Prescription drug prices have doubled in 7 years. Republicans will of course do jack shit about it

Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years

Riddle me this, Batman.

If everything government does makes a problem worse, what should government do?
They are the reason it happened under a law passed by Bush and the GOP in 2003 that refuses to allow bundling. It's a legal way to scam America. I written and posted links many times. And every time, Republicans call it lies. It happened. It's real.

Republicans suck, don't they? Go ahead and argue with one. Then you can figure out which of you is dumb and which is dumber. I'm betting on you to be the latter


Just to set the record straight.

Wow, a graph. That must be right then
There comes a time in nearly every argument when a liberal tries to claim that he's smarter than everyone else. It's usually when he realizes that he's standing at the bottom of a hole and he's still digging. IOW, if you feel like you have to keep telling people you're smarter than they are, you're probably not.
If everything were settled by right wingernut delusions, then you guys would win every time. Thank God for facts. Facts. Facts are the enemy of the right wing.
Put down the shovel.
W couldn't have passed the authorization without Democrats. You handed him the keys to the car. You can't escape that from anyone with a critical mind

This is where your stupidity gets real strong.

When you have to use a handful of democrat votes to justify what the vast majority of republicans voted for and turned out to be a disaster, you know your argument is pitifully weak.

But I would have thrown out all the dems who voted for war in Iraq.

All you can do is avoid responsibility by trying and pass blame.

Pitiful you are.
W couldn't have passed the authorization without Democrats. You handed him the keys to the car. You can't escape that from anyone with a critical mind

This is where your stupidity gets real strong.

When you have to use a handful of democrat votes to justify what the vast majority of republicans voted for and turned out to be a disaster, you know your argument is pitifully weak.

But I would have thrown out all the dems who voted for war in Iraq.

Democrats could have stopped him, instead they gave him the votes he needed to pass it. You're hand in hand with them, you did it together

All you can do is avoid responsibility by trying and pass blame.

Pitiful you are.

I'm "pitiful" because I hold both parties who passed it accountable. that's passing blame, blaming both parties. You on the other hand by blaming only one party and declaring the Democrats virginal, pure as the snow, blameless as a newborn babe, now that's just being honest and realistic. LOL. Now that's pitiful
United States House of RepresentativesEdit
Party Yeas Nays Not
215 6 2
Democratic 82 126 1
Independent 0 1 0
TOTALS 297 133 3
  • 215 (96.4%) of 223 Republican Representatives voted for the resolution.
  • 82 (39.2%) of 209 Democratic Representatives voted for the resolution.
  • 6 (<2.7%) of 223 Republican Representatives voted against the resolution: Reps. Duncan (R-TN), Hostettler (R-IN),Houghton (R-NY), Leach (R-IA), Morella (R-MD), Paul (R-TX).
  • 126 (~60.3%) of 209 Democratic Representatives voted against the resolution.
  • The only Independent Representative voted against the resolution: Rep. Sanders (I-VT)

Look at those numbers and tell me again it was democrats that put us up to invading Iraq.

And as you say all the time, democrats are stupid.
And the ones that voted for war are republican level stupid.

Notice our current president didn't vote for war. Bernie didn't. Hillary did and now claims what a mistake that vote was.

Hillary the hated smart enough to learn.

You on the other hand so stupid you are STILL defending the republicans.

Pitiful you are.
96% of republicans voted for war.
39% of democrats.

You claim to be smart. Is 96 greater than 39?

Are those dems the most powerful dems the repubs ever went up against?

If repubs thought invading Iraq was a bad idea. Why did 96% vote for invasion? Did the dems make them do that? They did didn't they?
Well, now I can see why you and bripat are so sympatico (you two should get a room by the way). He also refuses to believe that the internet wouldn't have been created without government funding. You've probably heard the saying: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" Truer words were never spoken.

Research is one of the good things that government does. It takes on all of the basic research that would require a longer development than private industry would be willing to fund.

How does my salary depend on not understanding it? You post sayings you don't comprehend and accuse me of being deliberately stupid. How can you prove that private corporations wouldn't have invented the internet without government help?
Because private corporations think in the short term. This was a complex problem that took many government funded universities to develop the framework for. You don't want to believe it because it would ruin your anti-government ideology.

The internet wasn't created because some government subsidized scientists sat down and said "let's create the internet." It evolved over time. Government scientists devised some of the key pieces, but that doesn't prove they wouldn't have been devised by private corporations. They would have devised it as soon as they had the need for it.

It's laughable that you think you think the internet is a good example of government investment in science when you don't even know the first thing about it.
Well gee, I was given some pretty thorough tutelage about it from one of the former head honchos from Novell. I'll have to tell him he's full of shit just because you said so.

You are lying, the head of Novelle didn't say that
Pull your head out of your ass. It's Novell, and I didn't say 'head of'.
How does my salary depend on not understanding it? You post sayings you don't comprehend and accuse me of being deliberately stupid. How can you prove that private corporations wouldn't have invented the internet without government help?
Because private corporations think in the short term. This was a complex problem that took many government funded universities to develop the framework for. You don't want to believe it because it would ruin your anti-government ideology.

The internet wasn't created because some government subsidized scientists sat down and said "let's create the internet." It evolved over time. Government scientists devised some of the key pieces, but that doesn't prove they wouldn't have been devised by private corporations. They would have devised it as soon as they had the need for it.

It's laughable that you think you think the internet is a good example of government investment in science when you don't even know the first thing about it.
Well gee, I was given some pretty thorough tutelage about it from one of the former head honchos from Novell. I'll have to tell him he's full of shit just because you said so.

You are lying, the head of Novelle didn't say that
Pull your head out of your ass. It's Novell, and I didn't say 'head of'.

LOL, you said "one of," what a joke you are. So who gives a shit?
Again, Democrats controlled Congress (5 seats shy of a Super Majority) 2 of those 7 years - nothing done to address the problem.

Obama has been President those 7 years.
Something wrong with his pen and phone?

Liberals don't give a damn about these things until election time when they are in the minority so they can use it as an election year 'weapon'.

Well, now I can see why you and bripat are so sympatico (you two should get a room by the way). He also refuses to believe that the internet wouldn't have been created without government funding. You've probably heard the saying: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" Truer words were never spoken.

Research is one of the good things that government does. It takes on all of the basic research that would require a longer development than private industry would be willing to fund.

How does my salary depend on not understanding it? You post sayings you don't comprehend and accuse me of being deliberately stupid. How can you prove that private corporations wouldn't have invented the internet without government help?
Because private corporations think in the short term. This was a complex problem that took many government funded universities to develop the framework for. You don't want to believe it because it would ruin your anti-government ideology.

ROFL! What crock. Politicians never think past the next election. That means 2 years max in the case of the federal government. Private corporations have often made investments that don't promise a payoff for 10 years. For example, It takes 7 years to bring a new drug to market. How long does it take for a billion dollar automobile factory to pay off? Do you know there are companies right now spending money to develop am elevator to space? How long until that pays off? Google has been developing a driverless car for years.

When these investments finally do pay off the government will be right there demanding a huge share of their "obscene" profits.

I just love the totally delusional reality that libturds inhabit.
I have no great love for most politicians. They seem like mini versions of top level corporate scum. Yet somehow, big science projects get funded which have provided the basic research that led to most of the coolest things we enjoy today.

You, like most libertarians think you pulled yourself up by the bootstraps and you had to provide the bootstraps.

Government doesn't deserve credit for "most of the coolest things we enjoy today." If private corporations do A,B, C, D, E, F AND H to create some consumer gadget, and government does step G, turds like you will give government all the credit. Private corporations and individuals are responsible for 98% of all technical advances that benefit consumers.

You are the dumbest of the dumb fucks.

Electricity was not the result of a corporation.
Radio was not the result of a corporation.
Human flight was not the result of a corporation.
The internal combustion engine was not the result of a corporation.
Television was not the result of a corporation.
Agriculture was not the result of a corporation.
Medicine was not the result of a corporation.
Mathematics was not the result of a corporation.
Chemistry was not the result of a corporation.
Physics was not the result of a corporation.
Quantum mechanics was not the result of a corporation.

You are the dumbest of the dumb fucks dumb fuck.
Again, Democrats controlled Congress (5 seats shy of a Super Majority) 2 of those 7 years - nothing done to address the problem.

Obama has been President those 7 years.
Something wrong with his pen and phone?

Liberals don't give a damn about these things until election time when they are in the minority so they can use it as an election year 'weapon'.


Keep sucking Glenn Beck's dick as you suck on this you filthy liar.



  1. Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 242,000 in February, and the unemployment rate was unchanged at 4.9 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today.
    The Employment Situation - Bureau of Labor Statistics
    Bureau of Labor Statistics
Electricity was not the result of a corporation.
Radio was not the result of a corporation.
Human flight was not the result of a corporation.
The internal combustion engine was not the result of a corporation.
Television was not the result of a corporation.
Agriculture was not the result of a corporation.
Medicine was not the result of a corporation.
Mathematics was not the result of a corporation.
Chemistry was not the result of a corporation.
Physics was not the result of a corporation.
Quantum mechanics was not the result of a corporation.

You are the dumbest of the dumb fucks dumb fuck.

Yeah, I remember when the government discovered electricity while flying a kite one day.

And Marconi claimed HE built the 1st radio / telegraph. Hey, dumbass, didn't you hear? You didn't build that!

And who the hell do the Wright Brothers think they are claiming to have invented flight?

Philo T. Farnsworth? Television? Everyone knows the government invented the TV.

Abel was killed by his brother Abel, not because Abel was jealous over God showing Cain more favor for the crops he grew. Abel killed Cain for claiming to be one of the 1st farmers, engaging in agriculture, when both of them knew it was the Govt!

...and on and on! Historians got it wrong. 'M*F*ers! You didn't build that!' Just ask Obama!
Last edited:
Nice chart...but the FACTS are Liberals had a near super-majority control of Congress the last 2 years of Bush's administration and the 1st 2 years of Obama's. They did not address the infrastructure. They did not address the rising cost of prescriptions. But it's election time, and they are blaming the GOP for not doing anything when THEY are in control.
Electricity was not the result of a corporation.
Radio was not the result of a corporation.
Human flight was not the result of a corporation.
The internal combustion engine was not the result of a corporation.
Television was not the result of a corporation.
Agriculture was not the result of a corporation.
Medicine was not the result of a corporation.
Mathematics was not the result of a corporation.
Chemistry was not the result of a corporation.
Physics was not the result of a corporation.
Quantum mechanics was not the result of a corporation.

You are the dumbest of the dumb fucks dumb fuck.

Yeah, I remember when the government discovered electricity while flying a kite one day.

And Marconi claimed HE built the 1st radio / telegraph. Hey, dumbass, didn't you hear? You didn't build that!

And who the hell do the Wright Brothers think they are claiming to have invented flight?

Philo T. Farnsworth? Television? Everyone knows the government invented the TV.

Abel was killed by his brother Abel, not because Abel was jealous over God showing Cain more favor for the crops he grew. Abel killed Cain for claiming to be one of the 1st farmers, engaging in agriculture, when both of them knew it was the Govt!

...and on and on! Historians got it wrong. 'M*F*ers! You didn't build that!' Just ask Obama!

The Government:

Built the interstate highway system which increased interstate commerce.

Created the FCC and regulated the air waves so there would not be anarchy.

Keeps the roads plowed in the winter.

Set standards for the electrical industry so there would not be anarchy.

Has set standards and regulations for agriculture.

Government run NASA is the most successful space exploration organization on earth and it has lead to great innovation.

Government run USGS is the most successful geological exploration on earth.

Government run FAA keep US air travel among the safest in the world. Nanny State

Government run USDA inspects our food and keeps us safe. Nanny State

Government run law enforcement keeps us safe from criminals. Nanny State

Government run restaurant inspections keep us from getting food born illness. Nanny State

Government run NTSB sets safety standard for motor vehicles. Nanny State

Government run DMV makes sure only qualified people may operate motor vehicles. Nanny State

BTW cock sucker none of the people you discussed were corporatists.
Michael Pearson leaves over price gouging...

Valeant CEO resigns over drug company's 'improper' financial conduct
Monday 21 March 2016 - Michael Pearson’s ‘price gouging’ strategy is focus of two state investigations; Activist hedge fund investor William Ackman appointed to board
The chief executive of Valeant resigned on Monday, after the embattled Canadian drugmaker admitted that “improper conduct” by senior management caused the company to misstate its financial results. Michael Pearson, who had returned to the helm last week after more than two months’ sick leave with pneumonia, said he regretted the controversies the company has caused and will leave as soon as a successor is found. The company has also appointed the activist hedge fund investor William Ackman to its board. Valeant was a stock market darling under Pearson, who developed a strategy of buying up companies and dramatically increasing the price of undervalued drugs.

However, such a “price gouging” strategy has been attacked by both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, and Valeant was called before Congress to explain. Two state attorney generals have opened investigations into the company’s drug pricing. “While I regret the controversies that have adversely impacted our business over the past several months, I know that Valeant is a strong and resilient company, and I am committed to doing everything I can to ensure a smooth transition to new leadership,” Pearson said in a statement.

While Pearson was on leave, Howard Schiller, former chief financial officer and a board member, took over as interim CEO. On Monday the company said Schiller had been asked to leave the board but had refused. Ackman, who has lost billions of dollars since buying in early last year, said he would be more closely involved. Last week the company announced it would not hit 2016 earnings targets and would need to seek waivers from lenders because of the delay in its annual report. Shares fell sharply, causing Ackman more than $700m in losses in one day. Shares rose 14% to $30.70 on Monday, following news of Pearson’s exit.

Valeant CEO resigns over drug company's 'improper' financial conduct
Elect Nutty Old Uncle Bernie and the problem will be solved through nationalization.

Of course many drugs will be unavailable and others rationed....but the few you can still buy will be cheap!
Elect Nutty Old Uncle Bernie and the problem will be solved through nationalization.

Of course many drugs will be unavailable and others rationed....but the few you can still buy will be cheap!

You are completely full of shit. First off, most medications created after the 1970's are in most cases not as good as the ones they replaced.

Secondly, drug companies spend far more on their bullshit advertising of their poisons than they do on actual R&D.

Thirdly, name one disease that the medical industry has cured since polio.


Liberals took over a near 'super-majority' control of the House and Senate during Bush's last 2 years in office. THEY controlled Congress, legislation, priority of legislation, the budget, and spending.
- Guess, what...they NEVER addressed the disintegrating infrastructure, the power grid system that drastically needs an upgrade, or the monstrous rising cost of drugs.

2 years later they also won the Presidency. With a near super-majority control of Congress AND the Presidency their 1st move was to pass a nearly $1 trillion dollar failed 'Job Creating' Stimulus bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only liberal-benefitting pork, that had no 'shovel-ready' programs, that did not address the disintegrating infrastructure, the power grid system that drastically needs an upgrade, or the monstrous rising cost of drugs, and cost OVER $742,000 PER job Obama claimed to have created / saved.
** Later the Congressional Budget Office and the House published a report stating that over 1/2 of the jobs created were filled by foreign-born immigrants and illegals.

Liberals had millions to give to millionaire Liberal Feinstein so her husband could bail out his private business. They had money to pay for a study on why homosexual Argentinians had a better sex life than heterosexual US males. They had hundreds of thousands of dollars to put new widows in abandoned Park Ranger stations. They did NOT have money for the infrastructure, power grid, or to address the rising cost of drugs.

They NEVER seemed to have the time or the money to address any of these the entire 4 years Liberals controlled Congress and the Presidency.

Yet NOW liberals want to climb up on the 'stump' and decry 'Shame on the GOP'!


Liberals took over a near 'super-majority' control of the House and Senate during Bush's last 2 years in office. THEY controlled Congress, legislation, priority of legislation, the budget, and spending.
- Guess, what...they NEVER addressed the disintegrating infrastructure, the power grid system that drastically needs an upgrade, or the monstrous rising cost of drugs.

2 years later they also won the Presidency. With a near super-majority control of Congress AND the Presidency their 1st move was to pass a nearly $1 trillion dollar failed 'Job Creating' Stimulus bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only liberal-benefitting pork, that had no 'shovel-ready' programs, that did not address the disintegrating infrastructure, the power grid system that drastically needs an upgrade, or the monstrous rising cost of drugs, and cost OVER $742,000 PER job Obama claimed to have created / saved.
** Later the Congressional Budget Office and the House published a report stating that over 1/2 of the jobs created were filled by foreign-born immigrants and illegals.

Liberals had millions to give to millionaire Liberal Feinstein so her husband could bail out his private business. They had money to pay for a study on why homosexual Argentinians had a better sex life than heterosexual US males. They had hundreds of thousands of dollars to put new widows in abandoned Park Ranger stations. They did NOT have money for the infrastructure, power grid, or to address the rising cost of drugs.

They NEVER seemed to have the time or the money to address any of these the entire 4 years Liberals controlled Congress and the Presidency.

Yet NOW liberals want to climb up on the 'stump' and decry 'Shame on the GOP'!


Bush passed the stimulus and the bail outs you fox news parroting waste of protoplasm.

Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 - Wikipedia, the free ...

Please consider killing yourself liar.

Bush signs stimulus bill; rebate checks expected in May ...

I'll be pissing on your grave.


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