Trump Caused Oil Prices To Rise, Blamed Biden

But the most bizarre pitch of the evening may have been when he talked about how he got onto a “three-way call” with Vladimir Putin and “the king of Saudi Arabia” (it was actually the bone-saw-wielding usurper Mohammed bin Salman), to talk about oil production. Because Trump outright said that he didn’t do this to get the Russian dictator or the Saudi monarch to raise production and keep prices low. He called on them to cut production and drive up oil prices.

No sooner had Biden taken office than Republicans began to capitalize on the increasing numbers at the pump to insist that Biden was responsible for lower oil production, although this was explicitly the result of Trump’s deal. They put out deliberately misleading charts that moved around the dates of when Trump had taken office and when he had left, to make it seem like high oil prices were a Democratic policy. Trump and others began routinely lying about the price of oilwhen he left office and the price Americans paid at the pump.

But the real cause for the increase was never hidden.

The New York Times reported on the results of Trump’s actions back in April 2020 and how Trump managed to cut global production by 9.7 million barrels a day. As USA Today reported at the time:

While others had tried to lower prices and increase availability, Trump was trying to raise prices for everyone and cut the availability of oil.

News of Trump’s direct intervention in the market—one of those things that conservatives like to rail against when a Democrat is involved—temporarily boosted prices by 24% in one day. But, as CNN Business reported soon after, Trump’s victory lap was premature. Despite getting his buddies to sign on to his idea, oil prices crashed to an 18-year-low within days of the deal being made.

The reason was simple enough: Trump’s mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic had put the global economy into freefall, cut travel massively, and reduced the level of oil demand to the point where even his famous friendship with the other worst people in the world couldn’t get prices back to where it made Exxon stockholders happy. It was all so bad that Exxon’s profit in 2020 was only $163 billion.

And now the suckers are sending him bail money.
How about instead of doing "green" things that wreck oil prices, just have responsible policies that DONT do that? You wouldnt have to make absurd threads like this if you guys just made a rational decision from time to time.
/——/ Yet Trump has a track record of securing the border in his first term. Go peddle your horseshyt somewhere else.
No, that's what Trump claimed.

Trump administration overwhelmed by record border ...​

ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos › Politics › story

May 8, 2019 — Authorities stopped more than 100000 undocumented migrants at the border last month in a wave of unauthorized crossings not seen in over a ...

U.S. authorities stopped more than 109,000 undocumented migrants along the U.S.-Mexico border last month in a wave of unauthorized crossings not seen in over a decade, officials said on Wednesday.
No, that's what Trump claimed.

Trump administration overwhelmed by record border ...

View attachment 910651
ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos › Politics › story
May 8, 2019 — Authorities stopped more than 100000 undocumented migrants at the border last month in a wave of unauthorized crossings not seen in over a ...

U.S. authorities stopped more than 109,000 undocumented migrants along the U.S.-Mexico border last month in a wave of unauthorized crossings not seen in over a decade, officials said on Wednesday.

Poor Aldo raine, spewing the same old lies.
/-----/ Dementia Joe can reinstate Trump’s EO in a New York minute, but he doesn’t want to.
U.S. law also gives the president, through the attorney general and the secretary of homeland security, the power to place limits on asylum. And Mr. Biden already has.

After the Title 42 pandemic-related border restrictions ended last spring, the Biden administration enacted a regulation that presumes migrants are ineligible for asylum if they enter the U.S. without using any of the legal immigration pathways it created and have passed through a third country without seeking asylum. But the administration has not been able to implement the asylum restriction at scale because it does not have the necessary officers, detention facilities and money.

The president, however, does not currently have the legal authority to unilaterally suspend U.S. asylum law, which grants migrants on American soil the right to request humanitarian refuge, even when they cross into the country illegally.

Only Congress can change U.S. asylum law.
U.S. law also gives the president, through the attorney general and the secretary of homeland security, the power to place limits on asylum. And Mr. Biden already has.

After the Title 42 pandemic-related border restrictions ended last spring, the Biden administration enacted a regulation that presumes migrants are ineligible for asylum if they enter the U.S. without using any of the legal immigration pathways it created and have passed through a third country without seeking asylum. But the administration has not been able to implement the asylum restriction at scale because it does not have the necessary officers, detention facilities and money.

The president, however, does not currently have the legal authority to unilaterally suspend U.S. asylum law, which grants migrants on American soil the right to request humanitarian refuge, even when they cross into the country illegally.

Only Congress can change U.S. asylum law.
/----/ Nice try. I guess Trump is just more effective than Poop in the Pants Joe.
January 25, 2017
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101 et seq.) (INA), the Secure Fence Act of 2006 (Public Law 109-367) (Secure Fence Act), and the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-208 Div. C) (IIRIRA), and in order to ensure the safety and territorial integrity of the United States as well as to ensure that the Nation's immigration laws are faithfully executed, I hereby order as follows:



January 25, 2017.
/----/ Nice try. I guess Trump is just more effective than Poop in the Pants Joe.
January 25, 2017
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101 et seq.) (INA), the Secure Fence Act of 2006 (Public Law 109-367) (Secure Fence Act), and the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-208 Div. C) (IIRIRA), and in order to ensure the safety and territorial integrity of the United States as well as to ensure that the Nation's immigration laws are faithfully executed, I hereby order as follows:



January 25, 2017.
More effective?

Trump administration overwhelmed by record border ...​

ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos › Politics › story

May 8, 2019 — Authorities stopped more than 100000 undocumented migrants at the border last month in a wave of unauthorized crossings not seen in over a ...

Border apprehensions, ICE arrests and deportations under ...​

Pew Research Center › short-reads › 2020/03/02

Mar 2, 2020 — Donald Trump has long pushed for a tougher approach on illegal immigration, both on the U.S.-Mexico border and elsewhere in the country.

The number of migrant apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border rose in fiscal 2019 to its highest annual level in 12 years. The 851,508 apprehensions recorded last fiscal year (October 2018-September 2019) were more than double the number the year before (396,579) but still well short of the levels in the early 2000s, according to CBP, the agency tasked with enforcing immigration laws at the border.
But the most bizarre pitch of the evening may have been when he talked about how he got onto a “three-way call” with Vladimir Putin and “the king of Saudi Arabia” (it was actually the bone-saw-wielding usurper Mohammed bin Salman), to talk about oil production. Because Trump outright said that he didn’t do this to get the Russian dictator or the Saudi monarch to raise production and keep prices low. He called on them to cut production and drive up oil prices.

No sooner had Biden taken office than Republicans began to capitalize on the increasing numbers at the pump to insist that Biden was responsible for lower oil production, although this was explicitly the result of Trump’s deal. They put out deliberately misleading charts that moved around the dates of when Trump had taken office and when he had left, to make it seem like high oil prices were a Democratic policy. Trump and others began routinely lying about the price of oilwhen he left office and the price Americans paid at the pump.

But the real cause for the increase was never hidden.

The New York Times reported on the results of Trump’s actions back in April 2020 and how Trump managed to cut global production by 9.7 million barrels a day. As USA Today reported at the time:

While others had tried to lower prices and increase availability, Trump was trying to raise prices for everyone and cut the availability of oil.

News of Trump’s direct intervention in the market—one of those things that conservatives like to rail against when a Democrat is involved—temporarily boosted prices by 24% in one day. But, as CNN Business reported soon after, Trump’s victory lap was premature. Despite getting his buddies to sign on to his idea, oil prices crashed to an 18-year-low within days of the deal being made.

The reason was simple enough: Trump’s mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic had put the global economy into freefall, cut travel massively, and reduced the level of oil demand to the point where even his famous friendship with the other worst people in the world couldn’t get prices back to where it made Exxon stockholders happy. It was all so bad that Exxon’s profit in 2020 was only $163 billion.

And now the suckers are sending him bail money.
Yes, thanks for reminding us how Trump was able to work with OPEC+ nations and work out an historic deal to protect the market during the pandemic.

Xiden, can't seem to get any of them to listen to him
YES, a good leader does.

The U.S. Commerce Department last month banned American companies from selling to the firm for seven years as punishment for ZTE breaking a 2017 agreement after it was caught illegally shipping U.S. goods to Iran and North Korea, an investigation dating to the Obama administration.
Donald J. Trump

President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast. Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!

11:01 AM · May 13, 2018

Too many jobs in China lost?

Is China Straight-Up Bribing Donald Trump?

View attachment 910635
Vanity Fair › News › zte
May 15, 2018 — The president suddenly softens on a Chinese business after Beijing bankrolls a Trump Organization project.
Sounds like he made a deal with China... :dunno:
There was a good reason for wanting the Saudi's to cut oil production and raise prices. OPEC was driving prices down as means to attack American oil industry's successful fracking production. Cheap gasoline was great for consumers, but there needs to be a balance as hundreds of thousands American oil jobs were being lost.
Trump was trying to save US oil production and American jobs
So, tell your brethren, that's what Biden is doing too.
High fuel prices are saving American jobs and oil production.

Yes, you can blame Biden for crazy gas prices—here's why​

New York Post › 2022/07/02 › why-you-can-blame...

Jul 2, 2022 — This July 4th, as you fill up your car or truck, you might be tempted to blame President Joe Biden for high gasoline prices.

Biden on the other hand wants to put oil companies out of business and has said so

We have it on video.
Well then, he's doing a fine job doing it.

The U.S. is pumping oil faster than ever. Republicans don't ...


Politico › news › 2023/08/28 › republ...

Aug 28, 2023 — GOP presidential candidates are blaming pump prices on President Joe Biden's clean energy policies, even though the U.S. is churning out ...
So, tell your brethren, that's what Biden is doing too.
High fuel prices are saving American jobs and oil production.

Yes, you can blame Biden for crazy gas prices—here's why

View attachment 911111
New York Post › 2022/07/02 › why-you-can-blame...
Jul 2, 2022 — This July 4th, as you fill up your car or truck, you might be tempted to blame President Joe Biden for high gasoline prices.

Well then, he's doing a fine job doing it.

The U.S. is pumping oil faster than ever. Republicans don't ...

View attachment 911110
Politico › news › 2023/08/28 › republ...
Aug 28, 2023 — GOP presidential candidates are blaming pump prices on President Joe Biden's clean energy policies, even though the U.S. is churning out ...
/-----/ "Well then, he's doing a fine job doing it. The U.S. is pumping oil faster than ever. Republicans don't ..."

Translation. Dementia Joe failed in his attempt to end fossil fuels, because he's an incompetent, demented loser. Businesses are smarter than you, democRATs. And you can't wait to vote for him.
/-----/ "Well then, he's doing a fine job doing it. The U.S. is pumping oil faster than ever. Republicans don't ..."

Translation. Dementia Joe failed in his attempt to end fossil fuels, because he's an incompetent, demented loser.
So, teabaggers WANTED Biden to end fossil fuels?
Businesses are smarter than you, democRATs. And you can't wait to vote for him.
No, I can't wait to vote AGAINST, your treasonist dear leader.
/-----/ "He called on them to cut production and drive up oil prices."
Yes, he did, to save American oil workers' jobs. Oil was trading in negative numbers. and it was killing jobs in US oil production.
Of course, you Climate Change cultists hate oil workers, so you attack with your only retort, Orange Man Bad.

For those interested in what really happened, (skewes 13 excluded, of course), here is a link to Reuters, which no one has ever accused of being sympathetic to Trump or the Right.

U.S. oil futures dropped below $0 last week (April 2020) as sellers paid buyers to avoid taking delivery of oil they had no place to store. Brent futures, the global oil benchmark, fell towards $15 per barrel - a level not seen since the 1999 oil price crash – from as high as $70 at the start of the year.

In an April 2 phone call, Trump told Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman that unless the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) started cutting oil production, he would be powerless to stop lawmakers from passing legislation to withdraw U.S. troops from the kingdom, four sources familiar with the matter told Reuters.
The week before Trump’s phone call with Crown Prince Mohammed, U.S. Republican Senators Kevin Cramer and Dan Sullivan had introduced legislation to remove all U.S. troops, Patriot missiles and anti-missile defense systems from the kingdom unless Saudi Arabia cut oil output. Support for the measure was gaining momentum amid Congressional anger over the ill-timed Saudi-Russia oil price war. The kingdom had opened up the taps in April, unleashing a flood of crude into the global supply after Russia refused to deepen production cuts in line with an earlier OPEC supply pact.

The Saudis had already cut production. Trump was just lying to make himself important. The Saudis are very successful and smart about market demand.
After all the Trump cult weeping and deflection, the evidence that triggered them here remains.

Trump himself bragged about raising gas prices, and Trump himself criticized Biden for lowering gas prices.

The whole Republican party decided to lie and blame it on Biden, and all of the Trump cultists joined in.

So, same old same old. Trump cultists know they're lying, but they continue to lie. And why shouldnt they? Once you've sold your soul to the Lord of Lies, you may as well go all out with immoral behavior. It's not like your fate will get any worse.

magatards haven't figured out yet that records are kept, and things are written down.
/----/ "So, teabaggers WANTED Biden to end fossil fuels?"
Why do you always bring up perverted liberal sex acts when you can't refute a post? Why?
Is that what teabaggers do in their "meetings"?

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( Exclusive) – Every single Republican in Congress should be ready to fight for President Trump in response to partisan Special Counsel Jack Smith's ...

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