President Biden announces 1 hour from now at DNC event that if Dems add 2 Senate seats & retain the House, his 1st action will be to codify Roe v Wade

I love it when democrats are asked if there should be any limits on abortion

None of them answer the question and just say that the decision needs to be between the mother and the abortionist.


This is because most believe late term abortion is infanticide.

Democracy only works when democrats want it to work.
Dems have plenty to run on and major accomplishments but THIS is a huge issue
Like what?

This is your time to shine!!

What has your cult party done to improve life the last 2 years?
That is not true. Congress could pass a law making abortion legal and Biden would sign it. The Supreme Court COULD at that point intervene yet again but that would lead to expanding the Court
Tell us:
What Article/Section of the Constitution do you believe gives Congress the power to dictate to the states when they can and cannot restrict abortions, and why?
I ask because without said power, the USSC will toss your vaunted codification of Roe like Democrats toss "me too" accusers once they outlive their usefulness..
That is not true. Congress could pass a law making abortion legal and Biden would sign it. The Supreme Court COULD at that point intervene yet again but that would lead to expanding the Court

Because you didn't get your way. Checks and balances is there for a reason. Stop trying 5o find ways, around it.
Tell us:
What Article/Section of the Constitution do you believe gives Congress the power to dictate to the states when they can and cannot restrict abortions, and why?
I ask because without said power, the USSC will toss your vaunted codification of Roe like Democrats toss "me too" accusers once they outlive their usefulness..
Democrats don't want to share power, and they certainly don't want to try and work harder by going to all 50 states and force them to tow the DNC party line regarding such things.

It is much easier for them trying to control the 9 Black robes.
You forget the Reagan years and 10%+ inflation?
Yes.- it took a while for Reagan to fix Carter's almost 15% inflation rates.

1981 11.83%11.41%10.49%10.00%9.78%9.55%10.76%10.80%10.95%10.14%9.59%8.92%

They had that majority for about 3 months. Just long enough to get the ACA passed...which Republicans have also been trying to take away ever since
For two years. But when they lost in 2010, they condemned our nation the last couple of months of their Power. They could have gotten rid of the Patriot Act. Instead, they strengthen it. We need a nuclear cleansing. Of course, a limited one.
Democrats don't want to share power, and they certainly don't want to try and work harder by going to all 50 states and force them to tow the DNC party line regarding such things.

It is much easier for them trying to control the 9 Black robes.
Abortion was legal and Constitutional for FIFTY YEARS… until Republicans….
Democrats don't want to share power, and they certainly don't want to try and work harder by going to all 50 states and force them to tow the DNC party line regarding such things.
It is much easier for them trying to control the 9 Black robes.
All true.

And don't even try to claim that we have a Dem Congress now. The Filibuster is stopping that and adding two Dem Senators and maintaining a Dem House will let Dems overcome that archaic bullshit
Not to worry, we got something for you in 20 days...fricken idiot.

And don't even try to claim that we have a Dem Congress now. The Filibuster is stopping that and adding two Dem Senators and maintaining a Dem House will let Dems overcome that archaic bullshit
Any federal attempt to legislate on abortion will be struck down as SCOTUS has ruled that abortion is a state issue.
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That is not true. Congress could pass a law making abortion legal and Biden would sign it. The Supreme Court COULD at that point intervene yet again but that would lead to expanding the Court
Just another example of how when Democrats lose, they demand a change in the rules.
Republicans in the House and Senate have already proposed a nationwide ban on abortion and Republicans vote in lockstep.

Give them Congress and they WILL try to make that law.
And that archaic filibuster you so despise will stop them, and suddenly you'll be its biggest fan...

And don't even try to claim that we have a Dem Congress now. The Filibuster is stopping that and adding two Dem Senators and maintaining a Dem House will let Dems overcome that archaic bullshit

Ain't gonna happen. That would be state sanctioned murder.

Because you didn't get your way. Checks and balances is there for a reason. Stop trying 5o find ways, around it.
They never stop doing that, and whenever they run into something they can't defeat, they just declare it "archaic", or "outdated", and demand that it be removed.
Maybe those silly asshole politicians should have done it instead of playing around with it for votes.
You kidding?....What are they doing right now?

Joseph Stolen knows there's not a snowball's chance of the Demoncrat Party getting a majority -let alone a veto proof one- ever again, the way they're going, yet he comes out and sputters this silliness.

Half the teevee ads for demoncrats are demagogue hits about abortion, even though mere congressmen, senators, and governors can't make abortion legal or illegal with a wave of their hands, and abortion renks nowhere near the top concerns of today's voters..

One way or the other, it's never going to cease being cynically invoked to make political hay.

And don't even try to claim that we have a Dem Congress now. The Filibuster is stopping that and adding two Dem Senators and maintaining a Dem House will let Dems overcome that archaic bullshit
Question: Will codifying it overturn the Supreme Court decision on the matter or will it cause a Constitutional crisis?

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