Prediction: So when does the Plug get Pulled on the ACA?


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
I went to a conference this weekend and a very informed healthcare expert predicted the Congress will overturn the ACA next April. Why, you ask?

Her logic is that final enrollment ends March 31st. The numbers are likely to be very bad, which mean several things.

1. Obama will either lie about the numbers or sit on them as long as possible. It will probably be mid-April before the real numbers come out.

2. Once the real numbers come out it will be clear the ACA is not sustainable economically. It will then be clear to all Americans the program does not work, has never worked, and never will work.

She said some time around April 21st the bill dies.

Any thoughts? Does anyone think the ACA survives? If so, how?
I went to a conference this weekend and a very informed healthcare expert predicted the Congress will overturn the ACA next April. Why, you ask?

Her logic is that final enrollment ends March 31st. The numbers are likely to be very bad, which mean several things.

1. Obama will either lie about the numbers or sit on them as long as possible. It will probably be mid-April before the real numbers come out.

2. Once the real numbers come out it will be clear the ACA is not sustainable economically. It will then be clear to all Americans the program does not work, has never worked, and never will work.

She said some time around April 21st the bill dies.

Any thoughts? Does anyone think the ACA survives? If so, how?

ObamaCare will not be repealed next year. But it will be repealed, eventually. In our lifetimes.

It will be repealed and replaced by single payer healthcare. Probably within 20 years.
Single payer exists in Countries where trial lawyers cannot sue doctors and hospitals every 3 seconds, and where if you bring a civil suit and lose, you most pay all legal fees for both parties as well as court costs. The only way single payer works in major tort reform.

Question for Dems: Do you support completely reinventing our civil legal system? Do you think Democrats will ever support tort reform to make single payer viable?
What is this ACA bullshit?

Obamacare will be here for generations
So our delusional person has spoken. Now if any intelligent comments are out there....all are welcome. :)
So our delusional person has spoken. Now if any intelligent comments are out there....all are welcome. :)

Obamacare will outlive the TeaParty

So, do you support the ACA over single payer? If so, you are definitely in the very small minority. If you do support single payer, it is only viable in those Countries that do not allow bullshit trial lawyers to run amok.

So, I think there are 3 choices. The old system. ACA. Or single payer with major changes in our civil law. How should it go in your opinion, and do you think Dems will ever support tort reform?
So our delusional person has spoken. Now if any intelligent comments are out there....all are welcome. :)

Obamacare will outlive the TeaParty

So, do you support the ACA over single payer? If so, you are definitely in the very small minority. If you do support single payer, it is only viable in those Countries that do not allow bullshit trial lawyers to run amok.

So, I think there are 3 choices. The old system. ACA. Or single payer with major changes in our civil law. How should it go in your opinion, and do you think Dems will ever support tort reform?

I prefer Single Payer but acknowledge that this country will never accept it regardless of how much sense it makes. There is no way for Obamacare to migrate to Single Payer so it would take a complete overhaul.
Obamacare will evolve as more employers opt out of providing health insurance. A government option will fill the void with Medicare taking a bigger role.
I predict Republicans will embrace the ACA and never call it Obamacare any more
Obamacare will outlive the TeaParty

So, do you support the ACA over single payer? If so, you are definitely in the very small minority. If you do support single payer, it is only viable in those Countries that do not allow bullshit trial lawyers to run amok.

So, I think there are 3 choices. The old system. ACA. Or single payer with major changes in our civil law. How should it go in your opinion, and do you think Dems will ever support tort reform?

I prefer Single Payer but acknowledge that this country will never accept it regardless of how much sense it makes. There is no way for Obamacare to migrate to Single Payer so it would take a complete overhaul.
Obamacare will evolve as more employers opt out of providing health insurance. A government option will fill the void with Medicare taking a bigger role.
I predict Republicans will embrace the ACA and never call it Obamacare any more
Isn't it interesting that those on the right are now speaking of a Single Payer System. During the debates prior to ACA it was the right who managed to get single payer removed from the original bill.
Now, you will immediately say that the gop was not allowed to take part in the drafting of the bill. THAT IS A COMPLETE LIE AND IS ONE MORE EXAMPLE OF HOW EASY IT IS TO FOOL REPUBLICANS.

"That said, some context: Of the 788 amendments filed, 67 came from Democrats and 721 from Republicans. (That disparity drew jeers that Republicans were trying to slow things down. Another explanation may be that they offered so many so they could later claim—as they are now, in fact, claiming—that most of their suggestions went unheeded.) Only 197 amendments were passed in the end—36 from Democrats and 161 from Republicans. And of those 161 GOP amendments, Senate Republicans classify 29 as substantive and 132 as technical. "
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Obamacare will outlive the TeaParty

So, do you support the ACA over single payer? If so, you are definitely in the very small minority. If you do support single payer, it is only viable in those Countries that do not allow bullshit trial lawyers to run amok.

So, I think there are 3 choices. The old system. ACA. Or single payer with major changes in our civil law. How should it go in your opinion, and do you think Dems will ever support tort reform?

I prefer Single Payer but acknowledge that this country will never accept it regardless of how much sense it makes. There is no way for Obamacare to migrate to Single Payer so it would take a complete overhaul.
Obamacare will evolve as more employers opt out of providing health insurance. A government option will fill the void with Medicare taking a bigger role.
I predict Republicans will embrace the ACA and never call it Obamacare any more

You may be right, but the polls show a big majority of Americans support single payer. I have no problem with single payer if major changes are made to our health care system. There will have to be major tort reform (which the Dems will never accept) care rationing, and major cost containment, particularly with big pharma...which neither party will accept.

It terms of economic viability, it is clear to me the ACA is by far the least viable of the three options available. It will die for that reason. Even socialism must ultimately bow to the laws of economics.
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Obamacare will outlive the TeaParty

So, do you support the ACA over single payer? If so, you are definitely in the very small minority. If you do support single payer, it is only viable in those Countries that do not allow bullshit trial lawyers to run amok.

So, I think there are 3 choices. The old system. ACA. Or single payer with major changes in our civil law. How should it go in your opinion, and do you think Dems will ever support tort reform?

I prefer Single Payer but acknowledge that this country will never accept it regardless of how much sense it makes. There is no way for Obamacare to migrate to Single Payer so it would take a complete overhaul.
Obamacare will evolve as more employers opt out of providing health insurance. A government option will fill the void with Medicare taking a bigger role.
I predict Republicans will embrace the ACA and never call it Obamacare any more

Yeah, run with that.

So, do you support the ACA over single payer? If so, you are definitely in the very small minority. If you do support single payer, it is only viable in those Countries that do not allow bullshit trial lawyers to run amok.

So, I think there are 3 choices. The old system. ACA. Or single payer with major changes in our civil law. How should it go in your opinion, and do you think Dems will ever support tort reform?

I prefer Single Payer but acknowledge that this country will never accept it regardless of how much sense it makes. There is no way for Obamacare to migrate to Single Payer so it would take a complete overhaul.
Obamacare will evolve as more employers opt out of providing health insurance. A government option will fill the void with Medicare taking a bigger role.
I predict Republicans will embrace the ACA and never call it Obamacare any more
Isn't it interesting that those on the right are now speaking of a Single Payer System. During the debates prior to ACA it was the right who managed to get single payer removed from the original bill.
Now, you will immediately say that the gop was not allowed to take part in the drafting of the bill. THAT IS A COMPLETE LIE AND IS ONE MORE EXAMPLE OF HOW EASY IT IS TO FOOL REPUBLICANS.

"That said, some context: Of the 788 amendments filed, 67 came from Democrats and 721 from Republicans. (That disparity drew jeers that Republicans were trying to slow things down. Another explanation may be that they offered so many so they could later claim—as they are now, in fact, claiming—that most of their suggestions went unheeded.) Only 197 amendments were passed in the end—36 from Democrats and 161 from Republicans. And of those 161 GOP amendments, Senate Republicans classify 29 as substantive and 132 as technical. "

I like your caps...but I don't give a shit about any of this. It is meaningless. The consensus is the old system was not working well. The ACA is a fucking disaster. The question is what comes next?

That is what we all should be talking about.
Single payer exists in Countries where trial lawyers cannot sue doctors and hospitals every 3 seconds, and where if you bring a civil suit and lose, you most pay all legal fees for both parties as well as court costs. The only way single payer works in major tort reform.

Question for Dems: Do you support completely reinventing our civil legal system? Do you think Democrats will ever support tort reform to make single payer viable?

Single payer exists in countries where the average wait time to see a Doctor is 3 months. The average wait time for ANY surgery is 12-16 months.

I guess it's fine when you are 20-35 years old. It's a real blast when you are 40 and over. Sit and home and die waiting for medical care.
Single payer exists in Countries where trial lawyers cannot sue doctors and hospitals every 3 seconds, and where if you bring a civil suit and lose, you most pay all legal fees for both parties as well as court costs. The only way single payer works in major tort reform.

Question for Dems: Do you support completely reinventing our civil legal system? Do you think Democrats will ever support tort reform to make single payer viable?

well then that suck to be single payer in another country...
Single payer exists in Countries where trial lawyers cannot sue doctors and hospitals every 3 seconds, and where if you bring a civil suit and lose, you most pay all legal fees for both parties as well as court costs. The only way single payer works in major tort reform.

Question for Dems: Do you support completely reinventing our civil legal system? Do you think Democrats will ever support tort reform to make single payer viable?

Single payer exists in countries where the average wait time to see a Doctor is 3 months. The average wait time for ANY surgery is 12-16 months.

Do you have cites for these?

I found this story: The Doc's In, but It'll Be a While

Susan M., a 54-year-old human resources executive in New York City, faithfully schedules a mammogram every year, calling each April because she knows it will take at least six weeks to get an appointment. She went in for her routine screening at the end of May, and a few days later learned she would need a second mammogram because the first wasn't clear enough. First date available: July 3. After complaining to a supervisor, Susan (who didn't want her last name used) got an appointment for a week later, and that's when the real waiting started.

A doctor immediately reviewed the second mammogram and told her it showed an abnormality and that she would need a so-called stereotactic biopsy, an outpatient procedure in which a needle is inserted into the breast. But she couldn't get an appointment for the procedure until mid-August. "I completely freaked out," she says. "I couldn't imagine spending the summer with this hanging over my head!" After many calls to five different facilities, Susan found a clinic that would read her existing mammograms on June 25. They would also schedule a follow-up MRI and a biopsy, if needed, within 10 days. That's a full month after her first, suspicious mammogram. "We are constantly told that early detection of cancer is key," she says. "The system is clearly broken."
I prefer Single Payer but acknowledge that this country will never accept it regardless of how much sense it makes. There is no way for Obamacare to migrate to Single Payer so it would take a complete overhaul.
Obamacare will evolve as more employers opt out of providing health insurance. A government option will fill the void with Medicare taking a bigger role.
I predict Republicans will embrace the ACA and never call it Obamacare any more
Isn't it interesting that those on the right are now speaking of a Single Payer System. During the debates prior to ACA it was the right who managed to get single payer removed from the original bill.
Now, you will immediately say that the gop was not allowed to take part in the drafting of the bill. THAT IS A COMPLETE LIE AND IS ONE MORE EXAMPLE OF HOW EASY IT IS TO FOOL REPUBLICANS.

"That said, some context: Of the 788 amendments filed, 67 came from Democrats and 721 from Republicans. (That disparity drew jeers that Republicans were trying to slow things down. Another explanation may be that they offered so many so they could later claim—as they are now, in fact, claiming—that most of their suggestions went unheeded.) Only 197 amendments were passed in the end—36 from Democrats and 161 from Republicans. And of those 161 GOP amendments, Senate Republicans classify 29 as substantive and 132 as technical. "

I like your caps...but I don't give a shit about any of this. It is meaningless. The consensus is the old system was not working well. The ACA is a fucking disaster. The question is what comes next?

That is what we all should be talking about.

I hear this a lot. By whose measure? What I mean is that I have worked since I was 14. I'm now 69. I have had insurance the vast majority of my working life. I have never once had a problem with the "current system". I have had 3 major surgeries (at a cost of about $500 for all three) - My Wife had her gall bladder removed ($100) a Hysterectomy ($100) two knees replaced ($100) and we both are on medications every day ($10) per prescription - 2 for her and 3 for me ($50) per month for a 90 day supply.

Each Doctors appointment cost us $10 per visit.

Now, this may seem like a lot, but the surgeries were over a 25 year time period and we see our Doctor every 3 months. Our insurance picks up the rest.

How is that not "fair"?
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I hear this a lot. By whose measure? What I mean is that I have worked since I was 14. I'm now 69. I have had insurance the vast majority of my working life. I have never once had a problem with the "current system". I have had 3 major surgeries (at a cost of about $500 for all three) - My Wife had her gall bladder removed ($100) a Hysterectomy ($100) two knees replaced ($100) and we both are on medications every day ($10) per prescription - 2 for her and 3 for me ($50) per month.

Each Doctors appointment cost us $10 per visit.

Now, this may seem like a lot, but the surgeries were over a 25 year time period and we see our Doctor every 3 months. Our insurance picks up the rest.

How is that not "fair"?

It's an anecdote not indicative of what others experience.

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