Predictions on Cuomo


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
So now that the press has admitted that Cuomo sent around 15 thousand elderly patients to their deaths by mixing in Covid patients in nursing homes, and then lied about it so Trump would not investigate him, how will the press and DOJ sweep this under the rug once and for all, and will Cuomo someday become President in the next fraudulent election?
With our current DOJ, I think any preferred politician can get away with anything. I have no faith in Biden and less in the DOJ. So my guess is that Cuomo could be anything he wants to. Between voter fraud and corrupt government, it's gonna be real hard for people to have their voices heard going forward.
So now that the press has admitted that Cuomo sent around 15 thousand elderly patients to their deaths by mixing in Covid patients in nursing homes, and then lied about it so Trump would not investigate him, how will the press and DOJ sweep this under the rug once and for all, and will Cuomo someday become President in the next fraudulent election?

I was going to say the same thing. He will probably run for president. The Archons love entities that kill for them, so they can feed off the death and destruction.
So now that the press has admitted that Cuomo sent around 15 thousand elderly patients to their deaths by mixing in Covid patients in nursing homes, and then lied about it so Trump would not investigate him, how will the press and DOJ sweep this under the rug once and for all, and will Cuomo someday become President in the next fraudulent election?
How many times did Rush Limbaugh say on his radio show a dem could get caught murdering someone on video and nothing would be done
cuomo is exhibit A
So now that the press has admitted that Cuomo sent around 15 thousand elderly patients to their deaths by mixing in Covid patients in nursing homes,
Only 15,000 NH patients died n TOTAL.

So according to the OP there would have been ZERO elderly that died in this pandemic in NY had Cuomo not sent recovering patients back to the NHs.

Lie much? You fuckers are worse than he is...
So now that the press has admitted that Cuomo sent around 15 thousand elderly patients to their deaths by mixing in Covid patients in nursing homes, and then lied about it so Trump would not investigate him, how will the press and DOJ sweep this under the rug once and for all, and will Cuomo someday become President in the next fraudulent election?

They won't.....Harris doesn't want any challengers for 2024 so she will send the DOJ and after him....and newsom.....and any other democrat who will threaten her chance at re-election...
With our current DOJ, I think any preferred politician can get away with anything. I have no faith in Biden and less in the DOJ. So my guess is that Cuomo could be anything he wants to. Between voter fraud and corrupt government, it's gonna be real hard for people to have their voices heard going forward.

Have to disagree.....Harris will send the DOJ after him and any other democrat who pokes their head up for a run in 2024...
So now that the press has admitted that Cuomo sent around 15 thousand elderly patients to their deaths by mixing in Covid patients in nursing homes, and then lied about it so Trump would not investigate him, how will the press and DOJ sweep this under the rug once and for all, and will Cuomo someday become President in the next fraudulent election?

Cuomo has not admitted anything of the kind. He vociferously denies it. This is just another attempt to smear a democratic governor for doing with the CDC recommend it.

The rate of deaths in New York nursing homes are substantially lower than the rate of deaths in any red state nursing homes. So the whole line of attack is false.

There is no evidence of Cuomo killed anyone by sending patients back to nursing homes. If anything the nursing home should be held liable for not properly quarantining the sick. They’re supposed to have a reverse pressure room at all nursing homes for contagious people.

This idea that Cuomo sent people back to the nursing homes to infect the whole nursing home and kill everyone is just more Republican bullshit.

This is just the right wing playing “now I’ve got you, you son of a bitch”. And like most Republican attacks it’s a lie.

There are lots of things that you people could criticize Democrats do. But instead of going with honest criticism you go with bullshit. It speaks to the basic dishonesty which is at the root of the problem that you have with political discourse.

Political discourse is so dishonest that no one is telling the truth. You don’t honestly criticize the opposition you just lie about them.
So now that the press has admitted that Cuomo sent around 15 thousand elderly patients to their deaths by mixing in Covid patients in nursing homes, and then lied about it so Trump would not investigate him, how will the press and DOJ sweep this under the rug once and for all, and will Cuomo someday become President in the next fraudulent election?
He is a Democrat so liberal biased media will run block for his sorry ass.
Como is protected by the shadow cabal. He could sleep with Chinese spies and get a total pass. He will probably run for President and the shadow cabal will make sure he wins.

Not only did Democrats work with their ccp counterparts to bring the virus here, they did what they could to spread it and kill as many people as possible to justify lockdowns and ruin the economy to hurt Trump.
So now that the press has admitted that Cuomo sent around 15 thousand elderly patients to their deaths by mixing in Covid patients in nursing homes, and then lied about it so Trump would not investigate him, how will the press and DOJ sweep this under the rug once and for all, and will Cuomo someday become President in the next fraudulent election?
The real horror in all of this is Trump spent a zillion dollars to refit one of those floating hospitals with what, 500 beds for the elderly especially for them. And he thumbs his nose at Trump because no one else in the world could pull that off but Trump. They used like 5 beds or something.

He needs to be indicted today and hauled out with Fredo's Covid swab shoved all the way up his fucking rectum by that FOX Weather lady as a representative of everyone.

Look at these fucking assklowns joking about this. They should be hung Benito style.
Chris Cuomo teases brother Andrew with giant test swab - YouTube
So now that the press has admitted that Cuomo sent around 15 thousand elderly patients to their deaths by mixing in Covid patients in nursing homes,
Only 15,000 NH patients died n TOTAL.

So according to the OP there would have been ZERO elderly that died in this pandemic in NY had Cuomo not sent recovering patients back to the NHs.

Lie much? You fuckers are worse than he is...
He had a GD 500 bed hospital floating empty in a fucking harbor.

Would you want him as your Governor????.....Yes or no
Como is protected by the shadow cabal. He could sleep with Chinese spies and get a total pass. He will probably run for President and the shadow cabal will make sure he wins.

Not only did Democrats work with their ccp counterparts to bring the virus here, they did what they could to spread it and kill as many people as possible to justify lockdowns and ruin the economy to hurt Trump.
Trump offered him an army of medical personnel. Guess what? Trump bad man.
So now that the press has admitted that Cuomo sent around 15 thousand elderly patients to their deaths by mixing in Covid patients in nursing homes, and then lied about it so Trump would not investigate him, how will the press and DOJ sweep this under the rug once and for all, and will Cuomo someday become President in the next fraudulent election?

Easily, they MSM will just quickly move on from it and stop reporting on it. There will be no assigning of blame, or broad-brush accusations of how Cuomo's corruption and immorality is a sign of the entire Democrat party, as would happen with a Republican. Thus, they'll be no mainstream outrage, and thus, he is defended.

By not reporting it, only right wing sources will, and thus people can say "Oh, it must be some conspiracy theory if only right wing sources are reporting it".. they use that strategy on all stories that might harm Democrats, and it sadly works.
Como is protected by the shadow cabal. He could sleep with Chinese spies and get a total pass. He will probably run for President and the shadow cabal will make sure he wins.

Not only did Democrats work with their ccp counterparts to bring the virus here, they did what they could to spread it and kill as many people as possible to justify lockdowns and ruin the economy to hurt Trump.
Trump offered him an army of medical personnel. Guess what? Trump bad man.
His goal was to spread the virus and kill as many Americans as possible to justify lockdowns. He will be rewarded by xi's shadow cabal that runs our nation. Democrats did what they did on purpose. Like Pelosi begging people to go shop in Chinatown.
So now that the press has admitted that Cuomo sent around 15 thousand elderly patients to their deaths by mixing in Covid patients in nursing homes, and then lied about it so Trump would not investigate him, how will the press and DOJ sweep this under the rug once and for all, and will Cuomo someday become President in the next fraudulent election?

You post as a complete idiot.

This entire attack on Cuomo is a political hit job.

Nothing will come of it.
So now that the press has admitted that Cuomo sent around 15 thousand elderly patients to their deaths by mixing in Covid patients in nursing homes, and then lied about it so Trump would not investigate him, how will the press and DOJ sweep this under the rug once and for all, and will Cuomo someday become President in the next fraudulent election?
I predict his career is ovah!

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