Prepared Speeches Not The Donald's Forte?


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
I have to say The Donald is looking cranky and tired. I don't think reading these prepared speeches is working too well for him. Who is writing this stuff? "I won't call them monsters because they would like that. So now I'm going to tell them I think of them as monsters but won't call them that. Woops! I guess I let that cat out of the bag! No, these monsters are just losers. Big, fat, sloppy losers. These people are BIG losers! And we are going to bust those big losers big time!"

OK, I'm paraphrasing but you get my idea. Then there is the budget. Going to cut medicaid and food stamps by 30%? I don't think so Donald. Only the poorest of the poor qualify for food stamps. You have less than $150 to your name. That is only a few dollars a day to live on to eat and you are going to cut that by 30% from people who are already starving and eating low quality food to pay for massive spending elsewhere?

A lot of those people were put there by Obama and voted for you to help them out.

Better go back and look again. Keep looking Donald. Tell your budget director to go out and live on food and get by eating with only $194 for an entire month, and live like that for a few months then come back and tell us this is where you need to trim the fat in the budget.

HERE'S AN IDEA! Help get those people out of poverty first and back on their feet working at decent jobs so they have some quality of life, then you won't need to pay out so much in food stamps!
I have to say The Donald is looking cranky and tired. I don't think reading these prepared speeches is working too well for him. Who is writing this stuff? "I won't call them monsters because they would like that. So now I'm going to tell them I think of them as monsters but won't call them that. Woops! I guess I let that cat out of the bag! No, these monsters are just losers. Big, fat, sloppy losers. These people are BIG losers! And we are going to bust those big losers big time!"

OK, I'm paraphrasing but you get my idea. Then there is the budget. Going to cut medicaid and food stamps by 30%? I don't think so Donald. Only the poorest of the poor qualify for food stamps. You have less than $150 to your name. That is only a few dollars a day to live on to eat and you are going to cut that by 30% from people who are already starving and eating low quality food to pay for massive spending elsewhere?

A lot of those people were put there by Obama and voted for you to help them out.

Better go back and look again. Keep looking Donald. Tell your budget director to go out and live on food and get by eating with only $194 for an entire month, and live like that for a few months then come back and tell us this is where you need to trim the fat in the budget.

HERE'S AN IDEA! Help get those people out of poverty and back on their feet working at decent jobs so they have some quality of life, then you won't need to pay out so much in food stamps!

The cuts are made by making people work for their benefits. Why didn't you know that?
The cuts are made by making people work for their benefits. Why didn't you know that?

Made by making the disabled work? Made by making someone take a menial job that pays too little to even live on that they lose their house? Why don't you know THAT?

Where does it say the disabled have to work?

Have you read the details of the budget?
Where does it say the disabled have to work?

Have you read the details of the budget?

Have you tried applying for disability? You are unable to work, they deny you and tell you good luck, see you in a few YEARS with your appeal. As to the budget, yep, just heard it on TV.

You heard what? Did you read the budget or are you listening to some talking head tell you what they want you to hear so you will get your "butt hurt" in an uproar?

Disability has nothing to do with food stamps which is a function of Social Security.
Where does it say the disabled have to work?

Have you read the details of the budget?

Have you tried applying for disability? You are unable to work, they deny you and tell you good luck, see you in a few YEARS with your appeal. As to the budget, yep, just heard it on TV.

You heard what? Did you read the budget or are you listening to some talking head tell you what they want you to hear so you will get your "butt hurt" in an uproar?

Disability has nothing to do with food stamps which is a function of Social Security.

Go apply for disability.
Where does it say the disabled have to work?

Have you read the details of the budget?

Have you tried applying for disability? You are unable to work, they deny you and tell you good luck, see you in a few YEARS with your appeal. As to the budget, yep, just heard it on TV.

You heard what? Did you read the budget or are you listening to some talking head tell you what they want you to hear so you will get your "butt hurt" in an uproar?

Disability has nothing to do with food stamps which is a function of Social Security.

Go apply for disability.

That has NOTHING to do with food stamps! Why are you pressing this point which is obviously wrong?
The cuts are made by making people work for their benefits. Why didn't you know that?

Made by making the disabled work? Made by making someone take a menial job that pays too little to even live on that they lose their house? Why don't you know THAT?
The non disabled can work. They should work. If they lose their house, it won't be the first house someone lost. You should not make someone's mortgage payment and neither should I.
I have to say The Donald is looking cranky and tired. I don't think reading these prepared speeches is working too well for him. Who is writing this stuff? "I won't call them monsters because they would like that. So now I'm going to tell them I think of them as monsters but won't call them that. Woops! I guess I let that cat out of the bag! No, these monsters are just losers. Big, fat, sloppy losers. These people are BIG losers! And we are going to bust those big losers big time!"

OK, I'm paraphrasing but you get my idea. Then there is the budget. Going to cut medicaid and food stamps by 30%? I don't think so Donald. Only the poorest of the poor qualify for food stamps. You have less than $150 to your name. That is only a few dollars a day to live on to eat and you are going to cut that by 30% from people who are already starving and eating low quality food to pay for massive spending elsewhere?

A lot of those people were put there by Obama and voted for you to help them out.

Better go back and look again. Keep looking Donald. Tell your budget director to go out and live on food and get by eating with only $194 for an entire month, and live like that for a few months then come back and tell us this is where you need to trim the fat in the budget.

HERE'S AN IDEA! Help get those people out of poverty first and back on their feet working at decent jobs so they have some quality of life, then you won't need to pay out so much in food stamps!
Here's an idea. Force those slackers into the work force kicking and screaming if necessary. To some, their quality of life means smoking dope, shooting hoops or fucking the best friend's husband. Why don't you know that?
The cuts are made by making people work for their benefits. Why didn't you know that?

Made by making the disabled work? Made by making someone take a menial job that pays too little to even live on that they lose their house? Why don't you know THAT?
The non disabled can work. They should work. If they lose their house, it won't be the first house someone lost. You should not make someone's mortgage payment and neither should I.
Most of the poor that are disabled don't own a house.
Where does it say the disabled have to work?

Have you read the details of the budget?

Have you tried applying for disability? You are unable to work, they deny you and tell you good luck, see you in a few YEARS with your appeal. As to the budget, yep, just heard it on TV.

You heard what? Did you read the budget or are you listening to some talking head tell you what they want you to hear so you will get your "butt hurt" in an uproar?

Disability has nothing to do with food stamps which is a function of Social Security.

Go apply for disability.

That has NOTHING to do with food stamps! Why are you pressing this point which is obviously wrong?

It has to do with living. What none of you people seem to understand is that food stamps barely pays for food, but you can still be disabled and not qualify for disability. Or it can take years of jumping through hoops before they qualify you. Meantime the bills are still coming in. Too many people here with opinions on things they know nothing about.
those work for benefits programs can be deceiving in that you only have to work so many hours and then you get free day care etc.....i wonder how the cost/benefit equals out....

this man spends how much a weekend or day ....of the taxpayers money and the bitches about food stamps?
The cuts are made by making people work for their benefits. Why didn't you know that?

Made by making the disabled work? Made by making someone take a menial job that pays too little to even live on that they lose their house? Why don't you know THAT?
The non disabled can work. They should work. If they lose their house, it won't be the first house someone lost. You should not make someone's mortgage payment and neither should I.
Most of the poor that are disabled don't own a house.

Which means some of them do. What if the person is not a career public welfare person? What if the person simply has had some bad luck, injury, sickness? What if the person has great value to offer the public? The system you are so fond of forces that person into poverty, losing their house, and everything. Public housing is not always available. Then where do you go? Why don't you try visiting a housing project? Take care of you? What opportunity will you have if through no fault of your own, you are driven into poverty living in a crime-ridden filthy housing project living on food stamps? I have seen people commit suicide because if this. They have lost everything, and all because of a system that drives you down so far into poverty just to survive that you can't get back out rather than help you get back up on your feet working. People who WANT to work, want their lives back, but the jobs aren't there or the system is simply too slow and geared mainly for the chronically needy, especially those who go out, get pregnant, just to get the benefits, then leave the kids in squalor so they have better lives. Then those kids grow up to be the same.

ALL YOU PEOPLE who talk about limiting people to milk, bread and cheese to eat and forcing them out into menial, low paying jobs like you are so indignant they need your help and have so little compassion are almost as much to blame for the vast growing poverty neighborhoods as the government! What is broken about the system is that it funds poverty, and rather than helping people get back up leading productive, quality lives, all it does is put more people into abject poverty. Pretty easy to say all a person deserves is milk and cheese to live on when it isn't yourself or someone you know and care about.
What I get a chuckle from, these hard hearted people claim to pray to Jesus Christ, yet deny what Christ said about helping the poor..Down to the very rich men that make and pass these laws claim to be a Christian, yet deny what Christ said about wealthy people and following him.....
The cuts are made by making people work for their benefits. Why didn't you know that?

Made by making the disabled work? Made by making someone take a menial job that pays too little to even live on that they lose their house? Why don't you know THAT?
The non disabled can work. They should work. If they lose their house, it won't be the first house someone lost. You should not make someone's mortgage payment and neither should I.
Most of the poor that are disabled don't own a house.

Which means some of them do. What if the person is not a career public welfare person? What if the person simply has had some bad luck, injury, sickness? What if the person has great value to offer the public? The system you are so fond of forces that person into poverty, losing their house, and everything. Public housing is not always available. Then where do you go? Why don't you try visiting a housing project? Take care of you? What opportunity will you have if through no fault of your own, you are driven into poverty living in a crime-ridden filthy housing project living on food stamps? I have seen people commit suicide because if this. They have lost everything, and all because of a system that drives you down so far into poverty just to survive that you can't get back out rather than help you get back up on your feet working. People who WANT to work, want their lives back, but the jobs aren't there or the system is simply too slow and geared mainly for the chronically needy, especially those who go out, get pregnant, just to get the benefits, then leave the kids in squalor so they have better lives. Then those kids grow up to be the same.

ALL YOU PEOPLE who talk about limiting people to milk, bread and cheese to eat and forcing them out into menial, low paying jobs like you are so indignant they need your help and have so little compassion are almost as much to blame for the vast growing poverty neighborhoods as the government! What is broken about the system is that it funds poverty, and rather than helping people get back up leading productive, quality lives, all it does is put more people into abject poverty. Pretty easy to say all a person deserves is milk and cheese to live on when it isn't yourself or someone you know and care about.
Your kinda' telling it this to the wrong person. We are about as poor as you get but still own our place. Most peeps wouldn't live in it as it is that bad but it is ours we paid cash for it prior to the thieves, the corrupt government employees, corrupt insurance companies, corrupt lawyers and robber baron banksters went after us. My health has been on the edge since being hurt at work, Rod has been permanently partially disable since 1985 and that wasn't a problem as long as I could still maintain some kind of enterprise but when the corrupt went after us I couldn't keep up and getting hurt on the job along with the fact that those bastards were going to let me die left us in a pretty dire situation. It is pretty tough to maintain any will to keep on going and hoping that we can survive long enough to figure out a way to overcome health obstacles without any professional medical help at this stage in the game. I even slept in the car last winter for a week in an attempt to rustle up some business with old clientele. Freezing my ass off at night in the car, still sick and in extreme pain I only manage to do that long enough for a few small jobs. I thank God it wasn't this bad when the children were small as back then trying to maintain I'm not sure that I could have done it with the knowledge of today about how the system can f**k you at will and the law matters not a damn thing to any of those whom are supposed to be defending and keeping the laws.

I watched my nephew grow up intermediately in a situation like you speak about. His mother was literally a street prostitute. Bless her heart I couldn't stand her but I have to give her credit she did try to take care of her children and she suffered the consequences of her own youthful choices. She died before she was forty-five of aids. She and her children lived in one of those trailers for years that a lot of the leftist and righwingers on here attribute to one another as being trailer trash. I can't imagine a society so heartless that they would have wanted those children to go hungry by cutting off her foodstamp allotment for the children. A pastor was in the children's lives off and on through the years but no one really did much for any of them to help them break away from that life. I took the nephew in for a summer but couldn't maintain keeping him but he did learn some skills while he was with us. Short of it, now there are several adults kinda screwed up roaming around that are a mess too. How many children do they have roaming around they helped make only God knows as I haven't kept track over the years.
What I get a chuckle from, these hard hearted people claim to pray to Jesus Christ, yet deny what Christ said about helping the poor..Down to the very rich men that make and pass these laws claim to be a Christian, yet deny what Christ said about wealthy people and following him.....
I think the problem is you have rich and semi upper middle class people skimming off money for themselves telling the people as a whole that they are doing great things while they line their own pockets and make their own beds comfy. Its hard to perceive for many of them what other people go through from a distance with that extreme tunnel vision they seem to get.
Where does it say the disabled have to work?

Have you read the details of the budget?

Have you tried applying for disability? You are unable to work, they deny you and tell you good luck, see you in a few YEARS with your appeal. As to the budget, yep, just heard it on TV.

You heard what? Did you read the budget or are you listening to some talking head tell you what they want you to hear so you will get your "butt hurt" in an uproar?

Disability has nothing to do with food stamps which is a function of Social Security.

Go apply for disability.

That has NOTHING to do with food stamps! Why are you pressing this point which is obviously wrong?

It has to do with living. What none of you people seem to understand is that food stamps barely pays for food, but you can still be disabled and not qualify for disability. Or it can take years of jumping through hoops before they qualify you. Meantime the bills are still coming in. Too many people here with opinions on things they know nothing about.

What the heck does disability have to do with food stamps? Nothing! They are not even remotely related! Why can't you see that?

My daughter has two boys and a deadbeat for an ex-husband. In the past 8 years he has contributed almost nothing while I helped fed and clothe my grandsons. They were on food stamps for a while, so I am well familiar with the topic. Think single moms with kids do better than those on disability?

I think we should lock these deadbeats up and put them to work on a daily work release program so they can earn money to pay their required support. But then again, I just pay his bills directly and those other deadbeats through my tax dollars. When do I get a break?
What I get a chuckle from, these hard hearted people claim to pray to Jesus Christ, yet deny what Christ said about helping the poor..Down to the very rich men that make and pass these laws claim to be a Christian, yet deny what Christ said about wealthy people and following him.....

Helping the poor does not involve Uncle Sam raiding the same wallet that I contribute to charity from! That's a two-for-one special I will pass on!
The cuts are made by making people work for their benefits. Why didn't you know that?

Made by making the disabled work? Made by making someone take a menial job that pays too little to even live on that they lose their house? Why don't you know THAT?
The non disabled can work. They should work. If they lose their house, it won't be the first house someone lost. You should not make someone's mortgage payment and neither should I.
Most of the poor that are disabled don't own a house.

Which means some of them do. What if the person is not a career public welfare person? What if the person simply has had some bad luck, injury, sickness? What if the person has great value to offer the public? The system you are so fond of forces that person into poverty, losing their house, and everything. Public housing is not always available. Then where do you go? Why don't you try visiting a housing project? Take care of you? What opportunity will you have if through no fault of your own, you are driven into poverty living in a crime-ridden filthy housing project living on food stamps? I have seen people commit suicide because if this. They have lost everything, and all because of a system that drives you down so far into poverty just to survive that you can't get back out rather than help you get back up on your feet working. People who WANT to work, want their lives back, but the jobs aren't there or the system is simply too slow and geared mainly for the chronically needy, especially those who go out, get pregnant, just to get the benefits, then leave the kids in squalor so they have better lives. Then those kids grow up to be the same.

ALL YOU PEOPLE who talk about limiting people to milk, bread and cheese to eat and forcing them out into menial, low paying jobs like you are so indignant they need your help and have so little compassion are almost as much to blame for the vast growing poverty neighborhoods as the government! What is broken about the system is that it funds poverty, and rather than helping people get back up leading productive, quality lives, all it does is put more people into abject poverty. Pretty easy to say all a person deserves is milk and cheese to live on when it isn't yourself or someone you know and care about.
Your kinda' telling it this to the wrong person. We are about as poor as you get but still own our place. Most peeps wouldn't live in it as it is that bad but it is ours we paid cash for it prior to the thieves, the corrupt government employees, corrupt insurance companies, corrupt lawyers and robber baron banksters went after us. My health has been on the edge since being hurt at work, Rod has been permanently partially disable since 1985 and that wasn't a problem as long as I could still maintain some kind of enterprise but when the corrupt went after us I couldn't keep up and getting hurt on the job along with the fact that those bastards were going to let me die left us in a pretty dire situation. It is pretty tough to maintain any will to keep on going and hoping that we can survive long enough to figure out a way to overcome health obstacles without any professional medical help at this stage in the game. I even slept in the car last winter for a week in an attempt to rustle up some business with old clientele. Freezing my ass off at night in the car, still sick and in extreme pain I only manage to do that long enough for a few small jobs. I thank God it wasn't this bad when the children were small as back then trying to maintain I'm not sure that I could have done it with the knowledge of today about how the system can f**k you at will and the law matters not a damn thing to any of those whom are supposed to be defending and keeping the laws.

I watched my nephew grow up intermediately in a situation like you speak about. His mother was literally a street prostitute. Bless her heart I couldn't stand her but I have to give her credit she did try to take care of her children and she suffered the consequences of her own youthful choices. She died before she was forty-five of aids. She and her children lived in one of those trailers for years that a lot of the leftist and righwingers on here attribute to one another as being trailer trash. I can't imagine a society so heartless that they would have wanted those children to go hungry by cutting off her foodstamp allotment for the children. A pastor was in the children's lives off and on through the years but no one really did much for any of them to help them break away from that life. I took the nephew in for a summer but couldn't maintain keeping him but he did learn some skills while he was with us. Short of it, now there are several adults kinda screwed up roaming around that are a mess too. How many children do they have roaming around they helped make only God knows as I haven't kept track over the years.

They won't be cutting it off if the person is actually working!

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