President Biden to have phone call with King Salman of Saudi Arabia, but has so far declined to talk with his would-be successor Crown Prince MBS


(Who are these Arab people and why does it matter?)
Saudi Arabia is one of the most important strategic countries on the global map for America

but i wouldn't expect a NOVICE in foreign policy to know that...
Because MBS' US plant Kushner is a threat to national security.
Why would Biden run the risk of feeding Kushner diplomatic secrets?
the NYT article says bromance:

“The relationship between Jared Kushner and Mohammed bin Salman constitutes the foundation of the Trump policy not just toward Saudi Arabia but toward the region,” said Martin Indyk, a fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and a former Middle East envoy. The administration’s reliance on the Saudis in the peace process, its support for the kingdom’s feud with Qatar, an American ally, and its backing of the Saudi-led intervention in Yemen, he said, all grew out of “that bromance.”
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. ⁣

A newly declassified report shows that he directly ordered and funded the brutal murder and mutilation of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi. ⁣

And Joe Biden just announced that they are putting sanctions on 76 people connected to the murder. And this man IS NOT ONE OF THEM. ⁣

It’s absurd. It’s so cowardly and downright strange, even, that they might as well not even released the report. It now just puts a spotlight on how they are openly willing to let this man get away with anything.

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