Prescription drug prices have doubled in 7 years. Republicans will of course do jack shit about it

The lack of faith in Nutty Old Uncle Bernie's magical ability to right all wrongs; to make all stuff free....well, it's sad to see. Where did you go wrong? Why do you not believe? After all, isn't free stuff what you've been marching for and assaulting people to get?
The lack of faith in Nutty Old Uncle Bernie's magical ability to right all wrongs; to make all stuff free....well, it's sad to see. Where did you go wrong? Why do you not believe? After all, isn't free stuff what you've been marching for and assaulting people to get?

You need to have your balls cut off and shoved down your lying throat if you even have balls you loser.

The economy is rigged you stupid fuck and putting banksters and corporatists in front of firing squads will make things better even for trash like you.

The most welfare dependent states are the Red States you ignorant cocksucker.

The states with the most teen pregnancies are the Red States you prick licking fox new parrot.

The states with the highest divorce rates are the Red States you immoral hypocrite.

People like you need to be punched hard in your swagged bellies followed by a knee in your fat pig face.


Keep sucking corporate cock you ignorant cock sucking fool.

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