Pregnant White Woman Verbally and Physically Assaulted by Angry Black Mob Tells Her Side

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
I don't think the perceived threat was reasonable for the lady to pull a gun on them, but I could be wrong, and I think the restaurant should have a camera.
I don't think the perceived threat was reasonable for the lady to pull a gun on them, but I could be wrong, and I think the restaurant should have a camera.
She didnt pull a gun because the daughter bumped into her. She pulled a gun because they were verbally and physically assaulted and blocked from leaving in peace. The couple had NO OBLIGATION to put up with being detained and assaulted.

Just ask the young mother murdered because she didnt give the right answer to a BLM mob
I don't think the perceived threat was reasonable for the lady to pull a gun on them, but I could be wrong, and I think the restaurant should have a camera.
You are definitely wrong. Anytime you are outnumbered by an aggressive angry mob that is verbally threatening you and preventing your egress, your life is clearly in danger.
I don't think the perceived threat was reasonable for the lady to pull a gun on them, but I could be wrong, and I think the restaurant should have a camera.
You are definitely wrong. Anytime you are outnumbered by an aggressive angry mob that is verbally threatening you and preventing your egress, your life is clearly in danger.
This poor woman found herself confronted by the politically excused race. Hopefully sound minds will prevail.

Gofundme has even, not surprisingly, taken down her page to help with the financial and legal bills this mob caused this family.

This is why I avoid all interaction with blacks in public
I don't think the perceived threat was reasonable for the lady to pull a gun on them, but I could be wrong, and I think the restaurant should have a camera.
We are moving to a quick decision society. More and more people will carry guns for safety while you laugh it off and call them names. So far the police are siding with the people who are trying to dismantle them. Which means their support from those who they an still manipulate will wain from them also.
I don't think the perceived threat was reasonable for the lady to pull a gun on them, but I could be wrong, and I think the restaurant should have a camera.
You are definitely wrong. Anytime you are outnumbered by an aggressive angry mob that is verbally threatening you and preventing your egress, your life is clearly in danger.

Two people are not a mob.
I don't think the perceived threat was reasonable for the lady to pull a gun on them, but I could be wrong, and I think the restaurant should have a camera.
You are definitely wrong. Anytime you are outnumbered by an aggressive angry mob that is verbally threatening you and preventing your egress, your life is clearly in danger.

Two people are not a mob.
Wasnt 2 people. Do your homework
I don't think the perceived threat was reasonable for the lady to pull a gun on them, but I could be wrong, and I think the restaurant should have a camera.
You are definitely wrong. Anytime you are outnumbered by an aggressive angry mob that is verbally threatening you and preventing your egress, your life is clearly in danger.

Two people are not a mob.
It was more than two people. And I readily admit that "aggressive angry mob" was not an adequate description. I should have said "physically violent angry mob". After all, they were pounding on the van, which is an act of physical violence.

It also appears that the violence was racially motivated.

And apparently it all started because a 15 year old was bumped with the door as she was entering the Chipotle restaurant. Civilized people teach their kids to hold the door open when somebody carrying packages is leaving a business and they want to enter through the same door.
I don't think the perceived threat was reasonable for the lady to pull a gun on them, but I could be wrong, and I think the restaurant should have a camera.
You are definitely wrong. Anytime you are outnumbered by an aggressive angry mob that is verbally threatening you and preventing your egress, your life is clearly in danger.

Two people are not a mob.
It was more than two people. And I readily admit that "aggressive angry mob" was not an adequate description. I should have said "physically violent angry mob". After all, they were pounding on the van, which is an act of physical violence.

It also appears that the violence was racially motivated.

And apparently it all started because a 15 year old was bumped with the door as she was entering the Chipotle restaurant. Civilized people teach their kids to hold the door open when somebody carrying packages is leaving a business and they want to enter through the same door.
In the video the woman said she was aware of 4 people IN HER FACE yelling at her. Other witnesses said there were 5 to 8.

I understand her perspective. When confronted like that, you are laser focused on the IMMEDIATE THREAT. She saw and focused on 4 people that most threatened her safety. She was worried she wouldnt see her 4 children if she didnt neutralize the threat. They did the right thing.
I don't think the perceived threat was reasonable for the lady to pull a gun on them, but I could be wrong, and I think the restaurant should have a camera.


Holy Shit people...

This is profound...

A mindless bed wetting jabbering retard liberal who is notorious for posting some of the most inane shit ever read in human history actually admitted;
"I could be wrong".

When was the last time you saw a moonbat even suggest the possibility? This of course is because Pinheadlope somehow feels a sense of doubt about the agitprop she is parroting in whatever sphincter now functions as a frontal lobe instead of the atrophied wad of dead grey matter in her dense skull.

Perhaps we are witnessing a new evolution where a gland of some sort rejects inane bullshit and releases some chemical that inhibits the dopamine bed wetters usually get from regurgitating insipid shit.

This should be funded for extensive study instead of climate change.

I don't think the perceived threat was reasonable for the lady to pull a gun on them, but I could be wrong, and I think the restaurant should have a camera.

Why do you need more video? The negres escalated a situation that was an accident and of no consequence. She bumped into her daughter,REALLY?
The black women stepped behind the couples van and hit it.
Why would she be there when the entrance to the restaurant was in front of the van?
Just more black aggression bullshit.

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