Pres. Biden wants $15/hr min wage; Thanks but NOW its not enough

Been reading that President Biden will make min wage $15/hour. Thanks Mr. President but that was enough in 2010. Not 2020. It needs to be $20/minimum. 40 hours/week after taxes thats like $2300 a month.

A 1 bedroom apt in my city is like $1200/month
Student loan payment $300
Power/cable/phone/water.....another $400
Car $200
(Already $2100 gone)

I could go on but as you can see it rapidly is gone and we havent even gotten to healthcare, food, clothing, recreation

Mr President.....$20 an hour is the minimum
Get a better job lazy.

Oh sure bc its just that easy right?

How about we just make all the jobs better by paying an actual living wage
There is no such thing as a living wage. If wages go up prices go up by at least as much. Prices are largely determined by the costs to produce an item or service. That's basic economics.

Yep. Democrats don't grasp that. If you raise the cost of producing products, then you increase the price of the product.

The problem is they need to take personal responsibility to be a more valuable employee. Then they will make more money by producing more, which is actually sustainable
Been reading that President Biden will make min wage $15/hour. Thanks Mr. President but that was enough in 2010. Not 2020. It needs to be $20/minimum. 40 hours/week after taxes thats like $2300 a month.

A 1 bedroom apt in my city is like $1200/month
Student loan payment $300
Power/cable/phone/water.....another $400
Car $200
(Already $2100 gone)

I could go on but as you can see it rapidly is gone and we havent even gotten to healthcare, food, clothing, recreation

Mr President.....$20 an hour is the minimum

Why would someone with college be worrying about the minimum wage?

Been reading that President Biden will make min wage $15/hour. Thanks Mr. President but that was enough in 2010. Not 2020. It needs to be $20/minimum. 40 hours/week after taxes thats like $2300 a month.

A 1 bedroom apt in my city is like $1200/month
Student loan payment $300
Power/cable/phone/water.....another $400
Car $200
(Already $2100 gone)

I could go on but as you can see it rapidly is gone and we havent even gotten to healthcare, food, clothing, recreation

Mr President.....$20 an hour is the minimum

Why would someone with college be worrying about the minimum wage?


Can you imagine what a $20 an hour minimum wage would do to minority owned inner city businesses? Democrats have no souls
Been reading that President Biden will make min wage $15/hour. Thanks Mr. President but that was enough in 2010. Not 2020. It needs to be $20/minimum. 40 hours/week after taxes thats like $2300 a month.

A 1 bedroom apt in my city is like $1200/month
Student loan payment $300
Power/cable/phone/water.....another $400
Car $200
(Already $2100 gone)

I could go on but as you can see it rapidly is gone and we havent even gotten to healthcare, food, clothing, recreation

Mr President.....$20 an hour is the minimum

Why would someone with college be worrying about the minimum wage?

The money that an employee is paid is not based on the information you provide above, nor should it be. An employee should be paid according to the value of that employee's work. No employee at McDonald's ( I worked there for 8 years) is worth even $15.00/ hour.

Your value as an employee is determined by what your employer can hire another person for to do the same quality of work that you do.
Been reading that President Biden will make min wage $15/hour. Thanks Mr. President but that was enough in 2010. Not 2020. It needs to be $20/minimum. 40 hours/week after taxes thats like $2300 a month.

A 1 bedroom apt in my city is like $1200/month
Student loan payment $300
Power/cable/phone/water.....another $400
Car $200
(Already $2100 gone)

I could go on but as you can see it rapidly is gone and we havent even gotten to healthcare, food, clothing, recreation

Mr President.....$20 an hour is the minimum

Why would someone with college be worrying about the minimum wage?


Can you imagine what a $20 an hour minimum wage would do to minority owned inner city businesses? Democrats have no souls

Yep, they want $30.00 Big Macs.

Been reading that President Biden will make min wage $15/hour. Thanks Mr. President but that was enough in 2010. Not 2020. It needs to be $20/minimum. 40 hours/week after taxes thats like $2300 a month.

A 1 bedroom apt in my city is like $1200/month
Student loan payment $300
Power/cable/phone/water.....another $400
Car $200
(Already $2100 gone)

I could go on but as you can see it rapidly is gone and we havent even gotten to healthcare, food, clothing, recreation

Mr President.....$20 an hour is the minimum

Why would someone with college be worrying about the minimum wage?


Can you imagine what a $20 an hour minimum wage would do to minority owned inner city businesses? Democrats have no souls

Yep, they want $30.00 Big Macs.


Yep. Then when people can't afford them, they will want a minimum wage increase. Stupid shit. Democrats are so incredibly dumb it's credible they don't grasp the relationship between increasing wages and prices going up
The govts policies cause inflation to occur. Inflation is the problem!
OP is just llike the rest of the brain dead dumbfucks and are too stupid and lazy to want to try to fix the actual problem.
The problem with the reality of unions is they are set up to leverage government guns to force the company to do things against its own interest.

If we had free market unions that worked with management rather than fighting them, then they could do a lot more positive for both sides

The other problem with unions is they take over the company. The tell them who they can hire, who they can or cannot fire, and who they have to promote.

The last unionized customer we had, the workers got together to vote the union out. Their senior union guy got the highest paying position in the place, and they were upset with that because the guy couldn't do the job. The owner of the company had to do the job for him. Because of the union, the guy was making the most money to stand there and watch his boss do the job.

After they got rid of the union, the shipper told me they've never been happier. That guy who had the highest paying job got laid off with several other worthless employees freeing up more money for the company. They were more productive and got advancements based on achievements instead of tenure.
Bbbbut that's not fair!!!! Mommy told them

All goes back to how one's raised and leftists fail at parenting

Those kinds of parents give the kids everything they want for the asking, grow up that way, and expect that in adult life.

I remember when I was like around 12 years old. My father was loading up his van to go on a side job after work. He was a bricklayer. I asked him if I could have five dollars. He asked what makes you think I have five dollars to give you? I told him because he works and gets paid for it. He said "Well if that's how I get my money, that's how your going to get yours. Get in the van!"

I have fond memories doing side jobs with my father. I had to mix cement, carry bricks and blocks to the job site, came home exhausted and filthy from head to toe, covered in sand and cement. All I could do is take a shower and go to bed.

My father paid me one dollar an hour. As I got older and was able to do more work, he paid me a little better. The point is that it taught me the value of money, and nothing in life is free.
I am not that familiar with East St. Louis, but I am very familiar with the tremendous city of Youngstown. It isn't only ESL that has reasonable real estate prices. BTW, Youngstown gets a lot of bad reports as well, but the city of my birth is pretty decent IMHO. I'd rather be there than NYC or LA.

I think you will find that in most of our state. We have a reasonable cost of living over here compared to many other places.

I grew up and lived most of my life in Ohio, but here in Pennsylvania its not that unreasonable either.

The only thing that's irritating me now is that the PA governor wants to force people crossing the state line to do coronavirus testing and quarantine. And since buy most of my gas in Ohio due to its more reasonable price, now I guess I'll have to pay cash to prevent a written record for Wolf to trace.
The problem with the reality of unions is they are set up to leverage government guns to force the company to do things against its own interest.

If we had free market unions that worked with management rather than fighting them, then they could do a lot more positive for both sides

The other problem with unions is they take over the company. The tell them who they can hire, who they can or cannot fire, and who they have to promote.

The last unionized customer we had, the workers got together to vote the union out. Their senior union guy got the highest paying position in the place, and they were upset with that because the guy couldn't do the job. The owner of the company had to do the job for him. Because of the union, the guy was making the most money to stand there and watch his boss do the job.

After they got rid of the union, the shipper told me they've never been happier. That guy who had the highest paying job got laid off with several other worthless employees freeing up more money for the company. They were more productive and got advancements based on achievements instead of tenure.

Yes. An effective union grasps their interest is the same as the company
I grew up and lived most of my life in Ohio, but here in Pennsylvania its not that unreasonable either.

The only thing that's irritating me now is that the PA governor wants to force people crossing the state line to do coronavirus testing and quarantine. And since buy most of my gas in Ohio due to its more reasonable price, now I guess I'll have to pay cash to prevent a written record for Wolf to trace.

I remember when this all became a nightmare. Apparently your state prohibited alcohol sales for a while. Our Governor regulated all stores by the PA line to card people; not for age, but to make sure they were from our state. PA people were coming here to buy beer and booze. Those who traveled quite a ways bought a ton of it to stock up, and our Governor prohibited stores from selling to PA customers.

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