife... Melania, who had just birthed his newborn son...

and then covered it up when running as a candidate in 2016, by having Cohen pay her $130k to keep from us voters knowing, ... right after his Access Hollywood tape of "locker talk" just got exposed, and then falsified his business records to cover up repaying Cohen...

then NONE of this totally embarrassing crap right now, on the world stage of watchers....

(could it), even be happening....?

He made the bed he sleeps in....

he sleeps in the bed he made.

and he is one of a kind!!!

thank the Good Lord! One is more than enough!
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It's sad to see....but there has never been any President or Presidential candidate as lowly as him.

If he hadn't slept with the Porn Star while married to some one as beautiful as his 25 year younger wife... Melania, who had just birthed his newborn son...

and then covered it up when running as a candidate in 2016, by having Cohen pay her $130k to keep from us voters knowing, ... right after his Access Hollywood tape of "locker talk" just got exposed, and then falsified his business records to cover up repaying Cohen...

then NONE of this totally embarrassing crap right now, on the world stage of watchers....

Would it ...

or could it, even be happening....?

he made the bed he sleeps in....

he sleeps in the bed he made.

and he is one of a kind!!!

thank the Good Lord! One is more than enough!

Humanity does not deserve America, and never did.

This post is proof positive right here.

I mean, just start with "a nation of laws, not a nation of men". Care can't even get there. She starts out with how Trump offends her so then....prosecute.

No one ever, ever thinks about what it will be like to live in a police state banana republic. Much worse than getting your feelings hurt by Trump being an ass.

But here we are. Goodbye, American. You were great, but people suck.
Humanity does not deserve America, and never did.

This post is proof positive right here.

I mean, just start with "a nation of laws, not a nation of men". Care can't even get there. She starts out with how Trump offends her so then....prosecute.

No one ever, ever thinks about what it will be like to live in a police state banana republic. Much worse than getting your feelings hurt by Trump being an ass.

But here we are. Goodbye, American. You were great, but people suck.
Yeah, Suzy Q.....

it's me that is the problem and not the scuzzball and crooked Trump....

you keep going with that one Suzy, It makes all the sense in the world, to you....

Yeah, Suzy Q.....

it's me that is the problem and not the scuzzball and crooked Trump....

you keep going with that one Suzy, It makes all the sense in the world, to you....


You will set fire to the best, fairest, most intelligent justice system the world has ever seen to get the man who offends you.

Yes dear, that is a much bigger problem than that Trump offended you by cheating on his wife with a porn star.

You understand that, which is why you pulled out the derogatory name for me. You know, deep down, this is wrong. But you're feral to get Trump, like all Leftists, so you don't care. Burn it all down.
It's sad to see....but there has never been any President or Presidential candidate as lowly as him.

If he hadn't slept with the Porn Star while married to some one as beautiful as his 25 year younger wife... Melania, who had just birthed his newborn son...

and then covered it up when running as a candidate in 2016, by having Cohen pay her $130k to keep from us voters knowing, ... right after his Access Hollywood tape of "locker talk" just got exposed, and then falsified his business records to cover up repaying Cohen...

then NONE of this totally embarrassing crap right now, on the world stage of watchers....

(Would it ...or could it), even be happening....?

He made the bed he sleeps in....

he sleeps in the bed he made.

and he is one of a kind!!!

thank the Good Lord! One is more than enough!
That's nice.
What presidential policies do you disagree with from Trump?
Is there any substance to your utter disdain for this man other than sexual rumors?
The hatred from the LEFT seems quite shallow, and frankly, illogical.
That's nice.
What presidential policies do you disagree with from Trump?
Is there any substance to your utter disdain for this man other than sexual rumors?
The hatred from the LEFT seems quite shallow, and frankly, illogical.

When America was America, people were free to hate and loathe anyone they wanted, but that didn't lead to Kangaroo Courts. These new cretins say "Trump cheated on his wife" and the very next stop is literal JAIL or something.

They seem to know nothing of history. And how banana republics turn out.

Oh well. Can't fix stupid.
When America was America, people were free to hate and loathe anyone they wanted, but that didn't lead to Kangaroo Courts. These new cretins say "Trump cheated on his wife" and the very next stop is literal JAIL or something.

They seem to know nothing of history. And how banana republics turn out.

Oh well. Can't fix stupid.
True. It's amazing to me that these people cannot even articulate why they HATE him apart from Orange Man Bad. It's quite sad, actually.
You will set fire to the best, fairest, most intelligent justice system the world has ever seen to get the man who offends you.

Yes dear, that is a much bigger problem than that Trump offended you by cheating on his wife with a porn star.

You understand that, which is why you pulled out the derogatory name for me. You know, deep down, this is wrong. But you're feral to get Trump, like all Leftists, so you don't care. Burn it all down.
Oh sweetheart, Trump is the one trying his hardest to blow up and throw out, the best justice system in the world.... Too bad you are too blind to see that....he's been working on discrediting the justice system since 2016, and his disparaging that Hispanic heritage judge over his Trump University court case.... This ain't something new with him, it's a rinse and repeat....his modus operandi....America sucks, America sucks, America sucks.....

it's awful and it's tiring!
Oh sweetheart, Trump is the one trying his hardest to blow up and throw out, the best justice system in the world.... Too bad you are too blind to see that....he's been working on discrediting the justice system since 2016, and his disparaging that Hispanic heritage judge over his Trump University court case.... This ain't something new with him, it's a rinse and repeat....his modus operandi....America sucks, America sucks, America sucks.....

it's awful and it's tiring!
Excuse me, but are we on the same planet?
That's a whole lot of unsubstantiated hyperbole.
Oh sweetheart, Trump is the one trying his hardest to blow up and throw out, the best justice system in the world.... Too bad you are too blind to see that....he's been working on discrediting the justice system since 2016, and his disparaging that Hispanic heritage judge over his Trump University court case.... This ain't something new with him, it's a rinse and repeat....his modus operandi....America sucks, America sucks, America sucks.....

it's awful and it's tiring!

It didn't, but it does now. Because Trump broke you and yours
You're not looking at it as two separate crimes.
1. One crime is falsifying business records
2. The 2nd crime takes that misdemeanor to a felony if the business records were used to cover up the 2nd crime.

So what crime happened first that needed to be covered up?

There was no initial crime.

Well we'll just see what the jury thinks about THAT
In NYC with a hack judge its all but certain. We're thinking that the appeals process should set things right, eventually.
But the damage will be done by then, and the Dems know it. Until then, they will be running against “a convicted felon” and hoping there are enough dumb voters to fall for it.
Rigged judge, rigged jury pool, rigged venue, rigged made up charges...if Dems can't pull off a guilty verdict with all that it's sad really.
Plus, the judge said it doesn’t have to be unanimous. They can each decide on different “crimes” he’s guilty of INTENDING to commit, but as long as everyone thinks he’s guilty of at least something, he’ll call it guilty.

I’ve never seen such a perversion of the law in my life, arranged by the Democrats to take down their opponent - and the man mosr voters want.

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