Prepare For The End Of The American Petro-Dollar!

You indicated that the reason he's "preaching" this story is to sell gold. There may be some truth to that, but I also believe that he's genuinely concerned about the future of our nation.

My point is if he was, he should have realized this long ago.
Many are saying (and I believe them) that the dollar is on the verge of collapse. I'm not entirely sure how to prepare for this catastrophe but I'm buying gold and silver, food & water, an other usable, tangible items. I recently purchased a Harvest Right food freeze dryer and have been freeze drying lots of food. I may have a year's supply on hand.


I couldn't keep reading the comments, too many head in the ass, it hasn't happened yet so it never will deep thinkers that never see anything coming until it snaps their balls off.
It's always the same useful idiots from the progbots who know nothing of economics, finance or how the real world works coming on to gaslight people about the facts or launch ad hominem attacks on sources with never any attempt to dispute the facts as presented & the clear consequences for anyone that looks ahead..

The petrodollar will soon be obsolete now that Saudi Arabia & OPEC have decided we are too feckless & unstable to maintain a stable relationship to mutual benefit.
As the rate of international trade conducted without exchange of US fiat dollars increases it will accelerate exponentially to the inevitable collapse of the reserve status of the dollar & this will crash the worlds economic house of cards.

My point is if he was, he should have realized this long ago.
I see it this way: You, I, Beck, and many others can realize that there's a train heading our way and that we had better get off of the tracks. We all realize it, but we all know we have a certain amount of time to prepare. But when the train approaches to within 50 feet of us ... a real sense of urgency arises and puts us into an emotional "hyper" mode. Maybe that's why Beck is more serious now than he was before.
Many are saying (and I believe them) that the dollar is on the verge of collapse. I'm not entirely sure how to prepare for this catastrophe but I'm buying gold and silver, food & water, an other usable, tangible items. I recently purchased a Harvest Right food freeze dryer and have been freeze drying lots of food. I may have a year's supply on hand.


This..this is the worst thing thing a president has ever done.

Biden did it on day 1, too.


He kneecapped America's ability to compete in the global oil market.

What the world moving away from the petrodollar means? Everything in America is instantly worth around 15% less.

Homes, cars, income..everything. Everyone is instantly 15% poorer.
I couldn't keep reading the comments, too many head in the ass, it hasn't happened yet so it never will deep thinkers that never see anything coming until it snaps their balls off.
It's always the same useful idiots from the progbots who know nothing of economics, finance or how the real world works coming on to gaslight people about the facts or launch ad hominem attacks on sources with never any attempt to dispute the facts as presented & the clear consequences for anyone that looks ahead..

The petrodollar will soon be obsolete now that Saudi Arabia & OPEC have decided we are too feckless & unstable to maintain a stable relationship to mutual benefit.
As the rate of international trade conducted without exchange of US fiat dollars increases it will accelerate exponentially to the inevitable collapse of the reserve status of the dollar & this will crash the worlds economic house of cards.

Thank you. I couldn't have expressed it more succinctly.
I see it this way: You, I, Beck, and many others can realize that there's a train heading our way and that we had better get off of the tracks. We all realize it, but we all know we have a certain amount of time to prepare. But when the train approaches to within 50 feet of us ... a real sense of urgency arises and puts us into an emotional "hyper" mode. Maybe that's why Beck is more serious now than he was before.

I can't say I know a lot of what he has said. I just know I've been saying it's going to happen and I would point out where it was starting and I was told it would never happen.

Beck says it and it becomes gospel. I don't understand why people don't look for themselves as opposed to be led around by the Beck's.
This..this is the worst thing thing a president has ever done.

Biden did it on day 1, too.


He kneecapped America's ability to compete in the global oil market.

What the world moving away from the petrodollar means? Everything in America is instantly worth around 15% less.

Homes, cars, income..everything. Everyone is instantly 15% poorer.

Not allowing corporations to destroy our environment is handicapping the country? Maybe we should restrict access to those who allow it to happen?

You think polluting our waterways is good?
This..this is the worst thing thing a president has ever done.

Biden did it on day 1, too.


He kneecapped America's ability to compete in the global oil market.

What the world moving away from the petrodollar means? Everything in America is instantly worth around 15% less.

Homes, cars, income..everything.
I believe, wholeheartedly, that Biden is a literal traitor and that as stupid as he may appear to the world ... he knows exactly what he's doing. He's a Judas who's selling America and her people for a handful of gold coins. He's looking out for Number One (thus the term ... "the big guy").
I can't say I know a lot of what he has said. I just know I've been saying it's going to happen and I would point out where it was starting and I was told it would never happen.

Beck says it and it becomes gospel. I don't understand why people don't look for themselves as opposed to be led around by the Beck's.
I don't know why you think that if Beck says something ... it's "gospel." I simply saw his video and posted it. I could have posted 25 similar videos of folks saying the same thing. The point of the thread isn't Beck. The point of the thread is to get people to think about preparing for what's on the road up ahead. Instead of bickering over who said what and when ... we should focus on the reality of what's about to happen. Just my opinion.
I don't know why you think that if Beck says something ... it's "gospel." I simply saw his video and posted it. I could have posted 25 similar videos of folks saying the same thing. The point of the thread isn't Beck. The point of the thread is to get people to think about preparing for what's on the road up ahead. Instead of bickering over who said what and when ... we should focus on the reality of what's about to happen. Just my opinion.
IMO, Beck is a hyperbolic douche. But people should be preparing for a depression.
I don't know why you think that if Beck says something ... it's "gospel." I simply saw his video and posted it. I could have posted 25 similar videos of folks saying the same thing. The point of the thread isn't Beck. The point of the thread is to get people to think about preparing for what's on the road up ahead. Instead of bickering over who said what and when ... we should focus on the reality of what's about to happen. Just my opinion.

I've been noting for years what was happening. Why did it take Beck for you to understand that?
I believe, wholeheartedly, that Biden is a literal traitor and that as stupid as he may appear to the world ... he knows exactly what he's doing. He's a Judas who's selling America and her people for a handful of gold coins. He's looking out for Number One (thus the term ... "the big guy").
I see it differently- I think he's the patsy that will be blamed when everything does crash.
He's not in charge of anything, he's a meat puppet with a globalist fist up his rectum making him move & speak.
Nobody in DC really like him so he is totally expendable.
Plus he's a well known moron so casting him as a scapegoat is both believable for the sheeple & doesn't throw one of their own under the bus.
For the ones orchestrating the coming crash, he's a beard they installed to disguise their own identities.

I think most people in DC know this, including Jill.

Not allowing corporations to destroy our environment is handicapping the country? Maybe we should restrict access to those who allow it to happen?

You think polluting our waterways is good?
I wonder how many folks think that killing eagles with windmills is good:

Or how about windmills spilling oil or burning?:


Or solar panels frying birds:

How about this bulldozer burying broken windmills under the soil:

Or the poor African kids mining for minerals used in car batteries:

Of course ... to supply all of those batteries ... we need a good strip mine or two:

Yup ... the Greenies pretend to be virtuous but they're as environmentally unfriendly as anyone else.
Wow, a couple of hundred bucks.......LOLLOLLOLL
It's better than nothing. I also have several thousand in gold and silver. LOLLOLLOLL How about you? Prepared for the what's headed our way?
I see it differently- I think he's the patsy that will be blamed when everything does crash.
He's not in charge of anything, he's a meat puppet with a globalist fist up his rectum making him move & speak.
Nobody in DC really like him so he is totally expendable.
Plus he's a well known moron so casting him as a scapegoat is both believable for the sheeple & doesn't throw one of their own under the bus.
For the ones orchestrating the coming crash, he's a beard they installed to disguise their own identities.

I think most people in DC know this, including Jill.

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I have no doubt that the Marxist, Islamic queer, Obama, has much to do with what's going on. Biden does have a low IQ but I also believe he's totally complicit in the current goings on.
I have no doubt that the Marxist, Islamic queer, Obama, has much to do with what's going on. Biden does have a low IQ but I also believe he's totally complicit in the current goings on.
He's complicit; But it's Valerie Jarret and Susan Rice pulling the puppet strings and writing policy.
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He's complicit; But it's Valerie Jarret and Susan Rice pulling the puppet strings.
Probably true. But they're Obama's puppets. In the end ... we can all agree that the Marxists are holding the reins of power with a firm grip. They have the DOJ, FBI, many of the Federal Courts; the IRS, EPA, ATF, and all the other members of the Alphabet Mafia under their complete control. They're like the Borg ... they have a single mission and agenda and that's the total destruction of the USA and her Constitution (not to mention her culture, history, and way of life).
I couldn't keep reading the comments, too many head in the ass, it hasn't happened yet so it never will deep thinkers that never see anything coming until it snaps their balls off.
It's always the same useful idiots from the progbots who know nothing of economics, finance or how the real world works coming on to gaslight people about the facts or launch ad hominem attacks on sources with never any attempt to dispute the facts as presented & the clear consequences for anyone that looks ahead..

The petrodollar will soon be obsolete now that Saudi Arabia & OPEC have decided we are too feckless & unstable to maintain a stable relationship to mutual benefit.
As the rate of international trade conducted without exchange of US fiat dollars increases it will accelerate exponentially to the inevitable collapse of the reserve status of the dollar & this will crash the worlds economic house of cards.

It will only cause inflation.

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