Preschool teaching kids " Intersex" and " Genderqueer"

I don't think the make up of a family should be made an issue, nor should gender identity.
When and if it becomes and issue for the "child", there should be supportive counseling to answer question the child might have. Everyone else.........none of their business
Its not the responsibility of schools to teach those things it's the parents.
I would agree with that, but many parents don't want to tackle the subject as it is too sensitive for them, thus the kids learn from kids on the street and don't get warnings such as the possibility of STD's and pregnancy. My parents were like that. I learned from other kids and on my own.
The solution isn't teaching little boys anal-fisting in school though; while also neglecting to teach them the graphic horrors of HIV/AIDS. The LGBT cult is trying hard to lobby the omission of the direct and stunning statistical link between anal sex and getting HIV...the biology of the lower intestinal tract and how susceptible it is to semen/blood transmission.. If they had their way, this known link and fact would NEVER be mentioned in health class in school...even though it certainly would save many young lives if it was..
The only thing that needs to be taught in sexual education classes is:
1. The biologics on how a baby is conceived, carried and born.
2. The responsibilities of the baby's parents.
3. The health risks of pregnancy and subsequent dietary needs of the mother-to-be.
4. The myriad of STD's that can be transmitted and received with such actions.
5. The prevention method of abstinence and if refusing to abide by abstinence, the other methods of prevention.
6. That LGBT people and groups do exist and that if the student has any questions on this, they should refer them to their parents, other adult guardians.
This is a video compilation I produced that addresses sex education the way it was addressed when I was in high school. What we saw in the Planned Parenthood video is beyond shocking.

You had videos????
OMG! How did I ever manage to grow up and become a grandparent?

We had PSA's in H.S. I think we had one in Sex Ed, but it approached the subject in more of a scientific biological way, not exploitive.
I agree with your position about Kinsey and everything else that you have stated. I disagreed with the cause of death, and that was it. For that you have cast me into a left wing orgy. If you look at my posts you will see that the only thing that I took exception to was the cause of death, so I really did not deserve your outburst of hostility.
You accused me of providing "false facts" and cited a wiki article as proof.

Don't school me. I don't like it, and I am very seldom wrong about anything. When I am I admit it. I'm not wrong about this. Rate yourself or I'll do it for you.
Okay, provide the link to your fact and I will stand corrected. Sorry if you felt I was trying to "school" you. I'm not opposed to being wrong.
I agree with your position about Kinsey and everything else that you have stated. I disagreed with the cause of death, and that was it. For that you have cast me into a left wing orgy. If you look at my posts you will see that the only thing that I took exception to was the cause of death, so I really did not deserve your outburst of hostility.
You accused me of providing "false facts" and cited a wiki article as proof.

Don't school me. I don't like it, and I am very seldom wrong about anything. When I am I admit it. I'm not wrong about this. Rate yourself or I'll do it for you.
Okay, provide the link to your fact and I will stand corrected. Sorry if you felt I was trying to "school" you. I'm not opposed to being wrong.

Keep in mind the University of Illinois and the Kinsey Institute refuse to release Kinsey's study records, or to answer any questions about him.

"An early adherent and advocate of masturbation, Kinsey suffered an untimely death due, at least in part, to "orchitis," a lethal infection in his testicles that followed years of sadistic, orgiastic "self-abuse." Kinsey’s obsessive, brutally masochistic masturbation methods appear to have assisted in his early demise."

Alfred Kinsey
I agree with your position about Kinsey and everything else that you have stated. I disagreed with the cause of death, and that was it. For that you have cast me into a left wing orgy. If you look at my posts you will see that the only thing that I took exception to was the cause of death, so I really did not deserve your outburst of hostility.
You accused me of providing "false facts" and cited a wiki article as proof.

Don't school me. I don't like it, and I am very seldom wrong about anything. When I am I admit it. I'm not wrong about this. Rate yourself or I'll do it for you.
Okay, provide the link to your fact and I will stand corrected. Sorry if you felt I was trying to "school" you. I'm not opposed to being wrong.

Keep in mind the University of Illinois and the Kinsey Institute refuse to release Kinsey's study records, or to answer any questions about him.

"An early adherent and advocate of masturbation, Kinsey suffered an untimely death due, at least in part, to "orchitis," a lethal infection in his testicles that followed years of sadistic, orgiastic "self-abuse." Kinsey’s obsessive, brutally masochistic masturbation methods appear to have assisted in his early demise."

Alfred Kinsey
I agree with your position about Kinsey and everything else that you have stated. I disagreed with the cause of death, and that was it. For that you have cast me into a left wing orgy. If you look at my posts you will see that the only thing that I took exception to was the cause of death, so I really did not deserve your outburst of hostility.
You accused me of providing "false facts" and cited a wiki article as proof.

Don't school me. I don't like it, and I am very seldom wrong about anything. When I am I admit it. I'm not wrong about this. Rate yourself or I'll do it for you.
Okay, provide the link to your fact and I will stand corrected. Sorry if you felt I was trying to "school" you. I'm not opposed to being wrong.

Keep in mind the University of Illinois and the Kinsey Institute refuse to release Kinsey's study records, or to answer any questions about him.

"An early adherent and advocate of masturbation, Kinsey suffered an untimely death due, at least in part, to "orchitis," a lethal infection in his testicles that followed years of sadistic, orgiastic "self-abuse." Kinsey’s obsessive, brutally masochistic masturbation methods appear to have assisted in his early demise."

Alfred Kinsey

Judith Gelernter Reisman, Ph.D. - The Kinsey Coverup - Institute for Media Education
I agree with your position about Kinsey and everything else that you have stated. I disagreed with the cause of death, and that was it. For that you have cast me into a left wing orgy. If you look at my posts you will see that the only thing that I took exception to was the cause of death, so I really did not deserve your outburst of hostility.
You accused me of providing "false facts" and cited a wiki article as proof.

Don't school me. I don't like it, and I am very seldom wrong about anything. When I am I admit it. I'm not wrong about this. Rate yourself or I'll do it for you.
Okay, provide the link to your fact and I will stand corrected. Sorry if you felt I was trying to "school" you. I'm not opposed to being wrong.

Keep in mind the University of Illinois and the Kinsey Institute refuse to release Kinsey's study records, or to answer any questions about him.

"An early adherent and advocate of masturbation, Kinsey suffered an untimely death due, at least in part, to "orchitis," a lethal infection in his testicles that followed years of sadistic, orgiastic "self-abuse." Kinsey’s obsessive, brutally masochistic masturbation methods appear to have assisted in his early demise."

Alfred Kinsey
Horrific. :(:(

Judith Gelernter Reisman, Ph.D. - The Kinsey Coverup - Institute for Media Education
Its not the responsibility of schools to teach those things it's the parents.
I would agree with that, but many parents don't want to tackle the subject as it is too sensitive for them, thus the kids learn from kids on the street and don't get warnings such as the possibility of STD's and pregnancy. My parents were like that. I learned from other kids and on my own.
The solution isn't teaching little boys anal-fisting in school though; while also neglecting to teach them the graphic horrors of HIV/AIDS. The LGBT cult is trying hard to lobby the omission of the direct and stunning statistical link between anal sex and getting HIV...the biology of the lower intestinal tract and how susceptible it is to semen/blood transmission.. If they had their way, this known link and fact would NEVER be mentioned in health class in school...even though it certainly would save many young lives if it was..
The only thing that needs to be taught in sexual education classes is:
1. The biologics on how a baby is conceived, carried and born.
2. The responsibilities of the baby's parents.
3. The health risks of pregnancy and subsequent dietary needs of the mother-to-be.
4. The myriad of STD's that can be transmitted and received with such actions.
5. The prevention method of abstinence and if refusing to abide by abstinence, the other methods of prevention.
6. That LGBT people and groups do exist and that if the student has any questions on this, they should refer them to their parents, other adult guardians.
This is a video compilation I produced that addresses sex education the way it was addressed when I was in high school. What we saw in the Planned Parenthood video is beyond shocking.

You had videos????
OMG! How did I ever manage to grow up and become a grandparent?

We had PSA's in H.S. I think we had one in Sex Ed, but it approached the subject in more of a scientific biological way, not exploitive.

Education in the US confounded me. I learned sex ed on a sheep farm and from the birds we raised. One poor old man sang his heart out but did not care for the females when we put them together. One sad female nested, layed eggs but never had a single hatch.

I've seen sheep hump, but not always the females.

I grew up where "open" gays risked death. Even had a pair of teachers at my quaker school that I had know for years were a pair. Did not know exactly what that meant when I first found out, nor did I care. That was perhaps 5th grade?

Birds, fish, lizards, hamsters and a lamb that through it was a dog in our apartment. The birds and lamb were supposed to be eaten, but I adopted them.

Who need sex ed? Biology began with seeds and plants, by age 7 or 8 we were learning about animals, but not to teach "sex" in anything but a clinical way.

I understand when my kids were taught about STDs and condoms. Didn't care to me. The eggs were kind of sweet. By then their grandparents dogs had given birth and they were watching the whole thing.

Kids need instruction??? Kids need to see the world, the whole world.

Grandkids in kindergarten were taught not to hug and touch, such a shame. Learning about bad touching, I full agreed with. Kid by nature want to hug and kiss others they befriend, of either sex, it's not sexual it's caring, good natural affection.

I seriously am glad I grew up in the age I did. Over there we had our own brand of PC, but most was unspoken and learned from example. My parents did not make me conform, thank goodness.

People are people with the same needs for friendship and affection no matter their sex or sexuality. They are just people. I'd seen people in all states of national/ cultural dress and undress as perfectly normal. Totally naked did not bother any more than totally un-visible, perhaps less so. Why is race, religion, gender such a division? Most I knew from the neighborhood did not mix, I played with anyone regardless. Tuck my long hair up under a cap and most of the street kids playing soccer did not know I jumped the fence from the golf club, did not care, didn't realize I was female either till I got older, by then we were all just "friends". Some I eventually helped birth their children and tend their wounds, without covering up, not even my hair.

People are just people. Really this division is so artificial and harmful.

Nature happens regardless of education. Morals are learned in the family.

Somethings should not be forced on a school level, but if student as question, they should be answered in a factual, matter of fact way without judgement.

I was not taught to be a girl, I was taught to be a polite caring person no matter what country I was in or group I was with. I wish all children/people could be raised that way.

A few times, I covered my head and once I had to cover myself, oh so suffocating and restrictive. Out of respect I did not always wear short and even had some nice dresses for occasions. Growing up I was very much the tomboy in a world where there was no such thing. Everyone should be able to find themselves and their happiness so they can be good adults, not stifled in some mould.

Why is different so threatening? To me everyone in the world was different in some way. We are all the same, each individuals
If we teach genderqueer (whicn is a cult term) in schools, then having prayer in class is fair game. You cannot allow evangelizing from one religion and ban evangelizing from another...which is exactly what the cult of LGBT is accomplishing while people keep their eyes closed to what "LGBT" (a group of deviant behaviors.. ie: a cult) actually is...

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