pregnant shoplifter killed by cops in ohio

I can't help but think she was gutshot, but really White, who GAF anymore?

Suggesting that she self-aborted herself, can't be taken as anything but a joke!

Haw, haw, haw. Good one!
If someone is coming at you, driving a car, upper torso is a more common shot, as that is the target you see, so you can probably put the gutshot out of your mind.
Self-aborted suits suicide by cop.
Thanks :cool:

another one not complying with cops. she was with bunch of her friends stealing and refused to comply with cops then tried to run them over. got herself and her baby killed. not bright. all she had to do was comply or not steal at all.

A 21 year old with 2 kids and another on the way. :cuckoo:
You'd think if these malcontents were as hell bent on taking it to the local guard as they seem to be; they'd get better at it. I mean these fuckers aren't exactly going up against SEAL Team 6. They're apparently just dumb as fuck...
If someone is coming at you, driving a car, upper torso is a more common shot, as that is the target you see, so you can probably put the gutshot out of your mind.
Self-aborted suits suicide by cop.
Thanks :cool:
cops are trained to shoot center mass in all situations.
cops are trained to shoot center mass in all situations.
Upper torso is considered center mass. Ever been to an indoor or outdoor range with paper targets and seen the center rings down in the stomach? I have not, seen that kind of target on any range, and I could not possibly count the large number of ranges I have been on, or even the number that I was in charge of.
Upper torso is considered center mass. Ever been to an indoor or outdoor range with paper targets and seen the center rings down in the stomach? I have not, seen that kind of target on any range, and I could not possibly count the large number of ranges I have been on, or even the number that I was in charge of.
stomach is part of center mass. and she die cause she crashed car after shed was shot., the crash killed baby not the shot.
stomach is part of center mass. and she die cause she crashed car after shed was shot., the crash killed baby not the shot.
Too bad. Maybe she should not have tried to run down a cop. Maybe 20 years old is still to young to learn, you live or die by your choices. In this case, the dumb ass dead chick was making choices for herself and her unborn child.
Too bad. Maybe she should not have tried to run down a cop. Maybe 20 years old is still to young to learn, you live or die by your choices. In this case, the dumb ass dead chick was making choices for herself and her unborn child.
this is why black get killed. they never learned.
Did she have a job?

If she's a thief I highly doubt it.
And who would care for her kids while she was at work? I suppose a family member might do it which is pretty common in the black community.
She sure as hell wouldnt be able to afford daycare for three kids.

the video clearly show she was trying to run him over and he had to shoot her to save his life. she was steelng liquor. what pregnant woman drinks while pregnant. and black keep trying to get mileledge out a justified shooting. if he had not shot her she have killed him. i wonder if they ever identified her gang that was stealing with her., he shot were he could to save his life.

the video clearly show she was trying to run him over and he had to shoot her to save his life. she was steelng liquor. what pregnant woman drinks while pregnant. and black keep trying to get mileledge out a justified shooting. if he had not shot her she have killed him. i wonder if they ever identified her gang that was stealing with her., he shot were he could to save his life.
"steeling liquor"...........................:heehee:
If someone is coming at you, driving a car, upper torso is a more common shot, as that is the target you see, so you can probably put the gutshot out of your mind.
Self-aborted suits suicide by cop.
Thanks :cool:
Have you seen the video?
Have you seen the video?
I have now, catching it from a Drudge or AP link. I was expecting a faster move by the car. I do not know how this will play out.

another one not complying with cops. she was with bunch of her friends stealing and refused to comply with cops then tried to run them over. got herself and her baby killed. not bright. all she had to do was comply or not steal at all.
What a shame

She was only stealing to pay for her abortion
I have now, catching it from a Drudge or AP link. I was expecting a faster move by the car. I do not know how this will play out.

It's murky, I agree. She did try to accelerate with him there, and we don't know why the cop pulled the gun on her in the first place. It doesn't seem she needed to die, but she was also FAR from innocent.
It's murky, I agree. She did try to accelerate with him there, and we don't know why the cop pulled the gun on her in the first place. It doesn't seem she needed to die, but she was also FAR from innocent.
All she had to do was cooperate with police instructions

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