Predict the Trump verdict. (Poll)

How many jurors will find Trump NOT guilty of ANY super-secret felony counts?

  • 0 Meaning Trump is guilty of a felony and could face prison time

    Votes: 25 43.1%
  • 1 not guilty, meaning a "hung jury", and Trump walks

    Votes: 9 15.5%
  • 2 not guilty, same hung jury, Trump walks

    Votes: 9 15.5%
  • 3+ not guilty, Trump walks

    Votes: 15 25.9%

  • Total voters
Sure looks like Trumpers are trying to come to grips with a conviction
1. Prove Trump knew about the CFO cost breakdown.
2. Doubling of the amounts made Cohen whole for the cost structure HE SETUP.
3. Weisselberg did not testify.
4. Trump signed the checks that Cohen and Weisselberg setup.
5. There is no linkage directly to Trump.

A. The Shiller phone call got axed, it was about a 14-year old prank caller. (HackJudge didn't let Shiller testify)
B. There were no election violations. (Hack Judge didn't allow defense's expert to testify)
C. Weisselberg did not testify. Hack prosecutor knew Trump was not in the loop.

Notorious micromanager Trump signed checks to Cohen without knowing what the hell they are for?

Ha! Do you seriously not get a distinct feeling that you have to dumb yourself down to keep up your ludicrous denials and jumping from one argument of convenience to the next?
Notorious micromanager Trump signed checks to Cohen without knowing what the hell they are for?

Ha! Do you seriously not get a distinct feeling that you have to dumb yourself down to keep up your ludicrous denials and jumping from one argument of convenience to the next?
Would "micromanager" Trump knowingly sign checks that let Cohen steal $60,000? The Bragg case falls apart right there.
Hot off the press

Mark Levin said that Trump could appeal directly to the US Supreme court based on Bush v Gore.

If NY interferes in a Federal Election the USSC could step in and handle the appeal, if needed.

That would be too cool.
Hot off the press

Mark Levin said that Trump could appeal directly to the US Supreme court based on Bush v Gore.

If NY interferes in a Federal Election the USSC could step in and handle the appeal, if needed.

That would be too cool.
The irony of all this lawfare from the demented LEFT is that its purpose was to keep Trump off the campaign train, yet the whole country sees this un-American shit-show for what it is.
The SICK part is the subverted zombies like it.
Would "micromanager" Trump knowingly sign checks that let Cohen steal $60,000? The Bragg case falls apart right there.
Yes he would, what the f does Trump know about technical services fees? Nothing. Cohen submitted a 50k expense and they approved it.
Trump walks is the current general consensus.

About the same as drudge.

We're at 58%, they're at 64%.


Turley is full of crap. The MEANING is objective - if Trump falsified records to break any of those laws then he did so criminaly.
It doesn't matter to the criminal charge which one it was and in fact the jury may unanimously narrow down on the same secondary crime(s) in their verdict.

Reprinting Turley's points:
"Merchan has ruled that the jurors can disagree on what actually occurred in terms of the second crime. This means there could be three groups of four jurors, with one believing that there was a conspiracy to conceal a state election violation, another believing there was a federal election violation (which Bragg cannot enforce), and a third believing there was a tax violation, respectively. Nonetheless, Merchan will treat that as a unanimous verdict."

Because IT IS unanimous verdict on the Falsifying Bussiness Records charges. Just because jurors may arrive at guilty verdict for differing reasons (as is often the case) doesn't mean they are not unanimous on the bottom line finding that he is guilty as charged.
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Because IT IS unanimous verdict on the Falsifying Bussiness Records charges. Just because jurors may arrive at guilty verdict for differing reasons (as is often the case) doesn't mean they are not unanimous on the bottom line finding that he is guilty as charged.
You're not looking at it as two separate crimes.
1. One crime is falsifying business records
2. The 2nd crime takes that misdemeanor to a felony if the business records were used to cover up the 2nd crime.

So what crime happened first that needed to be covered up?

There was no initial crime. There is only the business records crime.

Its like hen CO tried to keep Trump off the ballot for "Insurrection". Trump was not convicted of insurrection.
Trump cannot be denied due process.
Hot off the press

Mark Levin said that Trump could appeal directly to the US Supreme court based on Bush v Gore.

If NY interferes in a Federal Election the USSC could step in and handle the appeal, if needed.

That would be too cool.
But gee… I coulda sworn that the SC stated that Bush v Gore could not be used as precedent
Not without the additional crimes being uncharged. Show us where this has ever been the case before? You can't and you know it. Try harder.
it specifically does not state Trump would have needed to be charged for the additional crime....can you show where it says that?
Yet it is Republicans in Ohio legislature keeping Biden off the ballot....your party players are such liars and hypocrites to boot..... Creepy, at this point.... :(
You're not looking at it as two separate crimes.
1. One crime is falsifying business records
2. The 2nd crime takes that misdemeanor to a felony if the business records were used to cover up the 2nd crime.

So what crime happened first that needed to be covered up?

There was no initial crime. There is only the business records crime.

Its like hen CO tried to keep Trump off the ballot for "Insurrection". Trump was not convicted of insurrection.
Trump cannot be denied due process.
got a link?
you don't remember that? That part was critical for the S.C. to save face in their 2000 decision to basically appoint Bush as president. Their ruling could never be used again as precedent.
Yet it is Republicans in Ohio legislature keeping Biden off the ballot....your party players are such liars and hypocrites to boot..... Creepy, at this point.... :(
You don't think this political persecution of Trump, and the unhinged hatred of him and his supporters isn't creepy?
I do. It's creepy AND dangerous.
Rigged judge, rigged jury pool, rigged venue, rigged made up charges...if Dems can't pull off a guilty verdict with all that it's sad really.

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