
I have predictions.

Republicans will get rid of so many illegal aliens that the price of produce will skyrocket. Many will begin eating "cat food" made in China.

Republicans will realize that those "jobs" they think they are protecting have already moved to Mexico and those illegal aliens now have their jobs and Mexico will need people to pick produce in Mexico.
Anyone who has answered the census knows it's biased. Every single question asked if you were hispanic.. doh..

Senator Rubio..

Republicans take back the house and the senate and obie wan pretends he wanted to work with them all along..

[ame=]YouTube - Somewhere Over the Rainbow-Anna Whitney[/ame]
Arctic Ice hits a surprising new low both in volume and coverage, far below the 2007 figures.

Due to the division of conservative voters by the Teabaggers, the Republican Party does less well in Midterms than expected.

At least one catastrophic hurricane this season. We all had better hope it is not in the Gulf.
One party rule will come to an end in November.

An Obama inner circle member will be forced to resign over the Sestak scandal.

The problem here is that the people Obama offered jobs to were actually qualified for those jobs.

Republicans might employ the son of a staffer they had been fucking to keep everyone quiet, but it's not the same. Americans didn't really care about those Republican scandals.

Americans are worried about the economy Republicans ruined. Americans are concerned about the Republican policy of "Drill Baby Drill" and how much more destruction they could cause if given the chance. Americans are concerned about the Republican policy of having to pay for Iraq while letting this country go to hell.
One party rule will come to an end in November.

An Obama inner circle member will be forced to resign over the Sestak scandal.

The problem here is that the people Obama offered jobs to were actually qualified for those jobs.

Republicans might employ the son of a staffer they had been fucking to keep everyone quiet, but it's not the same. Americans didn't really care about those Republican scandals.

Americans are worried about the economy Republicans ruined. Americans are concerned about the Republican policy of "Drill Baby Drill" and how much more destruction they could cause if given the chance. Americans are concerned about the Republican policy of having to pay for Iraq while letting this country go to hell.

As expected, you have no idea about what you are attempting to address. Thank you for making the case for massive education reform and the need for more comprehension classes in elementary schools.
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One party rule will come to an end in November.

An Obama inner circle member will be forced to resign over the Sestak scandal.

The problem here is that the people Obama offered jobs to were actually qualified for those jobs.

Republicans might employ the son of a staffer they had been fucking to keep everyone quiet, but it's not the same. Americans didn't really care about those Republican scandals.

Americans are worried about the economy Republicans ruined. Americans are concerned about the Republican policy of "Drill Baby Drill" and how much more destruction they could cause if given the chance. Americans are concerned about the Republican policy of having to pay for Iraq while letting this country go to hell.

whether they are qualified or not is irrelevant. It's still illegal to bribe a candidate for high office in order to influence an election.
England will win the World Cup.

OK, less of a prediction, more of a wish. If only to shut them up about 1966.
The price of oil will fall (or remain close to today's price) in the next three months.

Meanwhile, the spot price of gold and silver will not fall, but will rise in realtion to the spot price of oil.

I'm also expecting food commodities to go up this year, too, even while the economy continues to fibrilate.
I predict the gays will gain ground, the illegals will be hidding more, and america will find that their trophey Pres is not President material.
I predict that after I press the "." key at the end of this sentence, I will use my mouse to click the "Post Quick Reply" button.
I predict, God willing, the wife and I will be heading to Phoenix from Philadelphia in July!! And the round trip tickets are, WOWOW, cheap! $280 each, so far. What a great price. Canceled our trip to San Diego for obvious reasons discussed in USMB but have some friends in Scottsdale. Kind of looking forward to this, haven't seen them for a long while.

I wish we had moved to Arizona when we left San Diego driving to the N/E for a TEMPORARY 6 month stay, that was 49 years ago. We even looked at homes on and near Camelback when they were a lot less than they are now.
You might want to check your math there, buddy.

Even if all the Senate races went to the republicans, they'd still be short the 2/3 majority needed to impeach. Plus, there's the lack of impeachable offenses.

But keep hoping, brother!

I suppose that would depend on whether Rep. Sestak stops hiding what he knows.

And if he doesn't speak out BEFORE the November election, and chooses to speak out AFTER he is elected (if he is), it will reak of political hanky-panky on HIS part, not the White House's. Sestak made the allegation; it's up to him to prove it. My suspicion is that he put that out there as political leverage period, just because the WH supported Spector (for which they had no other choice because he had made a grand gesture by switching parties). I'll bet the good admiral wishes he'd never said anything because this WILL work to his disadvantage. Sestak and Pat Toomey are running just about neck and neck right now.
One party rule will come to an end in November.

An Obama inner circle member will be forced to resign over the Sestak scandal.

You'd better hope Sestak has something in writing. Otherwise, it's a he said/she said "scandal."
One party rule will come to an end in November.

An Obama inner circle member will be forced to resign over the Sestak scandal.

The problem here is that the people Obama offered jobs to were actually qualified for those jobs.

Republicans might employ the son of a staffer they had been fucking to keep everyone quiet, but it's not the same. Americans didn't really care about those Republican scandals.

Americans are worried about the economy Republicans ruined. Americans are concerned about the Republican policy of "Drill Baby Drill" and how much more destruction they could cause if given the chance. Americans are concerned about the Republican policy of having to pay for Iraq while letting this country go to hell.

As expected, you have no idea about what you are attempting to address. Thank you for making the case for massive education reform and the need for more comprehension classes in elementary schools.

That's a keeper for the next time the subject is discussed. Can I count on you as being on board?

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