Predict the Trump verdict. (Poll)

How many jurors will find Trump NOT guilty of ANY super-secret felony counts?

  • 0 Meaning Trump is guilty of a felony and could face prison time

    Votes: 25 43.1%
  • 1 not guilty, meaning a "hung jury", and Trump walks

    Votes: 9 15.5%
  • 2 not guilty, same hung jury, Trump walks

    Votes: 9 15.5%
  • 3+ not guilty, Trump walks

    Votes: 15 25.9%

  • Total voters
All prosecutors want a conviction. Duh.

And you are mistaking your fantasies for fact.

You don’t know anyone on that jury to accuse ANY of them of not taking their duty seriously.

If Trump is found 'not guilty', all of these people will fade away.
A 'guilty' verdict, and they all become social media stars, influencers, etc, with money to be made.
1. There is no evidence that Trump knew of the expired bookkeeping misdemeanor.
2. There is no evidence of a crime being covered up. No indictment or conviction of any crime.
Except his signature on the checks?

Turley is full of crap. The MEANING is objective - if Trump falsified records to break any of those laws then he did so criminaly.
It doesn't matter to the criminal charge which one it was and in fact the jury may unanimously narrow down on the same secondary crime(s) in their verdict.

Reprinting Turley's points:
"Merchan has ruled that the jurors can disagree on what actually occurred in terms of the second crime. This means there could be three groups of four jurors, with one believing that there was a conspiracy to conceal a state election violation, another believing there was a federal election violation (which Bragg cannot enforce), and a third believing there was a tax violation, respectively. Nonetheless, Merchan will treat that as a unanimous verdict."

1. You said if Trump falsified records to break any of those laws it's a crime. That's ass backwards. The supposed crime happened first, then the bookkeeping crime tried to cover it up.

2. A conspiracy to conceal a state election violation. There was no state election violation to cover up. None.

3. A Federal Election Law violation. There was no Federal Election law violation to cover up. None.

4. A Tax Law violation. There was no Federal or State tax law violation to cover up. None.

Bragg's case is nonsense.
The party of shit better hope this Scam A works (until it's immediately overturned) because Scam B is falling apart in FL.

Judge Cannon is ripping jack 'off' smith a new asshole. He's on suicide watch. :laughing0301:

View attachment 953661
1) Bill The Dickless isn't Chelsea's daddy. Webb Hubbell is.

2) This is the difference between Florida and New Yawk, the scumbag State.

3) I hope Trump is convicted and imprisoned. Ron DeSantis will take over with the biggest mandate in American History -- Destroy the dimocrap SCUM party and ALL its members.

You've already said it was reasonably well established that he did.

So which one is it? Can't be both.
I never said Trump falsified business records. That misdemeanor expired without another crime being covered up.

I never said Trump falsified business records. That misdemeanor expired

So he never did it...but it expired.

So tell me, what the fuck does expiration have to do with anything if don't even belive he ever did it?

Come on, you are just beeing blatantly stupid at this point.
Explain to me how NDAs are illegal. Hint: they are perfectly legal.
What LAW gives the public any right to know anything personal, like showering with your daughter?

Then explain how its not election interference having 51 traitors say that Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation when it is real. Think the voting public should have known that Hunter was selling his dad's influence before the election?
NDAs are not illegal and not germane to the case. Hunter has nothing to do with the case kyzr is flailing and wailing.
1. Turley explains the law. If you want paid legal shills you need to watch CNN and MSDNC.

2. Why didn't the prosecutors call Weisselberg to testify? Prosecutors knew he would sink their case.

3. Your "multiple underlying crimes" are all nonsense. Which was Trump indicted for? NONE!!!!!!
  • Its NOT illegal to pay for an NDA, nor to "catch and kill" any story. Look at the 51 traitors who called Hunter's laptop "Russian Disinformation". That's lying and its perfectly legal. Voters have no right to know anything. Is Biden hiding his showers with Ashley illegal?
  • the doorman and McDougal were paid 10-years before Trump ran for office dumbass. That proves that the NDAs for Trump are NOT just campaign related. He protected his reputation and marriage.
  • Cohen paying Stormy with Trump's money was perfectly legal. The DOJ and FEC investigated and found nothing illegal.
  • How is paying Cohen for legal services tax evasion. Cohen paid all taxes on that money.
4. What part of Biden is a senile traitor don't you understand?

1. What part of Turley is a Constitutional Lawyer do you not understand???? He doesn't explain the law. He tells you what YOU want to hear - that Trump is being unfairly prosecuted, and that's a lie. Turley has never seen the inside of the court room in his entire life. It's like asking your dentist to give you an opinion on your cancer surgery.

Just like he lied when he told you Clinton must be impeached because "morality matters". Just like he lied when you told you that Trump was being unfairly impeached. Turley tells you whatever the right wants to hear.

2. Weisselberg wasn't called to testify because he committed PERJURY when he testified at the Trump Corporation fraud trial and he's currently serving another sentence in Rykers for lying to the Court in that trial.

3. Trump doesn't have to be indicted for any these crimes to make this case a felony. Never forget that Pecker testified under an Immunity Agreement forn the conspiracy charges and the campaign finance violations, and that Trump was named as "Unindicted Co-Conspirator #1" in the Cohen trial.

Stop parroting Turley's bullshit. Where did I say the NDA was illegal. I didn't even MENTION the NDA's. The NDA's do provide written evidence of the conspiracy between Pecker, Cohen and Trump to "catch and kill" stories which paint Trump in a bad light and to promote lies about Trump's opponents, which was also part of the conspiracy, that you've completely ignored.

That combination of preventing unflattering stories about Trump, and knowingly lying about his opponents is the "conspiracy to defraud the voters" you keep pretending was no biggy.

BOTH McDOUGALL and the Doorman were paid in 2015/2016, even though McDougall's affair was more than 10 years before. And Pecker paid this money on the understanding that he could publish the stories AFTER the election.


Wait, Trump paying for Daniels' silence weeks before the election to keep the public from learning he fucked a porn star while his wife was home with their infant child is a Dem conspiracy? Were there any Dems in the room when the plan was formed? Are you saying Weisselberg is a Dem?

I must have missed when Weisselburg testified, can you post a link supporting your claim? Also post where TRUMP said the NDA was to keep Stormy claim from the public because of the election?
So he never did it...but it expired.
So tell me, what the fuck does expiration have to do with anything if don't even believe he ever did it?
Come on, you are just being blatantly stupid at this point.
You're the stupid one.
The bookkeeping error means NOTHING.
Its the crime being covered up that turns the expired nothing into a felony, and there is no official crime being covered up, only the bullshit crimes that Bragg and the hack judge concocted.
You're the stupid one.
The bookkeeping error
…Bookkeeping error?

Complete with Trump CFO breakdown of payment structure on NDA payment reciept?

Complete with doubling up of NDA payment to cover pass-through tax costs?

Complete with Trump accountant testifying implementing this scheme as specified by that CFO?

Complete with the exact amount of checks for exactly specified amounts, with signatures of Trump Co. executives and Trump himself?

What you are posting is laughable garbage.
1. What part of Turley is a Constitutional Lawyer do you not understand???? He doesn't explain the law. He tells you what YOU want to hear - that Trump is being unfairly prosecuted, and that's a lie. Turley has never seen the inside of the court room in his entire life. It's like asking your dentist to give you an opinion on your cancer surgery.

Just like he lied when he told you Clinton must be impeached because "morality matters". Just like he lied when you told you that Trump was being unfairly impeached. Turley tells you whatever the right wants to hear.

2. Weisselberg wasn't called to testify because he committed PERJURY when he testified at the Trump Corporation fraud trial and he's currently serving another sentence in Rykers for lying to the Court in that trial.

3. Trump doesn't have to be indicted for any these crimes to make this case a felony. Never forget that Pecker testified under an Immunity Agreement for the conspiracy charges and the campaign finance violations, and that Trump was named as "Unindicted Co-Conspirator #1" in the Cohen trial.

Stop parroting Turley's bullshit. Where did I say the NDA was illegal. I didn't even MENTION the NDA's. The NDA's do provide written evidence of the conspiracy between Pecker, Cohen and Trump to "catch and kill" stories which paint Trump in a bad light and to promote lies about Trump's opponents, which was also part of the conspiracy, that you've completely ignored.

That combination of preventing unflattering stories about Trump, and knowingly lying about his opponents is the "conspiracy to defraud the voters" you keep pretending was no biggy.

BOTH McDOUGALL and the Doorman were paid in 2015/2016, even though McDougall's affair was more than 10 years before. And Pecker paid this money on the understanding that he could publish the stories AFTER the election.


1. Turley teaches law. Its like asking the most knowledgeable surgeon for an expert opinion. Bragg and Marchan are the stupid hacks.

2. LOL. Cohen lies all the time, but Bragg has a $60,000 theft hanging over him to be sure he answers the right way. Weisselberg setup the payments. Not asking him shows that Trump is innocent.

3. There are no election violations or the FEC or DOJ would have prosecuted Trump.

4. We can argue all day and all night. I'm going to wait for the appeals process to play out. Then we;ll see who is right.
…Book keeping error?
Complete with Trump CFO breakdown of payment structure on NDA payment reciept?
Complete with doubling up of NDA payment to cover pass-through tax costs?
Complete with Trump accountant testifying implementing this scheme as specified by that CFO?
Complete with the exact amount of checks for exactly specified amounts, with signatures Trump Co executives and Trump himself?
Yes sir, what you are saying is REALLY fucking stupid.
1. Prove Trump knew about the CFO cost breakdown.
2. Doubling of the amounts made Cohen whole for the cost structure HE SETUP.
3. Weisselberg did not testify.
4. Trump signed the checks that Cohen and Weisselberg setup.
5. There is no linkage directly to Trump.

A. The Shiller phone call got axed, it was about a 14-year old prank caller. (HackJudge didn't let Shiller testify)
B. There were no election violations. (Hack Judge didn't allow defense's expert to testify)
C. Weisselberg did not testify. Hack prosecutor knew Trump was not in the loop.
I do have a prediction!

Trump convicted, Biden comes out and offers Trump a pardon if he ends his campaign, in order to make Biden look like the better man, if Trump denies the pardon, Biden does everything he can to “influence” the appeal process

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