Pres. Trump Confirms: Obama Aided Terrorists

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Well it is all coming out now! Obama's dirty secrets are being exposed by President Trump who has now confirmed that Barack Hussein Obama was aiding terrorists during his time in the oval office. Treason in the highest office of the land. When will Obama be charged with treason and put on trial? It can't come soon enough!

With Trump as president, ALL of Obama’s secrets are flowing out. And what the former president did to aid radical Islamic terrorists is disgusting and just might be treason!

A now viral tweet by President Trump revealed a grand total of 122 Islamic Gitmo detainees left the confines of their cells and almost immediately went straight back to fighting for the caliphate. During the recent drone strike in Yemen, one former Gitmo detainee Obama released was killed alongside his fellow jihadists.

Donald J. Trump


122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration from Gitmo, have returned to the battlefield. Just another terrible decision!

7:04 AM - 7 Mar 2017

Yasir al-Silmi was held at Guantanamo Bay from 2002 to 2009. Exactly why Obama chose to release him is not known.

Pentagon officials were unwilling to share details about his release after the news spread that he was killed, along with a multitude of other terrorists, during the March 2 airstrikes in Yemen. Al-Silmi went by the alias Mohammed Tahar.
And yet They'll say 0 went back to terrorism just as they said there were no illegal voters (Ohio investigated & found they had 6% illegal voters), because they do insulting stuff like that. They don't just lie they go all out in their lie with rediculous claims & denials.
Well they can't deny your post, because they just killed one of those Gitmo released fighting for Isis in Mosul last month.
Al-Britani was even given 1 million pounds after his release.
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