President Biden: "my goal is to unite this country"...Lester Holt: "should we expect you to appoint a Republican to your cabinet soon?"...Biden: "No!"


would biden allow repubs to be trustees in his reeducation camps?
What will Biden do to unite the country? Is he prepared to reach across the aisle to the NRA, the pro life folks, Christianity? How about the Chumps and Deplorable Americans? Is he willing to pander to Normative Americans, and Scabs ?

The key will be in his ability to Reach Across the Aisle and stand with the people in Flyover Country.

That would make his legacy.

If I were advising Sleepy Joe, I'd tell him, the libs have no place else to go. It isn't like they are going to vote for Trump. There votes are guaranteed.
Not sure I understand a few things with this board and the election results.

For four years all I heard from the left is that Trump is too rich.
I heard Big Pharma and Wall Street was bad.
Now that Big Pharma and Wall Street is in the tank for Biden, our lefties are embracing these former heathens.
Not only that, but, our lefties were sick of rich old white men and that they should just die.
So, what did they do? They went out and elected a rich old white man...a real old white man.
You just can't make this shit up.
country unity my ass!

1 minute and 16 seconds into the video clip you inserted, Lester Holt asked President-Elect Biden if he would, for the sake of national unity, consider selecting or nominating a republican, someone who voted for trump, and his answer was YES.

Stop Lying!!!
unite the country with a racist as a VP????!!!! hahahahahhahaha

I don't know if Kamala is a Racist, but she is a phony. Pretends to be an African American chick, while in actuality, she is really a broad from India and Jamaica.

But that's typical for libs. Beto the Phony Mexican, Pocahontas the Fake Squaw, DeBlasio the fake Italian, John Kerry the Fake Irishman.

This is really typical of libs in the modern era, adopting phony identities. Look at our lieutenant governor in PA, the reality is that he's an Ivy Leaguer, a Harvard man. But he dresses as if he is "working class" or something, when his real identity should have him looking sharp in a suit and tie and clean shaven.
Biden is a crooked pol who stole the election so he gets nothing but contempt from me.
Hitler preached unity(oneness of thought) and preyed on the weak and the unemployed. Sounds awfully familiar.
I will pray for Biden's health, however, because if he dies things get much, much worse.
Biden should not wait for the dithering bozos in Congress to pass legislation to fix what ails america. he should take action himself, my friends
Biden should not wait for the dithering bozos in Congress to pass legislation to fix what ails america. he should take action himself, my friends
I hope Trump leaves him some instructions, otherwise he will be clueless.
It would be even more counterproductive with a GOP spy in his Cabinet, funneling daily reports to Moscow Mitch so he can fight every effort by Biden to help the tens-of-millions of average Americans who suffered severe hardships during trump's hate-filled regime, and with his stooge Moscow Mitch helping all along the way.

The impeached president trump relied heavily on the incredible stupidity of the RWNJs, knowing they would blindly defend every corrupt action he took and every lie he spoke, because he spoke directly to their racism, their xenophobia, homophobia, their hatred of intelligent, ambitious women, and every other hatred and fear held by the RWNJs.

The RWNJs' support of these tens-of-thousands of lies, corruption, and just plain criminal acts can be read in nearly every thread on these message boards.

Going all the way back to the beginning of his presidential campaign in 2015 through today, the RWNJs' on these message boards, chronicled their devotion to his hates and fears because his mirrored theirs. The impeached president trump's advantage, he had his devoted RWNJs to act out the violence and hate that would bring him prison time. His devoted Nazi follower that ran down the young woman in Charlottesville, Virginia, his Nazi followers that initiated the violence at peaceful BLM protests, the white supremacist cops across the nation his hate-speech inspired to murder unarmed Black people, his intentionally botched response to the COVID-19 coronavirus, and his encouragement to his RWNJs that the disease was not a threat, and they should fight all efforts by the Democrats to prevent its spread, all the way through today, it is beyond his devoted RWNJs' understanding that over 80 million voters wanted out of their lives, the RWNJs' cheeto-in-chief, his lies, his racism, his corruption, and all the negativity he brought to the people of this country and people around the world.
So since they cannot understand the decision by these 80 million voters, and their cheeto-in-chief claims election fraud and other conspiracies stole his second term from him, his devoted RWNJs jumped on that bandwagon.

There has rarely been "unity" among the U.S. population, and that consistent division has become an important political tool, for both parties. There is, however, unity in congress, both parties have worked together, closely, to steal their constituents blind, rob them of the American Dream, and turn control of our government to a handful of greedy billionaires. Happily, we've been quarreling among ourselves as to which political party and whose policies are best, and all the while permitted both parties to screw over average Americans on a daily basis.

Our political system has become a joke the ruling billionaire class has been using against us for nearly sixty years.

Perhaps, the powers that be are beginning to realize their greed has nearly killed the Golden Goose, and so, will grant Biden the permission he needs to offer average Americans the help they so desperately need. If not, it won't matter to any of the 330 million people in this country which candidate won in 2020.


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at least it's not Crazy Bernie

Bernie would have taxed us into oblivion, bankrupt America, and scolded us the whole time he was doing it
Biden says he wants to "continue the success of the Obama years"

WHAT SUCCESS? we're dying out here! i'm drowning out here!!

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