Prediction: So when does the Plug get Pulled on the ACA?

I and Mr. Foxfyre get Medicare which is the closest thing we have to single payer health insurance in this country.

It is affordable for us so far even though our premiums are going up 38% and our copays and deductibles have doubled AND both Mr. Foxfyre and myself have lost our primary care doctors and a few specialists due to the ACA. So are we happy campers? No, not at all.

But because we have a direct relationship with those in the medical profession, I can say with confidence that doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals are ALL in agreement that Medicare is one of the most expensive, inefficient, indefensible, and increasingly complicated and confused healthcare system ever imposed upon the American people. And as more and more funding is drained from it and more and more regulations and requirements are piled onto it, we can expect thousands more doctors to stop taking medicare patients at all. As well as more and more healthcare professionals leaving public practice and going to do something else.

But will the inefficiency, expense, and incomprehensible and stupid rules kill ACA? Nope. Our government thrives on it and really doesn't care much whether anything works like it is supposed to as long as they can throw folks enough bones to keep the professional politicians and bureaucrats in their cushy positions.

It will be the people themselves that have to kill the ACA by voting out enough of those career politicians and voting in enough reformers to get it done. Will that happen? I dunno.

The one unknown factor at this time is whether by late spring or summer that enough Democrats are running really scared enough that they'll agree to rescind Obamacare. That hasn't happened in a long time, but anything is possible.
Mr. Spaghettio,

I usually don't respond to your nonsense, but I thought I'd help you out on this one. is currently functioning with a 1% error rate for 25,000 users. It can only support 25,000 users per the Obama Administration. That is less than 10% of the capacity it needs to work properly.

The system has to enroll 7 million people in a two week span from Dec 1 through Dec 15th so people will have coverage for next year. That means almost half a million people will need to enroll a day.

Mr Spaghettio, what are the odds Obama makes that happen in 12 days? :lol:

The 7mm has an entire year to make that number, not 12 days. Go do your research.

I am correct. The millions who just lost their coverage have until December 15 to sign up for new coverage that would go into effect Jan 1 2014. If they do not sign up by December 15 they will not have insurance at the start of the year.

You are wrong. Go check the rules.
The 7mm has an entire year to make that number, not 12 days. Go do your research.

I am correct. The millions who just lost their coverage have until December 15 to sign up for new coverage that would go into effect Jan 1 2014. If they do not sign up by December 15 they will not have insurance at the start of the year.

You are wrong. Go check the rules.

No I am not. Post your source. Otherwise, I say, as usual, you are wrong.
GD WEBSITE....If it works Nov. 30, it'll still be ok, despite a-hole insurance companies. The people who really need it will get it...GD website CCG A-HOLES, PUBS UNDER FUNDING IT AFTER DROPPING TWICE AS MANY AS EXPECTED INTO IT....INSURERS CANCELLING INSEAD OF FIXING POLICIES...GREAT COVERAGE OF that FROM OUR CORPORATE MEDIA...
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The "Plug" will never be pulled because those in power still believe it will work and be the best thing ever. They will tinker with it, add and subtract things until the end of time.

How do I know this? How do I know this thing will last forever?

I have one word

It won't be repealed. The President will veto repeal, and if a Republican is elected President in 2016, the Democratic Senate will block repeal, and if the Republicans win the Senate in 2016, the Democratic Senate will filibuster repeal.

That may well stop repeal but remember that a key part of passing this (after the election of Scott Brown) was that they went through budget reconcilliation which requires only a majority vote in the Senate (there was controversy over whether they could use this but they did). So if the Republicans take the White House (not saying they will, but if they do) and the senate they will be able to seriously undermine the law and weaken it this way even if they cant flat out repeal it.
It won't be repealed. The President will veto repeal, and if a Republican is elected President in 2016, the Democratic Senate will block repeal, and if the Republicans win the Senate in 2016, the Democratic Senate will filibuster repeal.

That may well stop repeal but remember that a key part of passing this (after the election of Scott Brown) was that they went through budget reconcilliation which requires only a majority vote in the Senate (there was controversy over whether they could use this but they did). So if the Republicans take the White House (not saying they will, but if they do) and the senate they will be able to seriously undermine the law and weaken it this way even if they cant flat out repeal it.

If a law can be passed by reconciliation, then it can be repealed by reconciliation.
It won't be repealed. The President will veto repeal, and if a Republican is elected President in 2016, the Democratic Senate will block repeal, and if the Republicans win the Senate in 2016, the Democratic Senate will filibuster repeal.

That may well stop repeal but remember that a key part of passing this (after the election of Scott Brown) was that they went through budget reconcilliation which requires only a majority vote in the Senate (there was controversy over whether they could use this but they did). So if the Republicans take the White House (not saying they will, but if they do) and the senate they will be able to seriously undermine the law and weaken it this way even if they cant flat out repeal it.

If a law can be passed by reconciliation, then it can be repealed by reconciliation.

But it does require the signature of the President. Will his ego allow it even if enough Democrats are running scared enough to join with Republicans to repeal it?

We already see that he disrespects the process enough that he is making up his own law as we go along--exempting this group via executive order--exempting that group--now he presumes to say those who have been canceled can get their policies back for a year if they can though there is nothing in the law to allow that. . . . .

We have a would-be dictator in the White House and the ACA is the ONLY signature legislation he can point to. And since his ego is his most outsitanding character trait, I just don't see him giving it up. We will have to have a veto proof Congress to accomplish it and though I can easily see the Republicans regaining the Senate and increasing their numbers in the House, I don't read the tea leaves that they will achieve a super majority in 2014.
I am correct. The millions who just lost their coverage have until December 15 to sign up for new coverage that would go into effect Jan 1 2014. If they do not sign up by December 15 they will not have insurance at the start of the year.

You are wrong. Go check the rules.

No I am not. Post your source. Otherwise, I say, as usual, you are wrong.


Post your source, it is your affirmation. I have a reply ready for that, but your assertion is only an opinion without evidence.

Post it.
I believe that is the ultimate goal. I have heard at least two Democrats openly admit this.

Then why didn't they write and pass single payer???

Very simple -- despite their big majorities in the house and the senate they didnt have the votes for that.

They would have if they could have -- but they couldn't

Exactly. There wasn't legitimate support for it, so they deliberately conned the nation. This is the worst legislative fraud I've ever seen from Congress.
I believe that is the ultimate goal. I have heard at least two Democrats openly admit this.

Then why didn't they write and pass single payer???

Very simple -- despite their big majorities in the house and the senate they didnt have the votes for that.

They would have if they could have -- but they couldn't

Exactly. There wasn't legitimate support for it, so they concocted the con of ACA as a their means of forcing it on us anyway. This is the worst legislative fraud I've ever seen from Congress.
Then why didn't they write and pass single payer???

Very simple -- despite their big majorities in the house and the senate they didnt have the votes for that.

They would have if they could have -- but they couldn't

Exactly. There wasn't legitimate support for it, so they deliberately conned the nation. This is the worst legislative fraud I've ever seen from Congress.

That is the most unconscionable thing about it. Not only is it terrible legislation that very few Democrats saw fit to even read before they voted for it, but it was sold with flat out intentional, deliberate, and calculated lies. Well some of them are reading it now and finding out they don't like it but the fat is in the fire. The Congressional Record clearly shows they voted for it. And the more convoluted the implementation becomes and the more people are finding out how much it is going to cost them in lost liberties, in lost healthcare plans they did like and can no longer have, in beloved doctors that they will no longer have access to, in decreased access to medical treatement they need, and in massive out of pocket expense, they are beginning to realize how blatantly and cruelly their government has lied to them.

Unless Obama and company comes up with some good temporary fixes and is able to lie convincingly enough in the next 12 months, this will be huge ammunition for Republicans to use against the Democrats come next November. And I hope we are all waking up and won't be so gullible to believe the lies they feed us now because electing Republicans committed to getting rid of the ACA is the only hope we have.

If anything good comes out of this, they have shown their true colors. And many Americans who had been blinded by the 'messiah' image Obama and his publicists created for him are beginning to shed the blinders and see things for how they are. That could ultimately be a good thing. If enough people do that, it will even make it worth it.
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