Pres. Obama speaks about the beheading of James Foley


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!

One statement I STRONGLY disagree with:


"So, ISIL speaks for no religion. Their victims are overwhelmingly Muslims and no faith teaches people to massacre innocents".

That is bullshit. ISIL speaks for radical militant Islam and has gained massive followers. In fact, that is the only reason for it's existence. The President needs to educate himself as to exactly what both the Kuran and Hadith have to say about beheadings and in general, the treatment of the "Kuffar".

Bush said some similar things after 9-11, and I didn't buy it then, either.

Both men have been way too PC about this, and I am personally sick of it.

That man, James Foley, an independent reporter, was slowly murdered for over 7 long minutes at that hands of a rabid beast that needs to be put down. The moment that we even begin to accept one small bit of this is the slippery slope that I would think no American wants to be on. ISIL needs to die, the ideas behind ISIL need to die, forever.

One statement I strongly AGREE with:


"ISIL has no ideology of any value to human beings. Their ideology is bankrupt...a group like ISIL has no place in the 21st century."


Fuck ISIL. It needs to die. Like, now.

On a side-note, the President has really aged in the last year or so. I saw this happen to Bush and I saw this happen to Clinton. Love or hate any one given President, there is no doubt that the job is hard and Presidents have to deal with far more information than we realize, much of which we will never see.
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I say we go in and turn them to glass. But just like crime in the US, we no longer fight to win. We gave that up when we caved in Korea.


If the POTUS learned of a mass gathering if ISIL militants, including all leadership, taking place and knew where it was, do you think he would order a drone strike or air strikes to wipe them all out?
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If the POTUS learned of a mass gathering if ISIL militants, including all leadership, taking place and knew where it was, do you think he would order a drone strike or air strikes to wipe them all out?

Yes, and I think he should. But you will probably never find all of the leadership together in one place. One of the principles of "successful terrorism" (spit) is that of independent-of-each-other terror cells.

If the POTUS learned of a mass gathering if ISIL militants, including all leadership, taking place and knew where it was, do you think he would order a drone strike or air strikes to wipe them all out?

Yes, and I think he should. But you will probably never find all of the leadership together in one place. One of the principles of "successful terrorism" (spit) is that of independent-of-each-other terror cells.

Sounds like for ISIS, they will need at least 6 decks of playing cards :badgrin:


If the POTUS learned of a mass gathering if ISIL militants, including all leadership, taking place and knew where it was, do you think he would order a drone strike or air strikes to wipe them all out?

Yes, and I think he should. But you will probably never find all of the leadership together in one place. One of the principles of "successful terrorism" (spit) is that of independent-of-each-other terror cells.

My point was that he and you are simpatico on this issue. He isn't making excuses for ISIL at 1:55. He is differentiating between ISIL and the overwhelming majority of Muslims. He'd kill every one of them ( ISIL ) without blinking an eye.
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If the POTUS learned of a mass gathering if ISIL militants, including all leadership, taking place and knew where it was, do you think he would order a drone strike or air strikes to wipe them all out?

Yes, and I think he should. But you will probably never find all of the leadership together in one place. One of the principles of "successful terrorism" (spit) is that of independent-of-each-other terror cells.

My point was that he and you are simpatico on this issue. He isn't making excuses for ISIL at 1:55. He is differentiating between ISIL and the overwhelming majority of Muslims. He'd kill every one of them ( ISIL ) without blinking an eye.

The problem with that is that ISIL is growing exponentially, which means that this whole argument about "overwhelming majority of Muslims" who are somewow against ISIL is having less "hands and feet" all the time. Hamas was elected into power in the PA by the overwhelming majority of Muslims, just to note.

So, no, although I support a lot of what our President does, I don't agree with him on this. This is nothing more than appeasement, just like Bush did after 911 on 2001.

Islam is NOT a religion of peace. It is a hateful ideology of violence and death and one that abhors any form or honor. The fact the Takkiyah is built into that fucked-up ideology is enough for me to know that it would never be worth my time of day. It's time for American leaders to stop making stupid disclaimers like the one that Pres. Obama made. Let the facts speak for themselves. All of the things that those extremists are doing you can find in that shitty book called Kuran and it's corollary texts in all 8 books of the Hadith.

If the POTUS learned of a mass gathering if ISIL militants, including all leadership, taking place and knew where it was, do you think he would order a drone strike or air strikes to wipe them all out?

Yes, and I think he should. But you will probably never find all of the leadership together in one place. One of the principles of "successful terrorism" (spit) is that of independent-of-each-other terror cells.

Sounds like for ISIS, they will need at least 6 decks of playing cards :badgrin:


I got the joke, but it is true: the independent cells, although they make communication harder, also make it harder for liberty-loving folks like us to destroy the entire movement.

If the POTUS learned of a mass gathering if ISIL militants, including all leadership, taking place and knew where it was, do you think he would order a drone strike or air strikes to wipe them all out?

Yes, and I think he should. But you will probably never find all of the leadership together in one place. One of the principles of "successful terrorism" (spit) is that of independent-of-each-other terror cells.

My point was that he and you are simpatico on this issue. He isn't making excuses for ISIL at 1:55. He is differentiating between ISIL and the overwhelming majority of Muslims. He'd kill every one of them ( ISIL ) without blinking an eye.

The problem with that is that ISIL is growing exponentially, which means that this whole argument about "overwhelming majority of Muslims" who are somewow against ISIL is having less "hands and feet" all the time. Hamas was elected into power in the PA by the overwhelming majority of Muslims, just to note.

So, no, although I support a lot of what our President does, I don't agree with him on this. This is nothing more than appeasement, just like Bush did after 911 on 2001.

Islam is NOT a religion of peace. It is a hateful ideology of violence and death and one that abhors any form or honor. The fact the Takkiyah is built into that fucked-up ideology is enough for me to know that it would never be worth my time of day. It's time for American leaders to stop making stupid disclaimers like the one that Pres. Obama made. Let the facts speak for themselves. All of the things that those extremists are doing you can find in that shitty book called Kuran and it's corollary texts in all 8 books of the Hadith.


I know that you don't think all Muslims are in agreement with ISIL's ideology. I know that you are not suggesting that anyone who follows the Muslim faith ought to be killed.

You are intelligent enough to make the distinction between those Muslims who are violent extremists and those who are not.

What. I don't know is why you aren't doing so in this thread.
Is this president not the ultimate goofball? Goes to the Rose Garden and stands with a guy who is a deserter and who's father is speaking arabic.......then the guy who gets his head cut off, a 30 second snippet and back to the golf course.:gay::2up::gay::2up:

Guy is not an American........doesn't even remotely resemble the thinking of most Americans. Nothing this guy does anymore surprises me. Its not that he is beyond gone.......he's been a phoney since day 1. The only people who truly connect with this guys thinking are the profound limpwristed far left radicals who troll in the nether-regions of the internet. The America haters.......weak minded and fairly like. Of course they connect with this president.

If the POTUS learned of a mass gathering if ISIL militants, including all leadership, taking place and knew where it was, do you think he would order a drone strike or air strikes to wipe them all out?

Yes, and I think he should. But you will probably never find all of the leadership together in one place. One of the principles of "successful terrorism" (spit) is that of independent-of-each-other terror cells.

They have innocents with them, still a question:

Should the US pay ransom to ISIS for Americans?
They have innocents with them, still a question:

Should the US pay ransom to ISIS for Americans?

Not only no but fuck no! How is all this Muslim ass kissing going? Just like the Russian reset button. You liberals can never get out of the think tank and into the real world. This is real, what do you think is going to happen when they get their hands on a real WMD? A year ago all the liberals were making jokes about how terrorism was defeated and the Cold War was over 30 years ago. The US backs down to just one nation of many in the world and look what happens. Peace through strength is the only Right way
They have innocents with them, still a question:

Should the US pay ransom to ISIS for Americans?

Not only no but fuck no! How is all this Muslim ass kissing going? Just like the Russian reset button. You liberals can never get out of the think tank and into the real world. This is real, what do you think is going to happen when they get their hands on a real WMD? A year ago all the liberals were making jokes about how terrorism was defeated and the Cold War was over 30 years ago. The US backs down to just one nation of many in the world and look what happens. Peace through strength is the only Right way

I gather is a "NO" to the question, and the Pentagon advised NO also, thus the ransom was not paid & Foley was killed in a heinous, atrocious, and cruel manner. Do we let any remaining, or future US captives being held die? Bombs away, regardless of non ISIS lives?
Have you ever watched obama's speeches? When it's political, when he's engaging in his favorite subject of republican bashing and Bush blaming, he's animated. He smiles, jokes, waves his arms. When it is about some world event, it is given in a monotone. He doesn't raise his eyes, he makes sure that everyone knows that this is a prepared speech. He's just reading it. He holds the papers in both hands. He's the perfect example of a man passively resisting. He has to do this even though he doesn't want to and does want the world to know it.
Have you ever watched obama's speeches? When it's political, when he's engaging in his favorite subject of republican bashing and Bush blaming, he's animated. He smiles, jokes, waves his arms. When it is about some world event, it is given in a monotone. He doesn't raise his eyes, he makes sure that everyone knows that this is a prepared speech. He's just reading it. He holds the papers in both hands. He's the perfect example of a man passively resisting. He has to do this even though he doesn't want to and does want the world to know it.

I read them, mostly, I do not judge by presentation. I judge by content, so-so in my view. But the question concerns the Pentagon, not just the President.

One statement I STRONGLY disagree with:


"So, ISIL speaks for no religion. Their victims are overwhelmingly Muslims and no faith teaches people to massacre innocents".

I'm no supporter of Obama, but I believe the point he was making here is that radicals do not define a religion, which is absolutely true.

There's a difference between claiming to follow a religion and speaking for one.

Do you believe Westboro speaks for Christians? I sure don't.

One statement I STRONGLY disagree with:


"So, ISIL speaks for no religion. Their victims are overwhelmingly Muslims and no faith teaches people to massacre innocents".

I'm no supporter of Obama, but I believe the point he was making here is that radicals do not define a religion, which is absolutely true.

There's a difference between claiming to follow a religion and speaking for one.

Do you believe Westboro speaks for Christians? I sure don't.

How many people in Westboro? 20? 50? The terrorist organization NETWORK is thousands, maybe millions. Aside from active members, how many sympathizers? The peaceful muslims, the ones who only want to live their own little lives and practice their own little religion are in a shrinking minority. So ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Quaeda and all the rest, now speak for a substantial percentage of muslims. Substantial and growing.

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