Pres. Biden wants $15/hr min wage; Thanks but NOW its not enough

The govts policies cause inflation to occur. Inflation is the problem!
OP is just llike the rest of the brain dead dumbfucks and are too stupid and lazy to want to try to fix the actual problem.
So your claim is that inflation is always bad?
I grew up and lived most of my life in Ohio, but here in Pennsylvania its not that unreasonable either.

The only thing that's irritating me now is that the PA governor wants to force people crossing the state line to do coronavirus testing and quarantine. And since buy most of my gas in Ohio due to its more reasonable price, now I guess I'll have to pay cash to prevent a written record for Wolf to trace.

I remember when this all became a nightmare. Apparently your state prohibited alcohol sales for a while. Our Governor regulated all stores by the PA line to card people; not for age, but to make sure they were from our state. PA people were coming here to buy beer and booze. Those who traveled quite a ways bought a ton of it to stock up, and our Governor prohibited stores from selling to PA customers.

That's right. Ohio banned the sale of alcohol to Pennsylvanians in Mahoning, Warren and the rest of the neighboring counties. PA closed the state owned liquor stores for a month, although there were other places to buy beer and wine.

I don't think that Wolf appreciates how close the states are. There is a building in Sharon PA and Masury Ohio where they sell PA lottery tickets on the PA end of the building and Ohio tickets on the other side.
Hard knocks is notoriously low-paying as well. But where I live a good construction worker can make $25 to $30 an hour easily. You got what you paid for it sounds like.

My father is a retired bricklayer. The union sends their retirees updates on the trade. A few years ago they were asking their retirees to find younger people who might be interested in that line of work. The union couldn't find anybody to do the job; at least not anybody that could pass a drug test.

It's hard work. I grew up helping my father on side jobs. I even tried my hand at bricklaying myself. But my father made a damn good living at it plus his retirement benefits are invaluable. He retired at the age of 62 and he's still getting his retirement checks today at the age of 89. If he passes away before my mother, she will get his checks until she dies.

You can't get younger people to do hard work today. Including benefits, bricklayers here make close to $60.00 an hour. People just can't give up the dope to take advantage of such opportunities.
A skilled tradesman can find all the work they want here. I have a friend that is a contractor and he says the same thing. Can't find enough people that even know how to hold a hammer.
Hard knocks is notoriously low-paying as well. But where I live a good construction worker can make $25 to $30 an hour easily. You got what you paid for it sounds like.

My father is a retired bricklayer. The union sends their retirees updates on the trade. A few years ago they were asking their retirees to find younger people who might be interested in that line of work. The union couldn't find anybody to do the job; at least not anybody that could pass a drug test.

It's hard work. I grew up helping my father on side jobs. I even tried my hand at bricklaying myself. But my father made a damn good living at it plus his retirement benefits are invaluable. He retired at the age of 62 and he's still getting his retirement checks today at the age of 89. If he passes away before my mother, she will get his checks until she dies.

You can't get younger people to do hard work today. Including benefits, bricklayers here make close to $60.00 an hour. People just can't give up the dope to take advantage of such opportunities.
You got one right. That's true across all the trades. Kids aren't used to doing physical work. They all want to make "big money" sitting behind a desk. Most don't realize that they are passing up fulfilling work that pays really well. It DOES take a toll on the body but then so does sitting behind a desk.

Glad to see your support of unions as well.
Hard knocks is notoriously low-paying as well. But where I live a good construction worker can make $25 to $30 an hour easily. You got what you paid for it sounds like.

My father is a retired bricklayer. The union sends their retirees updates on the trade. A few years ago they were asking their retirees to find younger people who might be interested in that line of work. The union couldn't find anybody to do the job; at least not anybody that could pass a drug test.

It's hard work. I grew up helping my father on side jobs. I even tried my hand at bricklaying myself. But my father made a damn good living at it plus his retirement benefits are invaluable. He retired at the age of 62 and he's still getting his retirement checks today at the age of 89. If he passes away before my mother, she will get his checks until she dies.

You can't get younger people to do hard work today. Including benefits, bricklayers here make close to $60.00 an hour. People just can't give up the dope to take advantage of such opportunities.
You got one right. That's true across all the trades. Kids aren't used to doing physical work. They all want to make "big money" sitting behind a desk. Most don't realize that they are passing up fulfilling work that pays really well. It DOES take a toll on the body but then so does sitting behind a desk.

Glad to see your support of unions as well.
Fuck unions. This is not a very strong union state.
Hard knocks is notoriously low-paying as well. But where I live a good construction worker can make $25 to $30 an hour easily. You got what you paid for it sounds like.

My father is a retired bricklayer. The union sends their retirees updates on the trade. A few years ago they were asking their retirees to find younger people who might be interested in that line of work. The union couldn't find anybody to do the job; at least not anybody that could pass a drug test.

It's hard work. I grew up helping my father on side jobs. I even tried my hand at bricklaying myself. But my father made a damn good living at it plus his retirement benefits are invaluable. He retired at the age of 62 and he's still getting his retirement checks today at the age of 89. If he passes away before my mother, she will get his checks until she dies.

You can't get younger people to do hard work today. Including benefits, bricklayers here make close to $60.00 an hour. People just can't give up the dope to take advantage of such opportunities.
You got one right. That's true across all the trades. Kids aren't used to doing physical work. They all want to make "big money" sitting behind a desk. Most don't realize that they are passing up fulfilling work that pays really well. It DOES take a toll on the body but then so does sitting behind a desk.

Glad to see your support of unions as well.
Fuck unions. This is not a very strong union state.
I wasn't talking to you. Go sit in the corner
Hard knocks is notoriously low-paying as well. But where I live a good construction worker can make $25 to $30 an hour easily. You got what you paid for it sounds like.

My father is a retired bricklayer. The union sends their retirees updates on the trade. A few years ago they were asking their retirees to find younger people who might be interested in that line of work. The union couldn't find anybody to do the job; at least not anybody that could pass a drug test.

It's hard work. I grew up helping my father on side jobs. I even tried my hand at bricklaying myself. But my father made a damn good living at it plus his retirement benefits are invaluable. He retired at the age of 62 and he's still getting his retirement checks today at the age of 89. If he passes away before my mother, she will get his checks until she dies.

You can't get younger people to do hard work today. Including benefits, bricklayers here make close to $60.00 an hour. People just can't give up the dope to take advantage of such opportunities.
You got one right. That's true across all the trades. Kids aren't used to doing physical work. They all want to make "big money" sitting behind a desk. Most don't realize that they are passing up fulfilling work that pays really well. It DOES take a toll on the body but then so does sitting behind a desk.

Glad to see your support of unions as well.
Fuck unions. This is not a very strong union state.
I wasn't talking to you. Go sit in the corner
go fix supper before your boyfriend slaps you around again for screwing around online all day. fuckers act as if the minimum wage has never been raised before. It has. And every time you trot out the same tired talking points that are proven false.

It does NONE of the evil things you claim it will. There's actual history to look at

Right, because when they raised the minimum wage in 2007....... 2008...... 2009..... Nothing evil happened.

We have looked into the actual history.... that is exactly where we are getting the examples we have posted here, from... is history.

Every thing we've said would happen.... has happened. Are you really this blind?

Screen Shot 2020-11-18 at 1.03.04 AM.png

Unemployment increased every single year until 2013, when it slowed, and started dropping.

What happened from 2012 to 2013, that reversed this?

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The stopped the automatic increases in the minimum wage, and that CUT the minimum wage. The result was job creation, and people getting employed.

What did we see in the US?

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From 2007, to 2009, the unemployment rate went up every year, for 3 years straight. Until.... 2010. Then it started to level off, and fall.

What happened in 2007, to 2009? The minimum wage went up each year.

How many hundreds of examples do you need, before you stop mouthing off that "nothing bad ever happens!"?
Once do I show you a number when nobody has been stupid enough to raise the Minimum Wage by the amounts that you on the left are demanding?
What are you claiming I am demanding? The only number I mentioned...ever ...was $15/hr. Are you claiming THAT number has never before used as minimum wage?

I'm simply stating that a nationwide minimum wage increase of the amount you on the left are demanding has never been done and for good reason!
So your stupid claim is that $15/hr has never been used as a minimum wage before?

Please tell me that is what you are claiming because that's so obviously bullshit that it will be fun to shove your nose in it

You are the dumbest idiotic fool on this thread so far.

How many times does he have to say "NATION WIDE MINIMUM WAGE", before you understand it? Are you just too stupid to grasp that?
Imo more than doubling it in one bite seems a bit much
But no one is advocating "one bite". Minimum wages are almost ALWAYS raised Florida is doing

But it does not matter if you do it incrementally or not. The end result is that people lose jobs.

Again, we saw that in NYC, and Seattle, and elsewhere.

Name a location that has jacked up the minimum wage, that you would consider a success. You know what I'm going to do before you bother posting your claim. I'll post evidence of businesses closed, and people losing jobs.

NYC and New Jersey were in a retail vacancy crisis BEFORE covid-19 and lockdowns.

25% vacancy rate on retail space..... in New York City.

How is that even possible? Well because if you can't make profit, because the minimum wage is so high, it doesn't matter how big the city is.

You keep saying the minimum wage doesn't have all the negative effects we claim, and yet the proof of our claims are endless.
Been reading that President Biden will make min wage $15/hour. Thanks Mr. President but that was enough in 2010. Not 2020. It needs to be $20/minimum. 40 hours/week after taxes thats like $2300 a month.

A 1 bedroom apt in my city is like $1200/month
Student loan payment $300
Power/cable/phone/water.....another $400
Car $200
(Already $2100 gone)

I could go on but as you can see it rapidly is gone and we havent even gotten to healthcare, food, clothing, recreation

Mr President.....$20 an hour is the minimum

Why do you hate the elderly, the disabled, and everyone else living on a fixed income? :mad:
The govts policies cause inflation to occur. Inflation is the problem!
OP is just llike the rest of the brain dead dumbfucks and are too stupid and lazy to want to try to fix the actual problem.
So your claim is that inflation is always bad?

Inflation is unavoidable, but it can be minimized by not put in place policies that drastically increase the cost of everything..... like say..... a minimum wage.

A better solution would be to allow unrestricted capitalism, and have that produce more goods, thus reducing cost, by increasing supply.

The most obvious example being reduce the regulations on construction of housing, thus providing more housing, thus lowering costs on people who need housing.
Dude. Give it up. You already admitted that getting rid of employees you fucked up in hiring in the first place is your job.

If you were more careful about who you hired and then treated (and paid) them wouldn't have a job yourself

Not true. While I've never had the experience hiring people, I do have to do research on potential tenants when they apply. You can check somebody up and down and still end up with a crappy tenant. I've rented to what most would consider the perfect tenant and they ended up being assholes costing me money, and I've rented to people who were in bankruptcy and ended up being my best and longest residing tenants. There is no criteria that guarantees a perfect tenant, just like there is no criteria that will guarantee an employer a good worker. It's really instinct.

Employers like landlords are legally limited to what they can tell another employer or landlord about the applicant, so you really don't find out much when it comes to references.
You're spot on about what former employers can tell someone checking references. Companies run scared of "wrongful termination" lawsuits these days! Generally speaking the worst thing you'll hear from a former employer is that the employee would NOT be eligible for rehire! That says it all.
Why is it that you are so fixated on firing people?

Because bad employees make things miserable for absolutely everyone, including other employees.

Right now I'm dealing with this. We have a "protected" group person on our staff, and I spend the first hour of every single day fixing his screw ups. Ironically this 'special' person also has a degree in engineering, and he couldn't engineer a belt to keep his pants from falling down.

The guy is a nightmare that irritates absolutely everyone in the entire building, and he makes all of us worse of, and the company worse off, and this nation as a whole is worse of for him being here.

But no one will fire him, because he's a special minority that is beyond scrutiny.

Left-wingers that support this nonsense, never have to deal with them. If you had to clean up this guys mess every day, you would have been voting for Trump by now.
Been reading that President Biden will make min wage $15/hour. Thanks Mr. President but that was enough in 2010. Not 2020. It needs to be $20/minimum. 40 hours/week after taxes thats like $2300 a month.

A 1 bedroom apt in my city is like $1200/month
Student loan payment $300
Power/cable/phone/water.....another $400
Car $200
(Already $2100 gone)

I could go on but as you can see it rapidly is gone and we havent even gotten to healthcare, food, clothing, recreation

Mr President.....$20 an hour is the minimum
A one time tax break for Capitalists can make it work because higher paid labor creates more in demand and generates more in tax revenue.
You keep saying that without having any idea what you're talking about. The "higher paid labor" would be more than offset by the hordes of newly laid off and those unable to find any job at all.
You realize DP is an idiot with a tad of book knowledge and zero real life experience.
I'm starting to think he gets most of his "book knowledge" from AOC's econ. papers. :auiqs.jpg:
NYC and New Jersey were in a retail vacancy crisis BEFORE covid-19 and lockdowns.

25% vacancy rate on retail space..... in New York City.
Vacant office space in MANHATTEN has ZERO to do with minimum wage...and oh yea...the MW in Jersey is much lower than NYC dope
Been reading that President Biden will make min wage $15/hour. Thanks Mr. President but that was enough in 2010. Not 2020. It needs to be $20/minimum. 40 hours/week after taxes thats like $2300 a month.

A 1 bedroom apt in my city is like $1200/month
Student loan payment $300
Power/cable/phone/water.....another $400
Car $200
(Already $2100 gone)

I could go on but as you can see it rapidly is gone and we havent even gotten to healthcare, food, clothing, recreation

Mr President.....$20 an hour is the minimum
A one time tax break for Capitalists can make it work because higher paid labor creates more in demand and generates more in tax revenue.
You keep saying that without having any idea what you're talking about. The "higher paid labor" would be more than offset by the hordes of newly laid off and those unable to find any job at all.
You realize DP is an idiot with a tad of book knowledge and zero real life experience.
I'm starting to think he gets most of his "book knowledge" from AOC's econ. papers. :auiqs.jpg:
lol. Stick to Parler right wingers. Your "gospel Truth" only exists there.
You got one right. That's true across all the trades. Kids aren't used to doing physical work. They all want to make "big money" sitting behind a desk. Most don't realize that they are passing up fulfilling work that pays really well. It DOES take a toll on the body but then so does sitting behind a desk.

Glad to see your support of unions as well.

My point had nothing to do with unions. The union (local 5) in this area happens to control the industry. This topic is about minimum wage. So my point is that increasing minimum wage is unnecessary because there are other things people can do to make a living and support a family. Again, less than 3% of our workforce work minimum wage jobs. Most of those people are school kids working part-time, seniors who don't want to sit in the house, married stay-at-home mothers who get jobs during the school year for extra money, but very few like the OP trying to support herself or her family on minimum wage. So just for the hell of it, let's assume people like the OP are about 1%..

Given the negative effects that we discussed and provided evidence of when it comes to drastically increasing minimum wage, it begs the question if we should suffer those negative ramifications across the entire country for just 1% of our workforce, especially when you consider that (before the virus) there were plenty of better alternatives.

My opinion from dealing with dozens of companies every week is that we don't have a minimum wage problem, we have a drug problem. Even the company I worked for had many applicants that declined the job offer because my employer told them up front that drug screening is not only the law, but a mandate from his insurance companies.

God helps those who help themselves, and conservatives believe in doing the same. You can't screw up the entire country to placate a small group of people who refuse to make life changes to better themselves. If there were no alternatives available and people had to work these jobs, I would be right on board with you.
You got one right. That's true across all the trades. Kids aren't used to doing physical work. They all want to make "big money" sitting behind a desk. Most don't realize that they are passing up fulfilling work that pays really well. It DOES take a toll on the body but then so does sitting behind a desk.

Glad to see your support of unions as well.

My point had nothing to do with unions. The union (local 5) in this area happens to control the industry. This topic is about minimum wage. So my point is that increasing minimum wage is unnecessary because there are other things people can do to make a living and support a family. Again, less than 3% of our workforce work minimum wage jobs. Most of those people are school kids working part-time, seniors who don't want to sit in the house, married stay-at-home mothers who get jobs during the school year for extra money, but very few like the OP trying to support herself or her family on minimum wage. So just for the hell of it, let's assume people like the OP are about 1%..

Given the negative effects that we discussed and provided evidence of when it comes to drastically increasing minimum wage, it begs the question if we should suffer those negative ramifications across the entire country for just 1% of our workforce, especially when you consider that (before the virus) there were plenty of better alternatives.

My opinion from experience dealing with dozens of companies every week is that we don't have a minimum wage problem, we have a drug problem. Even the company I worked for had many applicants that declined the job offer because my employer told them up front that drug screening is not only the law, but a mandate from his insurance companies.

God helps those who help themselves, and conservatives believe in doing the same. You can't screw up the entire country to placate a small group of people who refuse to make life changes to better themselves. If there were no alternatives available and people had to work these jobs, I would be right on board with you.
There were no minimum wage laws before the 1930's. Why did freer market capitalism fail back then, too? There used to be laws against the Poor back then.
You got one right. That's true across all the trades. Kids aren't used to doing physical work. They all want to make "big money" sitting behind a desk. Most don't realize that they are passing up fulfilling work that pays really well. It DOES take a toll on the body but then so does sitting behind a desk.

Glad to see your support of unions as well.

My point had nothing to do with unions. The union (local 5) in this area happens to control the industry. This topic is about minimum wage. So my point is that increasing minimum wage is unnecessary because there are other things people can do to make a living and support a family. Again, less than 3% of our workforce work minimum wage jobs. Most of those people are school kids working part-time, seniors who don't want to sit in the house, married stay-at-home mothers who get jobs during the school year for extra money, but very few like the OP trying to support herself or her family on minimum wage. So just for the hell of it, let's assume people like the OP are about 1%..

Given the negative effects that we discussed and provided evidence of when it comes to drastically increasing minimum wage, it begs the question if we should suffer those negative ramifications across the entire country for just 1% of our workforce, especially when you consider that (before the virus) there were plenty of better alternatives.

My opinion from experience dealing with dozens of companies every week is that we don't have a minimum wage problem, we have a drug problem. Even the company I worked for had many applicants that declined the job offer because my employer told them up front that drug screening is not only the law, but a mandate from his insurance companies.

God helps those who help themselves, and conservatives believe in doing the same. You can't screw up the entire country to placate a small group of people who refuse to make life changes to better themselves. If there were no alternatives available and people had to work these jobs, I would be right on board with you.
There were no minimum wage laws before the 1930's. Why did freer market capitalism fail back then, too? There used to be laws against the Poor back then.
Once again the minimum wage laws was/is racist

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