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Preschooler’s Homemade Lunch Replaced with Cafeteria “Nuggets”

If this were my child, I believe I'd have a nice, calm conversation with the folks in charge there, starting with, "Just who the fuck do you think you are throwing away my kid's lunch and feeding her mystery meat nuggets instead???"
Michelle's Food Gestapo show up to arrest this poor girl's parents yet? Questioning the Socialist Nanny Staters/Police Staters cannot be tolerated. What a country.

STATE rules, not FEDERAL......geesh, it's funny to watch you fall over your own foot-n-mouth.

Exactly...we all know the federal government could never be accused of sticking their noses in personal nutritional choices....crap, nevermind.
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Michelle's Food Gestapo show up to arrest this poor girl's parents yet? Questioning the Socialist Nanny Staters/Police Staters cannot be tolerated. What a country.

STATE rules, not FEDERAL......geesh, it's funny to watch you fall over your own foot-n-mouth.

Exactly...we all know the federal government could never be accused of sticking their noses in personal nutritional choices....crap, nevermind.

"But the Food and Drug Administration, which launched a full investigation complete with a 5 a.m. surprise inspection and a straw-purchase sting operation against Mr. Allgyer's Rainbow Acres Farm, said unpasteurized milk is unsafe and it was exercising its due authority to stop sales of the milk from one state to another."

You Teabaggers surely are some......

I don't see any problems with this. The parents are obviously unfit and don't know how to care for their own child. I think the government should step in and ensure that this child receives the nutrition that he/she needs. This is another example of government getting it right.

The child consume 3 chicken nuggets as the result of state intervention. She won't eat the swill the government serves up.

You need to rethink your meme that government knows best how to raise your child.
I don't see any problems with this. The parents are obviously unfit and don't know how to care for their own child. I think the government should step in and ensure that this child receives the nutrition that he/she needs. This is another example of government getting it right.

The child consume 3 chicken nuggets as the result of state intervention. She won't eat the swill the government serves up.

You need to rethink your meme that government knows best how to raise your child.

Government always knows best. How are you going to argue with chicken nuggets and some BBQ sauce? Maybe some honey mustard.
We should all be down on our knees thanking Moochelle, the Empress of all fat asses for this little "nugget".
agreed. However, the idea that they would decide that what I put in the lunch isn't good enough, give the child something else (in replacement or addition), and then bill me for it? I don't think so.

Personally, I don't really have a problem with providing additional items. I've worked with children for a long time. Over the summer, I work with the local YMCA summer camp program. If they come with a lunch that (to use the article's example) was nothing more than a coke and a twinkie, we'd make the effort to provide them with a PBJ or something like that, just so that they could have a reasonable meal and wouldn't go hungry. If all they have is half a sandwich, we'd give them something like an apple or orange to make sure they had enough to eat. Of course, we'd talk with the parent also to make sure they understand that we expect them to provide their child with a reasonable meal. But I do agree that the parents shouldn't be charged for it.

What gives you the right to decide what a 'reasonable meal' is and then to undermine the autority of the parent?

Considering he mentioned that the child he was speaking about had only a coke and a Twinkie, common sense does.
Not according to the Federal government and liberal do-gooder buttinskis it isn't.

Do you even know what the fuck you are talking about, idiot? This isn't a federal law. It's a state law that North Carolina adopted for itself. The Division of Child Development and Early Education is a North Carolina state agency. If you bothered to read the article, you'd clearly see that it points to state laws and regulations as being behind this. Don't talk if you don't known what you're discussing. Now go away.
Article's Third Paragraph said:
The Division of Child Development and Early Education at the Department of Health and Human Services requires all lunches served in pre-kindergarten programs — including in-home day care centers — to meet USDA guidelines. That means lunches must consist of one serving of meat, one serving of milk, one serving of grain, and two servings of fruit or vegetables, even if the lunches are brought from home.

Know what the fuck YOU'RE talking about, fuckball. Federal Guidelines for nutrition are being enforced by the states. That's a hair's worth of difference when you're measuring by yards.

And buy some surplus reading comprehension of what I said.

Big Fitz said:
and liberal do-gooder buttinskis

Can mean your fucking neighbor going Mrs. Kravitz on you too!
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Her and her parents need to be sent to GITMO immediately. They're clearly Terrorists.
ONe more example of what happens when the population of liberal Yankee interlopers in a state rises to unacceptable levels. North Carolina is so filled with Yankee trash, that Cary, NC is locally referred to as the "Containment Area for Relocated Yankees". If I could have one wish, it would be that my beloved South could be forever removed from the clutches of your nasty liberal culture, that every last Yankee and Southern liberal scalawag in our fair Southland would then remove themselves to a place where they are welcome, and take their filthy politics with them when they go, and that NO representative of the United States federal government would ever set foot on Southern soil again. I think we Southerners have suffered your occupation and depredations quite enough. You won't leave us alone; but you should; you REALLY should.
Enough reason to send your kid to a private school......and to support education vouchers.....

Well, this is pre-school and I would pull my kid out immediately. Of course, I never sent my kid to pre-school in the first place because I saw no benefit whatsoever to handing him over to the government one year earlier than he was required to be.
Enough reason to send your kid to a private school......and to support education vouchers.....

Well, this is pre-school and I would pull my kid out immediately. Of course, I never sent my kid to pre-school in the first place because I saw no benefit whatsoever to handing him over to the government one year earlier than he was required to be.
Not a state-run one, anyway. It's best to forestall the brainwashing as late as possible.
Liberals can't justify their own existence without advocating that they control what others do.:tongue:

Uhhhhh...... North Carolina is a RED STATE.

Wana try again? :cool:

Up until the start of 2011, the North Carolina state government was run completely by Democrats since the 1870s. The only exception were the entire TWO Republican governors that had been elected during that 140 years period.

Wanna try again? :cool:

Knowledge is your friend.
I don't see any problems with this. The parents are obviously unfit and don't know how to care for their own child. I think the government should step in and ensure that this child receives the nutrition that he/she needs. This is another example of government getting it right.

The child consume 3 chicken nuggets as the result of state intervention. She won't eat the swill the government serves up.

You need to rethink your meme that government knows best how to raise your child.

Pretty sure RDD was being sarcastic.
Just wait until the do-gooders induce an anaphylaxis in some kid too scared to tell the authoritarian ass force feeding him or her ground up chicken parts, about an allergy.

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