Presidency Stolen. What's To Stop Democrats From Stealing Georgia Run Off?

Who is going to stop this election from being stolen?

Who really cares? When the democrats lose, all that means is that we get more of the republicans, and that is a backhanded victory. The GOP without Trump (even with him) is little better than the DNC's whipped puppy. Had the GOP been proactive, they could have held the House in 2018 and with the House and Senate and their full support, Trump could have fixed healthcare, built the wall he wanted, ended illegal invasion, trounced crime, fixed trade, and gotten 10X more accomplished!

There would have been no Russia investigation, no impeachment, no riots and crime throughout the summer of 2020 and a Covid response twice as good.

And Trump would have won reelection.

So I really don't blame democrats, they can't help what they are, most everything bad that has happened these past four years and in coming years was the result of the typical hapless, spineless, balless mealy-mouthed GOP shooting itself in the face again, lead by a guy with no chin who can't even speak for himself, has no public presence and looks guilty of something even before anything has gone wrong.

In the end without Trump, we are back to Democrats as usual or Democrat-lite.

The GOP had Hillary, Obama, and Biden, and all surrounding them--- --- how many have they successfully prosecuted for one thing? And where is the Durham investigation? What has happen with Bill Barr?

You get my point.

"Going forward, the GOP’s sole objectives should be:
1) End mail-in ballots;
2) End early voting;
3) Ensure that the Democrats don’t steal the two runoff elections in Georgia on Jan. 5, 2021."

Barring some miracle from God we will have a lying, thieving, corrupt new president who literally stole the election with help from the gutless, treasonous, pusillanimous Supreme Court that enabled a bloodless coup putting Joe Biden in office.

He finally made it, with the help of Dominion vote changing machines, millions of unsolicited mail in ballots
and all the election workers in four states who forged and stole votes tirelessly for Corrupt Joe Biden.

Okay, the best case scenario is we spend the next four years blocking and containing the leftist idiocy from the fake corrupt president Biden to a large degree...but only if we defeat the democrat runoff candidates in the Georgia election next month.

Of course voters in Georgia will be absolutely outraged, angry, pissed off and charged up to put two republicans in place to make sure the radical Biden agenda, formed by the army of leftist policy advisors that hold Joe up, never gets implemented.

The problem is...what's to stop the radical leftists from stealing this election too?

They blatantly stole, cheated and lied once. Why not do it again?

Who is going to stop this election from being stolen? Will the thieves on the left trigger a second American revolution?
Delusional. Prove voter fraud, pinhead.
Not a coup, supported or set off by the Supreme Court, only an attempted coup by (some of) the trumpians. It is not going to piss off more people than voted against trump in Georgia already. There will be no massive civil disobedience, only small pockets of the minority that supported the attempted coup by trump by any means, uncaring of our constitutional or historic founding in law, due process and free elections, wishing to install their own totalitarian governance in opposition to constitutional norms.
You do not promise anything. If you wish to stand behind your "promise", sign your real name, instead of hiding behind a little internet message board avatar name.
My "promise" was merely to point out that you cannot steal a presidential election and expect no blow back.
Leave it to unprincipled dishonest shit bag leftists to get a sore ass over the consequences of an election they themselves stole!

"Going forward, the GOP’s sole objectives should be:
1) End mail-in ballots;
2) End early voting;
3) Ensure that the Democrats don’t steal the two runoff elections in Georgia on Jan. 5, 2021."

Barring some miracle from God we will have a lying, thieving, corrupt new president who literally stole the election with help from the gutless, treasonous, pusillanimous Supreme Court that enabled a bloodless coup putting Joe Biden in office.

He finally made it, with the help of Dominion vote changing machines, millions of unsolicited mail in ballots
and all the election workers in four states who forged and stole votes tirelessly for Corrupt Joe Biden.

Okay, the best case scenario is we spend the next four years blocking and containing the leftist idiocy from the fake corrupt president Biden to a large degree...but only if we defeat the democrat runoff candidates in the Georgia election next month.

Of course voters in Georgia will be absolutely outraged, angry, pissed off and charged up to put two republicans in place to make sure the radical Biden agenda, formed by the army of leftist policy advisors that hold Joe up, never gets implemented.

The problem is...what's to stop the radical leftists from stealing this election too?

They blatantly stole, cheated and lied once. Why not do it again?

Who is going to stop this election from being stolen? Will the thieves on the left trigger a second American revolution?

Thanks for your QwackAnon perspective

"Going forward, the GOP’s sole objectives should be:
1) End mail-in ballots;
2) End early voting;
3) Ensure that the Democrats don’t steal the two runoff elections in Georgia on Jan. 5, 2021."

Barring some miracle from God we will have a lying, thieving, corrupt new president who literally stole the election with help from the gutless, treasonous, pusillanimous Supreme Court that enabled a bloodless coup putting Joe Biden in office.

He finally made it, with the help of Dominion vote changing machines, millions of unsolicited mail in ballots
and all the election workers in four states who forged and stole votes tirelessly for Corrupt Joe Biden.

Okay, the best case scenario is we spend the next four years blocking and containing the leftist idiocy from the fake corrupt president Biden to a large degree...but only if we defeat the democrat runoff candidates in the Georgia election next month.

Of course voters in Georgia will be absolutely outraged, angry, pissed off and charged up to put two republicans in place to make sure the radical Biden agenda, formed by the army of leftist policy advisors that hold Joe up, never gets implemented.

The problem is...what's to stop the radical leftists from stealing this election too?

They blatantly stole, cheated and lied once. Why not do it again?

Who is going to stop this election from being stolen? Will the thieves on the left trigger a second American revolution?
Delusional. Prove voter fraud, pinhead.

Pfft! Proof is for people who don’t traffic in Newsmax and Epoch Times

"Going forward, the GOP’s sole objectives should be:
1) End mail-in ballots;
2) End early voting;
3) Ensure that the Democrats don’t steal the two runoff elections in Georgia on Jan. 5, 2021."

Barring some miracle from God we will have a lying, thieving, corrupt new president who literally stole the election with help from the gutless, treasonous, pusillanimous Supreme Court that enabled a bloodless coup putting Joe Biden in office.

He finally made it, with the help of Dominion vote changing machines, millions of unsolicited mail in ballots
and all the election workers in four states who forged and stole votes tirelessly for Corrupt Joe Biden.

Okay, the best case scenario is we spend the next four years blocking and containing the leftist idiocy from the fake corrupt president Biden to a large degree...but only if we defeat the democrat runoff candidates in the Georgia election next month.

Of course voters in Georgia will be absolutely outraged, angry, pissed off and charged up to put two republicans in place to make sure the radical Biden agenda, formed by the army of leftist policy advisors that hold Joe up, never gets implemented.

The problem is...what's to stop the radical leftists from stealing this election too?

They blatantly stole, cheated and lied once. Why not do it again?

Who is going to stop this election from being stolen? Will the thieves on the left trigger a second American revolution?
You can see there is blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. In my opinion, she is off base.

"Going forward, the GOP’s sole objectives should be:
1) End mail-in ballots;
2) End early voting;
3) Ensure that the Democrats don’t steal the two runoff elections in Georgia on Jan. 5, 2021."

Barring some miracle from God we will have a lying, thieving, corrupt new president who literally stole the election with help from the gutless, treasonous, pusillanimous Supreme Court that enabled a bloodless coup putting Joe Biden in office.

He finally made it, with the help of Dominion vote changing machines, millions of unsolicited mail in ballots
and all the election workers in four states who forged and stole votes tirelessly for Corrupt Joe Biden.

Okay, the best case scenario is we spend the next four years blocking and containing the leftist idiocy from the fake corrupt president Biden to a large degree...but only if we defeat the democrat runoff candidates in the Georgia election next month.

Of course voters in Georgia will be absolutely outraged, angry, pissed off and charged up to put two republicans in place to make sure the radical Biden agenda, formed by the army of leftist policy advisors that hold Joe up, never gets implemented.

The problem is...what's to stop the radical leftists from stealing this election too?

They blatantly stole, cheated and lied once. Why not do it again?

Who is going to stop this election from being stolen? Will the thieves on the left trigger a second American revolution?

The way it's going to go down in history is that Trump's attempt to steal the election failed.
Whatever you need to tell yourself. You'll always have Yahoo news and News Weak to support whatever
lies you can imagine.
"Stolen Presidency" in the parallel universe only.

Meanwhile, Republican governors, Republican election officials, Trump-appointed lower court judges, and Trump-appointed Supreme Court justices all disagree.

Talk radio has melted your minds.
That's some classic irony. I thought you were smarter than that, if not principled at all.
Smart enough not to join a cult, Sore Loserman.
You aren't even smart enough to see your cult all around you.
I'm sure you are the kind of self superior hypocrite who chuckles at republican claims of a stolen election
as you thumb through the NY Times that tells you everything is great.

If we can't even hold free fair elections anymore America is over.
Not a coup, supported or set off by the Supreme Court, only an attempted coup by (some of) the trumpians. It is not going to piss off more people than voted against trump in Georgia already. There will be no massive civil disobedience, only small pockets of the minority that supported the attempted coup by trump by any means, uncaring of our constitutional or historic founding in law, due process and free elections, wishing to install their own totalitarian governance in opposition to constitutional norms.
You do not promise anything. If you wish to stand behind your "promise", sign your real name, instead of hiding behind a little internet message board avatar name.
My "promise" was merely to point out that you cannot steal a presidential election and expect no blow back.
Leave it to unprincipled dishonest shit bag leftists to get a sore ass over the consequences of an election they themselves stole!
The "blow back" or symptoms of blow back are the proponents of "don't seat the traitorous bastards" and calls for retribution against the trumpers involved in what most see as an attempt to install a new totalitarian type of government, not bound by our constitution and it's codified rules of law. A matter of viewpoint, sport, and yours is in the minority.

"Going forward, the GOP’s sole objectives should be:
1) End mail-in ballots;
2) End early voting;
3) Ensure that the Democrats don’t steal the two runoff elections in Georgia on Jan. 5, 2021."

Barring some miracle from God we will have a lying, thieving, corrupt new president who literally stole the election with help from the gutless, treasonous, pusillanimous Supreme Court that enabled a bloodless coup putting Joe Biden in office.

He finally made it, with the help of Dominion vote changing machines, millions of unsolicited mail in ballots
and all the election workers in four states who forged and stole votes tirelessly for Corrupt Joe Biden.

Okay, the best case scenario is we spend the next four years blocking and containing the leftist idiocy from the fake corrupt president Biden to a large degree...but only if we defeat the democrat runoff candidates in the Georgia election next month.

Of course voters in Georgia will be absolutely outraged, angry, pissed off and charged up to put two republicans in place to make sure the radical Biden agenda, formed by the army of leftist policy advisors that hold Joe up, never gets implemented.

The problem is...what's to stop the radical leftists from stealing this election too?

They blatantly stole, cheated and lied once. Why not do it again?

Who is going to stop this election from being stolen? Will the thieves on the left trigger a second American revolution?
They may steal it. That would give them 50 and with The Ho's vote, the tie breaker. But, if Joe Manchin wants to be assured of reelection he needs to switch to the GOP.

Absent that, he has already said that he will not be the 50th vote for stacking the Senate with Fake States, stacking the Supreme Court or even for ending the filibuster. Cocaine Mitch will either have majority power or veto power over anything Illegitimate Joe does beyond EO's. And EO's can be easily reversed by the GOP President in 2025.

Further, we very likely will take the House in 2022.
"Stolen Presidency" in the parallel universe only.

Meanwhile, Republican governors, Republican election officials, Trump-appointed lower court judges, and Trump-appointed Supreme Court justices all disagree.

Talk radio has melted your minds.
Just because republicans like Georgia governor Bill Kemp have indeed joined into the theft of America doesn't erase that theft.
Your point only reinforces that theft. But of course you aren't smart enough to see that.
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