Prediction: So when does the Plug get Pulled on the ACA?

"Unless Obama and company comes up with some good temporary fixes and is able to lie convincingly enough in the next 12 months, this will be huge ammunition for Republicans to use against the Democrats come next November." No lies will be necessary if ACA comes up with good fixes and an ongoing productive profile. If not, then the GOP can vote for good mainstream primary candidates and handily win the House and maybe the Senate in the fall of 2014.
So our delusional person has spoken. Now if any intelligent comments are out there....all are welcome. :)

Obamacare will outlive the TeaParty

hindsight tells us the tea party was right about obamacare.

about the mechanics, perhaps, but the shut down and attempted default nearly finished the TeaPs.

If they do it again, it will finish the TeaPs for ever and will lead to massive Dem victories next year.
The ACA will be fine and accepted eventually. I would imagine that any large program goes through / went through the same roll-out problems to some degree.
The ACA will be fine and accepted eventually. I would imagine that any large program goes through / went through the same roll-out problems to some degree.

And you would imagine wrong.

I got a news flash for you, Ms Earhart. This thing is going to crash and burn all around you.

You ain't seen nothing yet. This is the small part of the ACA. Small potatoes. Kindergarten.

Wait until the Employer program hits and people start to get layed-off, fired, have their hours cut back, have their employers cancel their ENTIRE Group Plan.

You ain't seen nothing yet.

dimocraps are so stupid, it's just incredible.

Making something work is a lot harder than just running your fucking mouth about it. You need to learn that.

But you won't. Never have, never will.
Don't forget that folks are getting a look at what this POS is going to cost them.

When you hit folks in the pocketbook they pay attention.
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"This thing is going to crash and burn all around you."

The TeaP denials are getting more shrill.
The ACA will be fine and accepted eventually. I would imagine that any large program goes through / went through the same roll-out problems to some degree.

And you would imagine wrong.

I got a news flash for you, Ms Earhart. This thing is going to crash and burn all around you.

You ain't seen nothing yet. This is the small part of the ACA. Small potatoes. Kindergarten.

Wait until the Employer program hits and people start to get layed-off, fired, have their hours cut back, have their employers cancel their ENTIRE Group Plan.

You ain't seen nothing yet.

dimocraps are so stupid, it's just incredible.

Making something work is a lot harder than just running your fucking mouth about it. You need to learn that.

But you won't. Never have, never will.

I remember the same sort of "over my dead body" nonsense that was going on in Texas back when the State passed seatbelt laws. Today something like 98% of Texans wear seatbelts. The angry, bitter, brain-dead opposition will be cowed into silence pretty soon then you won't be able to find those who were once so vocally opposed.
The ACA will be fine and accepted eventually. I would imagine that any large program goes through / went through the same roll-out problems to some degree.

And you would imagine wrong.

I got a news flash for you, Ms Earhart. This thing is going to crash and burn all around you.

You ain't seen nothing yet. This is the small part of the ACA. Small potatoes. Kindergarten.

Wait until the Employer program hits and people start to get layed-off, fired, have their hours cut back, have their employers cancel their ENTIRE Group Plan.

You ain't seen nothing yet.

dimocraps are so stupid, it's just incredible.

Making something work is a lot harder than just running your fucking mouth about it. You need to learn that.

But you won't. Never have, never will.

I remember the same sort of "over my dead body" nonsense that was going on in Texas back when the State passed seatbelt laws. Today something like 98% of Texans wear seatbelts. The angry, bitter, brain-dead opposition will be cowed into silence pretty soon then you won't be able to find those who were once so vocally opposed.

Seatbelts, huh?

It's got to be scary inside that noodle of yours.

The ACA is dead, it just hasn't stopped breathing yet.

Every knowledgeable programmer I've read says the system is so flawed that every time they fix one problem, five more pop up. That the entire system needs to be torn down.

And that isn't even the worst of it. People ain't digging the premiums much, either.

Wait until Employers start putting people out of work over this.

Of course, it will be Republicans' fault.... Somehow.

You people are like Convicts. Never seen a guilty man in Prison.
I went to a conference this weekend and a very informed healthcare expert predicted the Congress will overturn the ACA next April. Why, you ask?

Her logic is that final enrollment ends March 31st. The numbers are likely to be very bad, which mean several things.

1. Obama will either lie about the numbers or sit on them as long as possible. It will probably be mid-April before the real numbers come out.

2. Once the real numbers come out it will be clear the ACA is not sustainable economically. It will then be clear to all Americans the program does not work, has never worked, and never will work.

She said some time around April 21st the bill dies.

Any thoughts? Does anyone think the ACA survives? If so, how?

ObamaCare will not be repealed next year. But it will be repealed, eventually. In our lifetimes.

It will be repealed and replaced by single payer healthcare. Probably within 20 years.

I hope you are right.

This ACA mess is the direct result of the big insurance companies refusing to give up health care as one of their services. Too much money involved in taking it all up front, and then raising the premiums or dumping the policy holder as soon as he or she sneezes.
And you would imagine wrong.

I got a news flash for you, Ms Earhart. This thing is going to crash and burn all around you.

You ain't seen nothing yet. This is the small part of the ACA. Small potatoes. Kindergarten.

Wait until the Employer program hits and people start to get layed-off, fired, have their hours cut back, have their employers cancel their ENTIRE Group Plan.

You ain't seen nothing yet.

dimocraps are so stupid, it's just incredible.

Making something work is a lot harder than just running your fucking mouth about it. You need to learn that.

But you won't. Never have, never will.

I remember the same sort of "over my dead body" nonsense that was going on in Texas back when the State passed seatbelt laws. Today something like 98% of Texans wear seatbelts. The angry, bitter, brain-dead opposition will be cowed into silence pretty soon then you won't be able to find those who were once so vocally opposed.

Seatbelts, huh?

It's got to be scary inside that noodle of yours.

The ACA is dead, it just hasn't stopped breathing yet.

Every knowledgeable programmer I've read says the system is so flawed that every time they fix one problem, five more pop up. That the entire system needs to be torn down.

And that isn't even the worst of it. People ain't digging the premiums much, either.

Wait until Employers start putting people out of work over this.

Of course, it will be Republicans' fault.... Somehow.

You people are like Convicts. Never seen a guilty man in Prison.

And you are like a mushroom. Never seen the light of day and grows just fine in shit.
And you would imagine wrong.

I got a news flash for you, Ms Earhart. This thing is going to crash and burn all around you.

You ain't seen nothing yet. This is the small part of the ACA. Small potatoes. Kindergarten.

Wait until the Employer program hits and people start to get layed-off, fired, have their hours cut back, have their employers cancel their ENTIRE Group Plan.

You ain't seen nothing yet.

dimocraps are so stupid, it's just incredible.

Making something work is a lot harder than just running your fucking mouth about it. You need to learn that.

But you won't. Never have, never will.

I remember the same sort of "over my dead body" nonsense that was going on in Texas back when the State passed seatbelt laws. Today something like 98% of Texans wear seatbelts. The angry, bitter, brain-dead opposition will be cowed into silence pretty soon then you won't be able to find those who were once so vocally opposed.

Seatbelts, huh?

It's got to be scary inside that noodle of yours.

The ACA is dead, it just hasn't stopped breathing yet.

Every knowledgeable programmer I've read says the system is so flawed that every time they fix one problem, five more pop up. That the entire system needs to be torn down.

And that isn't even the worst of it. People ain't digging the premiums much, either.

Wait until Employers start putting people out of work over this.

Of course, it will be Republicans' fault.... Somehow.

You people are like Convicts. Never seen a guilty man in Prison.

I remember the same sort of "over my dead body" nonsense that was going on in Texas back when the State passed seatbelt laws. Today something like 98% of Texans wear seatbelts. The angry, bitter, brain-dead opposition will be cowed into silence pretty soon then you won't be able to find those who were once so vocally opposed.

Hey if you're going to make the same post twice, I should too.
The ACA will be fine and accepted eventually. I would imagine that any large program goes through / went through the same roll-out problems to some degree.

And you would imagine wrong.

I got a news flash for you, Ms Earhart. This thing is going to crash and burn all around you.

You ain't seen nothing yet. This is the small part of the ACA. Small potatoes. Kindergarten.

Wait until the Employer program hits and people start to get layed-off, fired, have their hours cut back, have their employers cancel their ENTIRE Group Plan.

You ain't seen nothing yet.

dimocraps are so stupid, it's just incredible.

Making something work is a lot harder than just running your fucking mouth about it. You need to learn that.

But you won't. Never have, never will.

I remember the same sort of "over my dead body" nonsense that was going on in Texas back when the State passed seatbelt laws. Today something like 98% of Texans wear seatbelts. The angry, bitter, brain-dead opposition will be cowed into silence pretty soon then you won't be able to find those who were once so vocally opposed.

seatbelts don't cost people monet and have huge deductables. the only reason most people where seatbelts is the heavy fine you get if you don't. i still won't wear one.
I and Mr. Foxfyre get Medicare which is the closest thing we have to single payer health insurance in this country.

It is affordable for us so far even though our premiums are going up 38% and our copays and deductibles have doubled AND both Mr. Foxfyre and myself have lost our primary care doctors and a few specialists due to the ACA. So are we happy campers? No, not at all.

But because we have a direct relationship with those in the medical profession, I can say with confidence that doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals are ALL in agreement that Medicare is one of the most expensive, inefficient, indefensible, and increasingly complicated and confused healthcare system ever imposed upon the American people. And as more and more funding is drained from it and more and more regulations and requirements are piled onto it, we can expect thousands more doctors to stop taking medicare patients at all. As well as more and more healthcare professionals leaving public practice and going to do something else.

But will the inefficiency, expense, and incomprehensible and stupid rules kill ACA? Nope. Our government thrives on it and really doesn't care much whether anything works like it is supposed to as long as they can throw folks enough bones to keep the professional politicians and bureaucrats in their cushy positions.

It will be the people themselves that have to kill the ACA by voting out enough of those career politicians and voting in enough reformers to get it done. Will that happen? I dunno.

The one unknown factor at this time is whether by late spring or summer that enough Democrats are running really scared enough that they'll agree to rescind Obamacare. That hasn't happened in a long time, but anything is possible.

Are you ready to give up your Medicare in exchange for a voucher so you can go try and find a private company that will insure you?

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