Pres McCain says we're going to war

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
President McCain declares war! -

Yesterday, President John McCain announced that theUnited States would be intervening militarily in the current Syrian civil war. Speaking on the Senate floor, as he often does despite his apparently being president, McCain announced what the president, him, had decided to do:

“The president also will announce that we will be assisting the Syrian rebels by providing them with weapons and other assistance. I applaud the president’s decision.”

Strangely, an administration official then told The Daily Beast’s Josh Rogin that the U.S. wouldn’t be arming the opposition.

“The president has made a decision to provide the Syrian opposition with military items that can increase their effectiveness on the ground, but at this point it does not include things like guns and bullets,” the official tells The Daily Beast.

This old fart needs to retire to a golf course in AZ. Over the years, he has consistently refused to do his own job but he sure as hell can try to do other people's jobs.

And, this isn't the first time he has undermined his own country's position.

The right won't be happy no matter what the real president does but McCain is not on the side of the US.
President McCain declares war! -

Yesterday, President John McCain announced that theUnited States would be intervening militarily in the current Syrian civil war. Speaking on the Senate floor, as he often does despite his apparently being president, McCain announced what the president, him, had decided to do:

“The president also will announce that we will be assisting the Syrian rebels by providing them with weapons and other assistance. I applaud the president’s decision.”

Strangely, an administration official then told The Daily Beast’s Josh Rogin that the U.S. wouldn’t be arming the opposition.

“The president has made a decision to provide the Syrian opposition with military items that can increase their effectiveness on the ground, but at this point it does not include things like guns and bullets,” the official tells The Daily Beast.

This old fart needs to retire to a golf course in AZ. Over the years, he has consistently refused to do his own job but he sure as hell can try to do other people's jobs.

And, this isn't the first time he has undermined his own country's position.

The right won't be happy no matter what the real president does but McCain is not on the side of the US.
an old fart calling someone younger than him an old gotta love these old fuckers....
Perhaps if Obama had not thrown down his red line challenge to Assad who accepted the challenge he would not now be in the position of having to arm and assist the rebels or risk looking like in Bill Clinton's words a fool and a wuss.
Obama already has 4,500 troops on the Syrian/Jordanian border. How many days until the first insider attack?
What's the freaking point? Where the hell is the real president? Planning another golf outing?
As long as there isn't a draft, the sword rattlers know the American public will view it all as 'no dog in the fight' 5h page news

The peaceniks protesting might get a honk or a wave

The $$$$$'s will flow to all the arms sales catering to both sides of any given conflict

Most of the Un will vote against us

The troops will continue to have a high rate of suicide

And American Idol will be our chief focus , right after a word from their sponsors....

So Obama OFFICIALLY abandoned his presidency...well, that's an improvement over the tacit abandonment we've seen so far.
So Obama OFFICIALLY abandoned his presidency...well, that's an improvement over the tacit abandonment we've seen so far.

Either obama officially abandoned the presidency, except for the vacation part or democrats are admitting that obama functionally abandoned the presidency except for the vacation part.
Obama is definitely morphing into McCain when it comes to his foreign policy.'
McCain is president? Did I wake up from a nightmare? Nah....

The nightmare would've been palin if mccain croaked.

instead we get slow joe Biden.... a career Politician of no outstanding accomplishments except sucking off taxpayers all his life if Obama should croak..


I like the palin interview with katie couric when asked what living in Alaska has to do with foreign experience. Funnier than not being able to name some of the things she reads. No answer because this moron obviously doesn't read and she's even too slow to wing it and come up with some names, Time magazine , wall street journal....
Palin's really good at republican conventions, sucking on a pepsi and throwing out rehearsed one liners to the tea bagging morons who become almost delirious in admiration of this half-wit's wit.

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