Prediction: So when does the Plug get Pulled on the ACA?

The problem with the old system was cost and access. Obamacare compounds those problems. The question remains....when does the turd call Obamacare die?
Why anyone would want the Govt in charge of HC for 300 million Americans is beyond me.

The Govt that has never run anything cheaply or well in charge of HC??

The Govt that turns everything into red tape, paperwork and waits in charge of HC??

Good Gawd. Talk about a trainwreck.

This would work much better than either the ACA or Single Payer The Best Alternative to Obamacare - Clark S. Judge (
Prediction: So when does the Plug get Pulled on the ACA?

Won't be repealed. That would take 2/3ds of the House and Senate to override the pres's veto.
Why anyone would want the Govt in charge of HC for 300 million Americans is beyond me.

The Govt that has never run anything cheaply or well in charge of HC??

The Govt that turns everything into red tape, paperwork and waits in charge of HC??

Good Gawd. Talk about a trainwreck.

This would work much better than either the ACA or Single Payer The Best Alternative to Obamacare - Clark S. Judge (

And therein lies the problem. We have a generation of young people that have been told all their lives that "socialism" is some sort of shining rainbow out there in never-never land and we should all strive to be socialists (thank you public schools).

Problem is that no matter what example you use of the "government" handling things - you come up with failure.

When you compare the "government" to private industry - the "government" loses every time. The United States is/has been the envy of the world in the medical industry and has been for the last 100 years. Unfortunately in this "victim" climate that we live in - being "successful" is looked down on.

We have to "help" those out there that "can't do it on their own" (and haven't been able to for 4-5 generations now). No one has a problem helping those sick and unable to help themselves. No one does. What I have a problem with is helping generation after generation after generation of garbage that refuses to even try.

It's sort of like this BS bullying thing that we are currently going through where, if I call you a fool, I am a bully. It's all part of the equation of turning everyone into a "victim".

Don't like being bullied? Turn around, stand on your own two feet, and knock the hell out of the damned "bully".

Same thing with this healthcare BS. Get off your ass, get a job and get covered. Don't expect US to pay for THEM.
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Time to go to single payer.

Simply because it works...

The ongoing coverage of, and debate over, the Obamacare rollout is prompting a great deal of verbiage from the left of the need to go to single payer in light of Obamacare’s inadequacies which, at least for now, are on full display. Presumably these single payer advocates believe in the old adage that the best defense is a good offense which is understandable since some sources attribute the line to Chairman Mao, for whom they no doubt have great admiration. While the merits of single payer are nice to discuss and debate (and dream of if you are a liberal, I’m sorry, I meant progressive), it is hard to imagine any reasonable way that single payer could be the offspring of the inadequacies of Obamacare.

If Obamacare is so flawed that it has to be repealed or seriously changed in one direction or the other (lets call the extremes flat out repeal on the one hand and single payer on the other) is the post Obamacare-apocalypse really going to be an environment conducive to going to single payer? A significant left wing Democratic invasion led by President Obama and his theater commanders Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid of the private health industry will have failed (it was supposed to be the political D-Day for liberal active government and what we are getting is the Bay of Pigs)and the answer will be further movement to the left and more government intervention? It reminds me of Bill Clinton’s line during the 2012 campaign when he told voters not to listen to the Republicans blaming Democrats for the weak economy just because the Democrats hadn’t had enough time to fix the mess the Republicans caused in the first place (as of this writing they still hadn’t had enough time, and its looking like they never will). It wasn’t a bad political argument then and a similar argument will be available to the Republicans in the event of the flat out failure of Obamacare. In that event, the same logic would seem to apply and the Republican argument that the Democrats will have shown that government controlled health care doesn’t work and that they certainly cant be trusted with the fix would likely be very persuasive.

Also, while you never can tell, if the results of Obamacare are so bad that this type of change is necessary, there will be an intervening election where, in all likelihood, the Democrats wont do too well to put it mildly (again, think Bay of Pigs here) and certainly wont have the same kind of extraordinary, once in generations majority that they had when they passed Obamacare and still couldn’t get single payer though which they would have done if they could have.

So single payer is nice to discuss and can remain the dream of the left but either eventually the Obamacare ship will be righted (and that may well happen) and there will be no reason to replace Obamacare with single payer or it will prove to be the Titanic of entitlement programs in which case there will be no way you could ever replace Obamacare with single payer. Bottom line: single payer ain't happening any time soon. No way. No how.
It won't be repealed. The President will veto repeal, and if a Republican is elected President in 2016, the Democratic Senate will block repeal, and if the Republicans win the Senate in 2016, the Democratic Senate will filibuster repeal.
It won't be repealed. The President will veto repeal, and if a Republican is elected President in 2016, the Democratic Senate will block repeal, and if the Republicans win the Senate in 2016, the Democratic Senate will filibuster repeal.

Umm….you are forgetting 2014? The House will pick up republican seats and the Senate will go republican. That one - you can take to the bank. We WILL, however, enter into a stalemate. That's why Barry is working so hard to get this BS going. Once this crap is implemented, and people are paying for it in force, it will be next to impossible to repeal. That's why SS has never gone away. It's a little thing called "contractual liability".
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They say the website has a 1 second wait time now, so the tidal wave of Pubcrappe is ending soon. ACA will NEVER get pulled- By this time next year, it will have 60-70 per cent approval with a bullet...

Everything you know is wrong, change the channel, hater dupes. This is just greedy Pub and insurance cronies having their last chance to rip you off on health care...
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Prediction: So when does the Plug get Pulled on the ACA?

Won't be repealed. That would take 2/3ds of the House and Senate to override the pres's veto.

I agree with the logic, but there is just one problem. The American Public still actually matters. If it becomes clear that the American Public will not accept the ACA, and Democrats fear for their political will die.

Defections are already happening. It will only get worse when 90 million more Americans get kicked off their insurance plans next year. A recent cost analysis across the U.S. says the average middle class American will see a 41% increase in insurance costs. When that reality sinks in....very bad news.
20 per cent of the bs Pub stats against ACA are Dems for single payer....NOT the intent and may NEVER happen, we'll just have private insurance, well regulated, like Switzerland and Holland- two other big capitalists...
They say the website has a 1 second wait time now, so the tidal wave of Pubcrappe is ending soon. ACA will NEVER get pulled- By this time next year, it will have 60-70 per cent approval with a bullet...

Everything you know is wrong, change the channel, hater dupes. This is just greedy Pub and insurance cronies having their last chance to rip you off on health care...

Mr. Spaghettio,

I usually don't respond to your nonsense, but I thought I'd help you out on this one. is currently functioning with a 1% error rate for 25,000 users. It can only support 25,000 users per the Obama Administration. That is less than 10% of the capacity it needs to work properly.

The system has to enroll 7 million people in a two week span from Dec 1 through Dec 15th so people will have coverage for next year. That means almost half a million people will need to enroll a day.

Mr Spaghettio, what are the odds Obama makes that happen in 12 days? :lol:
Was the mistake with America's medical care program that of trying to partner with the insurance companies? They have a completely different goal than the government's.
Prediction: So when does the Plug get Pulled on the ACA?

Won't be repealed. That would take 2/3ds of the House and Senate to override the pres's veto.

I agree with the logic, but there is just one problem. The American Public still actually matters. If it becomes clear that the American Public will not accept the ACA, and Democrats fear for their political will die.

Defections are already happening. It will only get worse when 90 million more Americans get kicked off their insurance plans next year. A recent cost analysis across the U.S. says the average middle class American will see a 41% increase in insurance costs. When that reality sinks in....very bad news.

That's right from the right of center to the left of center, as Dems and Pubs are coming together to fix ACA.

That recent cost analysis is faulty, does not include subsidies, and is a worse case scenario.

We will not be going back to the old broken health care system before aCA.
What I am concerned about, WQ, is that the TeaPs again may convince Boehner to try and shut down government and default the debt.

Then end result of that will be single payer national health care.
They say the website has a 1 second wait time now, so the tidal wave of Pubcrappe is ending soon. ACA will NEVER get pulled- By this time next year, it will have 60-70 per cent approval with a bullet...

Everything you know is wrong, change the channel, hater dupes. This is just greedy Pub and insurance cronies having their last chance to rip you off on health care...

Mr. Spaghettio,

I usually don't respond to your nonsense, but I thought I'd help you out on this one. is currently functioning with a 1% error rate for 25,000 users. It can only support 25,000 users per the Obama Administration. That is less than 10% of the capacity it needs to work properly.

The system has to enroll 7 million people in a two week span from Dec 1 through Dec 15th so people will have coverage for next year. That means almost half a million people will need to enroll a day.

Mr Spaghettio, what are the odds Obama makes that happen in 12 days? :lol:

The 7mm has an entire year to make that number, not 12 days. Go do your research.
So, do you support the ACA over single payer? If so, you are definitely in the very small minority. If you do support single payer, it is only viable in those Countries that do not allow bullshit trial lawyers to run amok.

So, I think there are 3 choices. The old system. ACA. Or single payer with major changes in our civil law. How should it go in your opinion, and do you think Dems will ever support tort reform?

I prefer Single Payer but acknowledge that this country will never accept it regardless of how much sense it makes. There is no way for Obamacare to migrate to Single Payer so it would take a complete overhaul.
Obamacare will evolve as more employers opt out of providing health insurance. A government option will fill the void with Medicare taking a bigger role.
I predict Republicans will embrace the ACA and never call it Obamacare any more
Isn't it interesting that those on the right are now speaking of a Single Payer System. During the debates prior to ACA it was the right who managed to get single payer removed from the original bill.

You're deluded if you think rightwinger is actually a "right-winger." No one on the right has ever advocated single payer.
They say the website has a 1 second wait time now, so the tidal wave of Pubcrappe is ending soon. ACA will NEVER get pulled- By this time next year, it will have 60-70 per cent approval with a bullet...

Everything you know is wrong, change the channel, hater dupes. This is just greedy Pub and insurance cronies having their last chance to rip you off on health care...

Mr. Spaghettio,

I usually don't respond to your nonsense, but I thought I'd help you out on this one. is currently functioning with a 1% error rate for 25,000 users. It can only support 25,000 users per the Obama Administration. That is less than 10% of the capacity it needs to work properly.

The system has to enroll 7 million people in a two week span from Dec 1 through Dec 15th so people will have coverage for next year. That means almost half a million people will need to enroll a day.

Mr Spaghettio, what are the odds Obama makes that happen in 12 days? :lol:

The 7mm has an entire year to make that number, not 12 days. Go do your research.

I am correct. The millions who just lost their coverage have until December 15 to sign up for new coverage that would go into effect Jan 1 2014. If they do not sign up by December 15 they will not have insurance at the start of the year.

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