Presidency Stolen. What's To Stop Democrats From Stealing Georgia Run Off?

Since early voting has started in Georgia and the same rules for counting, observers, and even the godless Dominion machines will be used again ... “What’s to Stop Democrats from Stealing Georgia Runoff?” NOTHING! There is NO HOPE! I’m not voting in this election and you shouldn’t either! Why give credence to the Democratic Party of COMMUNISM? Let’s meet around the back of the courthouse with our guns and bottles of Southern Comfort, wave our Trump flags and await the call to action! The South Will Rise Again!

Everything you said except the alcohol. You don't it to string up traitors.
Who is going to stop this election from being stolen?
The same conscientious public servants who scrutinized the presidential election and certified its results, the most secure election in U.S. history as confirmed by Trump's own cybersecurity chief, validated by his sycophantic AG, and further authenticated by dozens of state and federal judges across the nation and up to the Supreme Court, Trump-appointees included.

Of course, the imaginary demons whom some fantasize graced the results with their magic wee wee, inexplicably, avoided getting a drop on senate and congressional tabulations, so precedent would dispel the crackpot fear that their established urinary discretion would suddenly go poof!

(There is still time to appoint bogus-ballot super-sleuth Kris Kobach who relentlessly pursued Trump's beatific vision of 3-5 million invisible dastards who cost him a popular vote victory in 2016, and darned-nearly caught one!)

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Presidency Stolen. What's To Stop Democrats From Stealing Georgia Run Off?

"Going forward, the GOP’s sole objectives should be:
1) End mail-in ballots;
2) End early voting;
3) Ensure that the Democrats don’t steal the two runoff elections in Georgia on Jan. 5, 2021."

Barring some miracle from God we will have a lying, thieving, corrupt new president who literally stole the election with help from the gutless, treasonous, pusillanimous Supreme Court that enabled a bloodless coup putting Joe Biden in office.

He finally made it, with the help of Dominion vote changing machines, millions of unsolicited mail in ballots
and all the election workers in four states who forged and stole votes tirelessly for Corrupt Joe Biden.

Okay, the best case scenario is we spend the next four years blocking and containing the leftist idiocy from the fake corrupt president Biden to a large degree...but only if we defeat the democrat runoff candidates in the Georgia election next month.

Of course voters in Georgia will be absolutely outraged, angry, pissed off and charged up to put two republicans in place to make sure the radical Biden agenda, formed by the army of leftist policy advisors that hold Joe up, never gets implemented.

The problem is...what's to stop the radical leftists from stealing this election too?

They blatantly stole, cheated and lied once. Why not do it again?

Who is going to stop this election from being stolen? Will the thieves on the left trigger a second American revolution?
Not a damn thing
Presidency Stolen. What's To Stop Democrats From Stealing Georgia Run Off?

"Going forward, the GOP’s sole objectives should be:
1) End mail-in ballots;
2) End early voting;
3) Ensure that the Democrats don’t steal the two runoff elections in Georgia on Jan. 5, 2021."

Barring some miracle from God we will have a lying, thieving, corrupt new president who literally stole the election with help from the gutless, treasonous, pusillanimous Supreme Court that enabled a bloodless coup putting Joe Biden in office.

He finally made it, with the help of Dominion vote changing machines, millions of unsolicited mail in ballots
and all the election workers in four states who forged and stole votes tirelessly for Corrupt Joe Biden.

Okay, the best case scenario is we spend the next four years blocking and containing the leftist idiocy from the fake corrupt president Biden to a large degree...but only if we defeat the democrat runoff candidates in the Georgia election next month.

Of course voters in Georgia will be absolutely outraged, angry, pissed off and charged up to put two republicans in place to make sure the radical Biden agenda, formed by the army of leftist policy advisors that hold Joe up, never gets implemented.

The problem is...what's to stop the radical leftists from stealing this election too?

They blatantly stole, cheated and lied once. Why not do it again?

Who is going to stop this election from being stolen? Will the thieves on the left trigger a second American revolution?
Not a damn thing
Thou dost merely protest too much.
Presidency Stolen. What's To Stop Democrats From Stealing Georgia Run Off?

"Going forward, the GOP’s sole objectives should be:
1) End mail-in ballots;
2) End early voting;
3) Ensure that the Democrats don’t steal the two runoff elections in Georgia on Jan. 5, 2021."

Barring some miracle from God we will have a lying, thieving, corrupt new president who literally stole the election with help from the gutless, treasonous, pusillanimous Supreme Court that enabled a bloodless coup putting Joe Biden in office.

He finally made it, with the help of Dominion vote changing machines, millions of unsolicited mail in ballots
and all the election workers in four states who forged and stole votes tirelessly for Corrupt Joe Biden.

Okay, the best case scenario is we spend the next four years blocking and containing the leftist idiocy from the fake corrupt president Biden to a large degree...but only if we defeat the democrat runoff candidates in the Georgia election next month.

Of course voters in Georgia will be absolutely outraged, angry, pissed off and charged up to put two republicans in place to make sure the radical Biden agenda, formed by the army of leftist policy advisors that hold Joe up, never gets implemented.

The problem is...what's to stop the radical leftists from stealing this election too?

They blatantly stole, cheated and lied once. Why not do it again?

Who is going to stop this election from being stolen? Will the thieves on the left trigger a second American revolution?
Not a damn thing
Winner, winner Chicken Dinner!

NO WAY Republicans can win in Georgia
The fix is in.

Republicans voting will only make matters worse
The Democrats are the villains in this stolen election.

They planned it for a long time once the pandemic caused by Biden's Chicom buddies hit. Fraudulent mail in ballots in districts controlled by Democrats in the swing states. Different voting rules for Democrat districts than Republican areas. No accountability for the fraud.

Although the Democrats are the villains Republicans bear a tremendous amount of blame.

They could have stopped the thievery of our Republic but they didn't.

They didn't do jackshit. Democrats should be sitting in jail now but they are not because the Republicans are not holding their feet to the fire.

We will probably lose the Senatorial races in Georgia to the Democrat criminals and that weak Georgia Republican legislature, Governor and AG won't do jackshit. We will see the same kind of democrat Dirty Tricks thievery in those races that we saw in the General Election and the Republicans in the government won't do jackshit because they have already won their offices.
Nothing. I posted long ago that the left had absolutely no intention of losing this election matter the cost.
And here we are.
It became a self-fulfilling prophecy when Trump discouraged his supporters from using the mail-in option. THAT'S why such a large % of the mail-ins went to President-elect Biden and not Trump. He shot himself in the foot and no amount of crying foul is going to change that.
It helps that Biden got massive vote dumps in the middle of the night that were statistically impossible. Go figure.

"Going forward, the GOP’s sole objectives should be:
1) End mail-in ballots;
2) End early voting;
3) Ensure that the Democrats don’t steal the two runoff elections in Georgia on Jan. 5, 2021."

Barring some miracle from God we will have a lying, thieving, corrupt new president who literally stole the election with help from the gutless, treasonous, pusillanimous Supreme Court that enabled a bloodless coup putting Joe Biden in office.

He finally made it, with the help of Dominion vote changing machines, millions of unsolicited mail in ballots
and all the election workers in four states who forged and stole votes tirelessly for Corrupt Joe Biden.

Okay, the best case scenario is we spend the next four years blocking and containing the leftist idiocy from the fake corrupt president Biden to a large degree...but only if we defeat the democrat runoff candidates in the Georgia election next month.

Of course voters in Georgia will be absolutely outraged, angry, pissed off and charged up to put two republicans in place to make sure the radical Biden agenda, formed by the army of leftist policy advisors that hold Joe up, never gets implemented.

The problem is...what's to stop the radical leftists from stealing this election too?

They blatantly stole, cheated and lied once. Why not do it again?

Who is going to stop this election from being stolen? Will the thieves on the left trigger a second American revolution?

Nobody is going to stop the election from being stolen.

Heck, I have read that Mexico now has cleaner elections than we!
Exactly. The politicians on both sides know the election was stolen and they don’t care.

"Going forward, the GOP’s sole objectives should be:
1) End mail-in ballots;
2) End early voting;
3) Ensure that the Democrats don’t steal the two runoff elections in Georgia on Jan. 5, 2021."

Barring some miracle from God we will have a lying, thieving, corrupt new president who literally stole the election with help from the gutless, treasonous, pusillanimous Supreme Court that enabled a bloodless coup putting Joe Biden in office.

He finally made it, with the help of Dominion vote changing machines, millions of unsolicited mail in ballots
and all the election workers in four states who forged and stole votes tirelessly for Corrupt Joe Biden.

Okay, the best case scenario is we spend the next four years blocking and containing the leftist idiocy from the fake corrupt president Biden to a large degree...but only if we defeat the democrat runoff candidates in the Georgia election next month.

Of course voters in Georgia will be absolutely outraged, angry, pissed off and charged up to put two republicans in place to make sure the radical Biden agenda, formed by the army of leftist policy advisors that hold Joe up, never gets implemented.

The problem is...what's to stop the radical leftists from stealing this election too?

They blatantly stole, cheated and lied once. Why not do it again?

Who is going to stop this election from being stolen? Will the thieves on the left trigger a second American revolution?
Don't blame the Democrats; blame all those ultra-left judges on the SC. If Trump and the Republicans could have had some input into who sits on the court, the result may very well have been different. /sarcasm

You should never post sarcasm. With your inferior intelligence, it seems all too real!
The US Constitution lacks any mechanism to prevent either side from stealing a state's election.

The question becomes, can the party with the most control over the election process gain enough power to be able to cheat in a way that's not provable.

It does appear that is possible in a case where winning is more important than honesty and fairness.

America is descending into very deep trouble and it needs to act quickly before another election.

Yes, it does. Try reading it.

"Going forward, the GOP’s sole objectives should be:
1) End mail-in ballots;
2) End early voting;
3) Ensure that the Democrats don’t steal the two runoff elections in Georgia on Jan. 5, 2021."

Barring some miracle from God we will have a lying, thieving, corrupt new president who literally stole the election with help from the gutless, treasonous, pusillanimous Supreme Court that enabled a bloodless coup putting Joe Biden in office.

He finally made it, with the help of Dominion vote changing machines, millions of unsolicited mail in ballots
and all the election workers in four states who forged and stole votes tirelessly for Corrupt Joe Biden.

Okay, the best case scenario is we spend the next four years blocking and containing the leftist idiocy from the fake corrupt president Biden to a large degree...but only if we defeat the democrat runoff candidates in the Georgia election next month.

Of course voters in Georgia will be absolutely outraged, angry, pissed off and charged up to put two republicans in place to make sure the radical Biden agenda, formed by the army of leftist policy advisors that hold Joe up, never gets implemented.

The problem is...what's to stop the radical leftists from stealing this election too?

They blatantly stole, cheated and lied once. Why not do it again?

Who is going to stop this election from being stolen? Will the thieves on the left trigger a second American revolution?
They may steal it. That would give them 50 and with The Ho's vote, the tie breaker. But, if Joe Manchin wants to be assured of reelection he needs to switch to the GOP.

Absent that, he has already said that he will not be the 50th vote for stacking the Senate with Fake States, stacking the Supreme Court or even for ending the filibuster. Cocaine Mitch will either have majority power or veto power over anything Illegitimate Joe does beyond EO's. And EO's can be easily reversed by the GOP President in 2025.

Further, we very likely will take the House in 2022.

There is no "veto power" in the Senate, moron! Why do you call him Cocaine Mitch?

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