Prepare to be disgusted

I warned you.

Now, imagine finding this in your living room.


that is a bit too many, but that specific variation of a spider is very cool - long, long, long legs.

I llike spiders.
mommy from hell :lol::lol:

Yeah, spiders are not my favorite creatures. I usually don't like to kill anything, but if I see a spider in my house I kill it immediately and humanely. That's because before I moved into this house it had a history of spider infestation. :eek: Can't let that happen.

I'll also kill flies, mosquitoes and any other types of insects that either spread disease or try to feed off of me or my pets.

For example, I don't kill bees. They're clean and they don't try to suck our blood. They will sting but it's usually in self-defense. So I just catch them in a jar and release them outside.

Don't kill beetles, ladybugs, or the daddy long legs things that aren't really a spider. Daddy long legs for that matter, I don't believe they bite us.

Luckily, we don't have much issue with cockroaches, fleas or bed bugs in Alaska, but I will definitely eradicate them if they should show up at my house! You know, it's them or me!

spiders are also clean and they are natural fly catchers.
leave the spiders alone :evil:
Depressing. Even if she lost the weight now, she'd have to have surgery for the hanging skin. Sheesh.

What intrigues me is that she would pose like that and smile at the camera. Maybe someone paid her money to do it.

I've struggled with my weight all my life, so it's not like I have no compassion. I've even been medically obese, in that I'm 5'1" and have weighed as much as 169 pounds. :( I'm weighing in the high 130s right now, which is overweight. But I never give up the fight to keep my weight under control and I certainly wouldn't put my fat on display like that. Not that I ever had nearly that much fat to display.

Better to lose the weight and get the skin removed than continue on like that. She won't live very long at that weight, that's for sure. Imagine the poor little heart trying to supply blood to all that...flesh.

Even allowing something remotely close to that much blubber on your poor frame is akin to a psychotic break. I don't know what gets into people.

Lots and lots of food.

Remember the woman who was so overweight and had such severe lymphedema that she weighed something close to 1000#? The one who tried to take the blame for rolling over on her 2yo nephew, killing him. She apparently has lost all that weight and is living a normal life. And, she has her sister's kids. The sister and step father were abusing the kids and killed the little boy.

Incredible story.
Spiders are good citizens.

If you have a few spiders, you don't have critters you don't want.
One day I was toodling around in the mountains with my boyfriend on his motorcycle and we stopped at a ruined uninhabited cabin. Being nosey, I put my face up to the window, not noticing the big ball of daddy long legs. Soon as I stuck my face up there, they spread all over my head and face. I ran shrieking like a chicken with it's head cut off and my boyfriend slung me to the ground to brush them all off before I hurt myself smacking into a tree.

I read somewhere that daddy long legs are poisonous but they can't harm us because their pinchers are so small, they cannot grasp human skin.
mommy from hell :lol::lol:

Yeah, spiders are not my favorite creatures. I usually don't like to kill anything, but if I see a spider in my house I kill it immediately and humanely. That's because before I moved into this house it had a history of spider infestation. :eek: Can't let that happen.

I'll also kill flies, mosquitoes and any other types of insects that either spread disease or try to feed off of me or my pets.

For example, I don't kill bees. They're clean and they don't try to suck our blood. They will sting but it's usually in self-defense. So I just catch them in a jar and release them outside.

Don't kill beetles, ladybugs, or the daddy long legs things that aren't really a spider. Daddy long legs for that matter, I don't believe they bite us.

Luckily, we don't have much issue with cockroaches, fleas or bed bugs in Alaska, but I will definitely eradicate them if they should show up at my house! You know, it's them or me!

spiders are also clean and they are natural fly catchers.
leave the spiders alone :evil:

I have two daddy long legs that live in my shower up on the ceiling. I leave them alone and they leave me alone. But only two I will allow, lol. I also, during the summer, allow those HUGE red skeeter looking bugs flap around in my room. They eat regular mosquitos..the ones that bite. The big red ones don't.
Yeah, spiders are not my favorite creatures. I usually don't like to kill anything, but if I see a spider in my house I kill it immediately and humanely. That's because before I moved into this house it had a history of spider infestation. :eek: Can't let that happen.

I'll also kill flies, mosquitoes and any other types of insects that either spread disease or try to feed off of me or my pets.

For example, I don't kill bees. They're clean and they don't try to suck our blood. They will sting but it's usually in self-defense. So I just catch them in a jar and release them outside.

Don't kill beetles, ladybugs, or the daddy long legs things that aren't really a spider. Daddy long legs for that matter, I don't believe they bite us.

Luckily, we don't have much issue with cockroaches, fleas or bed bugs in Alaska, but I will definitely eradicate them if they should show up at my house! You know, it's them or me!

spiders are also clean and they are natural fly catchers.
leave the spiders alone :evil:

I have two daddy long legs that live in my shower up on the ceiling. I leave them alone and they leave me alone. But only two I will allow, lol. I also, during the summer, allow those HUGE red skeeter looking bugs flap around in my room. They eat regular mosquitos..the ones that bite. The big red ones don't.

"Mayflies" we call 'em in PA.
When I moved here last March, I had all kinds of spiders here throughout the Spring and Summer. I thought that I might get mice in the Fall, my neighbor told me he gets them so I got scared, I never had them anywhere I've lived. I went and got those sound devices that you plug in, they're supposed to keep rodents out and they've worked really well.

They also seem to work for spiders. I haven't seen one spider in months.
mommy from hell :lol::lol:

Yeah, spiders are not my favorite creatures. I usually don't like to kill anything, but if I see a spider in my house I kill it immediately and humanely. That's because before I moved into this house it had a history of spider infestation. :eek: Can't let that happen.

I'll also kill flies, mosquitoes and any other types of insects that either spread disease or try to feed off of me or my pets.

For example, I don't kill bees. They're clean and they don't try to suck our blood. They will sting but it's usually in self-defense. So I just catch them in a jar and release them outside.

Don't kill beetles, ladybugs, or the daddy long legs things that aren't really a spider. Daddy long legs for that matter, I don't believe they bite us.

Luckily, we don't have much issue with cockroaches, fleas or bed bugs in Alaska, but I will definitely eradicate them if they should show up at my house! You know, it's them or me!

spiders are also clean and they are natural fly catchers.
leave the spiders alone :evil:

Daddy Long legs (the insects or arachnids- I've heard them called both- depicted in the video) are perfectly harmless albeit being one of the most venomous species on the planet, as their mouths are to small to bite humans. Regardless, they eat mosquitoes! Those things are a godsend when camping. I love having a few on the inside of my tent when I go. How did all of one or two of you know what they were? Were none of you in Boy Scouts or whatever it is that girls do (not meant to sound sexist)? when you were kids?
Ah. So I read correctly that they are venomous but the mandibles are too tiny to clamp on to us. I did NOT know they ate skeeters. Good thing I let the two continue to live in my shower ceiling. :lol:
I don't much care for black widows or brown recluse spiders. However, I have two black widows living in my iron egret statues in the back yard. More probably live in the brick wall that separates me from the neighbors. I don't like killing anything..not even black widows...but if they start stringing their web lines in my veggie garden patch, I may have to reconsider. Then again, they eat the bugs that eat the plants so....I will have to think about it. Maybe put a big cardboard sign so when I go weed that area, it reminds me that I have company that may be under a leaf.

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