Diamond Member
So, do you believe that every gov't agency should have the power to do whatever they want according to their politics? And when challenged or sued in court, the agency can claim that we thought this ambiguous authorizes what we're doing and we have the final say and the courts should defer to us.
Do you understand the ideal of the rule of law rather than the rule of men? The Chevron Doctrine advances the power of unelected people over the rest of us. You strike me as a person who is fine with that as long as those unelected people are democrats, but I'm guessing you'd have a big problem if those people were republicans. And that mkes you a hypocrite.
are you fucking retarded?
Congress has the authority to yank back a bureaucracy that oversteps its bounds. We saw that with the IRS and Lois Lerner, who even though she was perfectly right in how she was applying the law, Congress still slapped her back and Obama was kind of feckless in defending her.
So, no, I don't worry about the experts at agencies exceeding their authority.
I worry about politicians who are fuck all ignorant about science making decisions based on popular opinion and not hard facts.
This is why the Chinese are beating us. They have a technocracy. Nobody is in the People's Congress who isn't an expert in his field.