Prepare To Be Betrayed


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
It's another revolutionary season in American politics, with voters preparing to do everything they can within the structure of the law to throw out the bad guys and the bad system they represent. The focus is on this amorphous thing called the Tea Party, which embodies a huge range of political impulses from libertarian to authoritarian, united under the common belief that everything is going wrong in Washington, with a common goal of upending the status quo.

Candidates that the Republican Party doesn't like are making big inroads into the party structure and, quite possibly, the election itself. That is fun to watch. The wind at their backs is the spectacular – but wholly predictable – failure of the Obama administration's economic witchcraft. Trillions and trillions created and spent and yet the suffering endures.

Prepare To Be Betrayed by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
It's another revolutionary season in American politics, with voters preparing to do everything they can within the structure of the law to throw out the bad guys and the bad system they represent. The focus is on this amorphous thing called the Tea Party, which embodies a huge range of political impulses from libertarian to authoritarian, united under the common belief that everything is going wrong in Washington, with a common goal of upending the status quo.

Candidates that the Republican Party doesn't like are making big inroads into the party structure and, quite possibly, the election itself. That is fun to watch. The wind at their backs is the spectacular – but wholly predictable – failure of the Obama administration's economic witchcraft. Trillions and trillions created and spent and yet the suffering endures.

Prepare To Be Betrayed by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Rockwell is a lunatic. Certified.
It's another revolutionary season in American politics, with voters preparing to do everything they can within the structure of the law to throw out the bad guys and the bad system they represent. The focus is on this amorphous thing called the Tea Party, which embodies a huge range of political impulses from libertarian to authoritarian, united under the common belief that everything is going wrong in Washington, with a common goal of upending the status quo.

Candidates that the Republican Party doesn't like are making big inroads into the party structure and, quite possibly, the election itself. That is fun to watch. The wind at their backs is the spectacular – but wholly predictable – failure of the Obama administration's economic witchcraft. Trillions and trillions created and spent and yet the suffering endures.

Prepare To Be Betrayed by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Rockwell is a lunatic. Certified.

Was this just a general statement, or are you attempting to defend the Tea Party?
The liberal element is the product of America's drop-out public education system. They either think the government has an unlimited money supply or borrowing power that requires no pay back. They hate the successful with a vengeance. Just thank God they don't know how to shoot.

The liberal element is the product of America's drop-out public education system. They either think the government has an unlimited money supply or borrowing power that requires no pay back. They hate the successful with a vengeance. Just thank God they don't know how to shoot.


I'm sorry, you must be confused. This thread is regarding the Tea Party, not "liberals."
Ohh I thought Kevin had finally figured out Rand Paul.

I've had the Tea Party pegged the entire time. Note that I do not support Christine O'Donnell, Joe Miller, Sharron Angle, etc..., and that I've never attended a Tea Party rally. Rand Paul, however, comes from the original Tea Party movement, the liberty movement.
Ohh I thought Kevin had finally figured out Rand Paul.

I've had the Tea Party pegged the entire time. Note that I do not support Christine O'Donnell, Joe Miller, Sharron Angle, etc..., and that I've never attended a Tea Party rally. Rand Paul, however, comes from the original Tea Party movement, the liberty movement.

Kinda forgettin his roots?
An origional TP person cavorting and owing favors to the new TP movement.

Which is kinda like a loose movement with no TP for cleanup.
An origional TP person cavorting and owing favors to the new TP movement.

Which is kinda like a loose movement with no TP for cleanup.

Ron Paul has a philosophy, that people who donate or help him win elections are supporting him. He's not necessarily supporting them. Hopefully Rand has the same philosophy.
An origional TP person cavorting and owing favors to the new TP movement.

Which is kinda like a loose movement with no TP for cleanup.

Ron Paul has a philosophy, that people who donate or help him win elections are supporting him. He's not necessarily supporting them. Hopefully Rand has the same philosophy.

Kinda like horseracing, check out the stud for the colt that has never even ran a single race.
But starts with the KY Derby as his first race.
But he has a good sire.
An origional TP person cavorting and owing favors to the new TP movement.

Which is kinda like a loose movement with no TP for cleanup.

Ron Paul has a philosophy, that people who donate or help him win elections are supporting him. He's not necessarily supporting them. Hopefully Rand has the same philosophy.

Kinda like horseracing, check out the stud for the colt that has never even ran a single race.
But starts with the KY Derby as his first race.
But he has a good sire.

I could be wrong. Rand may not be as principled as his father, but we won't know until he takes office. Until then, I support him.
He said he was taking a fairly wild bet on an unknown horse.
Yall may support Rand, But I will have to put up with him.

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