Predict the Trump verdict. (Poll)

How many jurors will find Trump NOT guilty of ANY super-secret felony counts?

  • 0 Meaning Trump is guilty of a felony and could face prison time

    Votes: 25 43.1%
  • 1 not guilty, meaning a "hung jury", and Trump walks

    Votes: 9 15.5%
  • 2 not guilty, same hung jury, Trump walks

    Votes: 9 15.5%
  • 3+ not guilty, Trump walks

    Votes: 15 25.9%

  • Total voters
There is no due process for a mystery crime, nor any requirement to even prove the charges relate to said mystery crime. 175-10 was never intended to be used in such a farcical manner.
Yes, 175 10 was intended to be used that way, from the day they wrote it and passed it, in to law.

If it was meant to apply in the manner you state, it would have been written in to the law that way. It wasn't.
Democrats are desperate for Trump to be found guilty of something.

Yea, imagine wating for the guilty verdict?

Republicans could learn a thing of two here.



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If Trump were convicted in his hush money trial, here’s what he could face next

Donald Trump has complained of the indignities of a cold, uncomfortable Manhattan courtroom during his hush money trial, which is expected to begin jury deliberations after jurors hear instructions from the judge Wednesday morning.

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If convicted, Trump could face other conditions he may consider insulting, including a required inmate review by New York City’s Department of Probation.

The probation office on the 10th floor of the Manhattan Criminal Courthouse prepares presentencing reports for judges. There, Trump would be interviewed about his personal history, his mental health and the circumstances that led to his conviction.
Lawyers say the process is humbling.

“If you think the courtroom is dingy, just wait until you go to the probation office,” said Daniel Horwitz, a white-collar criminal defense attorney in New York and former prosecutor in the Manhattan district attorney’s office.

He's a narcissistic sociopath.
The director of the FBI said she broke the law idiot. I'll keep reminding you of what you forgot.
The director that cleared her of prosecution, which was re-enforced as reasonable conclusion in 2018 by Trump's DOJ?

That director correct?
The director that cleared her of prosecution, which was then ruled in 2018 by Trump's DOJ as reasonable?

That director correct?
The director who overstepped his authority, that wasn't his call to make. You seem pathetically informed, return in 10 years time. :itsok:
Just wondering, do you see the hypocrisy of Trump claiming this trial is about election interference of his campaign for the presidency when a major aspect of it is about his own election interference by keeping his adulterous, sexual affair a secret from the voting public?
Explain to me how NDAs are illegal. Hint: they are perfectly legal.
What LAW gives the public any right to know anything personal, like showering with your daughter?

Then explain how its not election interference having 51 traitors say that Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation when it is real. Think the voting public should have known that Hunter was selling his dad's influence before the election?
The director of the FBI said she broke the law idiot. I'll keep reminding you of what you forgot.
It's not that simple, cuck. I'll keep reminding you of that every time you make assertions without context.

Explain to me how NDAs are illegal. Hint: they are perfectly legal.

Buying cars is legal too dummy, untill you commit fraud paying for it.

Don't understand why it's so hard for you to get that.
Thats just a silly strawman considering that is was done to help Trump himself, that he was a notorious micromanager and that 8 out of the exactly 12x$35k paychecks agreed to had his signature on them.

This aside from Trump being on tape discussing payments of this type for McDougal story, this aside from Cohen's uncontradicted sworn testimony that him and Weisellburg took the repayment plan straight to Trump that very same day and he approved it.

No way in hell the jury buys that bs, especially considering Trump couldn't be bothered to testify to contradict Cohen.
1. NDAs are perfectly legal. Cohen negotiated Stormy's NDA, paid for it, and was reimbursed for legal services by check. Nothing to do with campaign funds.

2. Cohen's "sworn testimony" is less than worthless. Why didn't the prosecutors put Weisselberg on the stand? They knew what he would say. Same with Shiller. Cohen lied when he said he talked with Trump, Shiller would confirm the call was only about a 14-year old prankster.

3. The prosecution did not prove their case. The bookkeeping was Cohen & Weisselberg. The super-secret crime is unconstitutional.
Turley is full of crap. The MEANING is objective - if Trump falsified records to break any of those laws then he did so criminaly.

It doesn't matter to the criminal charge which one it was and in fact the jury may unanimously narrow down on the same secondary crime(s) in their verdict.
Turley is correct. Merchan is running a Kangaroo Court.
Trump didn't falsify records. Cohen and Weisselberg did.
Trump didn't commit any crime that needed to be covered up. What part of "there is no other crime" don't you understand?
Buying cars is legal too dummy, until you commit fraud paying for it.

Don't understand why it's so hard for you to get that.

Turley is correct. Merchan is running a Kangaroo Court.
Trump didn't falsify records. Cohen and Weisselberg did.
Trump didn't commit any crime that needed to be covered up. What part of "there is no other crime" don't you understand?
Turley is a well paid shill.
I think the two lawyers on the jury will vote not guilty on all charges. They will understand the massive overreach and consequences of allowing this clown show to convict. Plus they have a vested interest in not legitimizing this novel legal farce.

Trump is clearly guilty on all counts and the defense has been pathetic, but of course, it's hard to present a good defence when your client is so obviously guilty.

The defence spent all of their time cross examining Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen - calling them "liars", all while ignoring the other 18 witnesses, many of whom gave damning testimony.

Nobody believes Trump when he says "I did not have sex with that woman!", any more than they believed Bill Clinton when he tried to use the same line about Monica Lewinsky. And Trump actually had the balls to say that Cohen should not be believed because he was convicted of lying to Congress.

Trump hired Cohen because Cohen was a liar, a bully, and a "fixer" who would do whatever it took to protect him. Cohen lied to Congress to cover up Donald Trump's business dealings in Russia, and the lies he told were to the benefit of no one but Donald Trump.

The defense attacked Cohen's credibility, but they didn't attack the credibility of David Pecker, Hope Hicks, or any of the witnesses other than Cohen or Daniels. They did nothing to impugn the veracity of any of the emails, text messages, or any of the written documents, audio records or signed cheques.

20 witnesses - many of whom are current or past employees of Trump Corporation or the Trump White House, all testified to Trump's behaviours, his obsession over ever bill he paid and paying the least amount possible, his shady business dealings with the National Enquirer, and the conspiracy to keep information about the women away out of the papers during the election campaign.

There are numerous underlying crimes to choose from: campaign finance violations; conspiracy to defraud the American public in an election campaign; tax evasion. The chances of Trump getting a hung jury - which the defense seemed to be aiming for, are slim.
Democrats are desperate for Trump to be found guilty of something. They long for revenge on the guy who has tormented them for years.
MAGAts have sold their souls to a cult of one man and they will say and do literally ANYTHING for that man.
They love and worship this man to the point of such complete and blind devotion that literally nothing else matters to them.
Not common sense and logic.
Not truth.
Not integrity.
And certainly not country.
Turley is correct. Merchan is running a Kangaroo Court.
Trump didn't falsify records. Cohen and Weisselberg did.
Trump didn't commit any crime that needed to be covered up. What part of "there is no other crime" don't you understand?

Turley is a Constitutional law professor who's never been near a courtroom in his entire life. He loves to hear himself talk on TV and he'll say anything you pay him to say.

Why would Weisselberg falsify Trump's books and records? He's not getting anything out of it. Weisselberg wouldn't blow his nose without Trump's permission.

There are multiple underlying crimes. Pick one. The Jury doesn't have to agree unanimously on which one is the underlying crime:

  • Trump conspired with Pecker and Cohen to hide negative stories about him and promote lies about his opponents. That's one crime - conspiracy to defraud the voters.
  • Pecker paid off Karen McDougall and the Doorman - campaign finance violations;
  • Cohen paid off Daniels - more campaign finance violations, more campaign fraud.
  • Trump declared the payments to Cohen "legal fees" - tax evasion.

What part of YOU ELECTED A CRIMINAL CONMAN, do you not understand?

24 months house arrest

I'd like to see him jailed for a couple of days for violating the gag order. I understand that they could keep him in a holding cell in the court house with his Secret Service detail there to protect him.

I think a REAL photo of Trump behind bars would be a big seller with the Cult.

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