Prescription drug prices have doubled in 7 years. Republicans will of course do jack shit about it

You're only counting the successful drugs. You also have to add in the cost of all the failures.
Did you look at the list? It shows total expenditures vs successful drugs. IOW, that includes the failures.

And kaz, I'm sure you didn't bother to look at anything before agreeing with bripat. You two are a self congratulating tag team.

I agreed with him you are way under-counting R&D, he's right. All of this is irrelevant to the discussion. You want to send the government in to give you other people's money, yet again. They did the R&D, they created the benefit, you want government to use force to give it to you for the price you want to pay. It's not your drug, it's theirs. They paid for it. Now you want it for an artificially low price
Yes, everything that makes you look bad is irrelevant to this discussion.

yes, advocating liberty and freedom? Just bad form, ay, mate?
So government coercion is bad but requiring a guy to go bankrupt for the CHANCE to save a family member is ok? Nah, no coercion there.

Well at least you tried to justify the actions of the pharmaceutical companies before going all-in on the free enterprise angle. I find the notion that you don't really want to view yourself as a greedy prick to be evidence that you're not quite a full blown sociopath yet. OTOH, maybe you're just afraid of being run through with a pitchfork when people start rioting.

Why does your family member justify taking a gun and robbing someone?
What a dumb fucking question but I will answer it anyway just to make you look even more evil and pathetic.

Unlike you the Republican slime that you are, I actually give a shit about my country and its people. Your Republican ethic is "Hooray for me and fuck everybody else." Because you are a POS all you care about is your worthless self. You don't care that people are being ripped off and harmed by corporate gangsters. Please don't have kids.

It's not only the price gouging that bothers me it is also the harmful side effects of these drugs. You have have no problem with the fact that the medical industry is the leading cause of death in the US and it is also the biggest thief. Now do you see why it would be so easy and so satisfying to goad some piece of shit like you into physically attacking me so that I could be legally justified into beating you into a permanent coma?

I'm getting bored now. I'm not interested in defending Republicans. If that's all you're interested in doing, debating Republicans, then why don't you find one. They are all over the board, it's not hard
They are the reason it happened under a law passed by Bush and the GOP in 2003 that refuses to allow bundling. It's a legal way to scam America. I written and posted links many times. And every time, Republicans call it lies. It happened. It's real.

Yep, Medicare part D was a giveaway to big pharma.
It's not about Medicare Part D. It's about states and organizations bundling orders. Other countries do it. They buy drugs in bulk and it drives the cost down to a fraction. Republicans blocked that driving up the cost enormously. It made big news when they did it. How come no one remembers. I know why. Republicans fuck over American so often, the last time is forgotten by the next time another Iraq or Bush Tax cuts or Flint comes around.

I think we are missing the big picture on prescription drugs. Drug are used to manage disease and when a patent runs out on a drug big pharma creates a similar drug at a huge price to continue the lucrative evil of managing a disease instead of curing it. One example if Prilosec vs Nexium. They are nearly identical in their mechanism and dangerous side effects. Most people who "need" these drugs are fat people who over eat. The drug industry is a scam.

So what you're saying is waaaaaa, they have it, I waaaaant it, give it to me! You greedy bastards
They are the reason it happened under a law passed by Bush and the GOP in 2003 that refuses to allow bundling. It's a legal way to scam America. I written and posted links many times. And every time, Republicans call it lies. It happened. It's real.

Yep, Medicare part D was a giveaway to big pharma.
It's not about Medicare Part D. It's about states and organizations bundling orders. Other countries do it. They buy drugs in bulk and it drives the cost down to a fraction. Republicans blocked that driving up the cost enormously. It made big news when they did it. How come no one remembers. I know why. Republicans fuck over American so often, the last time is forgotten by the next time another Iraq or Bush Tax cuts or Flint comes around.

I think we are missing the big picture on prescription drugs. Drug are used to manage disease and when a patent runs out on a drug big pharma creates a similar drug at a huge price to continue the lucrative evil of managing a disease instead of curing it. One example if Prilosec vs Nexium. They are nearly identical in their mechanism and dangerous side effects. Most people who "need" these drugs are fat people who over eat. The drug industry is a scam.

The problem with your theory is that people can still by the old version of the drug that is no longer patented.

It's not a theory moron. People will take the drug their doctor prescribes and most doctor take kickbacks from big Pharma and a lot of them believe the crap that they read in industry owned medical journals.

Because you are a dumb fuck you missed the rest of the point. If government did medical research maybe scientists would be allowed to find cures. After all the leading leading space program NASA is government run. Maybe a governmental agency whose actual mission is to find cures would be a good idea but trash like you hates the very idea of government and advancing civilization.

That used to be true, the bribes coming in multiple forms. But wow, you're out of touch. The last 20 years, doctors can't get so much as lunch from sales reps. You retired how many years ago that you're that out of touch?
Yes, everything that makes you look bad is irrelevant to this discussion.

yes, advocating liberty and freedom? Just bad form, ay, mate?
So government coercion is bad but requiring a guy to go bankrupt for the CHANCE to save a family member is ok? Nah, no coercion there.

Well at least you tried to justify the actions of the pharmaceutical companies before going all-in on the free enterprise angle. I find the notion that you don't really want to view yourself as a greedy prick to be evidence that you're not quite a full blown sociopath yet. OTOH, maybe you're just afraid of being run through with a pitchfork when people start rioting.

Admit it. That one got way from you, didn't it?
Which part of this did you find most objectionable?

Um...government telling a business that created a product with their own money what they can sell it for? I mean duh. It's not government's property, and it's not yours.

I always love the thing how they want to charge market rates for their product, you don't. So you get government to use guns to get it for you for what you want to pay. Then they're the "greedy" one...
The pharma companies wouldn't have come up with much without the basic research funded by the government. Of course, they don't want to acknowledge that. Maybe the government should charge royalties.
yes, advocating liberty and freedom? Just bad form, ay, mate?
So government coercion is bad but requiring a guy to go bankrupt for the CHANCE to save a family member is ok? Nah, no coercion there.

Well at least you tried to justify the actions of the pharmaceutical companies before going all-in on the free enterprise angle. I find the notion that you don't really want to view yourself as a greedy prick to be evidence that you're not quite a full blown sociopath yet. OTOH, maybe you're just afraid of being run through with a pitchfork when people start rioting.

Admit it. That one got way from you, didn't it?
Which part of this did you find most objectionable?

Um...government telling a business that created a product with their own money what they can sell it for? I mean duh. It's not government's property, and it's not yours.

I always love the thing how they want to charge market rates for their product, you don't. So you get government to use guns to get it for you for what you want to pay. Then they're the "greedy" one...
The pharma companies wouldn't have come up with much without the basic research funded by the government. Of course, they don't want to acknowledge that. Maybe the government should charge royalties.

Horseshit. Government spending on drug research pales in comparison to what private companies invest.
yes, advocating liberty and freedom? Just bad form, ay, mate?
So government coercion is bad but requiring a guy to go bankrupt for the CHANCE to save a family member is ok? Nah, no coercion there.

Well at least you tried to justify the actions of the pharmaceutical companies before going all-in on the free enterprise angle. I find the notion that you don't really want to view yourself as a greedy prick to be evidence that you're not quite a full blown sociopath yet. OTOH, maybe you're just afraid of being run through with a pitchfork when people start rioting.

Admit it. That one got way from you, didn't it?
Which part of this did you find most objectionable?

Um...government telling a business that created a product with their own money what they can sell it for? I mean duh. It's not government's property, and it's not yours.

I always love the thing how they want to charge market rates for their product, you don't. So you get government to use guns to get it for you for what you want to pay. Then they're the "greedy" one...
The pharma companies wouldn't have come up with much without the basic research funded by the government. Of course, they don't want to acknowledge that. Maybe the government should charge royalties.

I'm curious, when you go unconscious and your head goes under that long in the punch bowl, doesn't the oxygen deprivation cause brain damage? Or is that the problem in the first place?

Now you're just making shit up
yes, advocating liberty and freedom? Just bad form, ay, mate?
So government coercion is bad but requiring a guy to go bankrupt for the CHANCE to save a family member is ok? Nah, no coercion there.

Well at least you tried to justify the actions of the pharmaceutical companies before going all-in on the free enterprise angle. I find the notion that you don't really want to view yourself as a greedy prick to be evidence that you're not quite a full blown sociopath yet. OTOH, maybe you're just afraid of being run through with a pitchfork when people start rioting.

Admit it. That one got way from you, didn't it?
Which part of this did you find most objectionable?

Um...government telling a business that created a product with their own money what they can sell it for? I mean duh. It's not government's property, and it's not yours.

I always love the thing how they want to charge market rates for their product, you don't. So you get government to use guns to get it for you for what you want to pay. Then they're the "greedy" one...
The pharma companies wouldn't have come up with much without the basic research funded by the government. Of course, they don't want to acknowledge that. Maybe the government should charge royalties.

You are full of shit and making it up
So government coercion is bad but requiring a guy to go bankrupt for the CHANCE to save a family member is ok? Nah, no coercion there.

Well at least you tried to justify the actions of the pharmaceutical companies before going all-in on the free enterprise angle. I find the notion that you don't really want to view yourself as a greedy prick to be evidence that you're not quite a full blown sociopath yet. OTOH, maybe you're just afraid of being run through with a pitchfork when people start rioting.

Admit it. That one got way from you, didn't it?
Which part of this did you find most objectionable?

Um...government telling a business that created a product with their own money what they can sell it for? I mean duh. It's not government's property, and it's not yours.

I always love the thing how they want to charge market rates for their product, you don't. So you get government to use guns to get it for you for what you want to pay. Then they're the "greedy" one...
The pharma companies wouldn't have come up with much without the basic research funded by the government. Of course, they don't want to acknowledge that. Maybe the government should charge royalties.

You are full of shit and making it up
Well, now I can see why you and bripat are so sympatico (you two should get a room by the way). He also refuses to believe that the internet wouldn't have been created without government funding. You've probably heard the saying: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" Truer words were never spoken.

Research is one of the good things that government does. It takes on all of the basic research that would require a longer development than private industry would be willing to fund.
Yep, Medicare part D was a giveaway to big pharma.
It's not about Medicare Part D. It's about states and organizations bundling orders. Other countries do it. They buy drugs in bulk and it drives the cost down to a fraction. Republicans blocked that driving up the cost enormously. It made big news when they did it. How come no one remembers. I know why. Republicans fuck over American so often, the last time is forgotten by the next time another Iraq or Bush Tax cuts or Flint comes around.

I think we are missing the big picture on prescription drugs. Drug are used to manage disease and when a patent runs out on a drug big pharma creates a similar drug at a huge price to continue the lucrative evil of managing a disease instead of curing it. One example if Prilosec vs Nexium. They are nearly identical in their mechanism and dangerous side effects. Most people who "need" these drugs are fat people who over eat. The drug industry is a scam.

The problem with your theory is that people can still by the old version of the drug that is no longer patented.

It's not a theory moron. People will take the drug their doctor prescribes and most doctor take kickbacks from big Pharma and a lot of them believe the crap that they read in industry owned medical journals.

Because you are a dumb fuck you missed the rest of the point. If government did medical research maybe scientists would be allowed to find cures. After all the leading leading space program NASA is government run. Maybe a governmental agency whose actual mission is to find cures would be a good idea but trash like you hates the very idea of government and advancing civilization.

That used to be true, the bribes coming in multiple forms. But wow, you're out of touch. The last 20 years, doctors can't get so much as lunch from sales reps. You retired how many years ago that you're that out of touch?


What brand of Kool-Ade have you been drinking?

Doctors Earn $3.5 Billion in Kickbacks from Pharmaceutical ...

Is Your Doctor Getting Drug Kickbacks? | The Healthy Home ...

Doctors Often Receive Payments From Drug Companies ...

Doctor kickbacks are not limited to drugs. Medical device companies bribe the shit out of MDs.

$646M Medical Device Kickback Settlement Sets Record

Pull your head out of your ass.

Admit it. That one got way from you, didn't it?
Which part of this did you find most objectionable?

Um...government telling a business that created a product with their own money what they can sell it for? I mean duh. It's not government's property, and it's not yours.

I always love the thing how they want to charge market rates for their product, you don't. So you get government to use guns to get it for you for what you want to pay. Then they're the "greedy" one...
The pharma companies wouldn't have come up with much without the basic research funded by the government. Of course, they don't want to acknowledge that. Maybe the government should charge royalties.

You are full of shit and making it up
Well, now I can see why you and bripat are so sympatico (you two should get a room by the way). He also refuses to believe that the internet wouldn't have been created without government funding. You've probably heard the saying: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" Truer words were never spoken.

Research is one of the good things that government does. It takes on all of the basic research that would require a longer development than private industry would be willing to fund.

How does my salary depend on not understanding it? You post sayings you don't comprehend and accuse me of being deliberately stupid. How can you prove that private corporations wouldn't have invented the internet without government help?
Which part of this did you find most objectionable?

Um...government telling a business that created a product with their own money what they can sell it for? I mean duh. It's not government's property, and it's not yours.

I always love the thing how they want to charge market rates for their product, you don't. So you get government to use guns to get it for you for what you want to pay. Then they're the "greedy" one...
The pharma companies wouldn't have come up with much without the basic research funded by the government. Of course, they don't want to acknowledge that. Maybe the government should charge royalties.

You are full of shit and making it up
Well, now I can see why you and bripat are so sympatico (you two should get a room by the way). He also refuses to believe that the internet wouldn't have been created without government funding. You've probably heard the saying: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" Truer words were never spoken.

Research is one of the good things that government does. It takes on all of the basic research that would require a longer development than private industry would be willing to fund.

How does my salary depend on not understanding it? You post sayings you don't comprehend and accuse me of being deliberately stupid. How can you prove that private corporations wouldn't have invented the internet without government help?
Because private corporations think in the short term. This was a complex problem that took many government funded universities to develop the framework for. You don't want to believe it because it would ruin your anti-government ideology.
Um...government telling a business that created a product with their own money what they can sell it for? I mean duh. It's not government's property, and it's not yours.

I always love the thing how they want to charge market rates for their product, you don't. So you get government to use guns to get it for you for what you want to pay. Then they're the "greedy" one...
The pharma companies wouldn't have come up with much without the basic research funded by the government. Of course, they don't want to acknowledge that. Maybe the government should charge royalties.

You are full of shit and making it up
Well, now I can see why you and bripat are so sympatico (you two should get a room by the way). He also refuses to believe that the internet wouldn't have been created without government funding. You've probably heard the saying: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" Truer words were never spoken.

Research is one of the good things that government does. It takes on all of the basic research that would require a longer development than private industry would be willing to fund.

How does my salary depend on not understanding it? You post sayings you don't comprehend and accuse me of being deliberately stupid. How can you prove that private corporations wouldn't have invented the internet without government help?
Because private corporations think in the short term. This was a complex problem that took many government funded universities to develop the framework for. You don't want to believe it because it would ruin your anti-government ideology.

ROFL! What crock. Politicians never think past the next election. That means 2 years max in the case of the federal government. Private corporations have often made investments that don't promise a payoff for 10 years. For example, It takes 7 years to bring a new drug to market. How long does it take for a billion dollar automobile factory to pay off? Do you know there are companies right now spending money to develop am elevator to space? How long until that pays off? Google has been developing a driverless car for years.

When these investments finally do pay off the government will be right there demanding a huge share of their "obscene" profits.

I just love the totally delusional reality that libturds inhabit.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Which part of this did you find most objectionable?

Um...government telling a business that created a product with their own money what they can sell it for? I mean duh. It's not government's property, and it's not yours.

I always love the thing how they want to charge market rates for their product, you don't. So you get government to use guns to get it for you for what you want to pay. Then they're the "greedy" one...
The pharma companies wouldn't have come up with much without the basic research funded by the government. Of course, they don't want to acknowledge that. Maybe the government should charge royalties.

You are full of shit and making it up
Well, now I can see why you and bripat are so sympatico (you two should get a room by the way). He also refuses to believe that the internet wouldn't have been created without government funding. You've probably heard the saying: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" Truer words were never spoken.

Research is one of the good things that government does. It takes on all of the basic research that would require a longer development than private industry would be willing to fund.

How does my salary depend on not understanding it? You post sayings you don't comprehend and accuse me of being deliberately stupid. How can you prove that private corporations wouldn't have invented the internet without government help?

You are naturally stupid. You can't prove a negative moron.
Um...government telling a business that created a product with their own money what they can sell it for? I mean duh. It's not government's property, and it's not yours.

I always love the thing how they want to charge market rates for their product, you don't. So you get government to use guns to get it for you for what you want to pay. Then they're the "greedy" one...
The pharma companies wouldn't have come up with much without the basic research funded by the government. Of course, they don't want to acknowledge that. Maybe the government should charge royalties.

You are full of shit and making it up
Well, now I can see why you and bripat are so sympatico (you two should get a room by the way). He also refuses to believe that the internet wouldn't have been created without government funding. You've probably heard the saying: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" Truer words were never spoken.

Research is one of the good things that government does. It takes on all of the basic research that would require a longer development than private industry would be willing to fund.

How does my salary depend on not understanding it? You post sayings you don't comprehend and accuse me of being deliberately stupid. How can you prove that private corporations wouldn't have invented the internet without government help?
Because private corporations think in the short term. This was a complex problem that took many government funded universities to develop the framework for. You don't want to believe it because it would ruin your anti-government ideology.

Well said. The same goes for the space program which ended up being and economic and technological boon for the US. Republicans are too ignorant to see that.

CON trash hate the very idea of government. Their idea of Utopia is living in a bunker and eating MREs.
Um...government telling a business that created a product with their own money what they can sell it for? I mean duh. It's not government's property, and it's not yours.

I always love the thing how they want to charge market rates for their product, you don't. So you get government to use guns to get it for you for what you want to pay. Then they're the "greedy" one...
The pharma companies wouldn't have come up with much without the basic research funded by the government. Of course, they don't want to acknowledge that. Maybe the government should charge royalties.

You are full of shit and making it up
Well, now I can see why you and bripat are so sympatico (you two should get a room by the way). He also refuses to believe that the internet wouldn't have been created without government funding. You've probably heard the saying: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" Truer words were never spoken.

Research is one of the good things that government does. It takes on all of the basic research that would require a longer development than private industry would be willing to fund.

How does my salary depend on not understanding it? You post sayings you don't comprehend and accuse me of being deliberately stupid. How can you prove that private corporations wouldn't have invented the internet without government help?

You are naturally stupid. You can't prove a negative moron.

In other words, your claim is non-falsifiable, but you don't have any problem claiming it's true, right?
The pharma companies wouldn't have come up with much without the basic research funded by the government. Of course, they don't want to acknowledge that. Maybe the government should charge royalties.

You are full of shit and making it up
Well, now I can see why you and bripat are so sympatico (you two should get a room by the way). He also refuses to believe that the internet wouldn't have been created without government funding. You've probably heard the saying: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" Truer words were never spoken.

Research is one of the good things that government does. It takes on all of the basic research that would require a longer development than private industry would be willing to fund.

How does my salary depend on not understanding it? You post sayings you don't comprehend and accuse me of being deliberately stupid. How can you prove that private corporations wouldn't have invented the internet without government help?
Because private corporations think in the short term. This was a complex problem that took many government funded universities to develop the framework for. You don't want to believe it because it would ruin your anti-government ideology.

Well said. The same goes for the space program which ended up being and economic and technological boon for the US. Republicans are too ignorant to see that.

CON trash hate the very idea of government. Their idea of Utopia is living in a bunker and eating MREs.

Private companies developed almost all the technology for the space program, moron.
It's not about Medicare Part D. It's about states and organizations bundling orders. Other countries do it. They buy drugs in bulk and it drives the cost down to a fraction. Republicans blocked that driving up the cost enormously. It made big news when they did it. How come no one remembers. I know why. Republicans fuck over American so often, the last time is forgotten by the next time another Iraq or Bush Tax cuts or Flint comes around.

I think we are missing the big picture on prescription drugs. Drug are used to manage disease and when a patent runs out on a drug big pharma creates a similar drug at a huge price to continue the lucrative evil of managing a disease instead of curing it. One example if Prilosec vs Nexium. They are nearly identical in their mechanism and dangerous side effects. Most people who "need" these drugs are fat people who over eat. The drug industry is a scam.

The problem with your theory is that people can still by the old version of the drug that is no longer patented.

It's not a theory moron. People will take the drug their doctor prescribes and most doctor take kickbacks from big Pharma and a lot of them believe the crap that they read in industry owned medical journals.

Because you are a dumb fuck you missed the rest of the point. If government did medical research maybe scientists would be allowed to find cures. After all the leading leading space program NASA is government run. Maybe a governmental agency whose actual mission is to find cures would be a good idea but trash like you hates the very idea of government and advancing civilization.

That used to be true, the bribes coming in multiple forms. But wow, you're out of touch. The last 20 years, doctors can't get so much as lunch from sales reps. You retired how many years ago that you're that out of touch?


What brand of Kool-Ade have you been drinking?

Doctors Earn $3.5 Billion in Kickbacks from Pharmaceutical ...

Is Your Doctor Getting Drug Kickbacks? | The Healthy Home ...

Doctors Often Receive Payments From Drug Companies ...

Doctor kickbacks are not limited to drugs. Medical device companies bribe the shit out of MDs.

$646M Medical Device Kickback Settlement Sets Record

Pull your head out of your ass.

Once again you just show how little you know. That's why politicians manipulate you so easily
Um...government telling a business that created a product with their own money what they can sell it for? I mean duh. It's not government's property, and it's not yours.

I always love the thing how they want to charge market rates for their product, you don't. So you get government to use guns to get it for you for what you want to pay. Then they're the "greedy" one...
The pharma companies wouldn't have come up with much without the basic research funded by the government. Of course, they don't want to acknowledge that. Maybe the government should charge royalties.

You are full of shit and making it up
Well, now I can see why you and bripat are so sympatico (you two should get a room by the way). He also refuses to believe that the internet wouldn't have been created without government funding. You've probably heard the saying: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" Truer words were never spoken.

Research is one of the good things that government does. It takes on all of the basic research that would require a longer development than private industry would be willing to fund.

How does my salary depend on not understanding it? You post sayings you don't comprehend and accuse me of being deliberately stupid. How can you prove that private corporations wouldn't have invented the internet without government help?
Because private corporations think in the short term. This was a complex problem that took many government funded universities to develop the framework for. You don't want to believe it because it would ruin your anti-government ideology.

You like politicians because they don't think short term like companies?


That is stunning. You have no awareness of the world around you. Zero
Um...government telling a business that created a product with their own money what they can sell it for? I mean duh. It's not government's property, and it's not yours.

I always love the thing how they want to charge market rates for their product, you don't. So you get government to use guns to get it for you for what you want to pay. Then they're the "greedy" one...
The pharma companies wouldn't have come up with much without the basic research funded by the government. Of course, they don't want to acknowledge that. Maybe the government should charge royalties.

You are full of shit and making it up
Well, now I can see why you and bripat are so sympatico (you two should get a room by the way). He also refuses to believe that the internet wouldn't have been created without government funding. You've probably heard the saying: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" Truer words were never spoken.

Research is one of the good things that government does. It takes on all of the basic research that would require a longer development than private industry would be willing to fund.

How does my salary depend on not understanding it? You post sayings you don't comprehend and accuse me of being deliberately stupid. How can you prove that private corporations wouldn't have invented the internet without government help?
Because private corporations think in the short term. This was a complex problem that took many government funded universities to develop the framework for. You don't want to believe it because it would ruin your anti-government ideology.

The internet wasn't created because some government subsidized scientists sat down and said "let's create the internet." It evolved over time. Government scientists devised some of the key pieces, but that doesn't prove they wouldn't have been devised by private corporations. They would have devised it as soon as they had the need for it.

It's laughable that you think you think the internet is a good example of government investment in science when you don't even know the first thing about it.
The pharma companies wouldn't have come up with much without the basic research funded by the government. Of course, they don't want to acknowledge that. Maybe the government should charge royalties.

You are full of shit and making it up
Well, now I can see why you and bripat are so sympatico (you two should get a room by the way). He also refuses to believe that the internet wouldn't have been created without government funding. You've probably heard the saying: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" Truer words were never spoken.

Research is one of the good things that government does. It takes on all of the basic research that would require a longer development than private industry would be willing to fund.

How does my salary depend on not understanding it? You post sayings you don't comprehend and accuse me of being deliberately stupid. How can you prove that private corporations wouldn't have invented the internet without government help?
Because private corporations think in the short term. This was a complex problem that took many government funded universities to develop the framework for. You don't want to believe it because it would ruin your anti-government ideology.

ROFL! What crock. Politicians never think past the next election. That means 2 years max in the case of the federal government. Private corporations have often made investments that don't promise a payoff for 10 years. For example, It takes 7 years to bring a new drug to market. How long does it take for a billion dollar automobile factory to pay off? Do you know there are companies right now spending money to develop am elevator to space? How long until that pays off? Google has been developing a driverless car for years.

When these investments finally do pay off the government will be right there demanding a huge share of their "obscene" profits.

I just love the totally delusional reality that libturds inhabit.
I have no great love for most politicians. They seem like mini versions of top level corporate scum. Yet somehow, big science projects get funded which have provided the basic research that led to most of the coolest things we enjoy today.

You, like most libertarians think you pulled yourself up by the bootstraps and you had to provide the bootstraps.

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