President Biden won’t extend student loan relief

In Florida in 2000, the margin of victory was just a fraction of those votes wasted on candidates who couldn't win. If you studied the Banzhaf power rule, you would know that in a close election, the decision is made, not by the die hard democrats, or the die hard republicans, but by those who thought about voting for a third party candidate, but voted for someone who could win instead.
I refuse to compromise with things like this. It's important to me. Voting for somebody is giving them my consent and support. I didn't consent to or support either candidate. I refuse to be part of it.
I personally watched a video showing them suspending the count at a polling place, all of the Republican poll watchers left, and then the Democrat workers reached under the tables and pulled out suitcases of ballots and began counting them over and over again, until they had the numbers they needed.

First, those weren't suitcases (you got fooled again) but ballot boxes put there by the poll workers to be counted.

Second the Georgia recounts, and there was more than one, verified that no ballots were run through the machines more than once, as confirmed by the recounts, and hand counts.
That's why in some polling locations, the number of votes exceeded the number of voters in the voting precinct. It's odd how that never made it to the courts.

One reason may have been the affidavit showing that.

In Michigan “we have over-votes in numerous precincts of 150%, 200%, and 300%.”

Giuliani’s source was an affidavit that mistook Minnesota precincts for Michigan precincts and cited 25 “Wayne County” precincts that are not actually in Wayne County.

• Beyond being misidentified, the data in the affidavit is not consistent with official data from the Minnesota secretary of state’s office.

• When we inquired, a Trump campaign lawyer called the numbers in the affidavit “a simple mistake.”
I refuse to compromise with things like this. It's important to me. Voting for somebody is giving them my consent and support. I didn't consent to or support either candidate. I refuse to be part of it.

Then I guess this applies: If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.
First, those weren't suitcases (you got fooled again) but ballot boxes put there by the poll workers to be counted.

Second the Georgia recounts, and there was more than one, verified that no ballots were run through the machines more than once, as confirmed by the recounts, and hand counts.

They were fucking suitcases like you would take on a trip. I saw them with my own eyes. Who said I was talking about Georgia? BTW, how do you tell they were never run more than once? They can't have identifying serial numbers or codes because that eliminates the secret ballot. If the ballot is identifiable, you should be capable of identifying who each and every voter was. Also, individual ballot counters do not communicate with each other so if I have 10 machines, I can run the same ballot 10 times and no one would know! It is far to easy to cheat without poll watchers, who were NOT there.

You obviously are a Google master who believe all the libtard lies that got Biden into office.
That's a pretty binary way of viewing things.

That goes with election results being binary. You either win or you lose. And depending on the election district, in case of a tie, they draw straws, flip a coin, or pull numbers out of a hat.
They were fucking suitcases like you would take on a trip. I saw them with my own eyes. Who said I was talking about Georgia? BTW, how do you tell they were never run more than once? They can't have identifying serial numbers or codes because that eliminates the secret ballot. If the ballot is identifiable, you should be capable of identifying who each and every voter was. Also, individual ballot counters do not communicate with each other so if I have 10 machines, I can run the same ballot 10 times and no one would know! It is far to easy to cheat without poll watchers, who were NOT there.

You obviously are a Google master who believe all the libtard lies that got Biden into office.

Plus, let’s not forget the reason the Democrats gave for sending everyone home (only to have three Democrats remain and count ballots unobserved): there was a water main break. Turns out it was a toilet leaking on the other side of the building.
That goes with election results being binary. You either win or you lose. And depending on the election district, in case of a tie, they draw straws, flip a coin, or pull numbers out of a hat.
Not voting for Trump or Biden doesn't make me problematic. You're not going to shame me into picking a side. Refusing to vote for candidates I don't trust or believe in is a valid choice. I don't see it as a war between good and evil like many partisans do, so I'm not so quick to choose the candidate that sucks less.
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Plus, let’s not forget the reason the Democrats gave for sending everyone home (only to have three Democrats remain and count ballots unobserved): there was a water main break. Turns out it was a toilet leaking on the other side of the building.
The idea that votes were miscounted that night has been disproven, twice over.

Had any of those ballots been "counted twice" there would have been a discrepancy when they did the recount, and came up with the same numbers.

And if that wasn't good enough, they counted every last one of them by hand. And the song remained the same.
We do know that you and the other libtard Democrats are lying sacks of shit!

I personally watched a video showing them suspending the count at a polling place, all of the Republican poll watchers left, and then the Democrat workers reached under the tables and pulled out suitcases of ballots and began counting them over and over again, until they had the numbers they needed. That's why in some polling locations, the number of votes exceeded the number of voters in the voting precinct. It's odd how that never made it to the courts.
Once the counting starts, it should not stop until it's done and monitoring should never, ever be suspended for any reason. Every ballot should remain in the view of cameras, nothing hidden under tables and dragged out when needed. Before counting starts, every box is numbered and shown and only those boxes are opened to be counted. No surprises, no boxes introduced at the last minute, no boxes found in the trunk of someone's car. If ballots are "found" after the counting starts, they're a casualty and processes need to be tightened up to make sure all properly marked ballots get to the counting room on time. IOW, we err on the side of transparency and accuracy, even if it means some ballots are not counted. Why is this even controversial?

Is it more important that every single ballot be counted or that we trust the outcome?
Not voting for Trump or Biden doesn't make me problematic. You're not going to shame me into picking a side.

You have to realize that each vote for a viable candidate, actually has the power of two votes.
While the vote for an unviable candidate only has the power of one vote.

In Georgia where Trump was looking for 11,780 votes, it meant of 5,891 Biden voters has voted for Trump instead, then Trump would have won.
Once the counting starts, it should not stop until it's done and monitoring should never, ever be suspended for any reason. Every ballot should remain in the view of cameras, nothing hidden under tables and dragged out when needed. Before counting starts, every box is numbered and shown and only those boxes are opened to be counted.

Every concern you raise, was put to rest by counting all the ballots again, under extra supervision. Like the carpenters adage. Measure twice, cut once. Well Georgia counted three times.
You have to realize that each vote for a viable candidate, actually has the power of two votes.
While the vote for an unviable candidate only has the power of one vote.

In Georgia where Trump was looking for 11,780 votes, it meant of 5,891 Biden voters has voted for Trump instead, then Trump would have won.
I don't like Biden and I'm not threatened by Trump. I think bad left-wing candidates like Biden do more to hurt the left than help it. Biden may have been a temporary victory for the Democrats, but the bad taste he's leaving will probably be bad news for Democrats later. That confused and out of touch old man is the leader of a party I'm supposed to support? Please...

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