Prescription drug prices have doubled in 7 years. Republicans will of course do jack shit about it

The pharma companies wouldn't have come up with much without the basic research funded by the government. Of course, they don't want to acknowledge that. Maybe the government should charge royalties.

You are full of shit and making it up
Well, now I can see why you and bripat are so sympatico (you two should get a room by the way). He also refuses to believe that the internet wouldn't have been created without government funding. You've probably heard the saying: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" Truer words were never spoken.

Research is one of the good things that government does. It takes on all of the basic research that would require a longer development than private industry would be willing to fund.

How does my salary depend on not understanding it? You post sayings you don't comprehend and accuse me of being deliberately stupid. How can you prove that private corporations wouldn't have invented the internet without government help?
Because private corporations think in the short term. This was a complex problem that took many government funded universities to develop the framework for. You don't want to believe it because it would ruin your anti-government ideology.

The internet wasn't created because some government subsidized scientists sat down and said "let's create the internet." It evolved over time. Government scientists devised some of the key pieces, but that doesn't prove they wouldn't have been devised by private corporations. They would have devised it as soon as they had the need for it.

It's laughable that you think you think the internet is a good example of government investment in science when you don't even know the first thing about it.
Well gee, I was given some pretty thorough tutelage about it from one of the former head honchos from Novell. I'll have to tell him he's full of shit just because you said so.
You are full of shit and making it up
Well, now I can see why you and bripat are so sympatico (you two should get a room by the way). He also refuses to believe that the internet wouldn't have been created without government funding. You've probably heard the saying: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" Truer words were never spoken.

Research is one of the good things that government does. It takes on all of the basic research that would require a longer development than private industry would be willing to fund.

How does my salary depend on not understanding it? You post sayings you don't comprehend and accuse me of being deliberately stupid. How can you prove that private corporations wouldn't have invented the internet without government help?
Because private corporations think in the short term. This was a complex problem that took many government funded universities to develop the framework for. You don't want to believe it because it would ruin your anti-government ideology.

ROFL! What crock. Politicians never think past the next election. That means 2 years max in the case of the federal government. Private corporations have often made investments that don't promise a payoff for 10 years. For example, It takes 7 years to bring a new drug to market. How long does it take for a billion dollar automobile factory to pay off? Do you know there are companies right now spending money to develop am elevator to space? How long until that pays off? Google has been developing a driverless car for years.

When these investments finally do pay off the government will be right there demanding a huge share of their "obscene" profits.

I just love the totally delusional reality that libturds inhabit.
I have no great love for most politicians. They seem like mini versions of top level corporate scum. Yet somehow, big science projects get funded which have provided the basic research that led to most of the coolest things we enjoy today.

You, like most libertarians think you pulled yourself up by the bootstraps and you had to provide the bootstraps.

Government doesn't deserve credit for "most of the coolest things we enjoy today." If private corporations do A,B, C, D, E, F AND H to create some consumer gadget, and government does step G, turds like you will give government all the credit. Private corporations and individuals are responsible for 98% of all technical advances that benefit consumers.
You are full of shit and making it up
Well, now I can see why you and bripat are so sympatico (you two should get a room by the way). He also refuses to believe that the internet wouldn't have been created without government funding. You've probably heard the saying: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" Truer words were never spoken.

Research is one of the good things that government does. It takes on all of the basic research that would require a longer development than private industry would be willing to fund.

How does my salary depend on not understanding it? You post sayings you don't comprehend and accuse me of being deliberately stupid. How can you prove that private corporations wouldn't have invented the internet without government help?
Because private corporations think in the short term. This was a complex problem that took many government funded universities to develop the framework for. You don't want to believe it because it would ruin your anti-government ideology.

The internet wasn't created because some government subsidized scientists sat down and said "let's create the internet." It evolved over time. Government scientists devised some of the key pieces, but that doesn't prove they wouldn't have been devised by private corporations. They would have devised it as soon as they had the need for it.

It's laughable that you think you think the internet is a good example of government investment in science when you don't even know the first thing about it.
Well gee, I was given some pretty thorough tutelage about it from one of the former head honchos from Novell. I'll have to tell him he's full of shit just because you said so.

He's probably a deluded leftwinger just like you.
Well, now I can see why you and bripat are so sympatico (you two should get a room by the way). He also refuses to believe that the internet wouldn't have been created without government funding. You've probably heard the saying: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" Truer words were never spoken.

Research is one of the good things that government does. It takes on all of the basic research that would require a longer development than private industry would be willing to fund.

How does my salary depend on not understanding it? You post sayings you don't comprehend and accuse me of being deliberately stupid. How can you prove that private corporations wouldn't have invented the internet without government help?
Because private corporations think in the short term. This was a complex problem that took many government funded universities to develop the framework for. You don't want to believe it because it would ruin your anti-government ideology.

The internet wasn't created because some government subsidized scientists sat down and said "let's create the internet." It evolved over time. Government scientists devised some of the key pieces, but that doesn't prove they wouldn't have been devised by private corporations. They would have devised it as soon as they had the need for it.

It's laughable that you think you think the internet is a good example of government investment in science when you don't even know the first thing about it.
Well gee, I was given some pretty thorough tutelage about it from one of the former head honchos from Novell. I'll have to tell him he's full of shit just because you said so.

He's probably a deluded leftwinger just like you.
Nope, a Utah County ultra conservative. You two could have a beer together if only he drank beer.
Well, now I can see why you and bripat are so sympatico (you two should get a room by the way). He also refuses to believe that the internet wouldn't have been created without government funding. You've probably heard the saying: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" Truer words were never spoken.

Research is one of the good things that government does. It takes on all of the basic research that would require a longer development than private industry would be willing to fund.

How does my salary depend on not understanding it? You post sayings you don't comprehend and accuse me of being deliberately stupid. How can you prove that private corporations wouldn't have invented the internet without government help?
Because private corporations think in the short term. This was a complex problem that took many government funded universities to develop the framework for. You don't want to believe it because it would ruin your anti-government ideology.

ROFL! What crock. Politicians never think past the next election. That means 2 years max in the case of the federal government. Private corporations have often made investments that don't promise a payoff for 10 years. For example, It takes 7 years to bring a new drug to market. How long does it take for a billion dollar automobile factory to pay off? Do you know there are companies right now spending money to develop am elevator to space? How long until that pays off? Google has been developing a driverless car for years.

When these investments finally do pay off the government will be right there demanding a huge share of their "obscene" profits.

I just love the totally delusional reality that libturds inhabit.
I have no great love for most politicians. They seem like mini versions of top level corporate scum. Yet somehow, big science projects get funded which have provided the basic research that led to most of the coolest things we enjoy today.

You, like most libertarians think you pulled yourself up by the bootstraps and you had to provide the bootstraps.

Government doesn't deserve credit for "most of the coolest things we enjoy today." If private corporations do A,B, C, D, E, F AND H to create some consumer gadget, and government does step G, turds like you will give government all the credit. Private corporations and individuals are responsible for 98% of all technical advances that benefit consumers.
You have no idea of the roles of industry vs government. Corporations apply technology to create cool things that people want to buy. That's what I do. Basic research (which most corporations don't want to fund because the payback takes too long) provides the underlying technology to realize those cool things.
How does my salary depend on not understanding it? You post sayings you don't comprehend and accuse me of being deliberately stupid. How can you prove that private corporations wouldn't have invented the internet without government help?
Because private corporations think in the short term. This was a complex problem that took many government funded universities to develop the framework for. You don't want to believe it because it would ruin your anti-government ideology.

ROFL! What crock. Politicians never think past the next election. That means 2 years max in the case of the federal government. Private corporations have often made investments that don't promise a payoff for 10 years. For example, It takes 7 years to bring a new drug to market. How long does it take for a billion dollar automobile factory to pay off? Do you know there are companies right now spending money to develop am elevator to space? How long until that pays off? Google has been developing a driverless car for years.

When these investments finally do pay off the government will be right there demanding a huge share of their "obscene" profits.

I just love the totally delusional reality that libturds inhabit.
I have no great love for most politicians. They seem like mini versions of top level corporate scum. Yet somehow, big science projects get funded which have provided the basic research that led to most of the coolest things we enjoy today.

You, like most libertarians think you pulled yourself up by the bootstraps and you had to provide the bootstraps.

Government doesn't deserve credit for "most of the coolest things we enjoy today." If private corporations do A,B, C, D, E, F AND H to create some consumer gadget, and government does step G, turds like you will give government all the credit. Private corporations and individuals are responsible for 98% of all technical advances that benefit consumers.
You have no idea of the roles of industry vs government. Corporations apply technology to create cool things that people want to buy. That's what I do. Basic research (which most corporations don't want to fund because the payback takes too long) provides the underlying technology to realize those cool things.

"Basic research" is a euphemism meaning "research that doesn't have any conceivable payoff." Yeah, that's the kind government does. The AGW scam is a classic example.
Because private corporations think in the short term. This was a complex problem that took many government funded universities to develop the framework for. You don't want to believe it because it would ruin your anti-government ideology.

ROFL! What crock. Politicians never think past the next election. That means 2 years max in the case of the federal government. Private corporations have often made investments that don't promise a payoff for 10 years. For example, It takes 7 years to bring a new drug to market. How long does it take for a billion dollar automobile factory to pay off? Do you know there are companies right now spending money to develop am elevator to space? How long until that pays off? Google has been developing a driverless car for years.

When these investments finally do pay off the government will be right there demanding a huge share of their "obscene" profits.

I just love the totally delusional reality that libturds inhabit.
I have no great love for most politicians. They seem like mini versions of top level corporate scum. Yet somehow, big science projects get funded which have provided the basic research that led to most of the coolest things we enjoy today.

You, like most libertarians think you pulled yourself up by the bootstraps and you had to provide the bootstraps.

Government doesn't deserve credit for "most of the coolest things we enjoy today." If private corporations do A,B, C, D, E, F AND H to create some consumer gadget, and government does step G, turds like you will give government all the credit. Private corporations and individuals are responsible for 98% of all technical advances that benefit consumers.
You have no idea of the roles of industry vs government. Corporations apply technology to create cool things that people want to buy. That's what I do. Basic research (which most corporations don't want to fund because the payback takes too long) provides the underlying technology to realize those cool things.

"Basic research" is a euphemism meaning "research that doesn't have any conceivable payoff." Yeah, that's the kind government does. The AGW scam is a classic example.
I think you've reached the limit of what you're capable of understanding in this discussion. I personally find great value in the research in DSP that has come from government funding of research universities and national laboratories. I don't know what kind of a 'software architect' you happen to be but it doesn't sound like it goes beyond some networked databases.
You are full of shit and making it up
Well, now I can see why you and bripat are so sympatico (you two should get a room by the way). He also refuses to believe that the internet wouldn't have been created without government funding. You've probably heard the saying: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" Truer words were never spoken.

Research is one of the good things that government does. It takes on all of the basic research that would require a longer development than private industry would be willing to fund.

How does my salary depend on not understanding it? You post sayings you don't comprehend and accuse me of being deliberately stupid. How can you prove that private corporations wouldn't have invented the internet without government help?
Because private corporations think in the short term. This was a complex problem that took many government funded universities to develop the framework for. You don't want to believe it because it would ruin your anti-government ideology.

ROFL! What crock. Politicians never think past the next election. That means 2 years max in the case of the federal government. Private corporations have often made investments that don't promise a payoff for 10 years. For example, It takes 7 years to bring a new drug to market. How long does it take for a billion dollar automobile factory to pay off? Do you know there are companies right now spending money to develop am elevator to space? How long until that pays off? Google has been developing a driverless car for years.

When these investments finally do pay off the government will be right there demanding a huge share of their "obscene" profits.

I just love the totally delusional reality that libturds inhabit.
I have no great love for most politicians. They seem like mini versions of top level corporate scum. Yet somehow, big science projects get funded which have provided the basic research that led to most of the coolest things we enjoy today.

You, like most libertarians think you pulled yourself up by the bootstraps and you had to provide the bootstraps.

So you take "corporate scum," and remove their accountability, remove their competition and give them guns and you think that reduced them then to only being "mini versions" of corporate. You sir, are stupid as shit
You are full of shit and making it up
Well, now I can see why you and bripat are so sympatico (you two should get a room by the way). He also refuses to believe that the internet wouldn't have been created without government funding. You've probably heard the saying: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" Truer words were never spoken.

Research is one of the good things that government does. It takes on all of the basic research that would require a longer development than private industry would be willing to fund.

How does my salary depend on not understanding it? You post sayings you don't comprehend and accuse me of being deliberately stupid. How can you prove that private corporations wouldn't have invented the internet without government help?
Because private corporations think in the short term. This was a complex problem that took many government funded universities to develop the framework for. You don't want to believe it because it would ruin your anti-government ideology.

The internet wasn't created because some government subsidized scientists sat down and said "let's create the internet." It evolved over time. Government scientists devised some of the key pieces, but that doesn't prove they wouldn't have been devised by private corporations. They would have devised it as soon as they had the need for it.

It's laughable that you think you think the internet is a good example of government investment in science when you don't even know the first thing about it.
Well gee, I was given some pretty thorough tutelage about it from one of the former head honchos from Novell. I'll have to tell him he's full of shit just because you said so.

You are lying, the head of Novelle didn't say that
Well, now I can see why you and bripat are so sympatico (you two should get a room by the way). He also refuses to believe that the internet wouldn't have been created without government funding. You've probably heard the saying: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" Truer words were never spoken.

Research is one of the good things that government does. It takes on all of the basic research that would require a longer development than private industry would be willing to fund.

How does my salary depend on not understanding it? You post sayings you don't comprehend and accuse me of being deliberately stupid. How can you prove that private corporations wouldn't have invented the internet without government help?
Because private corporations think in the short term. This was a complex problem that took many government funded universities to develop the framework for. You don't want to believe it because it would ruin your anti-government ideology.

ROFL! What crock. Politicians never think past the next election. That means 2 years max in the case of the federal government. Private corporations have often made investments that don't promise a payoff for 10 years. For example, It takes 7 years to bring a new drug to market. How long does it take for a billion dollar automobile factory to pay off? Do you know there are companies right now spending money to develop am elevator to space? How long until that pays off? Google has been developing a driverless car for years.

When these investments finally do pay off the government will be right there demanding a huge share of their "obscene" profits.

I just love the totally delusional reality that libturds inhabit.
I have no great love for most politicians. They seem like mini versions of top level corporate scum. Yet somehow, big science projects get funded which have provided the basic research that led to most of the coolest things we enjoy today.

You, like most libertarians think you pulled yourself up by the bootstraps and you had to provide the bootstraps.

Government doesn't deserve credit for "most of the coolest things we enjoy today." If private corporations do A,B, C, D, E, F AND H to create some consumer gadget, and government does step G, turds like you will give government all the credit. Private corporations and individuals are responsible for 98% of all technical advances that benefit consumers.

Government takes other peoples money, throws money at something, wastes most of it, the rest underperforms what the private sector would have done with the same amount of money, and the libbies all praise Caesar
Government takes other peoples money, throws money at something, wastes most of it, the rest underperforms what the private sector would have done with the same amount of money, and the libbies all praise Caesar

Yep, that war in Iraq fit your description perfectly. Except it was mostly right wingers praising all that wasted money and lives.
Government takes other peoples money, throws money at something, wastes most of it, the rest underperforms what the private sector would have done with the same amount of money, and the libbies all praise Caesar

Yep, that war in Iraq fit your description perfectly. Except it was mostly right wingers praising all that wasted money and lives.

Well, they certainly did. but you idiots were in that fiasco hand in hand with them. You just rewrote history later when it didn't turn out how you expected
Basic research" is a euphemism meaning "research that doesn't have any conceivable payoff." Yeah, that's the kind government does. The AGW scam is a classic example.

Yet here you sit utilizing the basic research of the government for DARPA that evolved into the internet. Which you have used tens of thousands of time.

Now I admit that this government project has not done you any good. Where you could have used this tool to learn, you used it as a propaganda tool. But that is not the government's fault you are not to bright.
Well, they certainly did. but you idiots were in that fiasco hand in hand with them. You just rewrote history later when it didn't turn out how you expected

I didn't re write anything. I knew George Bush was going to be a fucking disaster from the get go. I actually registered as a republican to vote for McCain in the gop primary. That's how sure I was that Bush was going g to be a disaster. And he was. And he is the republican parties disaster. And he sure wasted a lot of money and lives.

And no matter how badly you want to blame democrats, one man and one man only controlled whether or not we went to war in Iraq. Who was that man with that much authority? Cheney?

Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years
well its better then quadrupled in 7 years thats if the health care system stayed the same they way you republicans wanted it to be
Basic research" is a euphemism meaning "research that doesn't have any conceivable payoff." Yeah, that's the kind government does. The AGW scam is a classic example.

Yet here you sit utilizing the basic research of the government for DARPA that evolved into the internet. Which you have used tens of thousands of time.

Now I admit that this government project has not done you any good. Where you could have used this tool to learn, you used it as a propaganda tool. But that is not the government's fault you are not to bright.

Actually, at the time they were called ARPA, which is why it was called the ARPA net. I did a web strategy for them. How cool is that, doing a web strategy for the actual creator of the Internet. Not Al Gore, the real one, LOL.

What they built though was really ethernet. The network protocol the internet is based on. But to compare that to anything we think of as the "Internet" is really a ridiculously huge stretch. Then it was adopted by universities in the sixties,, who really built it into a collaborative communications network with little security. It was in the seventies and eighties as it went to corporate that it really started to evolve into what we know as the Internet. Then the Web came in the ninties and it exploded as a consumer tool. And now you know ... the rest of the story.

But even when you claim government contributed, it was money confiscated from ... the private sector. And that money would have been spent productively there. The Internet would have happened. It really was other than the rudimentary building blocks created by corporate anyway
Well, they certainly did. but you idiots were in that fiasco hand in hand with them. You just rewrote history later when it didn't turn out how you expected

I didn't re write anything. I knew George Bush was going to be a fucking disaster from the get go. I actually registered as a republican to vote for McCain in the gop primary. That's how sure I was that Bush was going g to be a disaster. And he was. And he is the republican parties disaster. And he sure wasted a lot of money and lives.

And no matter how badly you want to blame democrats, one man and one man only controlled whether or not we went to war in Iraq. Who was that man with that much authority? Cheney?


You voted for W's clone and you blame W? WTF?

W couldn't have passed the authorization without Democrats. You handed him the keys to the car. You can't escape that from anyone with a critical mind
Government takes other peoples money, throws money at something, wastes most of it, the rest underperforms what the private sector would have done with the same amount of money, and the libbies all praise Caesar

Yep, that war in Iraq fit your description perfectly. Except it was mostly right wingers praising all that wasted money and lives.
Glad you can see an R war is a waste. Is a war instigated by a D POTUS also a waste?
Who's been the president for the last 7 years? A Republican? No. Who designed our current healthcare system? Republicans? No. Wise up.
still prove to us how stupid you really are ... I had a guy telling me how bad the health care was and how it went up on him ... I asked one simple question, what state do you live in ??? after 10 posts he said the name of the state and of course it was a republican governor who refuse to take the health care system ...hell my health care cut in half in cost ... I was paying next to nothing compared to what I was paying before Obama care ....any idiots like you try and tell its it bad??? like I said you're still proving to us how stupid you really are ...

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