Prepare For The End Of The American Petro-Dollar!

I gage the strength of the dollar based on the cost of goods and my ability to buy them. Fuel, rent/mortgages, food, supplies, etc.

I was living a comfortable life under Trump. Do I worship or even like Trump? Not really. I had several things against him (vaccines, gun control, etc.). But he was still better than the currently Tyrant in Chief.

At least he wasn't sending billions and billions of dollars to his favorite money-launderer in the Ukraine.
I was living more comfortably under Clinton but alas, inflation takes a toll.
Yes ... pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. A penny saved is a penny earned. I probably have a couple of hundred bucks which can be used in an emergency.
Money will be useless. Food will be the most valuable asset.
That is the one we have at this point in time. There is no crime to trade on local currency.
Who said it was a crime? What I'm saying is that several very large companies are dumping the dollar all at the same time. Do you not believe that that will have a financial impact on the American economy?
I've been noting this and documenting this for years. I guess that qualifies me for a radio show.
Many are saying (and I believe them) that the dollar is on the verge of collapse. I'm not entirely sure how to prepare for this catastrophe but I'm buying gold and silver, food & water, an other usable, tangible items. I recently purchased a Harvest Right food freeze dryer and have been freeze drying lots of food. I may have a year's supply on hand.


we will see.. :)
I was living more comfortably under Clinton but alas, inflation takes a toll.
The Clinton years weren't too bad, but not as good as the Reagan years. Trump revived (albeit for a short time) the American dream. But that dream is gone for good.
The Clinton years weren't too bad, but not as good as the Reagan years. Trump revived (albeit for a short time) the American dream. But that dream is gone for good.
Fewer recessions during Clinton compared to Reagan and no 20% interest with 10.5% unemployment.
Many are saying (and I believe them) that the dollar is on the verge of collapse. I'm not entirely sure how to prepare for this catastrophe but I'm buying gold and silver, food & water, an other usable, tangible items. I recently purchased a Harvest Right food freeze dryer and have been freeze drying lots of food. I may have a year's supply on hand.


Good move on the harvest right.
What are people doing to prepare for the inevitable collapse of the dollar? We know that CBDCs are the next phase. Of course, this is a dangerous thing because the banks will hold the reins of power of our financial comings and goings. As we've recently seen in Canada, the government can control or freeze an account for "wrong-think." I want as much autonomy and freedom as possible so I'm preparing right now. How about you?
Stolen elections have consequences.....The world is not going to wait for two fuckin' years to see if we can vote our way out of the cluster-fuck the leftist dems and cuck RINOs have got us into.....I don't blame them either.

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