Presidency Stolen. What's To Stop Democrats From Stealing Georgia Run Off?

Nothing. I posted long ago that the left had absolutely no intention of losing this election matter the cost.
And here we are.
It became a self-fulfilling prophecy when Trump discouraged his supporters from using the mail-in option. THAT'S why such a large % of the mail-ins went to President-elect Biden and not Trump. He shot himself in the foot and no amount of crying foul is going to change that.
Let's examine the evidence.......Hoax pandemic to scare people shitless. Then, pseudo justification for mailing out millions of ballots. What FOOL would try to deny the obvious?
So everyone on the SC is a fool? Weren't we told how great it was going to be with a conservative majority on the court? :dunno:
Even the "allies" Moscow Mitch and the impeached president trump installed in the USSC couldn't stomach a second term for the cheeto-in-chief.


"Going forward, the GOP’s sole objectives should be:
1) End mail-in ballots;
2) End early voting;
3) Ensure that the Democrats don’t steal the two runoff elections in Georgia on Jan. 5, 2021."

Barring some miracle from God we will have a lying, thieving, corrupt new president who literally stole the election with help from the gutless, treasonous, pusillanimous Supreme Court that enabled a bloodless coup putting Joe Biden in office.

He finally made it, with the help of Dominion vote changing machines, millions of unsolicited mail in ballots
and all the election workers in four states who forged and stole votes tirelessly for Corrupt Joe Biden.

Okay, the best case scenario is we spend the next four years blocking and containing the leftist idiocy from the fake corrupt president Biden to a large degree...but only if we defeat the democrat runoff candidates in the Georgia election next month.

Of course voters in Georgia will be absolutely outraged, angry, pissed off and charged up to put two republicans in place to make sure the radical Biden agenda, formed by the army of leftist policy advisors that hold Joe up, never gets implemented.

The problem is...what's to stop the radical leftists from stealing this election too?

They blatantly stole, cheated and lied once. Why not do it again?

Who is going to stop this election from being stolen? Will the thieves on the left trigger a second American revolution?
Don't blame the Democrats; blame all those ultra-left judges on the SC. If Trump and the Republicans could have had some input into who sits on the court, the result may very well have been different. /sarcasm
Of the nine USSC justices, seven are die hard conservatives. As a conservative with the superior intelligence boasted of by all right-wingers, you should have known that.

They're saying Kavanaugh is Che Guevara now. So dumb.
The courts have not supported your position. No need to worry about stealing the runoff. Trump's own people have told their sheep not to vote. It is probably in the bag. That is one way to avoid outcomes you do not like. Just quit the game and stay home. Sounds iffy, to me, but of course he hires only the best people. Courts have ignored on legal grounds and logic. The trumpian masses do not care about logic and larges segments always listen, support and do what they are told. Yes, the runoff is probably in the bag.
Lin Wood and Sidney Powell are the only people who have said to boycott the runoff due to massive corruption in Georgia. Trump came in behind them telling everyone to show up and vote.

And this coup, set off by the Supreme Court refusing to do their job, will righteously piss off many Georgia voters.
So there's no doubt voters will show up in droves to send Jeremiah Wright-lite and Beto O'Rourke-lite
back to whatever hell they came from.

The question remains....who will make sure massive fraud and vote theft does not occur again,
in corrupt Georgia?

If this vote is stolen too I promise massive civil disobedience and unrest will follow. Far right wing groups
will come out of the woodwork and blood will be in the streets.
Maybe this is what the left is trying to provoke.
That's the difference between you....and intelligent people.

Intelligent people know that the Establishment controls the WH, both houses of Congress AND the SCOTUS.

All else is a Grand Illusion
Oh master...thou art so wise (except for the fact Donald Trump has been in office for the last four years totally negating your Dollar Store wisdom).
The fix in Georgia is already in place ... Republicans are wasting their time voting ... the Senate will be controlled by Democrats no matter what you do ... gasoline prices will be tripling, public school will need 87 different bathrooms, home ownership by illegal aliens, churches shuttered ... free abortions up to three years post-partum ...

HURRY ... Chinese language textbooks are flying off the shelves ... order now before it's too late ...
Nothing. I posted long ago that the left had absolutely no intention of losing this election matter the cost.
And here we are.
It became a self-fulfilling prophecy when Trump discouraged his supporters from using the mail-in option. THAT'S why such a large % of the mail-ins went to President-elect Biden and not Trump. He shot himself in the foot and no amount of crying foul is going to change that.
Let's examine the evidence.......Hoax pandemic to scare people shitless. Then, pseudo justification for mailing out millions of ballots. What FOOL would try to deny the obvious?
So everyone on the SC is a fool? Weren't we told how great it was going to be with a conservative majority on the court? :dunno:
Even the "allies" Moscow Mitch and the impeached president trump installed in the USSC couldn't stomach a second term for the cheeto-in-chief.

As Obama put the rainbow colors on the white house for gay marriage, Biden will put the little children's unicorns and toys images on it when pedophile relationships are legalized. All done behind the scenes again of course.

"Going forward, the GOP’s sole objectives should be:
1) End mail-in ballots;
2) End early voting;
3) Ensure that the Democrats don’t steal the two runoff elections in Georgia on Jan. 5, 2021."

Barring some miracle from God we will have a lying, thieving, corrupt new president who literally stole the election with help from the gutless, treasonous, pusillanimous Supreme Court that enabled a bloodless coup putting Joe Biden in office.

He finally made it, with the help of Dominion vote changing machines, millions of unsolicited mail in ballots
and all the election workers in four states who forged and stole votes tirelessly for Corrupt Joe Biden.

Okay, the best case scenario is we spend the next four years blocking and containing the leftist idiocy from the fake corrupt president Biden to a large degree...but only if we defeat the democrat runoff candidates in the Georgia election next month.

Of course voters in Georgia will be absolutely outraged, angry, pissed off and charged up to put two republicans in place to make sure the radical Biden agenda, formed by the army of leftist policy advisors that hold Joe up, never gets implemented.

The problem is...what's to stop the radical leftists from stealing this election too?

They blatantly stole, cheated and lied once. Why not do it again?

Who is going to stop this election from being stolen? Will the thieves on the left trigger a second American revolution?
Don't blame the Democrats; blame all those ultra-left judges on the SC. If Trump and the Republicans could have had some input into who sits on the court, the result may very well have been different. /sarcasm
They were intimidated by democrat thugs who riot and loot and murder.

"Going forward, the GOP’s sole objectives should be:
1) End mail-in ballots;
2) End early voting;
3) Ensure that the Democrats don’t steal the two runoff elections in Georgia on Jan. 5, 2021."

Barring some miracle from God we will have a lying, thieving, corrupt new president who literally stole the election with help from the gutless, treasonous, pusillanimous Supreme Court that enabled a bloodless coup putting Joe Biden in office.

He finally made it, with the help of Dominion vote changing machines, millions of unsolicited mail in ballots
and all the election workers in four states who forged and stole votes tirelessly for Corrupt Joe Biden.

Okay, the best case scenario is we spend the next four years blocking and containing the leftist idiocy from the fake corrupt president Biden to a large degree...but only if we defeat the democrat runoff candidates in the Georgia election next month.

Of course voters in Georgia will be absolutely outraged, angry, pissed off and charged up to put two republicans in place to make sure the radical Biden agenda, formed by the army of leftist policy advisors that hold Joe up, never gets implemented.

The problem is...what's to stop the radical leftists from stealing this election too?

They blatantly stole, cheated and lied once. Why not do it again?

Who is going to stop this election from being stolen? Will the thieves on the left trigger a second American revolution?

Nobody is going to stop the election from being stolen.

Heck, I have read that Mexico now has cleaner elections than we!
Nothing. I posted long ago that the left had absolutely no intention of losing this election matter the cost.
And here we are.
It became a self-fulfilling prophecy when Trump discouraged his supporters from using the mail-in option. THAT'S why such a large % of the mail-ins went to President-elect Biden and not Trump. He shot himself in the foot and no amount of crying foul is going to change that.
Let's examine the evidence.......Hoax pandemic to scare people shitless. Then, pseudo justification for mailing out millions of ballots. What FOOL would try to deny the obvious?
So everyone on the SC is a fool? Weren't we told how great it was going to be with a conservative majority on the court? :dunno:
Are you scared shitless by the pandemic? What make you think other people are.?
The courts have not supported your position. No need to worry about stealing the runoff. Trump's own people have told their sheep not to vote. It is probably in the bag. That is one way to avoid outcomes you do not like. Just quit the game and stay home. Sounds iffy, to me, but of course he hires only the best people. Courts have ignored on legal grounds and logic. The trumpian masses do not care about logic and larges segments always listen, support and do what they are told. Yes, the runoff is probably in the bag.
Lin Wood and Sidney Powell are the only people who have said to boycott the runoff due to massive corruption in Georgia. Trump came in behind them telling everyone to show up and vote.

And this coup, set off by the Supreme Court refusing to do their job, will righteously piss off many Georgia voters.
So there's no doubt voters will show up in droves to send Jeremiah Wright-lite and Beto O'Rourke-lite
back to whatever hell they came from.

The question remains....who will make sure massive fraud and vote theft does not occur again,
in corrupt Georgia?

If this vote is stolen too I promise massive civil disobedience and unrest will follow. Far right wing groups
will come out of the woodwork and blood will be in the streets.
Maybe this is what the left is trying to provoke.
The rhetoric being thrown around of violent uprisings is not a leftist provocation. It's a rightist provocation. The deplorables are stirring the pot for all they are worth right now. Step back from the abyss. If Trumpism has any worth as a movement it will be damned by even one right wing terrorist attack on Americans.
If this vote is stolen too I promise massive civil disobedience and unrest will follow. Far right wing groups will come out of the woodwork and blood will be in the streets. Maybe this is what the left is trying to provoke.
So, that's it? Vote our way or we'll come out shooting? I don't see how the Democrats can be blamed for inciting violence. It's obvious we have a lot of people with entitlement issues that are going to be in for a big surprise, if this turns out to be more than internet bluster.
The rhetoric being thrown around of violent uprisings is not a leftist provocation. It's a rightist provocation. The deplorables are stirring the pot for all they are worth right now. Step back from the abyss. If Trumpism has any worth as a movement it will be damned by even one right wing terrorist attack on Americans.
I'm discussing likely consequence of a coup. You want to steal the nation and then warn people to sit there and take it like a bunch of sheep? That takes balls!

I won't be running out there with a rifle but it's clear others may not be so cautious.
That's like the left to punch someone in the face and then warn others not to fight back.
Pure gutless cowardice!

"Going forward, the GOP’s sole objectives should be:
1) End mail-in ballots;
2) End early voting;
3) Ensure that the Democrats don’t steal the two runoff elections in Georgia on Jan. 5, 2021."

Barring some miracle from God we will have a lying, thieving, corrupt new president who literally stole the election with help from the gutless, treasonous, pusillanimous Supreme Court that enabled a bloodless coup putting Joe Biden in office.

He finally made it, with the help of Dominion vote changing machines, millions of unsolicited mail in ballots
and all the election workers in four states who forged and stole votes tirelessly for Corrupt Joe Biden.

Okay, the best case scenario is we spend the next four years blocking and containing the leftist idiocy from the fake corrupt president Biden to a large degree...but only if we defeat the democrat runoff candidates in the Georgia election next month.

Of course voters in Georgia will be absolutely outraged, angry, pissed off and charged up to put two republicans in place to make sure the radical Biden agenda, formed by the army of leftist policy advisors that hold Joe up, never gets implemented.

The problem is...what's to stop the radical leftists from stealing this election too?

They blatantly stole, cheated and lied once. Why not do it again?

Who is going to stop this election from being stolen? Will the thieves on the left trigger a second American revolution?
All the ingredients that allowed dems to steal the presidential election are still there with one possible exception

the RINO’s running georgia need to cover their ass for letting it happen

meaning they may look alive this time
The Dems next move is to steal the congressional elections that have already taken place.
The courts have not supported your position. No need to worry about stealing the runoff. Trump's own people have told their sheep not to vote. It is probably in the bag. That is one way to avoid outcomes you do not like. Just quit the game and stay home. Sounds iffy, to me, but of course he hires only the best people. Courts have ignored on legal grounds and logic. The trumpian masses do not care about logic and larges segments always listen, support and do what they are told. Yes, the runoff is probably in the bag.
Lin Wood and Sidney Powell are the only people who have said to boycott the runoff due to massive corruption in Georgia. Trump came in behind them telling everyone to show up and vote.

And this coup, set off by the Supreme Court refusing to do their job, will righteously piss off many Georgia voters.
So there's no doubt voters will show up in droves to send Jeremiah Wright-lite and Beto O'Rourke-lite
back to whatever hell they came from.

The question remains....who will make sure massive fraud and vote theft does not occur again,
in corrupt Georgia?

If this vote is stolen too I promise massive civil disobedience and unrest will follow. Far right wing groups
will come out of the woodwork and blood will be in the streets.
Maybe this is what the left is trying to provoke.
Not a coup, supported or set off by the Supreme Court, only an attempted coup by (some of) the trumpians. It is not going to piss off more people than voted against trump in Georgia already. There will be no massive civil disobedience, only small pockets of the minority that supported the attempted coup by trump by any means, uncaring of our constitutional or historic founding in law, due process and free elections, wishing to install their own totalitarian governance in opposition to constitutional norms.
You do not promise anything. If you wish to stand behind your "promise", sign your real name, instead of hiding behind a little internet message board avatar name.
We won’t allow President-Elect Biden to steal the presidency by winning more electoral votes! :mad:

"Going forward, the GOP’s sole objectives should be:
1) End mail-in ballots;
2) End early voting;
3) Ensure that the Democrats don’t steal the two runoff elections in Georgia on Jan. 5, 2021."

Barring some miracle from God we will have a lying, thieving, corrupt new president who literally stole the election with help from the gutless, treasonous, pusillanimous Supreme Court that enabled a bloodless coup putting Joe Biden in office.

He finally made it, with the help of Dominion vote changing machines, millions of unsolicited mail in ballots
and all the election workers in four states who forged and stole votes tirelessly for Corrupt Joe Biden.

Okay, the best case scenario is we spend the next four years blocking and containing the leftist idiocy from the fake corrupt president Biden to a large degree...but only if we defeat the democrat runoff candidates in the Georgia election next month.

Of course voters in Georgia will be absolutely outraged, angry, pissed off and charged up to put two republicans in place to make sure the radical Biden agenda, formed by the army of leftist policy advisors that hold Joe up, never gets implemented.

The problem is...what's to stop the radical leftists from stealing this election too?

They blatantly stole, cheated and lied once. Why not do it again?

Who is going to stop this election from being stolen? Will the thieves on the left trigger a second American revolution?
The beauty is that the Repubtards and their cult leader do not have the brains and education to deal with the Democrats. The cult leader prophesied that the election would be "rigged." By whatever source he told us that it would happen.

Yet, even knowing that the "steal" was coming, Repubtards and the cult leader were powerless to stop it. They were forewarned, yet they failed. Proof abounds that they were to dumb to deal with the Democrats. And now the chickens have come home to roost, and it's too late for them to do anything about it.

"Going forward, the GOP’s sole objectives should be:
1) End mail-in ballots;
2) End early voting;
3) Ensure that the Democrats don’t steal the two runoff elections in Georgia on Jan. 5, 2021."

Barring some miracle from God we will have a lying, thieving, corrupt new president who literally stole the election with help from the gutless, treasonous, pusillanimous Supreme Court that enabled a bloodless coup putting Joe Biden in office.

He finally made it, with the help of Dominion vote changing machines, millions of unsolicited mail in ballots
and all the election workers in four states who forged and stole votes tirelessly for Corrupt Joe Biden.

Okay, the best case scenario is we spend the next four years blocking and containing the leftist idiocy from the fake corrupt president Biden to a large degree...but only if we defeat the democrat runoff candidates in the Georgia election next month.

Of course voters in Georgia will be absolutely outraged, angry, pissed off and charged up to put two republicans in place to make sure the radical Biden agenda, formed by the army of leftist policy advisors that hold Joe up, never gets implemented.

The problem is...what's to stop the radical leftists from stealing this election too?

They blatantly stole, cheated and lied once. Why not do it again?

Who is going to stop this election from being stolen? Will the thieves on the left trigger a second American revolution?
Just a heads-up for ya. . . The GOP is now teetering upon disintegration. They unmasked their intent and pledged allegiance to a single person who was a prototypical Autocrat at heart showing his true self in his first weeks in office!

One other thing regarding that quote from Ann Coulter's article you cited:

"Going forward, the GOP’s sole objectives should be:
1) End mail-in ballots;
2) End early voting;
3) Ensure that the Democrats don’t steal the two runoff elections in Georgia on Jan. 5, 2021."

~~ Ann Coulter: Yes, they cheat. We have to win Georgia anyway ~~

That quote from Colter you cited is nothing but a clarion call for a return to Jim Crow and disenfranchisement of the vote for the usual suspects of color! Now why don't the Republicans want non-whites to vote? Gosh and golly!

Now run off and put an ice pack on your festering butt-hurt, whiner!

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