Biden Building ‘Superstructure’ to Stop Trump From ‘Stealing the Election’

Its great to see the Democrats actively thwarting the GOP efforts to hack their systems and run their classic borderline illegal strategies.

By doing what?

Throwing billionaire fundraisers in NYC with massively overweight/overrated celebrities? (Lizzo)

$500,000 a plate?

While Free Palestine dirtbags protest outside?

And RFK picks up 15% of the vote, sufficient to qualify for the General Election debates.

What a shit show.

What a pickle.

Just remember: When Trump wins - you brought it upon yourselves.
Joe can build a dystopian authoritarian government and yet he will never know how to make an ice cream cone from scratch that he craves. That is what this is all about.
I am sure someone knows how to make a cone
By doing what?

Throwing billionaire fundraisers in NYC with massively overweight/overrated celebrities? (Lizzo)

$500,000 a plate?

While Free Palestine dirtbags protest outside?

And RFK picks up 15% of the vote, sufficient to qualify for the General Election debates.

What a shit show.

What a pickle.

Just remember: When Trump wins - you brought it upon yourselves.
And when Trump loses we have lots of tissue for yous
I am sure someone knows how to make a cone
Or, alternatively, review how 60 American courts viewed the evidence, the arguments, and the case.
Courts of law and those 90+ ruling judges are, I suppose, better qualified to investigate the quality of the "evidence" than a handful of fringie and anonymous posters on a social media site.

So let's go with the judges. K?
The liberal judges?
And so it begins....

Lefties: Embrace orgiastic joy at the prospect of yet another TOTALLY SAFE, TOTALLY FREE AND FAIR election.

Doomers: Get in your "I told ya so's" as Trump surely plummets toward imminent and inevitable electoral extinction.

And, Rolling Stone:

Um. Get better writers.

No, I mean seriously.

These are clearly not the halcyon days of Meltzer.

There's just one problem.

One persistent, stubborn chink in the armor - if I may.

And that is this:


Trump is going to defeat Biden by such an amazing margin - that the entire edifice of any electoral heist based on a "tight" contest shall be immediately eviscerated.

Besides, why bother with any of this if Trump is toast anyway due to his completely legitimate and not at all politically concocted "legal issues"?

The desperation is palpable.

And now MAGA moves in for the kill.

Thank you for one of the funniest posts in years.

Trump's "approval ratings" aren't matching his vote counts. Even Republicans who "like his policies" don't want his chaos and incompetence back in the White House.

80% approval ratings. 50% of REPUBLICAN votes. 30% of Republicans say they won't vote for him if he's convicted.

Now the GOP is bankrupt and the party has no money for the General election campaign because Trump has taken over the Republican Party and is taking ALL of the donations for his legal defense.

The state party organizations are also broke because they spent all of their money fighting the results of the 2020 election in the courts. Trump took over the party because McDaniels wouldn't pay for his lawyers.


And so it begins....

Lefties: Embrace orgiastic joy at the prospect of yet another TOTALLY SAFE, TOTALLY FREE AND FAIR election.

Doomers: Get in your "I told ya so's" as Trump surely plummets toward imminent and inevitable electoral extinction.

And, Rolling Stone:

Um. Get better writers.

No, I mean seriously.

These are clearly not the halcyon days of Meltzer.

There's just one problem.

One persistent, stubborn chink in the armor - if I may.

And that is this:


Trump is going to defeat Biden by such an amazing margin - that the entire edifice of any electoral heist based on a "tight" contest shall be immediately eviscerated.

Besides, why bother with any of this if Trump is toast anyway due to his completely legitimate and not at all politically concocted "legal issues"?

The desperation is palpable.

And now MAGA moves in for the kill.

If Trump had been as much of a fiscal conservative as he is now a martyr, he would've won 2020 by a huge margin.
Isn't Trump guilty and about to be taken out with lawfare?

And - since that's the case - why do Biden's babysitters feel the need to produce an entire infrastructure based around winning on election day?

Does that not suggest there is zero confidence Trump isn't on the ballot and openly running this November 5th, 2024?

I will accept your answer in a two part essay.

Please spell check.
So Trump has to be guilty of something?

Oh, yeah--Trump is guilty of being an effective lover of the American people. Call the lawyers!!!!!
Thank you for one of the funniest posts in years.

Trump's "approval ratings" aren't matching his vote counts. Even Republicans who "like his policies" don't want his chaos and incompetence back in the White House.

80% approval ratings. 50% of REPUBLICAN votes. 30% of Republicans say they won't vote for him if he's convicted.

Now the GOP is bankrupt and the party has no money for the General election campaign because Trump has taken over the Republican Party and is taking ALL of the donations for his legal defense.

The state party organizations are also broke because they spent all of their money fighting the results of the 2020 election in the courts. Trump took over the party because McDaniels wouldn't pay for his lawyers.

Trump did what? Got a stranglehold on people who trust him because he tells the truth? Boo Hoo twice. :lmao:
Trump did what? Got a stranglehold on people who trust him because he tells the truth? Boo Hoo twice. :lmao:

He’s taken all of the GOP funds for himself. No money for the party or the election. All fundraising goes to Trump.

Several of the state Republicans are in the verge of bankruptcy: Arizona, Michigan, Nevada and Pennsylvania. All of their funds were spent on court challenges to the 2020 and 2022 midterms.

He’s fired all the staff. To get hired, you have to believe the 2020 election was stolen.
Or, alternatively, review how 60 American courts viewed the evidence, the arguments, and the case.
Courts of law and those 90+ ruling judges are, I suppose, better qualified to investigate the quality of the "evidence" than a handful of fringie and anonymous posters on a social media site.

So let's go with the judges. K?
Maybe, if they’d have had the balls to listen to the evidence. But, as we know, most of these judges weaseled out citing things like standing in order to NOT do that.

It reeked of a set up.
He’s taken all of the GOP funds for himself. No money for the party or the election. All fundraising goes to Trump.

Several of the state Republicans are in the verge of bankruptcy: Arizona, Michigan, Nevada and Pennsylvania. All of their funds were spent on court challenges to the 2020 and 2022 midterms.

He’s fired all the staff. To get hired, you have to believe the 2020 election was stolen.
Traditionally, U.S. presidential staffs resign at the end of their terms in order to free the POTUS into making any changes he deems necessary to rule as he sees fit. This little detail is not known by those who are uninvested in traditional protocol, established in the past 240 or so years.
taken all of the GOP funds for himself.
And I’m sure you can provide proof of this claim? And not articles from fellow travelers in the media either, solid proof, receipts, agreements, transfers, etc…You know, what they have on Joe?
No money for the party or the election. All fundraising goes to Trump.
Just keep parroting the lie.
Several of the state Republicans are in the verge of bankruptcy: Arizona, Michigan, Nevada and Pennsylvania. All of their funds were spent on court challenges to the 2020 and 2022 midterms.
Yet they nominated Trump overwhelmingly…Explain that…
He’s fired all the staff. To get hired, you have to believe the 2020 election was stolen.
If it smells like rotten fish…you know the rest.
Traditionally, U.S. presidential staffs resign at the end of their terms in order to free the POTUS into making any changes he deems necessary to rule as he sees fit. This little detail is not known by those who are uninvested in traditional protocol, established in the past 240 or so years.

You didn’t read my response correctly. Trump has taken over the Republican Party management and taken all of their money for himself.

This is a hostile takeover of the business and finances of the Party. It’s another FRAUD!
You didn’t read my response correctly. Trump has taken over the Republican Party management and taken all of their money for himself.

This is a hostile takeover of the business and finances of the Party. It’s another FRAUD!
I thought Trump, and his whole family were supposed to be in prison by now…? Are you guys too incompetent to prosecute the “easiest case in history”?

Seems so.

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