Pres. Biden wants $15/hr min wage; Thanks but NOW its not enough

NYC and New Jersey were in a retail vacancy crisis BEFORE covid-19 and lockdowns.

25% vacancy rate on retail space..... in New York City.
Vacant office space in MANHATTEN has ZERO to do with minimum wage...and oh yea...the MW in Jersey is much lower than NYC dope

RETAIL SPACE. Not office space, unless you think offices are typically found at ground level in glass store front buildings. RETAIL SPACE.

And of course it does. We already have examples of stores closing because they are not profitable. One reason they are not profitable, is because they can't afford to hire staff, because the minimum wage is $15/hour.

Are you seriously suggesting you would keep a store open, with no staff? Or are you saying you would not go bankrupt, if you can't afford to pay them a minimum wage that is above how much profits you make?

Are you suggesting that if a significant portion of stores closed, because they couldn't afford to hire people, that this wouldn't result in empty store fronts?

Vacancy Crisis: Empty Storefronts Blanket Upper East Side

What part of that basic English headline, are you having trouble with? Before calling someone else a dupe, make sure you don't look like one in the process. with Covid raging and the internet killing brick and blame retail vacancies on the minimum wage?

You are clearly stupid or dishonest...or both

Are you stupid? Are you illiterate? Can't even understand spoken English?

Pres. Biden wants $15/hr min wage; Thanks but NOW its not enough

This is the original post where I made the claim. In that post, I linked to a youtube video.

View attachment 418761

Is that too hard for you? August...... of 2019.... Long before Covid.
And anyone who even put in half of a minute to look it up.....

View attachment 418760
If you wish to keep making yourself look dumber with every post, be my guest. But just a simple warning, if you are going to dish out petty insults, I can, and will, dish them right back to you.

The retail fall out from increasing the minimum wage, has been going on for some years, since 2016 when the minimum wage law, that increase the minimum wage every single year until 2020, was enacted.

There have been numerous articles about the increasing vacancy rate around retail areas of NYC for years.

If you knew ANYTHING... about this topic, you would know that.

And by the way, I am not claiming that the Minimum wage ALONE has caused this. There are other factors.... like regulations.... like taxes... like property controls.... The bad left-wing policy of the minimum wage, is one of many bad left-wing policies wrecking the NYC economy.

And no doubt, Covid-lock-down rules, have not helped.

But then..... who is in favor of all the lock-down economy-shattering controls supposedly for covid? :) Dumbocrats. You guys! So even with covid... the blame is still entirely on your ideology for everything. YOU are to blame for EVERYTHING. You can't shift this blame for anything that has happened on anyone, but yourselves.... at least not if you are honest, and we know you are not.

Nevertheless, only the dumbest of stupid women, who have not a single original thought in their head, would mindlessly conclude that reports of mass retail vacancy in NYC in 2018 and 2019, was do to covid in 2020.

And those same stupid women, when confronted with those facts, would without looking it up themselves, blather on about how others were dishonest, when they themselves proved to be 100% ignorant of everything.

Are done here 'miz'? :) Or would you care to continue tripping over yourself? Be my guest.
Not due to the minimum wage, just lousy management. They seem have some solutions and merely need to implement them. A vacancy tax is on the table.
You got one right. That's true across all the trades. Kids aren't used to doing physical work. They all want to make "big money" sitting behind a desk. Most don't realize that they are passing up fulfilling work that pays really well. It DOES take a toll on the body but then so does sitting behind a desk.

Glad to see your support of unions as well.

My point had nothing to do with unions. The union (local 5) in this area happens to control the industry. This topic is about minimum wage. So my point is that increasing minimum wage is unnecessary because there are other things people can do to make a living and support a family. Again, less than 3% of our workforce work minimum wage jobs. Most of those people are school kids working part-time, seniors who don't want to sit in the house, married stay-at-home mothers who get jobs during the school year for extra money, but very few like the OP trying to support herself or her family on minimum wage. So just for the hell of it, let's assume people like the OP are about 1%..

Given the negative effects that we discussed and provided evidence of when it comes to drastically increasing minimum wage, it begs the question if we should suffer those negative ramifications across the entire country for just 1% of our workforce, especially when you consider that (before the virus) there were plenty of better alternatives.

My opinion from experience dealing with dozens of companies every week is that we don't have a minimum wage problem, we have a drug problem. Even the company I worked for had many applicants that declined the job offer because my employer told them up front that drug screening is not only the law, but a mandate from his insurance companies.

God helps those who help themselves, and conservatives believe in doing the same. You can't screw up the entire country to placate a small group of people who refuse to make life changes to better themselves. If there were no alternatives available and people had to work these jobs, I would be right on board with you.
There were no minimum wage laws before the 1930's. Why did freer market capitalism fail back then, too? There used to be laws against the Poor back then.
Once again the minimum wage laws was/is racist
Why do you believe minimum wage laws are racist?
Because racism is the go-to argument for anything leftists (who call themselves liberals) don't like.
You got one right. That's true across all the trades. Kids aren't used to doing physical work. They all want to make "big money" sitting behind a desk. Most don't realize that they are passing up fulfilling work that pays really well. It DOES take a toll on the body but then so does sitting behind a desk.

Glad to see your support of unions as well.

My point had nothing to do with unions. The union (local 5) in this area happens to control the industry. This topic is about minimum wage. So my point is that increasing minimum wage is unnecessary because there are other things people can do to make a living and support a family. Again, less than 3% of our workforce work minimum wage jobs. Most of those people are school kids working part-time, seniors who don't want to sit in the house, married stay-at-home mothers who get jobs during the school year for extra money, but very few like the OP trying to support herself or her family on minimum wage. So just for the hell of it, let's assume people like the OP are about 1%..

Given the negative effects that we discussed and provided evidence of when it comes to drastically increasing minimum wage, it begs the question if we should suffer those negative ramifications across the entire country for just 1% of our workforce, especially when you consider that (before the virus) there were plenty of better alternatives.

My opinion from experience dealing with dozens of companies every week is that we don't have a minimum wage problem, we have a drug problem. Even the company I worked for had many applicants that declined the job offer because my employer told them up front that drug screening is not only the law, but a mandate from his insurance companies.

God helps those who help themselves, and conservatives believe in doing the same. You can't screw up the entire country to placate a small group of people who refuse to make life changes to better themselves. If there were no alternatives available and people had to work these jobs, I would be right on board with you.
There were no minimum wage laws before the 1930's. Why did freer market capitalism fail back then, too? There used to be laws against the Poor back then.
Once again the minimum wage laws was/is racist
Why do you believe minimum wage laws are racist?
Because racism is the go-to argument for anything leftists (who call themselves liberals) don't like.
I am on the left and I am not alleging minimum wage laws are racist. Right wingers only have bigotry as their go-to argument for their right wing fantasy.
Raising the federal minimum wage to $20/hr as a one size fits all approach would end up really hurting small businesses and probably be a shock to the system. Besides, $20/hr does not have the same buying power throughout the country. Long Island’s minimum wage is supposed to be at $15/hr next year but you can’t realistically expect that wage to provide a living for you here.
Raising the federal minimum wage to $20/hr as a one size fits all approach would end up really hurting small businesses and probably be a shock to the system. Besides, $20/hr does not have the same buying power throughout the country. Long Island’s minimum wage is supposed to be at $15/hr next year but you can’t realistically expect that wage to provide a living for you here.
But then no one but the OP shit stirrer is proposing a $20/hr MW are they...
Raising the federal minimum wage to $20/hr as a one size fits all approach would end up really hurting small businesses and probably be a shock to the system. Besides, $20/hr does not have the same buying power throughout the country. Long Island’s minimum wage is supposed to be at $15/hr next year but you can’t realistically expect that wage to provide a living for you here.
But then no one but the OP shit stirrer is proposing a $20/hr MW are they...
But if there are no negative repercussions to minimum wage laws - why wouldn't you? Why not more?
You got one right. That's true across all the trades. Kids aren't used to doing physical work. They all want to make "big money" sitting behind a desk. Most don't realize that they are passing up fulfilling work that pays really well. It DOES take a toll on the body but then so does sitting behind a desk.

Glad to see your support of unions as well.

My point had nothing to do with unions. The union (local 5) in this area happens to control the industry. This topic is about minimum wage. So my point is that increasing minimum wage is unnecessary because there are other things people can do to make a living and support a family. Again, less than 3% of our workforce work minimum wage jobs. Most of those people are school kids working part-time, seniors who don't want to sit in the house, married stay-at-home mothers who get jobs during the school year for extra money, but very few like the OP trying to support herself or her family on minimum wage. So just for the hell of it, let's assume people like the OP are about 1%..

Given the negative effects that we discussed and provided evidence of when it comes to drastically increasing minimum wage, it begs the question if we should suffer those negative ramifications across the entire country for just 1% of our workforce, especially when you consider that (before the virus) there were plenty of better alternatives.

My opinion from experience dealing with dozens of companies every week is that we don't have a minimum wage problem, we have a drug problem. Even the company I worked for had many applicants that declined the job offer because my employer told them up front that drug screening is not only the law, but a mandate from his insurance companies.

God helps those who help themselves, and conservatives believe in doing the same. You can't screw up the entire country to placate a small group of people who refuse to make life changes to better themselves. If there were no alternatives available and people had to work these jobs, I would be right on board with you.
There were no minimum wage laws before the 1930's. Why did freer market capitalism fail back then, too? There used to be laws against the Poor back then.
Once again the minimum wage laws was/is racist
Why do you believe minimum wage laws are racist?
Because racism is the go-to argument for anything leftists (who call themselves liberals) don't like.
I am on the left and I am not alleging minimum wage laws are racist. Right wingers only have bigotry as their go-to argument for their right wing fantasy.

History is not strong with you, it figures
Raising the federal minimum wage to $20/hr as a one size fits all approach would end up really hurting small businesses and probably be a shock to the system. Besides, $20/hr does not have the same buying power throughout the country. Long Island’s minimum wage is supposed to be at $15/hr next year but you can’t realistically expect that wage to provide a living for you here.
But then no one but the OP shit stirrer is proposing a $20/hr MW are they...
But it should be $20 bucks an hour in New York City, Los Angeles, Seattle.
Raising the federal minimum wage to $20/hr as a one size fits all approach would end up really hurting small businesses and probably be a shock to the system. Besides, $20/hr does not have the same buying power throughout the country. Long Island’s minimum wage is supposed to be at $15/hr next year but you can’t realistically expect that wage to provide a living for you here.
But then no one but the OP shit stirrer is proposing a $20/hr MW are they...
But it should be $20 bucks an hour in New York City, Los Angeles, Seattle. want NO increase but you want to talk about $20/hr.

You're not only're incredibly stupid
Raising the federal minimum wage to $20/hr as a one size fits all approach would end up really hurting small businesses and probably be a shock to the system. Besides, $20/hr does not have the same buying power throughout the country. Long Island’s minimum wage is supposed to be at $15/hr next year but you can’t realistically expect that wage to provide a living for you here.
But then no one but the OP shit stirrer is proposing a $20/hr MW are they...
But it should be $20 bucks an hour in New York City, Los Angeles, Seattle. want NO increase but you want to talk about $20/hr.

You're not only're incredibly stupid

Oh I want an increase of minimum wage to $50 bucks an hour in blue states, the poor people that live there deserve the money, to pay for rent.
Raising the federal minimum wage to $20/hr as a one size fits all approach would end up really hurting small businesses and probably be a shock to the system. Besides, $20/hr does not have the same buying power throughout the country. Long Island’s minimum wage is supposed to be at $15/hr next year but you can’t realistically expect that wage to provide a living for you here.
But then no one but the OP shit stirrer is proposing a $20/hr MW are they...
But it should be $20 bucks an hour in New York City, Los Angeles, Seattle. want NO increase but you want to talk about $20/hr.

You're not only're incredibly stupid

Oh I want an increase of minimum wage to $50 bucks an hour in blue states, the poor people that live there deserve the money, to pay for rent.

You, like the OP, want a straw man to fight against.

Look up straw man. Use your google machine
The minimum wage of Chicago, New York, california, portland should be $50 bucks an hour!!!!
Raising the federal minimum wage to $20/hr as a one size fits all approach would end up really hurting small businesses and probably be a shock to the system. Besides, $20/hr does not have the same buying power throughout the country. Long Island’s minimum wage is supposed to be at $15/hr next year but you can’t realistically expect that wage to provide a living for you here.
But then no one but the OP shit stirrer is proposing a $20/hr MW are they...
But it should be $20 bucks an hour in New York City, Los Angeles, Seattle. want NO increase but you want to talk about $20/hr.

You're not only're incredibly stupid

Oh I want an increase of minimum wage to $50 bucks an hour in blue states, the poor people that live there deserve the money, to pay for rent.

You, like the OP, want a straw man to fight against.

Look up straw man. Use your google machine

No I am serious, I want the minimum wage of blue states to be $50 bucks an hour
Been reading that President Biden will make min wage $15/hour. Thanks Mr. President but that was enough in 2010. Not 2020. It needs to be $20/minimum. 40 hours/week after taxes thats like $2300 a month.

A 1 bedroom apt in my city is like $1200/month
Student loan payment $300
Power/cable/phone/water.....another $400
Car $200
(Already $2100 gone)

I could go on but as you can see it rapidly is gone and we havent even gotten to healthcare, food, clothing, recreation

Mr President.....$20 an hour is the minimum

How about we just go hunting for wetbacks...let’s round them all up and send them all home to their thirdworld shitholes?
Wages will work itself out...Laborers with a standard that aligns with America’s founding principles will demand higher wages, better conditions and the like thus driving up wages all the way up the employment chain.
You, like the OP, want a straw man to fight against.

Look up straw man. Use your google machine
Bear is a troll...and a really incompetent one at that

Common what possibly could go wrong if blue states raised there minimum wage to $50 bucks an hour
(Which it should be) and red states remain at $7.25(Which is fine by them)

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